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Forest and Biodiversity
Current Status
Conservation Efforts
Challenges of Managing the Sector
Institutions Managing Forests and Biodiversity in Tamil Nadu
Key Policies and Programs
Impact of Climate Change on Forests and Biodiversity
Forest and Biodiversity
Current Status
1) Forests cover 18.16 percent of forest area recorded and 3.82 percent of
geographical area.
2) Between 2007-2009-Increase in area of dense forests, medium dense
forests; decrease in shrub forests and open forests.
3) Mangrove vegetation-39 sq. km; bridge between terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems; natural protection against disasters; rich areas of
4) Protected Areas constitute 5465 sq. km, which is 23.9% of State Forest
5) Teak wood production increased 33 times, pulp wood production
marginally increased, decrease in production of sandalwood and fuel
6) Tamil Nadu-wetland rich State-12.88 percent and Puducherry6.92percent
Forest and Biodiversity
Conservation efforts
 1) Protected Areas-cover 5465 sq. km, which is 23.9% of State Forest
area- 10 wildlife sanctuaries, 6 tiger reserves, 4 elephant reserves, 14
bird sanctuaries, 5 National Parks;
 Nilgiri Biosphere- 5,520 sq. km, Gulf of Mannar Biosphere-10,500 sq.
 2) Urban Forestry-Tamil Nadu tree planting program under State and
Centrally Sponsored schemes by Municipalities and Corporations; the
concept of Honorary Tree Wardens for the Corporation Zones
 3) Wetlands-Ramsar Site- Point Calimere Sanctuary, Panchanadikulam
Wetland, Thalainayar Reserved Forest and Muthupet Mangroves.
Forest and Biodiversity
Challenges of Managing Sector
 Encroachment of forestlands- 14682 hectares forest area under
 Degradation of habitats
 Forest Fires-outer slope elevation up to 350mts worst affected
 Natural disasters-Mangrove depletion due to shrimp farming
 Threats to the sacred groves
 Human-animal conflict
 Illicit removal of fire wood, bamboo, Minor Forest Produce (MFP),
timber etc- 1988 National Forest Policy
 Engagement of tribal communities in forest conservation
 Illegal trade in flora and fauna
 Depleting Non Timber Forest Produce(NTFP)
 Meeting fuel wood demand
 Depletion of Gulf of Mannar-dynamite farming, mechanized boats,
destructive nets
Forest and Biodiversity
Institutions Managing Forests and Biodiversity in Tamil Nadu
1) State Environment DepartmentThe Directorate of Environment
 State Level Coastal Zone
 Management Authority
 Environment Management Agency of Tamil Nadu(EMAT)
 The Environmental Information System(ENVIS)
2) National Biodiversity Authority(NBA) and State Biodiversity
 NBA-India’s Biological Diversity Act, 2002
 SBB- Advising the State Government on matters relating to the
conservation of biodiversity; Regulating grants for utilization of
 Local level Biodiversity Management Committees
Forest and Biodiversity
Key Policies and Programs
1)Forest Conservation- in line with National Forest Policy(1988)
 ActsTamil Nadu Forest Act, 1882 (For protection and management of
Forest); Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (For the protection of the Wild
Animals, Birds and Plants); Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
 RulesTamil Nadu Timber Transit Rules, 1968; Tamil Nadu Sandalwood
Transit Rules, Tamil Nadu Hill Areas (Preservation of Trees) Rules,
1957; Tamil Nadu Preservation of Private Forest Rules, 1946
2) Other Programs and Schemes
 State funded-Nature Conservation; Community Waste Land
Development Program; Tamil Nadu Afforestation Project (Phase II)
 Center funded-Project Elephant; Project Tiger [KMTR / ATR / MTR];
Conservation and Management of Biosphere Reserves
Forest and Biodiversity
Impact of Climate Change on Forests and Biodiversity
1) Impact on Forests-vulnerable to Climate change
2) Impact on Forest Soils-climate change and conversion to agricultural
lands high risk of soil degradation
3) Impacts on grassland, mangroves, wetland, and coral reefs-increase
in CO2 fosters C4 plants; Mangrove destruction due to increase in sea
4) Implications of climate change on Gulf of Mannar Biosphere ReserveBleaching of Coral reefs; Change in fish habitats
5) Traditional Agriculture-fast disappearing
6) Pastoralists in Tamil Nadu-dearth in documentation of practices
7) Impact on traditional honey tappers-local deforestation as well as
climate change are impacting honey tapping habitats
8) Impact of Non-Timber Forest Produce(NTFP)-increase in
temperature, decrease in rainfall to effect quantity and quality of
Forest and Biodiversity
1) Increase the forest cover, both inside and outside notified forest areas
2) Enhancing Conservation efforts to sustain biodiversity- terrestrial
and marine
3) Creation of plant diversity register of Tamil Nadu forests for
documentation and associated traditional knowledge
4) Undertake Lower strata diversification
5) Management of forest fires and alien invasive species (AIS)
6) Build capacity to address climate change by supporting innovation
and Research to address the impacts of climate change on forest &
biodiversity and ecosystem services
7) Undertake awareness generation and capacity building activities that
prepares institutions and communities to address the climate change
8) Other specific research and capacity building activities