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VITA - Jonathan H. Sharp
School of Marine Science and Policy
University of Delaware
Lewes, DE 19958
Phone (302) 645-4259
FAX (302) 645-4007
Internet: [email protected]
2029 Savannah Circle
Lewes, DE 19968
Phone (302) 645-6958
Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA) 1965 - B.A. (Biology)
Lehigh University 1967 - M.S. (Biology - Biochemistry)
Dalhousie University (Halifax, Nova Scotia) 1972 - Ph.D. (Oceanography)
Professional Organizations
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
The Oceanography Society
Estuarine Research Federation
Professional Experience
Post-Graduate Research Biologist, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 1972-1973.
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, University of Delaware. 1973-present.
Panel Member, National Science Foundation. Research Initiation and Support Program (1976); Global
Ocean Flux Study (1988, 1989). Research Experience for Undergraduates (1989, 1990, 1992).
Geosciences Directorate, Graduate Research Traineeship Program (1992). Routine panel for
Chemical Oceanography Program (2000). IGERT Program (2003). Regular reviewer for NSF
Chemical Oceanography and Biological Oceanography Programs. 1976-present.
University of Delaware Radiation Safety Committee. 1974-1995. Vice Chairman, 1978-1979; Chairman,
Editorial Board, Limnology and Oceanography. 1978-1981.
Correspondent to Coastal Oceanography and Climatology News. 1981-1983.
Environmental Research Guidance Committee. 1977-1984. (Advisory Committee MD Dept. of Natural
Resources - research grants program advice). Chairman of Biological Subcommittee. 19781980. Chairman of full committee. 1980-1984.
Oceanic Biology Advisory Panel for the Office of Naval Research. 1979-1981.
Coordinator, Undergraduate Marine Sciences Summer Intern Program, University of Delaware. 19852000.
Chairman, Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, Delaware Estuary Program (National Estuary
Program). 1989-1996.
Committee of Visitors. 1992. National Science Foundation, Ocean Sciences Research Section.
Coordinator of NSF Graduate Research Traineeship in Coastal Oceanography 1994-2001.
Chairman, Publications Advisory Committee for Delaware Estuary Situation Reports, University of
Delaware. 1990-2000.
Public Service Gas and Electric Company. Monitoring Advisory Committee (Appointed by NJ Department
of Environmental Protection to help oversee remedial activity for operation of nuclear power
plant). 1994 – 2001.
Member, Interim Board of Directors, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. 1995-1996.
Chairman, Membership Committee, The Oceanography Society. 1995-2000.
Member, Oversight Committee for the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study Time Series Stations. 1995 – 1997.
Member, Review Team for National Toxics Program of US Geological Survey. 1995.
Member, NSF Evaluation Committee Chemical Oceanography Program Director. March, 1996.
Member, Monitoring Implementation Team of Delaware Estuary Program. 1996-1999. Chairman.
Board of Directors, Partnership for Delaware Estuary (a non-profit organization for public education and
outreach for the Delaware Estuary Program). 1997-2003. (Chairman of Board, 1997-1999; Vice
Chairman, 2000-2002). Member Advisory Committee, 2005-present.
Delaware River Basin Commission. Peer Review Committee for Water Quality Model. 1996 – 2006.
Monitoring Advisory Committee. 2000 – present.
California Water Department IEP-EMP. Member of Science Advisory Group. 2001- 2004.
Naval Research Laboratory. Proposal Peer Review Committee. 2002.
Member, Meetings Committee, American Society for Limnology and Oceanography. 2003-2007.
Co-chair for 2005 ASLO winter meeting. 2003-2005.
Co-chair for 2008 ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences meeting. 2006-2008.
Estuarine Nutrient Criteria Workgroup for US EPA. Member of workgroup and chairman of Processes
Subgroup. 2005-2007.
Co-chair for 2014 ASLO/TOS/AGU Ocean Sciences meeting. 2012-2014.
Public and External Experience
Board of Directors, Possum Point Players theater group, 1975.
Board of Trustees, Sussex County Arts Council, 1980-1982.
Board of Directors, Lewes Yacht Club, 1985-1995.
Coordinator, Lewes Yacht Club Swim Team, 1990-93.
Coach, Little League baseball, 1984-86.
Coach, YMCA youth soccer program, 1984-87.
Council, Delaware Humanities Forum, 1988-1994, Executive Committee, 1990-1994.
Coach, Cape Henlopen School District Odyssey of the Mind team, 1988-90.
Environment and Natural Resources Advisory Committee for Platform for Governor
Thomas Carper. 1992.
Environmental Advisory Committee for Platform for Governor Ruth Ann Minner. 2000.
