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Chapter 6
Continuous Random Variables
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Continuous Random Variables
6.1 Continuous Probability Distributions
6.2 The Uniform Distribution (Optional)
6.3 The Normal Probability Distribution
6.4 Approximating the Binomial Distribution
by Using the Normal Distribution
6.5 The Exponential Distribution (Optional)
6.6 The Normal Probability Plot (Optional)
Continuous Probability Distributions
• A continuous random variable may
assume any numerical value in one or
more intervals
• Use a continuous probability distribution
to assign probabilities to intervals of
Continuous Probability Distributions
• The curve f(x) is the continuous
probability distribution of the continuous
random variable x if the probability that
x will be in a specified interval of
numbers is the area under the curve f(x)
corresponding to the interval
• Other names for a continuous
probability distribution:
– Probability curve
– Probability density function
Properties of Continuous Probability
Properties of f(x): f(x) is a continuous
function such that
1. f(x)  0 for all x
2. The total area under the curve of f(x) is
equal to 1
Essential point: An area under a
continuous probability distribution is a
Area and Probability
• The blue area under the curve f(x) from
x = a to x = b is the probability that x
could take any value in the range a to b
– Symbolized as P(a  x  b)
– Or as P(a < x < b), because each of the
interval endpoints has a probability of 0
Distribution Shapes
• Symmetrical and rectangular
– The uniform distribution (Section 6.2)
• Symmetrical and bell-shaped
– The normal distribution (Section 6.3)
• Skewed
– Skewed either left or right (Section 6.5)
The Normal Probability Distribution
• The normal probability distribution is defined
by the equation
f( x) =
σ 2π
1  x m 
 
2  
for all values x on the real number line
– m is the mean and  is the standard deviation
–  = 3.14159… and e = 2.71828 is the base of
natural logarithms
The Normal Probability Distribution
• The normal curve is symmetrical about
its mean m
– The mean is in the middle under the curve
– So m is also the median
• It is tallest over its mean m
• The area under the entire normal curve
is 1
– The area under either half of the curve is
The Normal Probability Distribution
Properties of the Normal Distribution
• There are an infinite number of normal
– The shape of any individual normal curve
depends on its specific mean m and
standard deviation 
• The highest point is over the mean
Properties of the Normal Distribution
• Mean = median = mode
– All measures of central tendency equal
each other
– The only probability distribution for which
this is true
• The curve is symmetrical about its
– The left and right halves of the curve are
mirror images of each other
Properties of the Normal Distribution
• The tails of the normal extend to infinity
in both directions
– The tails get closer to the horizontal axis
but never touch it
• The area under the normal curve to the
right of the mean equals the area under
the normal to the left of the mean
– The area under each half is 0.5
The Position and Shape of the Normal
(a) The mean m positions the peak of the normal curve over the real axis
(b) The variance 2 measures the width or spread of the normal curve
Normal Probabilities
• Suppose x is a normally distributed
random variable with mean m and
standard deviation 
• The probability that x could take any
value in the range between two given
values a and b (a < b) is P(a ≤ x ≤ b)
Normal Probabilities
P(a ≤ x ≤ b) is the area colored in blue
under the normal curve and between
the values x = a and x = b
Three Important Areas under the Normal
1. P(µ – σ ≤ x ≤ µ + σ) = 0.6826
– So 68.26% of all possible observed values of x
are within (plus or minus) one standard deviation
of µ
2. P(µ – 2σ ≤ x ≤ µ + 2σ) = 0.9544
– So 95.44% of all possible observed values of x
are within (plus or minus) two standard
deviations of µ
3. P(µ – 3σ ≤ x ≤ µ + 3σ) = 0.9973
– So 99.73% of all possible observed values of x
are within (plus or minus) three standard
deviations of µ
Three Important Percentages
The Standard Normal Distribution
• If x is normally distributed with mean m
and standard deviation , then the
random variable z
is normally distributed with mean 0 and
standard deviation 1
• This normal is called the standard
normal distribution
The Standard Normal Distribution
• z measures the number of standard
deviations that x is from the mean m
– The algebraic sign on z indicates on which side of
m is x
– z is positive if x > m (x is to the right of m on the
number line)
– z is negative if x < m (x is to the left of m on the
number line)
The Standard Normal Table
• The standard normal table is a table
that lists the area under the standard
normal curve to the right of the mean
(z=0) up to the z value of interest
– See Table 6.1, Table A.3 in Appendix A,
and the table on the back of the front cover
• This table is so important that it is repeated 3
times in the textbook!
