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How does left ventricle
assist aid heart Failure?
By: Virginia Wilson
What is a left ventricle assist?
 A pump implanted in the chest to help a weak heart
pump blood to all parts of the heart.
 Not a complete transplant but more like a helper
 “bridge to transplant”
Picture: LVAD on the
How does left ventricle assist
 Implanted right below heart
 One end to LV
 Other end attached to Aorta
 Blood flows from heart  pump
 Sensors detect when the pump is full
 Then flows to aorta
 Drive line
 Through skin
 To the power source/controller on the outside
Picture: LVAD on
Why would someone need
 The left ventricle is weak due to heart disease
Hard to pump the blood to the body
LVAD helps to hold it over till transplant
Just a temporary assist
Patient with given heart disease have symptoms of
tiredness and shortness of breath and LVAD helps to
relieve some of this
 In some cases patients suffer from just a tired worn out heart
and this helps their heart to recover and helps their other
organs get strong
 Infection
 Bleeding
 Heart failure
 Device malfunctions
 Blood clots
Life After
 Always have your emergency batteries
 After you get it weekly check ups which can become
less frequent after a while
 You may have a care giver
 Hygiene, getting dressed, sleeping
 "FAQs about the Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) for
Treating Heart Failure." FAQs about the Left Ventricular
Assist Device (LVAD) for Treating Heart Failure | Stony
Brook University School of Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 04
Feb. 2017.
 "How Life Changes with an LVAD." MyLVAD. N.p., 10 Feb.
2016. Web. 01 Feb. 2017.
 "Left Ventricular Assist Device or LVAD for Heart
Failure." WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2017.
 "Ventricular Assist Devices." Ventricular Assist Devices |
Circulation. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2017.