Research Grants
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). September 1974 - August 1975.
Phytoplankton kinetics studies applied to food production for oyster mariculture. $24,000
National Science Foundation (NSF). November 1976. Coordination of a workshop entitled: Anoxia on
the Middle Atlantic Shelf During the summer of 1976. $4,000
University of Delaware Research Foundation. January 1976 - December 1978. Fine details of
phytoplankton primary productivity. $11,000
NSF. January 1977 - December 1978. A detailed study of organic chemistry of seawater. $45,000
The Barcroft Company (Lewes, Delaware). September 1979 - December 1980. Water quality study on
seawater supply as raw material. $48,000
NSF. July 1980 - June 1982. Organic chemistry of the estuarine mixing product. $53,000
NOAA. September 1980 - August 1981. (T.M. Church and J.H. Sharp). Nitrogen and carbon cycling in
tide marsh sediments. $10,000
NOAA. September 1980 - January 1983. (J.H. Sharp, T.M. Church, C.H. Culberson, and R.B. Biggs).
Water quality, biological production, and management strategies for the Delaware Estuary.
Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA). September 1981 -July 1983. Water quality, biological
production, and management strategies for the Delaware Estuary. $658,000.
DRBA. November 1981 - December 1983. Management of the bistate study of the Delaware Estuary
(overall study of $1.7 million). $73,000
NOAA. February 1983 - January 1985. Biogeochemical processes affecting water quality in the Delaware
Estuary (J.H. Sharp, T.M. Church, C.H. Culberson, and R.B. Biggs). $470,000
American Geophysical Union. August 1983. Travel grant for IUGG meeting in Hamburg, West Germany.
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. December 1983-January 1984.
(R.B. Biggs and J.H. Sharp). Environmental assessment of potential coal transfer in the lower
Delaware Bay. $19,000
NOAA. February 1985-January 1987. Microbiology and the nutrient-organic cycle in the Delaware
Estuary $352,000
NSF. March 1986-December 1989. (J.H. Sharp, J.R. Pennock, and M.L. Fogel). Stable carbon and
nitrogen isotopes as tracers of estuarine biogeochemical processes. $281,000.
University of Delaware Office of International Development. April 1986. Travel grant for planning
research program in Ecuador. $2,300.
NOAA. February 1987-January 1989. (J.H. Sharp and D.L. Kirchman). Effect of geochemical sinks and
microbial activity on inorganic nutrients in the Delaware Estuary. $363,000.
NSF. 1987-2001. Marine Sciences Summer Intern Program. Research Experience for Undergraduates
grant. $759,000. Total from 7 awards.
NOAA. February 1989-January 1991. Controls on phosphorus chemistry of an urban estuary, the
Delaware. $137,000.
NOAA. February 1991-January 1993. A mesocosm simulation of estuarine trophodynamics using dual
labeling. $124,000.
EPA. October 1991-September 1992. Coordination support for chairing Delaware Estuary Program
Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee. $14,000.
NSF. December 1991-May 1996. How to measure dissolved organic matter in seawater. $530,000.
EPA. March-September 1995. Coordination support for Delaware Estuary Program Scientific and
Technical advisory Committee. $30,000.
NSF. October 1994-September 2001. Graduate Research Traineeship in Coastal Ocean Processes.
Approximately $560,000 with a University match (Office of Provost) of approximately $175,000.
NSF. September 1996 - August 2000. The analytically correct measurements of dissolved organic matter
in seawater. $295,000.
NOAA. February 1999 – January 2001. Oxygen dynamics in the Delaware Estuary. $88,236
NSF. September 2000 – August 2003. Improved community capability to measure dissolved organic
nitrogen in seawater. $349,000.
NOAA. February 2001 – January 2003. Differential carbon and nitrogen transfer in the estuarine
microbial loop. $144,910. Small continuation in 2003-05 for continued field work.
EPA. May 2002 – December 2005. EPA Nutrient Criteria. $203,789.
NSF. March 2004 – March 2008. Improved accuracy and precision of dissolved organic nitrogen and
inorganic nitrogen in seawater. $435,284.
NSF. Oct 2006 – Sept 2011. Collaborative Research: Development of the automated dissolved inorganic
carbon analyzer (AMICA) for seawater DIC analysis. $155,697 (Co-Pi with N. Bates, Bermuda
Institute of Ocean Sciences).
Kent County, DE. April 2007 – September 2008. Murderkill Estuary primary production. $93,000.
NSF. December 2010 – November 2011. Support for outreach workshops at 2011 ASLO meeting.
NSF. December 2011 – November 2013. Outreach to the public: Workshops at ASLO meetings.
