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Peer reviewed english
Huber, N., Kienast, F., Ginzler, C. & Pasinelli, G. Using remote-sensing data to assess habitat selection of a
declining passerine at two spatial scales. Landscape Ecology: DOI 10.1007/s10980-016-0370-1.
Pasinelli, G., Grendelmeier, A., Gerber, M. & Arlettaz, R. Rodent-avoidance, topography and forest structure
shape territory selection of a forest bird. BMC Ecology 6:24. DOI 10.1186/s12898-016-0078-8
Furrer, R. & Pasinelli, G. Empirical evidence for source-sink populations: a review on occurrence,
assessments and implications. Biological Reviews: DOI: 10.1111/brv.12195.
Grendelmeier, A., Pasinelli, G., Gerber, M. & Arlettaz, R. Reproductive performance of a declining forest
passerine in relation to environmental and social factors: implications for species conservation. PlosOne,
Mollet, P., Kéry, M., Gardner, B., Pasinelli, G. & Royle, J. A. Estimating population size for capercaillie
(Tetrao urogallus L.) with spatial capture-recapture models based on genotypes from one field sample.
PlosOne, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0129020.
Spühler, L., Krüsi, B. & Pasinelli, G. Do Oaks Quercus spp., dead wood and fruiting Common Ivy Hedera
helix affect habitat selection of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius? Bird Study 62: 115119.
Robles, H. & Pasinelli, G. Woodpeckers as model organisms in a changing world. Foreword to the 7th
International Woodpecker Conference Proceedings. Acta Ornithologica 49:203–206.
Mayer, C. & Pasinelli, G. New support for an old hypothesis: density affects extra-pair paternity. Ecology
and Evolution 3: 694–705.
Pasinelli, G., Meichtry-Stier, K., Birrer, S., Baur, B. & Duss, M. Habitat quality and geometry affect patch
occupancy of two orthopteran species. PloS One 8: e65850. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065850
Korner-Nievergelt, F., Jenni, L., Tøttrup, A.P. & Pasinelli, G. Departure directions, migratory timing and nonbreeding distribution of the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio: do ring re-encounters and light-based
geolocator data tell the same story? Ringing & Migration 27: 83-93.
Zahner, V., Sikora, L. & Pasinelli, G. Heart rot as a key factor for cavity tree selection in the black
woodpecker. Forest Ecology and Management 271: 98-103.
Fischer, J., Kéry, M. & Pasinelli, G. Population trends of brown hares in Switzerland: The role of land-use
and ecological compensation areas. Biological Conservation 144: 1364-1373.
Pasinelli, G. et al. Impact of density and environmental factors on population fluctuations in a migratory
passerine. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 225-234.
Rehnus, M., Sorg, J.-P. & Pasinelli, G. Habitat and cavity tree selection by White-winged Woodpeckers
Dendrocopos leucopterus in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan. Acta Ornithologica 46: 83-95.
Gross, K., Pasinelli, G. & Kunc, H.-J. Behavioral plasticity allows short-term adjustment to a novel selection
pressure. American Naturalist 176: 456-464.
Brunner, P. & Pasinelli, G. Variation in singing style use in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus:
influencing factors and possible functions. Journal of Avian Biology 41: 388-397.
Publication list – Gilberto Pasinelli
Mayer, C., Schiegg, K. & Pasinelli, G. Patchy population structure in a short-distance migrant: evidence from
genetic and demographic data. Molecular Ecology 18: 2353-2364.
Pasinelli, G., Mayer, C., Gouskov, A. & Schiegg, K. Small and large wetland fragments are equally suited as
breeding grounds for a ground-nesting migratory passerine. Oecologia 156: 703-714.
Mayer, C., Schiegg, K. & Pasinelli, G. Isolation, characterization and multiplex genotyping of eleven
autosomal and four sex-linked microsatellite loci in the reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus (Passeridae,
Aves). Molecular Ecology Notes 8: 332-334.
Pasinelli, G. Nest site selection in two sympatric woodpecker species (Dendrocopos sp.) and consequences
for conservation. Biodiversity & Conservation 16: 1283-1298.
Pasinelli, G., Müller, M., Schaub, M. & Jenni, L. Possible causes and consequences of philopatry and
breeding dispersal in red-backed shrikes. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 61: 1061-1074.
Schiegg, K., Eger, M. & Pasinelli, G. Factors related to nest predation in reed buntings (Emberiza
schoeniclus): an experimental study. Ibis 149:365-373.
