Download Year 1 music overview

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Year 3 music overview
Children begin learning to play the Descant Recorder, which includes
learning how to read music with associated note names, note values,
rhythm work etc.
Exploring Descriptive Sounds. Using “Animals” as a stimulus, children
learn to recognise how sounds can be used to describe different
animals and how they move etc by using the different elements of
Pitch, Duration, Dynamics and Tempo. They will study the Classic work
of “Peter and the Wolf” by Prokofiev and how the composer uses the
above elements to achieve his intention.
Children improve General Musicianship Skills of Rhythm work, singing,
performing and composing, as well as learning Christmas Music.
Exploring Rhythmic Patterns. Children create simple rhythmic patterns
and perform them rhythmically and with a strong sense of Pulse.
Exploring Music Arrangements. Children will develop their
understanding of how instruments can be used to accompany songs,
including Melodic and Rhythmic ostinatos and drones. They will explore
a variety of ways accompaniments can be used and perform songs with
instrument accompaniments. They will listen to a wide variety of music
as part of this topic.
Children revise their understanding of the above topics and work at ongoing
music skills, as well as learn and rehearse music for a Summer Show.