NOAA. February 2010 – January 2011. Sea Grant development funding to start ferry monitoring. $10,000.
NOAA. February 2011 – January 2012. Controls of Delaware Bay primary production by coastal upwelling
and river discharge. $73,164.
Jonathan H. Sharp
NOAA. February 2012 – January 2014 (no-cost extension through December 2014. Controls of Delaware
Bay primary production: Expanded ferry
monitoring with modeling. $139,631.
NSF. December 2013 – November 2015. Continuing outreach activities at ASLO meetings to assist
ocean scientists. $50,000.
Other Training and Experience
Scuba Diving: NASDA Open Water Certification
Radioisotope Work: Authorized for work with soft beta emitters
Research Cruises: North and South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
1966-67: R.V. Eastward and R.V. Panulirus - 12 days
1968-71: C.S.S. Hudson, C.S.S. Dawson, C.F.A.V. Sackville - 175 days
1972-73: R.V. Mellville, R.V. Thomas Washington - 60 days
1974-76: R.V. Wolverine, R.V. Skimmer - 3 days
1977-05: R.V. Cape Henlopen - 237 days
1994: R.V. Maona Wave - 6 days
1994: OSV Anderson - 3 days
2006 - 2014. RV Hugh Sharp – 19 days
Professional Honors
Recipient of the 1977 "Excellence in Teaching Award" from the College of Marine Studies.
Recipient of the 1978 "Advisory Board Award" (best publication) from the College of Marine Studies.
Recipient of the 1980 "Dean's Prize" (outstanding research project) from the College of Marine Studies.
Recipient of the 1984 "Dean's Prize".
Recipient of 1991 "Price-Raley Award" (outstanding contribution to University/community relations).
Delaware Maritime Hall of Fame. Inducted in 2008.
Lifetime Achievement Award from Delaware Estuary Program. 2011.
Sharp, J.H. 1972. The formation of particulate organic matter in seawater. Ph.D. Dissertation, Dalhousie
University, 142 pp.
Publications (chronological)
Holm Hansen, O., W.H. Sutcliffe, Jr. and J.H. Sharp. 1968. Measurement of deoxyribonucleic acid in the
ocean and its ecological significance. Limnology and Oceanography 13: 507-514.
Sharp, J.H. 1969. Blue-green algae from Bermuda waters: Ecologically selected variations of a single
species. J. Phycology 5: 53-57.
Jonathan H. Sharp
Sharp, J.H. 1969. Blue-green algae and carbonates - Schizothrix calcicola and algal stromatolites from
Bermuda. Limnology and Oceanography 14: 568-578.
Sharp, J.H. 1970. Discussion of a paper by C.D. Gebelein entitled "Distribution, morphology, and
accretion rate of recent subtidal algal stromatolites, Bermuda". J. Sediment. Petrology 40: 521.
Sharp, J.H. 1973. Total organic carbon in seawater. Comparison of measurements using persulfate
oxidation and high temperature combustion. Marine Chemistry 1: 211-229.
Sharp, J.H. 1973. Size classes of organic carbon in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography 18: 441447.
Sharp, J.H. 1974. Improved analysis for "particulate" carbon and nitrogen. Limnology and Oceanography
19: 984-989.
Sharp, J.H. 1975. Gross analyses of organic matter in seawater: Why, how, and from where. In:
T.M. Church-ed. Marine Chemistry in the Coastal Environment. American Chemical Society. pp.682696.
Eppley, R.W. and J.H. Sharp. 1975. Photosynthetic measurements in the central North Pacific: The dark
loss of carbon in 24-hour incubations. Limnology and Oceanography 20: 981-987.
Eppley, R.W., J.H. Sharp, E.H. Renger, M.J. Perry, and W.G. Harrison. 1977. Nitrogen assimilation by
phytoplankton and other microorganisms in surface waters of the Central North Pacific Ocean.
Marine Biology 39: 111-120.
Sharp, J.H. 1977. Extracellular production of organic matter by marine phytoplankton: Do healthy cells
do it? Limnology and Oceanography 22: 381-399.
Sharp, J.H. 1977. Addendum (reply to comment by G.E. Fogg). Limnology and Oceanography 22: 396397.
Sharp, J.H. 1978. Reply to comment by S. Aaronson. Limnology and Oceanography 23: 839-841.
Atwood, D.K., J.H. Sharp, T.E. Whitledge, A.Y. Cantillo, G.A. Berberian, J.M. Parker, J.P. Thomas,
P.G. Hansen, and J.E. O'Reilly. 1979. Chemical factors. In: C.J. Sindermann and R.L. Swanson-Eds.