Pasinelli, G. & Schiegg, K. Fragmentation within and between wetland reserves: the importance of spatial
scales for nest predation in reed buntings. Ecography 29: 721-732.
Pasinelli, G. Population biology of European woodpecker species: a review. Annales Zoologici Fennici 43:
Sauter, A., Bowman, R., Schoech, S.J. & Pasinelli, G. Does optimal foraging theory explain why suburban
Florida scrub-jays ( Aphelocoma coerulescens) feed their young human-provided food? Behavioral Ecology
& Sociobiology 60: 465-474.
Schiegg, K., Daniels, S.J., Walters, J.R., Priddy, J.A. & Pasinelli, G. Inbreeding in red-cockaded
woodpeckers: effects of natal dispersal distance and territory location. Biological Conservation 131: 544552.
Müller, M., Pasinelli, G., Schiegg, K., Spaar, R. & Jenni, L. Ecological and social effects on reproduction and
local recruitment in the red-backed shrike. Oecologia 143: 37-50.
Pasinelli, G., Schiegg, K. & Walters, J.R. Genetic and environmental influences on natal dispersal distance in
a resident bird species. American Naturalist 164: 660-669.
Pasinelli, G. Dendrocopos medius Middle Spotted Woodpecker. Birds of the Western Palearctic Update
5(1): 49-99.
Pasinelli, G. & Walters, J.R. Social and environmental factors influence dispersal and philopatry of male redcockaded woodpeckers in their first year of life. Ecology 83: 2229-2239.
Schiegg, K., Pasinelli, G., Walters, J.R. & Daniels, S. J. Inbreeding and experience affect adaptive response to
climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 269: 1153-1159.
Pasinelli, G. Breeding performance of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in relation to
weather and territory quality. Ardea 89: 353-361.
Pasinelli, G., Hegelbach, J. & Reyer, H.-U. Spacing behavior of the middle spotted woodpecker in Central
Europe. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:432-441.
Pasinelli, G., Naef-Daenzer, B., Schmid, H., Keller, V., Holzgang, O., Graf, R. & Zbinden, N. An avifaunal
zonation of Switzerland and its relation to environmental conditions. Global Ecology and Biogeography 10:
Publication list – Gilberto Pasinelli
Pasinelli, G. Oaks (Quercus sp.) and only oaks? Relations between habitat structure and home range size of
the middle spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos medius). Biological Conservation 93: 227-235.
Pasinelli, G. Sexual dimorphism and foraging niche partitioning in the Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos medius. Ibis 142: 635-644.
Pasinelli, G. & Hegelbach, J. Characteristics of trees preferred by foraging Middle Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos medius in northern Switzerland. Ardea 85: 203-209.
Peer reviewed german
Spühler, L., Krüsi, B. & Pasinelli, G. Die Rolle von Eiche, Totholz und Efeubeeren bei der Habitatwahl des
Mittelspechts. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 167: 21-28.
(The role of oak, deadwood and ivy for habitat selection of the middle spotted woodpecker.)
Schaub, M., Müller, M. & Pasinelli, G. Demographie einer Population des Neuntöters (Lanius collurio) bei
Ramosch. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 112: 7-22.
(Demography of a population of the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio at Ramosch.)
Weggler, M., Bühlmann, J., Ayé, R., Müller, M., Müller, W., Schwarzenbach, Y., & Pasinelli, G. Starke
Bestandszunahme des Mittelspechts Dendrocopos medius im Kanton Zürich und Konsequenzen für
Schutzempfehlungen. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 110: 93–112.
(Strong increase of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius population in the canton Zurich and
consequences for conservation measures.)
Bühlmann, J. & Pasinelli, G. Analyse des Bestandsrückgangs beim Mittelspecht Dendrocopos medius von
1978–2002 im Kanton Zürich: Grundlagen für den nachhaltigen Schutz einer gefährdeten Waldvogelart. Der
Ornithologische Beobachter 109: 73-94.
(Analysis of the population decline of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius from 1978–2002
in the canton of Zurich: basic information for the sustained protection of a threatened forest bird species.)
Duss, M., Meichtry-Stier, K.S., Pasinelli, G., Baur B. & Birrer S. Vernetzte Ökoflächen fördern Heuschrecken. Agrarforschung Schweiz 3: 4-11.
(Connected ecological compensation areas promote grasshoppers.)
Pasinelli, G. & Schiegg, K. Die Bedeutung kleiner Feuchtgebiete für den Artenschutz: Synthese einer
Populationsstudie an der Rohrammer Emberiza schoeniclus. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 109: 201-220.
