Download Lab 7: Writing Static Methods Instructions for Part I Part I

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CSCI 161 Introduction to Computer Science
Fall 2014
Lab 7: Writing Static Methods
Instructor: David Chiu
Due: Beginning of Next Lab
Important: In this lab, you will be writing loops. You will inevitably write some infinite loops that will
cause your BlueJ environment to freeze. When this happens, hold down the ctrl key and press d . Switch
partners between every problem!
Instructions for Part I
2 Create a New Project named Lab7. Inside this new project, create two files: and
2 The file should contain only the static methods that you will be writing (no main()
in this file)
2 The file should contain a single static method, main(). For The code in main(),
here are some ground rules:
– The code in main() shall contain only test (dummy) code to validate the correctness of the
methods you implement.
– You are not allowed to have any loops (or any other loops for that matter), if-statements, or any
other control-flow statements in main().
– main() should just contain a series of calls to your methods inside the Lab7Methods class.
– Recall that to call a static method from within different class, use: ClassName.methodName().
Part I
2 Each of the following problems should be solved using at least one static method (i.e., you might write
supporting methods to help solve a subproblem).
2 Problem 0: Write a method called public static int getPositiveNumber() that takes no inputs,
and asks the user to enter a positive integer, N . If N is negative or zero, the method will repeatedly
ask for N until N becomes positive. Then return N . This method can use System.out.print() to
prompt for an answer, and Scanner methods to get the user’s input.
2 Problem 1: Write a static method, public static boolean isPrime(int num) to determine whether
the given number is prime. In ask the user to enter a positive integer N , and
call Lab7Methods.isPrime(N). to determine if N is prime. Wait a second, you just created a method
guaranteed to get a positive integer from the user.. use it!
2 Problem 2: Write a static method, public static void printPrimes(int num) to print out the
first num prime numbers. Again, didn’t you just write a method you can reuse that simplifies writing
printPrimes()?. In Like the previous problem, first call public static int
getPositiveNumber() to retrieve a positive number for N . Then call Lab7Methods.printPrimes(N).
2 Problem 3: Write a recursive method rPow that inputs base ≥ 0 and exp ≥ 0, and returns baseexp .
You are not allowed to use Math.pow(), or any loops to solve this problem.
2 Problem 4: Write a method, createRandomArray(int num), that creates an array of num doubles, initializing all elements in this array to a random number between 0 and 100. you should call
Math.random() to get a number in [0, 1). This random array is returned by this method.
2 Problem 5: Write another method called printArray that prints the contents of any given array of
doubles. Each element in the content must be separated by a comma. There should not be a comma
after the last element is printed.
2 Problem 6: Write a method called resetArray that inputs an array of doubles and resets all of its
elements to 0. Recall that, unlike other input parameters, any modifications you make to an array
parameter are persistent! Because of this, this method does not return any values.
2 Problem 7: A vector dot product is an algebraic operation on two equal-length vectors of numbers.
The dot product of two vectors A = (a0 , a1 , a2 , ..., aN −1 ) and B = (b0 , b1 , b2 , ..., bN −1 ) is:
A·B =
ai bi
Notice a vector can be represented with an array. Create and initialize two arrays that contain random
N numbers a piece.
If the sizes of the arrays are not equal, then your method should return an undefined number. In Java,
an undefined number is the constant Double.NaN (Not-a-Number).
Again, to test this method, you can call createRandomArray() to generate two arrays of doubles to
input into this method.
Part II: Refactoring Code
In CS, to refactor code means to improve it in terms of readability and/or efficiency. The linear regression
homework you just completed is an excellent candidate for refactoring. Particularly, these are the obvious
places where you could have extracted out a clear subroutine as a static method:
2 getData(): A method to populate both your arrays, x[..] and y[..].
2 getMean(): A method to compute the mean given an array of doubles.
2 getSlope(): A method to compute the slope m of the regression, given x[..] and y[..].
2 getIntercept(): A method to compute the intercept b of the regression, given x[..] and y[..].
2 predict(): A method to make a prediction ŷ given x, m, and b.
2 getR2(): A method to compute the correlation r2 .
2 Recall that methods can call each other to simplify your code. For instance, note that you need the
mean to compute the slope and the intercept. Instead of copying-and-pasting the code to compute the
mean into both methods, you should be calling getMean().
2 Name this class LinearRegressionRefactored.
2 Although the functionality of this refactored code does not change from Homework 4, the code itself
should look a lot cleaner and be much more intuitive to read.
Part III: Submitting Your Lab
After you have completed the lab, please do the following to submit your work.
2 Zip up all necessary files.
2 Rename the zip file to LastName1 LastName2, where the LastNames are the respective last
names of the authors.
2 Submit it on Moodle. You may submit as often as you’d like before the deadline. I will grade the most
recent copy.