Oxygen Depletion and Associated Benthic Mortality in the New York Bight, 1976. U.S. Department of
Commerce. NOAA. pp.79-123.
Sharp, J.H., P.A. Underhill, and D.J. Hughes. 1979. Interaction (allelopathy) between marine diatoms:
Thalassiosira pseudonana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum. J. Phycology 15: 353-362.
Solorzano, L. and J.H. Sharp. 1980. Determination of total dissolved phosphorus and particulate
phosphorus in natural waters. Limnology and Oceanography 25: 756-760.
Solorzano, L. and J.H. Sharp. 1980. Determination of total dissolved nitrogen in natural waters.
Limnology and Oceanography 25: 753-756.
Sharp, J.H., P.A. Underhill, and A.C. Frake. 1980. Carbon budgets in marine phytoplankton cultures:
How can we understand natural physiology? J. Plankton Research 2:213-222.
Sharp, J.H., M.J. Perry, E.H. Renger, and R.W. Eppley. 1980. Phytoplankton rate processes in the
oligotrophic waters of the central North Pacific Ocean. J. Plankton Research 2: 335-353.
Sharp, J.H. and T.M. Church. 1981. Biochemical modeling in Middle Atlantic coastal waters. Limnology
and Oceanography 26: 843-854.
Jonathan H. Sharp
Sharp, J.H. 1982. In situ phosphate regeneration in Middle Atlantic Coastal Waters. In: G.F. Mayer-Ed.,
Ecological Stress and the New York Bight: Science and Management. Estuarine Research Federation.
Mearns, A.J., E. Haines, G.S. Kleppel, R.A. McGrath, J.J.A. McLaughlin, D.A. Segar, J.H. Sharp,
J.J. Walsh, J.Q. Word, D.K. Young, and M.W. Young. 1982. Effects of nutrients and carbon loadings on
communities and ecosystems in the New York Bight and adjacent waters. Ibid. pp.53-65.
Sharp, J.H. and C.H. Culberson. 1982. The physical definition of salinity: A chemical evaluation.
Limnology and Oceanography 27: 385-387.
Sharp, J.H., A.C. Frake, G.B. Hillier, and P.A. Underhill. 1982. Modeling nutrient regeneration in the
ocean with an aquarium system. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 8: 15-26.
Sharp, J.H., C.H. Culberson, and T.M. Church. 1982. The chemistry of the Delaware Estuary: General
Considerations. Limnology and Oceanography 27: 1015-1028.
Biggs, R.B., J.H. Sharp, T.M. Church, and J.M. Tramontano. 1983. Optical properties, suspended
sediments, and chemistry associated with the turbidity maxima of the Delaware Estuary. Can. J. Fisheries
and Aquatic Sciences 40 (Suppl. 1): 172-179.
Sharp, J.H. 1983. The distribution of dissolved inorganic and organic nitrogen in the sea. In:
E.J. Carpenter and D.G. Capone-Eds. Nitrogen in the Marine Environment. Academic Press pp.1-35.
Sharp, J.H. 1984. Inputs into microbial food chains. In: J.E. Hobbie and P.J. LeB. Williams-Eds.
Heterotrophic Activity in the Sea. Plenum Press. pp.101-120.
Sharp, J.H., J.R. Pennock, T.M. Church, J.M. Tramontano, and L.A. Cifuentes. 1984. The Estuarine
Interaction of Nutrients, Organics, and Metals: A Case Study in the Delaware Estuary. In: V.S. KennedyEd. The Estuary as a Filter. Academic Press (Orlando, FL). pp.241-258.
Sharp, J.H., L.A. Cifuentes, R.B. Coffin, J.R. Pennock, and K.C. Wong. 1986. The Influence of River
Variability on the Circulation, Chemistry, and Microbiology of the Delaware Estuary. Estuaries 9: 261-269.
Pennock, J.R. and J.H. Sharp. 1986. Phytoplankton Production in the Delaware Estuary: Temporal and
Spatial Variability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 34: 143-155.
Coffin, R.B. and J.H. Sharp. 1987. Microbial Trophodynamics in the Delaware Estuary. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 41: 253-266.
Sharp, J.H. 1988. Trends in nutrient concentrations in the Delaware Estuary. In: S.K. Majumdar, E.W.
Miller, and L.E. Sage-Eds. The Ecology and Restoration of the Delaware River Basin. Penna. Academy
Science. pp. 77-92.
Cifuentes, L.A., J.H. Sharp, and M.E. Fogel. 1988. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry in
the Delaware Estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 33: 1102-1115.
