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CityNet Press Release III- July 2004
Water – Environment - People
5th Framework Programme
Environment and Sustainable Development
Key Action: "Sustainable Management and
Quality of Water"
CityNet - The Network of European research projects on integrated urban water management
CityNet Press Release III- July 2004
Water – Environment - People
19th European Junior Scientist Workshop
19th European Junior Scientist Workshop
The 19th European Junior Scientist Workshop (19th EJSW) on
"Process data and integrated urban water modelling" has been
held in Meaux-la-Montagne, France, in the Beaujolais area,
approx. 60 km north of Lyon. It was organised by INSA de Lyon
as one of the CityNet Accompanying Measures (Work Package
2). Accompanied by 3 seniors, 24 junior scientists (i.e. mainly
PhD students) from both the 6 CityNet projects and other
external projects and institutions, all of them coming from 11
countries in Europe and Australia, spent 4 days of intensive
work. As traditionally in junior scientists workshops, individual
presentations were given by each participant on his/her research
project. The main modelling topics were urban water systems,
hydrology, groundwater pollutant transfer. Further topics were
infrastructure assessment and rehabilitation, performance
indicators for technical and natural urban water systems,
monitoring - data acquisition and validation, model calibration.
Group sessions on the "ideal integrated model" were very
intense and the results have been presented by 4 juniors at the
CityNet senior workshop, on Monday 15 March 2004 in Ghent,
Belgium. Reports on the group works and all presented papers
are available on the CityNet web site
(under "Conferences").
CityNet Management seminar for end-users in
Ghent, Belgium -16-17/03/2004
The seminar was opened by Andrea Tilche, the head of the unit
'Water Cycle' at the Research Directorate Environment (European
The first seminar day was mainly dedicated to the CityNet
projects. Each of the six CityNet projects was introduced by their
respective project co-ordinators. End-users of each project
presented their experience from applying the research results.
Six discussion sessions were held on the following topics: Risk
perception, source control in USWM, systems analysis, modelling,
ecological impact assessment, socio-economy.
The 100+ participants (50/50 between CityNet partners and
externals) were very satisfied with the seminar. More than half of
the participants were end-users, a great part not even involved
in CityNet projects. Besides a considerable local attendance,
most delegates came from the north-western European
The participants found the seminar being a good platform for
networking activities and a high level of information transfer for
direct use. The organisators, TU Dresden (CD4WC) and Aquafin,
were quite satisfied with the outcome of the workshop.
CityNet - The Network of European research projects on integrated urban water management
CityNet Press Release III- July 2004
Water – Environment - People
End of Care-W
CARE-W Project ended 31/01/2004
The CARE-W project has produced a methodological system
and a software toolbox for decision-support for water network
rehabilitation. The software consists of a performance indicator
tool for surveying and monitoring the general condition of the
water network, a system for long term strategic planning of
upgrading water assets and a system for selecting and ranking
rehabilitation projects. This is supported by tools to predict
future failures and to estimate the water supply service
reliability. All tools are linked in the ‘CARE-W manager’, where
information flow from various data sources are processed in
computing tools, which produce an output presentation file.
CARE-W has been extensively tested by 13 European endusers, and these tests have provided very valuable information
and were used to correct bugs and to increase the relevance of
the system for practical needs. It is now being commercialised
and other cities and utilities are welcome to utilise CARE-W.
Contact: [email protected]
towards FP6
CityNet takes initiative for FP6 proposal
On 16 June the 3rd call of the 6th Framework Program has
been made public. Among others, the European Commission
calls for an Integrated Project (IP) on Integrated Urban Water
Management (UWM). Focus is on UWM challenges in
metropolitan areas in Europe and mega-cities in developing
The CityNet Project Steering Committee has taken an initiative
in elaborating a proposal for such an IP. After an initial scoping
meeting in Ghent in March 2004 all CityNet partners and
supporters have been invited for discussion. The objective is to
make the best possible proposal backed by the most
competent consortium. The working title of the project is
“Water for Billions”.
The preliminary discussions resulted in a list of work areas that
are likely to be covered in such a project. These are:
Appropriate UWM service levels need to be defined and
guidelines for stakeholder empowerment developed.
Alternatives for urban water systems need to be described
including planning approaches and design solutions
Data needs to be collected, turned into useful information,
made available to different stakeholders and managed
such that appropriate and transparent UWM decisions can
be taken (“software”).
Institutions need to be built and policies developed that
promote good governance and best practise for UWM.
CityNet - The Network of European research projects on integrated urban water management
CityNet Press Release III- July 2004
Water – Environment - People
Implemented solutions need to be assessed in terms of
their general applicability and disseminated.
Risk analysis and scenario building are, among others,
scientific techniques to be applied in the project.
Organisations and individuals interested to contribute to this
endeavour, are invited to register on the CityNet website
including a brief description on their contribution to the
proposed project, and/or send it to the CityNet Project
Manager: Prof. Sveinung Sægrov ([email protected]).
towards FP7
CityNet invited to participate in discussion
towards FP7
CityNet, representing some 50 R&D institutions and some 70
end-users, has been invited by the European Commission to
participate in the discussions that ultimately will lead to the
definition of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and
Development. CityNet participated in stakeholder meetings
organised by the Commission of which the last one was held on
13 July in Brussels.
Contact: Prof. Wolfgang Schilling ([email protected];
[email protected])
Contact CityNet Cluster Co-ordinator:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Contact Press Release:
[email protected]
CityNet - The Network of European research projects on integrated urban water management