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Agriculture & Rural Development
Agriculture – stimulating growth
GFA teams support technology adoption to reduce the sig-
Three out of four poor people in developing countries live in
nificant gap between yields achieved in farm trials and aver-
rural areas, and most of them depend directly or indirectly on
age national yields, and to focus on improving the relevance
agriculture for their livelihood.
and effectiveness of agricultural advice through improved
demand-led extension services to farmers. With regards to
promoting efficient agricultural services, GFA focuses on
developing and strengthening food and nonfood value chains
in agribusiness.
Farmers still face enormous hurdles in gaining access to
markets and inputs. GFA regards creating an enabling environment the most promising option to boost agricultural
productivity. This can be achieved by linking farmers to
markets more effectively through targeted investments in
market places, rural roads, market information, and increasing
access to finance. We provide in-depth analysis and sound
advice with regard to effective trade and market policies,
including issues such as access to European Union markets.
Efficient land markets are a cornerstone of raising productivity. GFA has developed long-standing experiences in land man-
Thus, sustainable agricultural development is a strong factor
agement. Our competence is based on consulting services in
in stimulating growth, reducing poverty, and enhancing food
establishing clear legal tenure and property rights, setting up
security. Enhancing agricultural productivity is also vital for
reliable land registries and introducing cadastre systems, as
spurring growth in other parts of the economy.
well as utilizing GIS-based land use planning.
GFA intervention options
Climate change has led to rising uncertainties in rain-fed
With rising land and water scarcity and the added pressures
agriculture. Hence, access to water and irrigation becomes
of a globalizing world, the future of agriculture is intrinsically
an ever more important determinant of land productivity, the
tied to better stewardship of natural resources. GFA has
stability of yields and the adaptation to the effects of climate
contributed to empirical evidence that, given the right incen-
change. GFA’s approach to irrigation reflects the principles of
tives, investments and policies, agriculture’s environmental
integrated water resource management as well as participa-
footprint can be lessened in order to protect watersheds and
tory irrigation management.
to safeguard biodiversity.
Today, many exciting opportunities come up to promote rural
and overall development through realizing agriculture’s potential: rapidly expanding domestic and global markets, institutional innovations in markets, finance and collective action, as
well as revolutions in bio- and information technology. GFA has
taken up these challenges and opportunities. The company’s
approach to raise agricultural productivity is based on several
pillars which are briefly highlighted below. Additional information is presented in separate profiles on ‘Rural Development’,
‘Irrigation’ and ‘Land Management’.
Agriculture & Rural Development
GFA at work
Adaptation to Climate Change in the West Bank
Occupied Palestinian Territory, GIZ, 2013 – 2018
Agro-Environment Program Ceja de Selva
Peru, KFW, 2010 – 2015
Given seasonal and regional water scarcities and the socio-
The project intends to contribute to a more sustainable use
economic importance of irrigation farming for the Palestinian
of natural resources by improving the livelihoods of local
people, the project aims at improving farmers’ capacities
communities in the Picota Province, San Martin. This decen-
to adapt water and land resources management to climate
tralization concept for natural resources management comprises regional planning, rehabilitation and titling of lands,
and promoting of sustainable management in agro-forest
and silvo-pastoral projects sustaining a irrigation project
of more than 2000 hectares. The GFA-led consortium is
engaged in annual planning, monitoring and program
adjustment, and the supervision of financial contributions.
Contract value: € 2,200,000
Innovation centers for the agriculture and
food sector in Ethiopia, GIZ, 2015 – 2017
The project, implemented by GFA and IP Consult, is part of
the BMZ special initiative One World No Hunger. It aims at
improving income, employment and food security of smallscale farmers. The geographic focus is on the wheat belt.
Proven innovations are disseminated through extension service institutions, the cooperative system and the private secchange impacts. The project strengthens the capacities of the
tor. The project is structured along inclusive dissemination
MoA to coordinate and raise public awareness and promotes
of innovations, improved services for small-scale farmers
farmer associations to improve water resource management
and institutional support to value chain stakeholders.
and knowledge networks. Institutional development for local
Contract value: € 2,673,620
resource management is facilitated through communal infrastructure investments.
Contract value: € 2,400,000
Innovations for Agriculture Modernization
Uzbekistan, ADB, 2014 – 2016
The project had two intended outputs, i.e. improved financing for agricultural mechanization and crop diversification,
and diversified cropping systems. GFA experts analyzed
financing and institutional arrangements in agricultural
machinery provision, and related best practices. The project prepared financial and institutional mechanisms for
energy-efficient agricultural machinery provision, and for
crop production, processing, and storage. Through field
demonstrations in Bukhara and Tashkent,
the key ele-
ments of the agricultural improvements for value chain
cotton and vegetables have been tested and refined.
Contract value: € 524,000
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Astrid Lindenau
Phone: +49  (40)  60306 -172
E-mail:[email protected]