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Web Logic Scripting Tool
WSLT introduction
What it is?
command-line scripting environment
Used for?
create, manage, and monitor WebLogic Server
Web Server
Specialized type of file server
The user requests a web page. The Web
Server finds the web page file in a local
directory and sends it back out to the user.Dasd
Application Server
To extend web servers to support dynamic
Platform for developing multitier enterprise
applications based on the Java programming
• Weblogic server
• Java EE application server, WebLogic Application Server
• an enterprise portal, WebLogic Portal
• an Enterprise Application Integration platform
• a transaction server and infrastructure, WebLogic
• a telecommunication platform, WebLogic Communication
• an HTTP web server
• Oracle Product
Weblogic also contains
Oracle WebLogic Server forms part of Oracle Fusion Middleware portfolio and
supports Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL Enterprise and other JDBCcompliant databases. Oracle WebLogic Platform also includes:
JRockit, a custom JVM.
Korthal that includes Commerce Server and Personalization Server
WebLogic Integration
WebLogic Workshop, an Eclipse IDE for Java, SOA and Rich Internet Applications
WebLogic Server includes .NET interoperability and supports the following native
integration capabilities:
CORBA connectivity
COM+ Connectivity
IBM WebSphere MQ connectivity
Java EE Connector Architecture
Native enterprise-grade JMS messaging
WebLogic/Tuxedo Connector
Oracle WebLogic Server Process Edition also includes Business Process
Management and Data Mapping functionality. WebLogic supports security policies
managed by security administrators. The Oracle WebLogic Server Security Model
application business logic separated from security code
complete scope of security coverage for all Java EE and non-Java EE components
Weblogic Domain
• Logically related group of WebLogic Server
• Domains include a special WebLogic Server instance
called the Administration Server, which is the
central point from which you configure and manage all
resources in the domain.
• Usually, you configure a domain to include additional
WebLogic Server instances called Managed Servers.
• You deploy Web applications onto the Managed
Servers and use the Administration Server for
configuration and management purposes only.
Weblogic Domain
Domain configuration
Config 1: WebLogic Server installation to create and run
multiple domains
Config 2: Multiple installations to run a single domain
Domain configuration
Config 1: WebLogic Server installation to create and run
multiple domains
Config 2: Multiple installations to run a single domain
Domain Configuration
Which configuration to select?
How you organize your WebLogic Server
installations into domains depends on your
business needs.
WSLT introduction
What it is?
command-line scripting environment
Used for?
create, manage, and monitor WebLogic Server
• Jython
JPython successor
• JPython = Java + Python
• Python written in Java
• Some facts
freely available for both commercial and non-commercial
distributed with source code
• Java can use Jython libraries
To create scripts to add functionallity
• Jython can use Java classes (Interpreter used)
• Small code
Python programs are typically 2-10X shorter than the equivalent Java
Why Jython?
• initially created in late 1997 to replace C with Java
How WLST help?
Provides a set of scripting commands that are
specific to WebLogic Server
You can extend the WebLogic scripting
language to suit your needs by following the
Jython language syntax.
WLST Modes
WLST Offline
WLST Online
WLST Offline
WLST Offline -> command-line equivalent to
the Configuration Wizard
WLST Online
WLST Online -> command-line equivalent to
the WebLogic Server Administration Console
WLST Offline vs WLST Online
WLST Offline
WLST Online
Configuration Wizard
Administration Console
Create domain templates
Connect to a running
Administration Server
Create a new domain
manage the configuration of an
active domain
Extend an existing, inactive
View performance data about
resources in the domain
Manage security data
View runtime performance
Can also connect to managed
Modify security data
cannot modify configuration
data from Managed Servers
Create a new domain
How to execute WLST commands?
Interactive Mode
Script Mode
on the command line
In batches, supplied in a file
Embedded Mode
Embedded in Java code
Interactive Mode
Enter a command and view the response at a
command-line prompt
useful for getting immediate feedback
useful for learning the tool, prototyping
command syntax, and verifying configuration
options before building a script.
Script Mode
Invoke a sequence of WLST commands without requiring your input
Much like a shell script.
= WLST commands in a text file with a .py file extension.
• E.g.
To run commands Jython commands are used.
What can be achieved?
• Automate WebLogic Server configuration and application
• Apply the same configuration settings, iteratively, across
multiple nodes
• Most Programming concepts available:
• loops, flow control constructs, conditional statements
• Schedule scripts to run at various times
• Automate repetitive tasks and complex procedures.
Embedded Mode
Run WLST commands and scripts from java code.
All WLST commands and variables that you use in interactive and
script mode can be run in embedded mode.
import org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter;
public class function{
InteractiveInterpreter interpreter = new
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
• Step 1: Start WLST
• Step 2 : Start using commands
• Interactive Mode
• Script Mode
• Embedded Mode
More Demos
• Shutdown Admin Server
• Start Admin Server
• Create Manage Server & Cluster
Command Categories
Browse Commands
Control Commands
Deployment Commands
Diagnostics Commands
Editing Commands
Information Commands
Life Cycle Commands
Node Manager Commands
Tree Commands
• MBean
• Managed bean
• Java bean that provides a JMX interface
• JMX is the J2EE solution for monitoring and
managing resources on a network
• JMX is a public specification and many vendors
of commonly used monitoring products support
• Here can be used to configure, monitor, and
manage WebLogic Server resources through
Browse Commands
Control commands
Connect/disconnect server
Create/configure domain
Deployment commands
Deploy, undeploy, and redeploy applications.
Update an existing deployment plan.
Start and stop a deployed application.
Diagnostics Commands
Editing Commands
Information Commands
• domains
• servers
• variables
configuration bean
runtime bean
and WLST-related information.
Life Cycle Commands
Manage the life cycle of a server instance.
Node Manager Commands
Start, shut down, restart, and monitor
WebLogic Server instances using Node
Tree Commands
• Navigate among MBean hierarchies.
• What about existing command-line utilities?
• It includes capabilities of following:
• weblogic.Admin->Used to interrogate MBeans and configure a
WebLogic Server instance
• wlconfig Ant -> for making WebLogic Server configuration
• weblogic.Deployer utility for deploying applications.
• When would I choose to use WLST over the other command-line
utilities or the Administration Console?
• Tasks can be done interchangeably
• But the method that you choose depends on whether you
prefer using a graphical or command-line interface, and
whether you can automate your tasks by using a script.
• WLST online vs offline?
• online -> connected to a running Administration Server or
Managed Server instance
• offline -> not connected to a running server.
Can I run regular Jython scripts from within WLST?
Can I invoke WLST via Ant?
Yes scripting language can be extended following the Jython
language syntax.
Yes, one could fork a new weblogic.WLST process inside an Ant
script and pass your script file as an argument.
Can I customize WLST?
Yes. You can update the WLST home directory to define custom
WLST commands, WLST commands within a library, and WLST
commands as a Jython module. For more information, see
Customizing WLST.
Most Important
• Help (‘command’)
Thank you.