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Hierarchical Beta Process and
the Indian Buffet Process
by R. Thibaux and M. I. Jordan
Discussion led by
Qi An
Indian buffet process (IBP)
Beta process (BP)
Connections between IBP and BP
Hierarchical beta process (hBP)
Application to document classification
• Mixture models
– Each data is drawn from
one mixture component
– Number of mixture
components is not set a
– Distribution over partitions
• Factorial models
– Each data is associated
with a set of latent
Bernoulli variables
– Cardinality of the set of
features can vary
– A “featural” description of
– A natural way to define
interesting topologies on
– May be appropriate for
large number of clusters
Beta process
Beta process is a special case of independent increment process, or Levy process,
Levy process can be characterized by Levy measure. For beta process, it is
If we draw a set of points (wi , pi )    [0,1] from a Poisson process with base
measure v, then
As the representation shows, B is discrete with probability one.
When the base measure B0 is discrete: B0   qi w , then B has atoms at the same
locations B   pi w with pi ~ Beta(cqi , c(1  qi ))
Bernoulli process
Here, Ω can be viewed as a set of potential features and the random measure
B defines the probability that X can possess particular feature.
In Indian buffet process, X is the customer and its features are the dishes the
customer taste.
Connections between IBP and BP
It is proven that the observations from a beta process satisfy
The first customer will try Poi(γ) number of dishes (feature).
After that , the new observation can taste previous dish j with
and then try a
number of new features
is the total mass
As a result, beta process is a two-parameter (c, γ) generalization of
the Indian buffet process.
IBP=BP(c=1, γ=α)
The total number of unique dishes can be roughly represented as
This quantity becomes Poi(γ) if c0 (all customers share the same dishes)
or Poi(n γ) if c∞ (no sharing).
An algorithm to generate beta
Authors propose to generate an approximation,
For each step n≥1
, of B
Hierarchical beta process
Consider a document classification problem. We have a training data set X,
which is a list of documents. Each document is classified by one of n topics. We
model a document by the set of words it contains. We assume document Xi,j is
generated by including each word w independently with a probability pjw specific
to topic j. These probabilities form a discrete measure Aj over all word space Ω.
We can put a beta process BP(cj,B) prior on Aj.
Since we want the sharing across different topics, B has to be discrete. We thus
put a beta process prior BP(c0,B0) on B, which allows sharing the same atoms
among topics.
The HBP model can be summarized as:
This model can be solved with Monte Carlo inference algorithm.
• Authors applied the hierarchical beta process to
a document classification problem
• Compare it to the Naïve Bayes (with Laplace
smoothing) results
• The hBP model can obtain 58% result while the
best Naïve Bayes result is 50%
• The beta process is shown to be suitable for
nonparametric Bayesian factorial modeling
• The beta process can be extended to a
recursively-defined hierarchy of beta process
• Compared to the Dirichlet process, the beta
process has the potential advantage of being an
independent increments process
• More work on inference algorithm is necessary
to fully exploit beta process models.