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ATHENA International Conference
Approaching the severly infected patient
Athens 19-20 November 2015
Athens Medical Society
Endorsed by
World Federation Societies Critical Care Medicine (WFCCM)
European Society Clinical Microbiology Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
European Society Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
European Respiratory Society (ERS)
Endorsed by
Hellenic Society Critical Care Medicine
Hellenic Respiratory Society
Hellenic Society Infectious Diseases
Chair of the Seminar
As. Professor George Dimopoulos
Scientific committee
1. Azoulay Elie (France)
2. Antonelli Massimo (Italy)
3. Armaganidis Apostolos (Greece)
4. Bassetti Matteo (Italy)
5. Bonten Marc (The Nederlands)
6. Chastre Jean (France)
7. Daikos George (Greece)
De Waele Jan (Belgium)
Gargalianos Panagiotis (Greece)
10. Garnacho-Montero Jose (Spain)
11. Georgopoulos Dimitrios (Greece)
12. Giamarellos Evangellos (Greece)
13. Giamarellou Helen (Greece)
14. Kollef Marin (USA)
15. Komnos Apostolos (Greece)
16. Koulouris Nikolaos (Greece)
17. Koutsoukou Antonia (Greece)
18. Munoz Patricia (Spain)
19. Nakos George (Greece)
20. Nicolau David (USA)
21. Niederman Michael (USA)
22. Orfanos Stylianos (Greece)
23. Paiva Jose Arthur (Portugal)
24. Pefanis Aggelos (Greece)
25. Pneumatikos John (Greece)
26. Poulakou Garyphalia (Greece)
27. Rello Jordi (Spain)
28. Singer Mervin (UK)
29. Sipsas Nikolaos (Greece)
30. Skoutelis Athanassios (Greece)
31. Timsit Jean Francois (France)
32. Torres Antonio (Spain)
33. Tsiodras Sotirios (Greece)
34. Tsakris Athanassios (Greece)
35. Vincent Jean-Louis (Belgium)
36. Zakynthinos Epaminondas (Greece)
37. Zakynthinos Spiridon (Greece)
38. Welte Tobias (Germany)
Organizing Committee
Armaganidis Apostolos
Boumbas Dimitrios
Dimopoulou Ioanna
Dimopoulos George
Heraklianou Styliani
Kouraklis Gregory
Mantzaris Gerasimos
Orfanos Stylianos
Papageorgiou Sokratis
10. Samarkos Michael
11. Theodorakopoulou Maria
12. Thiraios Eleftherios
13. Tsangaris Iraklis
14. Poulakou Garyphalia
15. Vogiatzakis Evangellos
16. Vrachliotis Thomas
Scientific Program
Thursday 19-11-2015
Welcome and introductions
George Dimopoulos (Greece)
Apostolos Armaganidis (Greece)
How to manage and prevent the different faces of pneumonia
Chairs : Armaganidis A (Greece) – Koulouris N (Greece)
09.00-09.15 Severe CAP
09.15-09.30 CAMRSA pneumonia
09.30-09.45 VAP
09.45-10.00 Pneumonia in immunocompomized patients
10.00-10.15 Prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease
10.15-10.30 Questions-Discussion
How to optimize the treatment for ….
Chairs : Pneumatikos J (Greece) – Gargalianos P (Greece)
10.30-10.45 Klebsiella KPC infection
10.45-11.00 Acinetobacter spp infection
11.00-11.15 Pseudomonas infection
11.15-11.30 Clostridium difficile infection
11.30-11.45 Abdominal infections
11.45-12.00 Questions-Discussion
Welte T
Niederman M
Rello J
Azoulay E
Torres A
Daikos G
Garnacho-Montero J
Timsit JF
Antonelli M
DeWaele J
How to treat in the ICU patient with....
Chairs : Zakynthinos S (Greece) – Pefanis A (Greece)
13.30-13.45 HIV sepsis
13.45-14.00 CMV reactivation
14.00-14.15 Endocarditis
14.15-14.30 Skin and soft tissue infections
14.30-14.45 Malaria
14.45-15.00 Questions-Discussion
How to use in the ICU…….
Chairs : Zakynthinos E (Greece) – Skoutelis A (Greece)
15.00-15.15 Adjunctive therapies
15.15-15.30 PK/PDs
15.30-15.45 Biomarkers
15.45-16.00 Newer diagnostic technology for bacteria
16.00-16.15 Newer diagnostic technology for fungi
16.15-16.30 Questions-Discussion
Pro/con debate
Chair : Dimopoulos G
Targeting the microbiome! The role of SDD in the era of MDR and XDR
Pro : Bonden M
Con: Vincent JL
End of the 1st Day
Azoulay E
Chastre J
Paiva JA
Kollef M
Singer M
Giamarellos E
Nicolau D
Vincent JL
Tsakris A
Munoz P
Friday 20-11-2015
How to fight resistance in the ICU
Chairs : Nakos G (Greece) – Poulakou G (Greece)
09.00-09.15 Targeting the microbial flora
09.15-09.30 Using antimicrobial stewardship
09.30-09.45 Using Point of Care (POC) testing
09.45-10.00 Using chlorhexidine bath
10.00-10.15 Using newer data on PK/PDs
10.15-10.30 Questions and Discussion
How to treat fungal infections in the ICU
Chairs : Orfanos S (Greece) – Komnos A (Greece)
10.30-10.45 Candideamia/Invasive Candidiasis
10.45-11.00 Abdominal Candidiasis
11.00-11.15 Candida biofilm
11.15-11.30 Aspergillosis
11.30-11.45 Mucor and other rare infections
11.45-12.00 Questions-Discussion
Bonten M
Giamarellou H
Singer M
Niederman M
DeWaele J
Timsit JF
Bassetti M
Garnacho-Montero J
Paiva JA
Munoz P
Let’s talk about inhaled antibiotics
Chairs : Georgopoulos D (Greece) - Koutsoukou A (Greece)
13.30-13.45 Inhaled antibiotics : the story
13.45-14.00 Why we need inhaled antibiotics ?
14.00-14.15 Which drugs have been used for VAP ?
14.15-14.30 Which devices are available ?
14.30-14.45 Ongoing clinical studies ?
14.45-15.00 Questions-Discussion
New or under development antibiotics
Chairs : Dimopoulos G (Greece) – Tsiodras S (Greece)
15.00-15.15 Telavancin
15.15-15.30 Eravacycline
15.30-15.45 Ceftolozane / tazobactam
15.45-16.00 Questions and Discussion
16.00-16.15 Tedizolid
16.15-16.30 Ceftazidime-Avibactam
16.30-16.45 Plazomicin
16.45-17.00 Questions-Discussion
Rello J
Welte T
Torres A
Antonelli M
Dimopoulos G
Giamarellos E
Bassetti M
Nicolau D
Chastre J
Kollef M
Skoutelis A
Professional Conference Organizer (P.C.O.) - Destination Management Company (D.M.C.)
27, Michalakopoulou St
115 28 Athens, Greece
Tel.(0030) 210 7210001, 210 7210052
Fax.(0030) 2107210051
[email protected], [email protected]
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