Cifuentes, L.A., M.L. Fogel, J.R. Pennock, and J.H. Sharp. 1989. Seasonal variations in the stable
nitrogen isotope ratio of ammonium in the Delaware Estuary. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 53: 27132721.
Velinsky, D.J., L.A. Cifuentes, J.R. Pennock, J.H. Sharp, and M.L. Fogel. 1989. Determination of the
isotopic composition of ammonium-nitrogen at the natural abundance level from estuarine waters. Marine
Chemistry 26: 351-361.
Jonathan H. Sharp
Cifuentes, L.A., L.E. Schemel, and J.H. Sharp. 1990. Qualitative and numerical analyses of the effects of
river inflow variations on mixing patterns in estuaries. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci. 30: 411-427.
Sharp, J.H. 1991. Review of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus biogeochemistry. Reviews in Geophysics
Supplement, April 1991: 648-657.
Sharp, J.H. 1991. Total mass and particulate carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. In: D.W. Spencer and
D. Hurd-eds. Analysis and characterization of Marine Particles. Geophysical Monograph 63. American
Geophysical Union (Washington, DC). pp. 87-90.
Lebo, M.E. and J.H. Sharp. 1992. Modeling phosphorus cycling in a well-mixed coastal plain estuary.
Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci. 35: 235-252.
Fogel, M.L., L.A. Cifuentes, D.J. Velinsky, and J.H. Sharp. 1992. Relationship of carbon availability in
estuarine phytoplankton to isotopic composition. Marine Ecology Progress Series 82: 291-300.
Sharp, J.H., Y. Suzuki, and W.L. Munday. 1993. A comparison of dissolved organic carbon in North
Atlantic Ocean nearshore waters by high temperature combustion and wet chemical oxidation. Marine
Chemistry 41: 253-259.
Sharp, J.H., E.T. Peltzer, M.J. Alperin, G. Cauwet, J.W. Farrington, B. Fry, D.M. Karl, J.H. Martin, A.
Spitzy, S. Tugrul, and C.A. Carlson. 1993. Procedures Subgroup Report. Marine Chemistry 41: 37-49.
Vetter, Y-A. and J.H. Sharp. 1993. The influence of light intensity on dimethylsulfide production by a
marine diatom. Limnology and Oceanography 38: 419-425.
Lebo, M.E. and J.H. Sharp. 1993. Distribution of phosphorus along the Delaware, an urbanized coastal
plain estuary. Estuaries 16: 290-301.
Sharp, J.H., R. Benner, L. Bennett, C.A. Carlson, R.Dow, and S.E. Fitzwater. 1993. A re-evaluation of
high temperature combustion and chemical oxidation measurement of dissolved organic carbon in
seawater. Limnology and Oceanography 38: 1774-1782.
Sharp, J.H. 1993. The dissolved organic carbon controversy: An update. Oceanography 6: 45-50.
Pennock, J.R. and J.H. Sharp. 1994. Temporal alternation between light- and nutrient-limitation of
phytoplankton production in a coastal plain estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 111: 275-288.
Lebo, M.E., J.H. Sharp, and L.A. Cifuentes. 1994. Contribution of river phosphate vartiations to apparent
reactivity estimated from phosphate-salinity distributions. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci. 39: 583-594.
Sharp, J.H. 1994. What not to do about nutrients in the Delaware Estuary. pp. 423-428. In: K.R. Dyer
and R.J. Orth - Eds. Changes in Fluxes in Estuaries: Implications from Science to Management. Olsen
and Olsen (Fredensborg, Denmark).
Pennock, J.R., J.H. Sharp, and W.W. Schroeder. 1994. What controls the expression of estuarine
eutrophication: Case studies of nutrient enrichment and phytoplankton production from Delaware Bay and
Mobile Bay estuaries, U.S.A. pp. 139-146. In: K.R. Dyer and R.J. Orth - Eds. Changes in Fluxes in
Estuaries: Implications from Science to Management. Olsen and Olsen (Fredensborg, Denmark).
Sharp, J.H., R. Benner, L.Bennett, C.A. Carlson, S.E. Fitzwater, E.T. Peltzer, and L.M. Tupas. 1995.
Analyses of dissolved organic carbon in seawater: The JGOFS EqPac methods comparison. Marine
Chemistry 48: 91-108.
Sharp, J.H. 1995 Diverse career possibilities and a broad oceanography curriculum. Oceanography 8:
Jonathan H. Sharp
Pennock, J.R., D.J. Velinsky, J.M. Ludlam, J.H. Sharp, and M.L. Fogel. 1996. Isotopic fractionation of
ammonium and nitrate during uptake by Skeletonema costatum: Implications for δ N dynamics under
bloom conditions. Limnology and Oceanography 41: 451-459.
