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Question # 1 Which cell is NOT the same type as the others?
A) erythrocytes
B) neutrophils
C) lymphocytes
D) eosinophils
E) monocytes
Question # 2 All but which of the following can occur in the blood?
A) digestion of nutrients
B) combining of oxygen with hemoglobin
C) transport of phagocytic cells
D) stabilization of pH
E) equalization of internal temperatures
Question # 3 All but which of the following can occur in the blood?
A) digestion of nutrients
B) combining of oxygen with hemoglobin
C) transport of phagocytic cells
D) stabilization of pH
E) equalization of internal temperatures
Question # 4 Megakaryocytes fragment to produce
A) red blood cells.
B) lymphocytes.
C) platelets.
D) eosinophils.
E) neutrophils.
Question # 5 Which cell is the most abundant in the human body?
A) lymphocytes
B) basophils
C) erythrocytes
D) neutrophils
E) platelets
Question # 6 Which cell produces the fibrin used in blood clots?
A) lymphocytes
B) basophils
C) erythrocytes
D) neutrophils
E) platelets
Question # 7 The plasma protein associated with immunity is
A) alpha globulin.
B) beta globulin.
C) gamma globulin.
D) albumin.
E) fibrinogen.
Question # 8 The most common plasma protein is
A) albumin.
B) fibrin.
C) fibrinogen.
D) gamma globulin.
E) hemoglobin.
Question # 9 If a test tube of whole blood is subjected to centrifugation, the cells will be packed in the bottom of the
tube and the fluid above it will be designated
A) water.
B) serum.
C) lymph.
D) interstitial fluid.
E) plasma.
Question # 10 What percent of the total blood volume is plasma?
A) 15 to 25
B) 33 to 40
C) 50 to 60
D) 66 to 75
E) about 80
Question # 11 About how many quarts of blood does a normal, 150 pound, human adult have?
A) 1-2
B) 3-4
C) 4-5
D) 5-6
E) 6-7
Question # 12 Which cell is NOT involved with the defense response?
A) erythrocytes
B) neutrophils
C) lymphocytes
D) eosinophils
E) monocytes
Part 2:
Question # 1 Most of the oxygen in the blood is transported by
A) plasma.
B) serum.
C) platelets.
D) hemoglobin.
E) leukocytes.
Question # 2 Blood rich in oxygen is what color?
A) yellow
B) pink
C) bright red
D) blue
E) purple
Question # 3 All of the following would promote the unloading of oxygen at needy tissues EXCEPT
A) high metabolism.
B) abundant oxygen supply.
C) higher temperatures.
D) lower pH.
E) small diameter blood vessels.
Question # 4 In adult humans, red blood cells originate in the
A) liver.
B) spleen.
C) kidneys.
D) bone marrow
E) thymus gland.
Question # 5 In humans, which cell does NOT have a nucleus when mature?
A) erythrocytes
B) lymphocytes
C) neutrophils
D) eosinophils
E) monocytes
Part 3:
Question # 1 How long does the average red blood cell live?
A) 4 days
B) 4 weeks
C) 4 months
D) 1 year
E) 4 years
Question # 2 Stem cells
A) retain the ability to divide and give rise to groups of cells.
B) are phagocytic.
C) are the most common type of blood cells.
D) transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.
E) are more numerous in women than in men.
Question # 3 Erythropoietin
A) is the most common blood protein.
B) is secreted by the kidney.
C) stimulates the red bone marrow to generate red blood cells.
D) is an enzyme that functions in blood clotting.
E) increases the ability of plasma to transport carbon dioxide.
Question # 4 When the oxygen level in the tissues is low, which of the following secretes enzymes that trigger the
production of erythropoietin, causing an increase in red blood cell production?
A) lungs
B) kidneys
C) liver
D) spleen
E) pancreas
Question # 5 When red blood cells are destroyed, which one of the following is NOT recycled by the body?
A) iron
B) amino acids
C) sheme
D) a and b
E) a and c
Question # 6 Which of the following is NOT a hereditary anemia?
A) iron-deficiency anemia
B) pernicious anemia
C) sickle-cell anemia
D) thalassemia
Part 4:
Question # 1 If you are blood type A,
A) you carry antibodies for type B blood
B) you carry markers for type B blood.
C) you can donate blood to a person with type O blood.
D) you can receive blood from a person with type AB blood
E) none of the above
Question # 2 Which blood type is the universal recipient?
A) A
B) B+
C) AB+
E) O
Question # 3 Which blood type is the universal donor?
A) A+
B) B
C) AB+
E) O
Question # 4 Type A blood will NOT agglutinate when mixed with
A) type B blood.
B) type A blood.
C) type AB blood.
D) type O blood.
E) both A and AB, but will clump with types B and O.
Question # 5 In the Rh disease,
A) the mother must be positive and her first and second children positive
B) the mother must be negative and her first and second children positive.
C) the mother must be negative and her first and second children negative.
D) the mother must be positive and her first and second children negative.
E) the mother and the father must both be negative and the child positive.
Part 5:
Question # 1 Which of the following systems is the only one to have direct interactions with the other three?
A) digestive
B) urinary
C) circulatory
D) respiratory
Question # 2 Blood in arteries
A) always travels away from the heart.
B) travels away from the heart only if it is oxygen-rich.
C) always travels toward the heart.
D) travels from the lungs.
E) is always oxygen-rich.
Question # 3 Blood moves most slowly through
A) arteries.
B) capillaries.
C) venules.
D) veins.
E) arterioles.