(The role of small wetlands for species persistence: synthesis of a population study on the Common Reed
Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus.)
Bühlmann, J., Eggenberger, H., Müller, M. & Pasinelli, G. Bestandssituation des Mittelspechts Dendrocopos
medius im Kanton Thurgau 2005: Grundlagen für den nachhaltigen Schutz einer gefährdeten Waldvogelart.
Der Ornithologische Beobachter 104: 301-315.
(Population size of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos medius in the canton of Thurgau,
Switzerland, from 1976 to 2005 as a basis for the conservation of a vulnerable forest bird species.)
Ehrengruber, M.U., Pasinelli, G. & Egli, T. Gesangsvariabilität der Rohrammer Emberiza schoeniclus in der
Schweiz. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 103: 87-96.
(Song variability of the Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus within Switzerland.)
Miranda, B., Schiegg, K., Bühlmann, J. & Pasinelli, G. Eichenförderungsmassnahmen im Niderholz (Kanton
Zürich): Auswirkungen auf Bestand und Bruthöhlenstandorte von Mittel- und Buntspecht. Schweizerische
Zeitung für Forstwesen 157: 333-338.
(Management of oak forests in the Niderholz (Canton Zurich) – consequences for population size and nest
locations of the middle and great spotted woodpecker).
Publication list – Gilberto Pasinelli
Bühlmann, J., Müller, W., Pasinelli, G. & Weggler, M. Entwicklung von Bestand und Verbreitung des
Mittelspechts Dendrocopos medius 1978-2002 im Kanton Zürich: Analyse der Veränderungen und
Folgerungen für den Artenschutz. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 100: 343-355.
(Population size and range of the middle spotted woodpecker in the Canton Zurich: an analysis of changes
and implications for species management.)
Schiegg, K. & Pasinelli, G. Naturschutz in den USA: der Kokardenspecht und sein Lebensraum.
(Nature conservation in the US: the red-cockaded woodpecker and its habitat as a case study; review article)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 153: 85-90.
Bachmann, S. & Pasinelli, G. Raumnutzung syntop vorkommender Buntspechte Dendrocopos major und
Mittelspechte D. medius und Bemerkungen zur Konkurrenzsituation. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 99:
(Space use of syntopic Great and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers and remarks to interspecific competition.)
Schmid, H. & Pasinelli, G. Vergleich der Brutvogelgemeinschaften diesseits und jenseits der Schweizer
Grenze. Der Ornithologische Beobachter 99: 187-204.
(Comparison of the breeding bird communities along the Swiss border.)
Miranda, B. & Pasinelli, G. Habitatansprüche des Kleinspechts Dendrocopos minor in ausgewählten Wäldern
der Nordost-Schweiz. Journal für Ornithologie: 142: 295-305.
(Habitat requirements of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in selected forests of northeastern Switzerland.)
Grüebler, M. & Pasinelli, G. Nahrungsökologie von rindenabsuchenden Vogelarten im Winter in einem
Eichen-Hagebuchenwald der Nordostschweiz. Tichodroma 12 (Supp.1): 164-190.
(Feeding ecology of bark-foraging birds in winter in an oak-hornbeam forest of northeastern Switzerland.)
Pasinelli, G., Oberholzer, E. & Bühlmann, J. Ökologische Ausgleichszahlungen im Wald: Das Beispiel
Niderholz im nördlichen Kanton Zürich. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen 149: 822-830.
(Ecological compensation payments in forests: The example Niderholz in northern Canton Zurich.)
Bühlmann, J. & Pasinelli, G. Beeinflussen kleinflächige Waldnutzung und Wetter die Siedlungsdichte des
Mittelspechts Dendrocopos medius? Der Ornithologische Beobachter 93: 267-276.
(Do forest management and weather influence the breeding density of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker?)
Pasinelli, G. Nachweis eines Helfers bei einer Brut des Mittelspechts Dendrocopos medius. Der
Ornithologische Beobachter 90: 303-304.
(Helper at a nest of Middle Spotted Woodpecker)
Book chapters
Mollet, P., Birrer, S. & Pasinelli, G. Forest birds and their habitat requirements. In: Kraus, D. & Krumm, F.
(eds.), Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity, pp. 146-151,
European Forest Institute.
Pasinelli, G., Runge, J. & Schiegg, K. Source-sink status of local populations and their demographic
contributions to a population network: the reed bunting as a case study. In: J.J. Liu, V. Hull, A. Morzillo & J.