Sharp, J.H. 1997. Marine dissolved organic carbon: Are the older values correct? Marine Chemistry 56:
Sharp, J.H. 2001. Marine and aquatic communities, stress from eutrophication. In: S. Levin - Ed.
Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Volume 4. pp. 1-11.
Sharp, J.H. 2002. Analytical methods for dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. In: D.A.
Hansell and C.A. Carlson – Eds. Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter. Academic Press (San
Diego). Pp. 35-58.
Sharp, J.H., C.A. Carlson, E.T.Pletzer, D.M. Castle-Ward, K.B. Savidge, and K.R. Rinker. 2002. Final
dissolved organic carbon broad community intercalibration and preliminary use of DOC reference
materials. Marine Chemistry 77: 239-253.
Sharp, J.H., K. R. Rinker, K.B. Savidge, et. al. 2002. A preliminary methods comparison of dissolved
organic nitrogen in seawater. Marine Chemistry 78: 171-184.
Yahel, G., J.H. Sharp, D. Marie, C. Haesse, and A. Genin. 2003. In situ feeding and element removal in
the coral-reef sponge Theonella Swinhoeii: Bulk DOC is the major source for carbon. Limnology
and Oceanography.48: 141-149.
Sharp, J.H., Beauregard, A.Y, Burdige, D., Cauwet, G., Curless, S.E., Lauck, R., Nagel, K., Ogawa, H.,
Parker, A.E., Primm, O., Pujo-Pay, M., Savidge, W.B., Seitzinger, E., Spyres, G., Styles, R. 2004. A
direct instrument comparison for measurement of total dissolved nitrogen in seawater. Marine Chemistry
84: 181-193.
Yoshiyama, K. and J.H. Sharp. 2006. Phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment in an urbanized
estuary: Apparent inhibition of primary production by over-eutrophication. Limnology and Oceanography
51: 424-434.
Sharp, J. H., K. Yoshiyama, A. E. Parker, M. C. Schwartz, S. Curless, A. Y. Beauregard, J. E. Ossolinski,
and A. R. Davis. 2009. A biogeochemical view of estuarine eutrophication: lessons from seasonal and
spatial trends and correlations in the Delaware Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 32: 1023-1043. online at
doi: 10.1007/s12237-009-9210-8.
Sharp, J. H. 2009. Book review: Randy Olson, “Don’t Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of
Style.” Oceanography 22: 255-257.
Sharp, J.H. 2010. Estuarine oxygen dynamics: What can we learn about hypoxia from long-time records in
the Delaware Estuary? Limnology and Oceanography. 55: 535-548. FAP at:
Ribes M., Jiménez E., Yahel G., López-Sendino P., Diez B, Massana, R., Sharp J.H., Coma R. 2010.
Functional convergence of microbes associated to temperate marine sponges. Environmental
Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports. 41pp.
Yoshimura, T. and J.H. Sharp. 2010. Additional calibration of nutrient reference materials for dissolved
organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. In: M.Aoyama –Ed. Comparability of nutrients in the world’s
Jonathan H. Sharp
ocean. Mother Tank (Tsukuba, Japan). Pp 91-100.
Sharp, J.H. 2011. Book review: Nancy Baron, “Escape from the Ivory Tower: A Guide to Making Your
Science Matter”. Oceanography 24: 90-92.
Voynova, Y.G. and J.H. Sharp. 2012. Anomalous Biogeochemical Response to a Flooding Event in the
Delaware Estuary: A Possible Typology Shift Due to Climate Change. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 943-958.
online at doi: 10.1007/s12237-012-9490-2.
Voynova, Y.G., M.J. Oliver, and J.H. Sharp. 2013. Wind to zooplankton: Ecosystem-wide influence of
seasonal wind-driven upwelling in and around Delaware Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
118: 1-14. doi:10.1002/2013JC008793.
Student Publications (Sole Author Publications by students in my laboratory from their theses and
1977. Underhill, P.A. Nitrate untake kinetics and clonal variability in the neritic diatom Biddulphia aurita.
Journal of Phycology 13:170-176.
1981. Bottom, D.L. A flow-through system for field measurements of production by marine microalgae.
Marine Biology 64:251-257.
1983. Fox, L.E. The removal of dissolved humic acid during estuarine mixing. Estuarine Coastal Shelf
Science 16:431-440.
1983. Fox, L.E. Geochemistry of humic acid during estuarine mixing: In: Aquatic and Terrestrial Humic
Materials, R.F. Christman and E.T. Gjessing-eds. Ann Arbor Science. pp. 407-427.
