Download Microarray (GeoChip) Based-Characterization of Microbial

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Microarray (GeoChip) Based-Characterization of Microbial Community Functional Structure
in Gotjawal Soils, Jeju Island.
(제주 곶자왈 토양미생물의 기능적 구조 분석을 위한 마이크로어레이 (GeoChip)의 활용
Jong-Shik Kim*, Dae-Shin Kim1 and Suk-Hyung Ko1
(김종식, 김대신, 고석형)
Gyeongbuk Institute for Marine Bioindustry (경북해양바이오산업연구원) Uljin, Gyeongbuk, 787813, Korea
Research Institute for Hallasan (한라산연구소), Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Jeju, 690-817,
The world-unique forests being 6 percent around Jeju are classified as a lava-based forest,
called Gotjawal (a language dialect of Jeju) and the lava forests have been gradually disappearing
during the last several decades, with approximately one half having been destroyed because of
unregulated construction and urban sites. The forests are important for recharging the only source
of water for the half-million population of Jeju Island and also for nursing its unique flora and
fauna, including some endangered species and other species endemic to the island. The
accomplishments of the research can cause significant shifts in the forest environment, for the
future, and there is a good chance to assess the microbial diversity of the forests to obtain better
information. In addition, the remaining forest can be used as a model forest to understand
biogeochemical cycling with respect to predicted global climate change. Until recently measures
of ecosystem biological diversity have centered on plants, animals and insect species with little
attention given to microorganisms.
Here we report the first survey of microbial community functional structure in Gotjawal
soils, Jeju Island and the overall goal of this project is to interpret microbial community functional
structure that may play important roles in soil of Gotjawal forest. The investigation presented
described the relationships between soil chemical analyses and functional gene microarrays (FGA).
Twenty soils from Gotjawal forests were sampled in November 2010 at the four large
regions across the island: Hankyung-Andeok Gotjawal Terrain in the west, Aewol Gotjawal Terrain
in northwest, Jocheon-Hamduck Gotjawal Terrain in northeast and Gujwa-Seongsan Gotjawal
Terrain in the east. The results showed that the diversity index had from 9.59 to 9.85 of Shannon
index(H) and reclassified into three clusters with remaining Hankyung-Andeok, Aewol and GujwaSeongsan Gotjawal Terrains. Gyorae Gotjawal from Jocheon-Hamduck Gotjawal Terrain regrouped
into Aewol Gotjawal Terrain and Dongbaekdongsan Gotjawal from the Gotjawal reclustered into
Gujwa-Seongsan Gotjawal using Hierarchical clustering of GeoChip microarray, moreover we will
present the results of microbial community structure, canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and
principal component analysis (PCA) between soil chemical characteristics and FGA.
Keywords: Gotjawal soils, GeoChip microarray, soil functions,
Correspondence : 010-2066-1942 ([email protected])