• Always look at the accompanying figure for
guidance on how to use the table
The Standard Normal Table
• The values of z (accurate to the nearest
tenth) in the table range from 0.00 to
3.09 in increments of 0.01
– z accurate to tenths are listed in the far left
– The hundredths digit of z is listed across
the top of the table
• The areas under the normal curve to
the right of the mean up to any value of
z are given in the body of the table
A Standard Normal Table
The Standard Normal Table Example
• Find P(0 ≤ z ≤ 1)
– Find the area listed in the table corresponding to a
z value of 1.00
– Starting from the top of the far left column, go
down to “1.0”
– Read across the row z = 1.0 until under the
column headed by “.00”
– The area is in the cell that is the intersection of
this row with this column
– As listed in the table, the area is 0.3413, so
• P(0 ≤ z ≤ 1) = 0.3413
Some Areas under the Standard
Normal Curve
Calculating P(-2.53 ≤ z ≤ 2.53)
• First, find P(0 ≤ z ≤ 2.53)
– Go to the table of areas under the standard
normal curve
– Go down left-most column for z = 2.5
– Go across the row 2.5 to the column headed by
– The area to the right of the mean up to a value of
z = 2.53 is the value contained in the cell that is
the intersection of the 2.5 row and the .03 column
– The table value for the area is 0.4943
Calculating P(-2.53 ≤ z ≤ 2.53)
• From last slide, P(0 ≤ z ≤ 2.53)=0.4943
• By symmetry of the normal curve, this is
also the area to the left of the mean
down to a value of z = –2.53
• Then P(-2.53 ≤ z ≤ 2.53) = 0.4943 +
0.4943 = 0.9886
Calculating P(z  -1)
• An example of finding the area under
the standard normal curve to the right of
a negative z value
• Shown is finding the under the standard
normal for z ≥ -1
Calculating P(z  1)
Finding Normal Probabilities
1. Formulate the problem in terms of x values
2. Calculate the corresponding z values, and
restate the problem in terms of these z
3. Find the required areas under the standard
normal curve by using the table
Note: It is always useful to draw a picture
showing the required areas before using the
normal table
Example 6.2: The Car Mileage Case #1
• Want the probability that the mileage of a randomly
selected midsize car will be between 32 and 35 mpg
– Let x be the random variable of mileage of midsize cars
– Want P(32 ≤ x ≤ 35 mpg)
• Given:
– x is normally distributed
– µ = 33 mpg
– σ = 0.7 mpg
• Procedure (from previous slide):
1. Formulate the problem in terms of x (as above)
2. Restate in terms of corresponding z values (see next slide)
3. Find the indicated area under the standard normal curve
using the z table (see the slide after that)
Example 6.2: The Car Mileage Case #2
• For x = 32 mpg, the corresponding z value is
x  m 32  33
 1.43
• So the mileage of 32 mpg is 1.43 standard
deviations below (to the left of) the mean
• For x = 35 mpg, the corresponding z value is
x  m 35  33
 2.86
• Then P(32 ≤ x ≤ 35 mpg) = P(-1.43 ≤ z ≤
Example 6.2: The Car Mileage Case #3
• Want: the area under the normal curve
between 32 and 35 mpg
• Will find: the area under the standard
normal curve between -1.43 and 2.86
Example 6.2: The Car Mileage Case #4
• Break this into two pieces, around the mean
– The area to the left of µ between -1.43 and 0
• By symmetry, this is the same as the area between 0 and
• From the standard normal table, this area is 0.4236
– The area to the right of µ between 0 and 2.86
• From the standard normal table, this area is 0.4979
– The total area of both pieces is 0.4236 + 0.4979 =
– Then, P(-1.43 ≤ z ≤ 2.86) = 0.9215
• Returning to x, P(32 ≤ x ≤ 35 mpg) = 0.9215
Illustrating the Results of Example 6.2
Finding Z Points on a Standard Normal
Example 6.5 Stocking out of inventory
• A discount store sells packs of 50 DVD’s
• Want to know how many packs to stock so
that there is only a 5 percent chance of
stocking out during the week
– Let x be the random variable of weekly demand
– Let st be the number of packs so there is only a
5% probability that weekly demand will exceed st
– Want the value of st so that P(x ≥ st) = 0.05
• Given x is normally distributed, µ = 100
packs, and σ = 10 packs
Example 6.5 #2
Example 6.5 #3
• In panel (a), st is located on the horizontal
axis under the right-tail of the normal curve
having mean µ = 100 and standard deviation
σ = 10
• The z value corresponding to st is
st  m st  100
• In panel (b), the right-tail area is 0.05, so the
area under the standard normal curve to the
right of the mean z = 0 is 0.5 – 0.05 = 0.45
Example 6.5 #4
• Use the standard normal table to find the z
value associated with a table entry of 0.45
– But do not find 0.45; instead find values that
bracket 0.45
– For a table entry of 0.4495, z = 1.64
– For a table entry of 0.4505, z = 1.65
– For an area of 0.45, use the z value midway
between these
– So z = 1.645
st  100
 1.645
Example 6.5 #5
• Combining this result with the result
from a prior slide:
st  100
 1.645
• Solving for st gives st = 100 + (1.645 
10) = 116.45
– Rounding up, 117 packs should be stocked
so that the probability of running out will
not be more than 5 percent
Finding a Tolerance Interval
Finding a tolerance interval [m  k] that
contains 99% of the measurements in a
normal population