1983. Fox, L.E. and S.C. Wofsy. Kinetics of removal of iron colloids from estuaries. Geochimica
Cosmochimica Acta 47:211-216
1984. Fox, L.E. The relationship between dissolved humic acids and soluble iron in estuaries.
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 48:879-884.
1985. Pennock, J.R. Chlorophyll distributions in the Delaware Estuary: Regulation by light limitation.
Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 21:711-725.
1987. Pennock, J.R. Temporal and spatial variability in phytoplankton ammonium and nitrate uptake in
the Delaware Estuary. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 24:841-857.
1989. Coffin, R.B. Bacterial uptake of dissolved free and combined amino acids in estuarine waters.
Limnology and Oceanography 34: 531-542.
1990. Lebo, M. L. Phosphate uptake along a coastal plain estuary. Limnology and Oceanography 35:
1991. Cifuentes, L.A. Spatial and temporal variations in terrestrially-derived organic matter from
sediments of the Delaware Estuary. Estuaries 14: 414-429.
1991. Lebo, M.E. Particle-bound phosphorus along an urbanized coastal plain estuary. Marine Chemistry
34: 225-246.
2003. Schwartz, M.C. Significant groundwater input to a coastal plain estuary: Assessment from excess
radon. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science 56: 32-42.
Jonathan H. Sharp
2005. Parker, A.E. Differential supply of autochthonous organic carbon and nitrogen to the microbial
loop in the Delaware Estuary. Estuaries 28: 856-867.
Teaching Experience (All at the University of Delaware)
Introductory Oceanography - Undergraduate, taught 10 times.
General Oceanography - Graduate, taught 1 time.
Introduction to Oceanography – Graduate, taught 6 times.
Methods in Chemical Oceanography - Graduate, taught 3 times, co-taught once.
Radiation Safety - Graduate, co-taught once.
Biochemistry and Physiology of Marine Algae - Graduate, taught 4 times.
Introduction to Chemical Oceanography - Graduate, taught 16 times.
Organic Chemical Oceanography - Graduate, taught once, co-taught twice.
Coastal and Estuarine Chemistry - Graduate, taught 4 times.
Oceanography Seminar - Graduate, taught four times.
Marine Sciences Summer Intern Program - Undergraduate, coordinated 16 times.
Introduction to Ocean Science - Undergraduate, co-taught 5 times.
Biogeochemical Methods – Graduate, taught 6 times.
Student Advisement (All at the University of Delaware)
D.L. Bottom - M.S. 1975. Thesis: A continuous flow-through apparatus for the measurement of primary
production in algal macrophytes.
D.J. Hughes - M.S. 1976. Thesis: Phosphorus limitation in a marine diatom due to precipitation of iron,
with special reference to an iron-acid industrial waste.
P.A. Underhill - M.S. 1976. Thesis: An intraspecific comparison of the nitrate uptake kinetics in the
neritic diatom, Biddulphia aurita.
P.C. Garfield - M.S. 1977. Thesis: Tidal variations in phytoplankton production.
W.H. Orem - M.S. 1980. Thesis: The activities and molecular size distributions of organic carbon and
amino nitrogen in the Broadkill River and offshore waters of Delaware.
A.C. Frake - M.S. 1980. Thesis: The effects of light on the marine diatom Coscinodiscis sp.
G.B. Hillier - M.S. 1980. Thesis: Nutrient cycling in a subtropical nearshore environment.
P.A. Underhill - Ph.D. 1981. Dissertation: Steady-state growth rate effects on the photosynthetic carbon
budget and chemical composition of a marine diatom. 114p.
L.E. Fox - Ph.D. 1981. Dissertation: The geochemistry of humic acid and iron during estuarine mixing.
L.A. Cifuentes - M.S. 1982. Thesis: The character and behavior of organic nitrogen in the Delaware
J.R. Pennock - Ph.D. 1983. Dissertation: Regulation of phytoplankton, carbon and nitrogen production in
the Delaware Estuary.
D.L. Murphy - M.S. 1984. Thesis: Extracellular release of organics by phytoplankton in the Delaware
R.B. Coffin - Ph.D. 1986. Dissertation: Bacterial dynamics in response to phytoplankton, heterotrophic
microflagellates, and amino acid pools in the Delaware Estuary. 264p.
Jonathan H. Sharp
L.A. Cifuentes - Ph.D. 1986. Dissertation: Sources and biogeochemistry of organic matter in the
Delaware Estuary. 213p.
S.L. Compton - M.S. 1987. Thesis: Bacterial metabolism of dissolved proteins in the Delaware Estuary.