Wiens (eds.), Sources, sinks, and sustainability across landscapes, pp. 216-238, Cambridge University Press.
Walters, J.R., Cooper, C., Daniels, S.J., Pasinelli. G. & Schiegg, K. Conservation biology. In: W. Koenig & J.
Dickinson (eds.), Ecology and evolution of cooperative breeding in birds, pp. 197-209, Cambridge University
Pasinelli, G. Buntspecht Dendrocopos major. In: Schmid et al. (eds.), Atlas der Schweizer Brutvögel, Swiss
Ornithological Institute, Sempach.
(species chapter in atlas of Swiss breeding birds on Great Spotted Woodpecker)
Publication list – Gilberto Pasinelli
Pasinelli, G. & Jenni, L. Mittelspecht Dendrocopos medius. In: Schmid et al. (eds.), Atlas der Schweizer
Brutvögel, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach.
(species chapter in atlas of Swiss breeding birds on Middle Spotted Woodpecker)
Jenni, L. & Pasinelli, G. Kleinspecht Dendrocopos minor. In: Schmid et al. (eds.), Atlas der Schweizer
Brutvögel, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach.
(species chapter in atlas of Swiss breeding birds on Lesser Spotted Woodpecker)
Other publications
Pasinelli, G. & Vogel, C. Ei, Ei, Ei. Themenheft aus der Vogelwelt. Schweizerische Vogelwarte, Sempach.
(Popular booklet on bird eggs (32 pages), circulation > 200’000)
Späth, T, Pasinelli, G & Grüneberg, C. Methodische Anleitung zum Monitoring des Mittelspechts.
Fachgruppe Spechte der DO-G & Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten e.V.
(Methodological guideline for the monitoring of the middle spotted woodpecker.)
Pasinelli, G., Weggler, M. & Mulhauser, B. Aktionsplan Mittelspecht. Artenförderung Vögel Schweiz,
BAFU, Bern.
(Species recovery plan of the middle spotted woodpecker, in German)
Pasinelli, G. Bibliographie zum Mittelspecht Picoides medius. Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem
Museum Heineanum 5, Sonderheft: 133-142.
(Bibliography on the middle spotted woodpecker)
Book reviews
Grant, P.R. & Grant, B.R. 40 years of evolution: Darwin’s Finches on Daphne Major Island. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, 2014.
In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 111, 248-250.
Gorman, G. Woodpeckers of the world: the complete guide. Helm, London, 2014.
In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 111, 335-336.
Gorman, G. The Black Woodpecker: A Monograph on Dryocopus martius. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, 2011.
In: Ibis 154, 419-420.
Jaun, A. & Joss, S. Auf der Wiese: Natur erleben – beobachten – verstehen. Haupt-Verlag, Bern, 2011.
In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 108, 262.
Jaun, A. & Joss, S. Im Wald: Natur erleben – beobachten – verstehen. Haupt-Verlag, Bern, 2011.
In: Der Ornithologische Beobachter 108, 262.
Thesis work
Patterns and processes in small populations: dispersal, population biology and conservation practice.
Habilitation thesis. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich.
Relations between habitat structure, space use and breeding success of the middle spotted woodpecker
Dendrocopos medius. Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Zurich.
Brutbiologie und Habitatnutzung des Mittelspechts Dendrocopos medius. MSc thesis, Zoological Museum,
University of Zurich.
Media information
Article on cavity tree selection in the black woodpecker featured on
Film clip in Einstein, SRF1 (science magazine of the Swiss National TV), about “Dead wood and woodpeckers”, 21
January 2010.
Publication list – Gilberto Pasinelli
Live interview on World Radio Switzerland about “Cats create 'landscape of fear' in Swiss gardens”, 19 March 2009.
Short interview on Swiss Radio about Science article on adaptive plasticity in lark buntings (issue 319, Chaine & Lyon
2008), January 2008.
Ecology and behavior of the middle spotted woodpecker. In: Die andere Seite, January 2004.
The project on reed buntings was subject of a popular article in the „Zürichsee Zeitung“ (issue 14 May 2002).
The project about inbreeding depression and climate change resulted in an online report in ScienceNOW („For Birds,
the Heat Is On“. ScienceNOW 22 August 2001, and in the New Scientist (1 June 2002,
p. 19); another report was issued in the National Wildlife magazine (USA).
On spatial requirements of the middle spotted woodpecker. In: Tages-Anzeiger der Stadt Zürich (local newspaper of the
city of Zurich), 23 March 1999