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Romain Jolivet
Laboratoire de Géologie
École Normale Supérieure
24 rue Lhomond
75231 Paris CEDEX 5
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Homepage :
+33 1 44 32 22 11
[email protected]
[email protected]∼jolivet
Born in Dourdan (91), France, 09/20/1986.
Education and Work Experiences :
2015: Maitre de Conférences – Assistant Professor
2014-2015 : Marie Curie Experienced Researcher, Université de Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.
2011-2014 : Post-doc at Seismological Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA.
2008-2011 : PhD program, ISTerre, Université de Grenoble, Grenoble, with honors.
2006-2008 : Master Géosciences, École Normale Supérieure de Paris and Institut de Physique du Globe
de Paris, with honors.
— 2005-2006 : License Géosciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, with honors.
— 2003-2005 : Preparation for Grandes Ecoles at Lycée Saint Louis, Paris. Selective exams : École Normale
Supérieure de Paris (Rank : 13/900), École de Géologie de Nancy (Rank : 1/900), Institut National
d’Agronomie de Paris (Rank : 30/1500).
Research :
Key Words : Active faults, Earthquake cycle, Interseismic deformations, InSAR, GPS.
— Post-doc : University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni : Exploration of the influence of rheological proprettes of active faults on surface deformations from numerical modeling of the earthquake
cycle and geodetic observations.
Principal advisor : Alex Copley.
— Post-doc : California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA. Bayesian study of interseismic deformation across the San Andreas Fault using InSAR and GPS data. Bayesian study of coupling distri- bution
along the northern Chile subduction megathrust. Study of the 2013 Mw 7.7 Balochistan earthquake.
Development of the GIAnT and PyAPS softwares for improving the processing of large InSAR datasets.
Principal advisor : Mark Simons.
— PhD : ISTerre, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble.
Advisor : Cécile Lasserre.
— 2008 : Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. GPS data analysis, Coquimbo area, Chile. Exploration of the
spatial variations of the megathrust coupling in central Chile.
Advisor : Christophe Vigny.
— 2007 : Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley. GPS campaign and ex- ploration of elastic properties of the crust using interseismic deformation measurements in the northern
San Francisco Bay area, California.
Advisor : Roland Bürgmann.
Fundings : Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkeley.
— 2006 : Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. Modeling of interseismic deformations across the Altyn Tagh
fault using InSAR data.
Advisor : Rodolphe Cattin.
Romain Jolivet
Curriculum Vitae
2015 and onwards : SeismoTectonics, Remote Sensing
2013 : 1h30 lecture on the effect of atmospheric perturbations in InSAR at Caltech, graduate level.
2009 - 2011 : Teaching assistant, ISTerre, Université de Grenoble (64 hrs/an)
— Field trip in Villefranche-sur-mer "Campagne sismique en mer", Master level.
— Geodesy, Undergraduate level.
— Introduction to geosciences, Undergraduate level.
— Remote sensing, Master level.
— Radar interferometry, Master level.
2008 : Weekly oral exams (khôles) at Lycée Saint Louis, Paris.
Awards and Fellowshipds
Marie Curie Fellowship from the Initial Training Network iTECC (Research Executive Agency), 2014.
Tectonic Observatory Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2011.
Outstanding Student Paper Award, ESA Dragon 2 Symposium in Guilin, China, 2010.
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research Fellowship, 2009-2012.
École Normale Supérieure de Paris Fellow, 2005-2009.
Scientific Community
Reviewer for Geophysical Research Letters, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth
and Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Geodesy, Tectonophysics, Geophysical Remote Sensing Letters, G3 .
Reviewer for funding agencies : European Research Council (Europe), National Science Fondation (USA).
International conference chair and convener : American Geophysical Union.
Active collaborations :
A. Copley, (Cambridge, United Kingdom), J. Jackson (Cambridge, United Kingdom), M. Simons (Caltech,
USA), Z. Duputel (Univ. Strasbourg, France), J.-P. Avouac (Cambridge, Royaume-Uni), G. Peltzer (UCLA/JPL,
USA), C. Lasserre (ISTerre, France), M.-P. Doin (ISTerre, France), R. Grandin (IPGP, France), Y. Klinger (IPGP,
France), F. Renard (ISTerre, France), T. Candela (Baker Hughes, Brésil), P. Agram (JPL, USA), S. Barbot (NTU,
Singapour), J. Sun (CEA, Chine).
Students :
Ollie Stephenson : Cambridge. Summer intern at CalTech, été 2013 et 2014.
Baptiste Rousset : PhD student under supervision of C. Lasserre. Visit at CalTech, 2014.
Simon Daout : PhD student under supervision of C. Lasserre.
Code development :
Efidir project member.
Active member of the development of the InSAR NSBAS processing chain.
Python-Based Atmospheric Phase Screen software developper.
Active member of the GIAnT project (Generic Interferometric Analysis Toolbox, with P. Agram, JPL, NASA).
Active member of the AlTar project (Bayesian sampler for large inverse problems, PI : M. Simons, CalTech).
Active member and author of CSI (Classic Slip Inversion) : Python tools for active fault slip inversions.
Lab Life :
Organizer of the Tribulations Savantes 2011 (Outreach event).
Organizer of the "Hors les murs" grad school meeting of ISTerre 2010.
In charge of the Tectonic Observatory seminar, California Institute of Technology 2012-2013.
Romain Jolivet
Curriculum Vitae
Cecile Lasserre
Chargée de Recherche au CNRS
ISTerre, Université de Grenoble
Email : [email protected]
Tel. : +33 4 76 63 52 07
Alex Copley
Bullard Labs, University of Cambridge
Email : [email protected]
Tel. : +44 (0)1223 748937
Gilles Peltzer
University of California, Los Angeles
& Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
Email : [email protected]
Tel. : +1 310 206 2156
Mark Simons
California Institute of Technology
& Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA
Email : [email protected]
Tel. : +1 626 395 6984
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