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Chapter Seven Test- Renaissance and Reformation
Answer the following questions on your answer sheet.
1. Which statement best describes one of the reasons for the end of medieval Europe?
A European states moved from a cash economy to an economy based on control of landed property.
B The Black Death reduced the population in Europe by almost one third, giving peasants and laborers greater
economic power.
C As trade between Europe and Asia decreased, the size of towns along these trade routes declined.
D The Crusades interrupted trade between Asia and Europe.
2. How did the Black Death contribute to the end of feudalism in Western Europe?
A People viewed the Black Death as God’s punishment for their sinfulness.
B Labor shortages led towns and landowners to attract workers by offering freedom from serfdom.
C The Catholic Church was able to strengthen its authority when dying victims of the disease sought salvation
D Trade with Asia was disrupted when Europeans realized that rats on ships carried the disease.
3. The Crusades began in 1095 when the Pope called upon Christians to recapture the “Holy Land” (Jerusalem) from Muslim
control. What was an unexpected result of the Crusades?
A It ended a long period of trade between Europe and the Middle East.
B Contact with the cultures of the Middle East brought about a decline in European art, music, and literature.
C The Pope was unseated from his position of authority over the Catholic Church.
D Europeans learned of new products and ideas through their contact with Islamic culture.
4. How did the Hundred Years’ War bring change to medieval Europe?
A English and French monarchs increased their powers with new methods of warfare.
B Europeans turned to the Papacy to restore the peace.
C The long conflict led to the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts.
D Armed knights frequently defeated common foot soldiers, strengthening the position of the nobility.
5. How did the Great Schism (1378–1417) help bring an end to the Middle Ages in Western Europe?
A It greatly weakened the power and prestige of the Roman Catholic Church.
B It prevented the Papacy from being moved from Rome to Avignon, France.
C It led directly to a massive grain shortage, causing the starvation of millions of peasants.
D It brought large numbers of European peasants under the direct control of the Catholic Church.
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Brunelleschi has combined columns, pilasters, and arches in his own way to achieve an effect of lightness and grace,
which is different from anything that had gone before. Details such as the framing of the door, with its classical
gable or pediment, show how carefully Brunelleschi had studied the ancient ruins. Nothing in this bright and wellproportioned interior has any of the features which Gothic architects valued so highly. There are no high windows,
no slim pillars. Instead, the blank white wall is subdivided by grey pilasters [flat columns], which convey the idea of
a classical ‘order,’ although they serve no real function in the construction of the building. Brunelleschi only put
them there to emphasize the shape and proportion of the interior.
— adapted from E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art
The system of architecture described in this excerpt is that of —
A ancient Greece
B the Byzantine Empire
C medieval France
D Renaissance Italy
7. Which of the following statements best describes painting during the Renaissance?
A Painters adopted a more realistic style, depicting figures in space and applying perspective.
B Painters developed a highly decorative style, which lacked realism.
C Painters used a very abstract style to depict human emotions.
D Painters mainly imitated the work of earlier Byzantine and Gothic artists.
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8. Which of the following was an intellectual legacy of the Renaissance?
A Scholars discovered that human illnesses are caused by evil spirits.
B Doctors closely followed the works of Aristotle, written 2,000 years before.
C Some scientists first claimed the heliocentric theory, that the Earth orbits the sun.
D Humanists held the view that the civilization of Christian Europe in the Middle Ages was superior to that of classical
Greece and Rome.
Giovanni Boccaccio
Miguel de Cervantes
William Shakespeare
François Rabelais
What did these four Renaissance writers have in common?
A They were renowned for their religious writings.
B They wrote their texts in vernacular languages.
C They wrote their most important works in Latin.
D They based their main ideas on the works of the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
10. The Renaissance writer and diplomat Niccolo Machiavelli wrote that the “the end justifies the means.” What did he mean
by this statement?
A Subjects must always obey their rulers.
B A ruler must always follow the laws of God.
C Subjects have the right to rise up and overthrow a ruler who is unjust.
D A ruler may use trickery and even violence to maintain peace and stability.
11. At the Diet of Worms in 1521, Martin Luther declared: “Here I stand. I can do no other.” In refusing to retract his criticism
of the Pope, Luther’s actions led to the —
A Middle Ages
B Renaissance
C Reformation
D Enlightenment
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discoveries in
pursuit of
power in
Use of
perspective in
Which best completes the diagram?
