* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Java Beans Practice a. Colors Bean Example 1.Creating a Bean Let's begin with a Color Bean that has a method change() which will change the color whenever a button actionPerformed event is generated. Create a java file with the given source code below and name it as Colors. java. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; public class Colors extends Canvas implements Serializable{ private Color color; private boolean rect; public Colors(){ rect=false; setSize(200,100); change(); } public boolean getRect(){ return rect; } public void setRect(boolean flag){this.rect=flag; repaint();} public void change(){ color = randomColor(); repaint();} private Color randomColor(){ int r=(int)(255*Math.random()); int g =(int)(255*Math.random()); int b=(int)(255*Math.random()); return new Color(r,g,b);} public void paint(Graphics g) { Dimension d = getSize(); int h=d.height; int w=d.width; g.setColor(color); if(rect){g.fillRect(0,0,w-1,h-1);} else{g.fillOval(0,0,w-1,h-1); } } } 2. Compile the source code for the Bean and generate the Colors.class in the command prompt : javac 3. Create a manifest file in a text editor. The manifest file specifies the name of the class file and indicates that it is a JavaBean. The manifest file becomes part of the JAR file. You can name the manifest file manifest.tmp. It contains the following two lines: Name: Colors.class Java-Bean: True (On Windows, be sure to include a carriage return at the end of the text in the manifest file.) 4. Create the executable JAR file. Use the form of the jar command to include the manifest file along with the Colors.class file (Type the command on one line): jar cvfm colors.jar manifest.tmp Colors.class NetBeans 7.0 IDE For Colors JavaBean Click File | New Project to create a new project, a grouping of related files. Follow the wizard steps below. 1. Choose Project - General | Java Application 2. Name and Location - Uncheck Create Main Class, check Set as Main Project Click File | New File to create a new file. Follow the wizard steps below. 1. Choose File Type - Java swing GUI Forms | JApplet Form 2. Class Name – Use the Default class name Installing Counter JavaBeans - JavaBeans that have been jarr'ed can be downloaded and added to the Palette . Tools | Pallette ---Swing/AWT components 1. Click Add from JAR 2. Select JAR file - Locate and select colors.jar 3. Select Components - Highlight Colors 4. Select Palette Category - Highlight Beans 5. Beans should now contain colors class Visual programming - Since applets are visual it is possible to program by dragging and dropping components from the toolbar. o Click Design tab. o To see the layout manager: Right click in gray design area | Set Layout | Flow Layout o To add a visual object, right click the gray area: Add From Palette | Swing controls | JButton Add From Palette | Beans | colors Then the net beans IDE look like this: Connecting the Button to the Colors Bean NetBeans and other Java development environments can automatically generate the code needed to connect events and listeners. First connect the JButton event actionPerformed with the Colors change( ) method. Right click the jButton1. Select Events | Action | actionPerformed. The source code will be generated to call jButton1ActionPerformed method on a JButton event. Edit jButton1ActionPerformed, adding code to increment the counter: private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { colors1.change(); } Running the Applet Shift+F6 to run the applet. when clicked on the button the oval changes its color . b. Counter Bean Example 1. Creating a Bean The easiest way to learn to build a Bean is to start with a basic Bean, then add a property to it. Let's begin with a Counter Bean that has a method increment() which increment a Counter bean whenever a button actionPerformed event is generated. Create a java file with the given source code below and name it as import java.awt.*; public class Counter extends Panel { private long count=0; private Label label; private long maxValue=20; public void setMaxValue(long max) { maxValue = max; } public long getMaxValue() { return maxValue; } public Counter() { setBackground(; setForeground(Color.white); label = new Label(""+count); add(label); } public void increment () { if (count < maxValue) { count++; label.setText(count+" "); } else label.setText("!!"); } } 2. Compile the source code for the Bean and generate the Counter.class in the command prompt : javac 3. Create a manifest file in a text editor. The manifest file specifies the name of the class file and indicates that it is a JavaBean. The manifest file becomes part of the JAR file. You can name the manifest file It contains the following two lines: Name: Counter.class Java-Bean: True (On Windows, be sure to include a carriage return at the end of the text in the manifest file.) 4. Create the executable JAR file. Use the form of the jar command to include the manifest file along with the Counter.class file (Type the command on one line): jar cfm counterEvent.jar Counter.class NetBean 7.0 IDE For Counter JavaBean Click File | New Project to create a new project, a grouping of related files. Follow the wizard steps below. 1. Choose Project - General | Java Application 2. Name and Location - Uncheck Create Main Class, check Set as Main Project Click File | New File to create a new file. Follow the wizard steps below. 1. Choose File Type - Java GUI Forms | JApplet Form 2. Class Name - Use Default Installing Counter JavaBeans - JavaBeans that have been jarr'ed can be downloaded and added to the Palette . o Tools | Pallette Manager 1. Click Add from JAR 2. Select JAR file - Locate and select counterEvent.jar 3. Select Components - Highlight Counter 4. Select Palette Category - Highlight Beans o Beans should now contain Counter class Visual programming - Since applets are visual it is possible to program by dragging and dropping components from the toolbar. o Click Design tab. o To see the layout manager: Right click in gray design area | Set Layout | Flow Layout o To add a visual object, right click the gray area: Add From Palette | Swing controls | JButton Add From Palette | Beans | Counter Then the net beans IDE look like this: Connecting the Button to the Counter Bean Previous examples illustrated how events generated by clicking the mouse could be connected to a listener method by manually writing code such as: button.addActionListener(new ActionListener( ) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { counter1.increment(); } } ); NetBeans and other Java development environments can automatically generate the code needed to connect events and listeners. First connect the JButton event actionPerformed with the Counter increment( ) method. Right click the jButton1. Select Events | Action | actionPerformed. The source code will be generated to call jButton1ActionPerformed method on a JButton event. Edit jButton1ActionPerformed, adding code to increment the counter: private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { counter1.increment(); } Running the Applet Shift+F6 to run the applet. Label shows the number of times the button is clicked .