M.L. Lebo - Ph.D. 1990. Dissertation: Biogeochemical phosphorus cycling in the Delaware, an urbanized
coastal plain estuary. 255p.
S.J. Jamerlan - M.S. 1992. Nitrogen uptake and regeneration in Delaware Bay: Testing isotope dilution
models in a high nutrient environment.
H.L. MacIntyre - Ph.D. 1995. Light control studies on phytoplankton. 151p. (Co-advised with Richard J.
K.J. Eckels - M.S. 1995. The effect of preconditioning nutrient source on ammonium and nitrate uptake
by phytoplankton.
D.M. Castle – M.S. 1999. Studies on thermal effect on microbial interactions with dissolved organic
matter in seawater.
M.C. Schwartz - Ph.D. 2001. The impact of submerged groundwater discharge on the biogeochemistry
of the Delaware Estuary. 169p.
A. Y. Beauregard – Ph.D. 2004. Biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen by the coralzooxanthellae symbiosis. 221p.
A. E. Parker – Ph.D. 2004. Assessing the phytoplankton-heterotrophic bacteria link in theeutrophic
Delaware Estuary. 272p.
J. E. Ossolinski. M.S. 2007. Carbon budget analysis of the branching coral Madracis mirabilis. 96p.
A.R. Davis. M.S. (did not finish). Comparative studies of primary production in Chesapeake and Delaware
Adam Pimenta. M.S. 2010. DIC and CO2 analysis as a means of quantifying community metabolisah in
the Delaware Bay Estuary.
Yoana Voynova. Ph. D. 2012. Impact of periodic events on estuarine biogeochemistry: Focus on
unusually large freshwater discharges and wind-driven coastal upwelling.
I have also served on or am presently serving on committees of 35 other M.S. or Ph.D. students
at the College of Marine Studies (now School of Marine Science and Policy), other departments at the
University of Delaware, and at the University of Maryland, and Dalhousie University.
Unpublished Reports
I have been primary author or co-author of about 50 unpublished reports, newsletter articles,
databases, and newspaper editorials. These include a number of large data reports on the
biogeochemistry of the Delaware Estuary and popular articles about the Delaware Estuary. Recent
newsletter reports, guest editorials, and databases include:
December 1998. “An inaccurate picture: Delaware Estuary is healthier than EPA says”. A comment on
the EPA popular report on the state of the Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Estuary and Delaware and
Jonathan H. Sharp
Maryland inland bays. The News Journal (Wilmington, DE).
Spring 1999. “Message from the Chairman of the Board”. Estuary News, Volume 9, Issue 3.
December 2001. “Look at river data objectively”. A rebuttal comment on the Army Corps of Engineers
claims about the ecology of the Delaware Estuary. The News Journal (Wilmington, DE).
Fall 2001. “Dissolved oxygen in the Delaware Estuary”. One of the Environmental Indicators for the
Delaware Estuary Program. First publicized in Estuary News, Volume 12, Issue 1 and late in various
media including Delaware Estuary webpage and “State of Delaware Estuary” report put out as newspaper
insert in DE, NJ, and PA newspapers in fall of 2002 (over 100,000 copies distributed).
Summer 2002. “The Delaware Estuary and Chesapeake Bay: Physical differences that create ecological
challenges”. Estuary News, Volume 12, Issue 4.
December 2002. “Sulfate wastes from Motiva should be jointly monitored. The News Journal (Wilmington,
Summer 2005. Thirty-year database of Delaware Estuary Microbial Biogeochemistry placed on public url:
January 2006. White paper on the status and needs of science in the Delaware Estuary. Partnership for
the Delaware publication in print and on webpage. By D. Kreeger, B. Tudor, J. Sharp, S. Kilham, D.
Soder, M. Maxwell-Doyle, J. Kraeuter, D. Frizzera, J. Hameedi, and C. Collier.
March 2007. “Lessons that still need learning”. About 2007 IPCC Executive Summary. The News Journal
(Wilmington, DE).
March 2007. “Issues relating to the increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide”. A public website for more
information on increasing CO2, global warming, and ocean acidification placed on a well-publicized url:
October 2008. Alternate energy has economic potential. The News Journal (Wilmington, DE).
June 2010. It’s real: Denying global warming is not an option. The News Journal (Wilmington, DE).
March 2011. Valuable environmental measures of past 40 years deserve protection. The News Journal
(Wilmington, DE).
Summer 2012. (with Y.G. Voynova). Scientists studying the fallout of extreme flooding. Estuary News,
Volume 22, Issue 2: 6-7.
Updated 10 June 2014
Jonathan H. Sharp
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