A Rediscovery of ancient literary texts
B Development of pointed arches in architecture
C Conquests in Asia by Alexander the Great
D Unification of Italy under a single ruler
These two pictures illustrate an important impact of the Reformation. A comparison of these two church interiors
highlights —
A the elaborate religious paintings on the ceiling of the Protestant church
B the lack of adornment in the Protestant church
C that the first Protestant churches valued the paintings of earlier Catholic artists
D that early Protestant churches used different architectural structures than Catholic ones
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God judges what is in the depths of the heart …. Outwardly, you keep the law with works from fear of punishment
or love of gain …. But to fulfill the law means to do its work eagerly, lovingly and freely …. That is why faith alone
makes someone just and fulfills the law.
— Martin Luther, Preface to the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
Based on this passage, with which statement would Martin Luther have most agreed?
A Only the Catholic Church has the ability to grant salvation.
B Only genuine faith in God can give a person salvation.
C A person can obtain salvation by helping the poor.
D People of all religious faiths have an equal chance at salvation.
Which of the following was an important impact of the Reformation?
A Learning decreased when Protestants stopped using Latin in their church services.
B The power of the Papacy over secular rulers increased as a result of the wars of religion.
C Literacy increased since Protestants believed that all people should read the Bible for themselves.
D The economy of Catholic Southern Europe advanced more rapidly than that of Protestant Northern Europe.
Which of the following identifies an artistic impact of the Reformation?
A Early Protestant artists adopted a grand style to glorify secular rulers.
B Early Protestant artists used geometric symbols and patterns rather than depicting people or objects.
C Early Protestant artists refused to make images depicting God.
D Early Protestant artists made icons of saints in imitation of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
End of unity of
Which best completes the diagram?
A The Pope restores the unity of Christendom during the Counter-reformation.
B Secular rulers strengthen their powers during a century of religious wars.
C Protestant reformers improve conditions for Europe’s peasants.
D The power of the Catholic Pope is destroyed by the Great Schism.
Formation of
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Which statement correctly identifies a political impact of the Protestant Reformation?
A Protestant rulers dissolved monasteries and seized their lands.
B European rulers attended an international conference to settle their differences.
C The Pope rallied Christians to launch a new Crusade against Muslims.
D European Jews were expelled by Protestant countries.
Which statement correctly identifies a political impact of the Reformation?
Rulers fought over religious
Secular rulers increased their power.
Catholic rulers submitted to the
Pope’s rule.
The power of the Pope grew over
secular rulers.
Protestant and Catholic rulers
fought each other.
An Italian prince unified the Italian
Protestant rulers denied the
authority of the Pope.
European Jews gained greater
In 1517, Martin Luther set in motion a chain of events
throughout Europe. One effect of these events is illustrated by
the map to the right. Which effect does this map show?
A Protestant rulers seized Church lands throughout Europe.
B European rulers often persecuted religious minorities.
C The religious unity of Western Europe was shattered.
D The power of European kings began to grow.
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21. How did the Italian city-states and the Medici Family act as catalysts for the Renaissance and the Reformation?
A They energized the feudal lords to empower the masses by granting natural rights and land to the serfs
B They increased trade contacts with Asia creating wealth and opening Europe to secular ideas.
C They provoked a holy war against the Muslims, Christians, and Jews to acquire trade ports in China.
D They implemented a zero tolerance policy in support of the Pope to rid Europe of witches and evil-doers.
22. What was the style rendered by artists such as Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo during the Renaissance?
A Humanism
B Romanticism
C Surrealism
D Cubism
23. What was the legacy of the Protestant Reformation on Europe?
A It energized the feudal lords and allowed them to wage a new series of Crusades.
B It decreased trade contacts with Asia in attempt to stop the flow of secular ideas.
C It provoked a war against the Muslims, Christians, and Jews to acquire ports in China.
D It ended religious unity in Europe and sparked a century of religious war.
24. Who challenged the Pope and the Church’s religious practices?
A Galileo’s Dialogue
B William Shakespeare’s Hamlet
C Luther’s Ninety-Five Thesis
D Machiavelli’s “The Prince”
25. Which of the following describes the impact the Printing Press on the Catholic Church?
E It increased the Church’s influence over the people.
It led to a large increase in Church-related works of literature.
G It led to the spread of secular and humanist works of literature.
H It led to the fall of Protestantism in Europe and Asia.