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Renaissance – Uffizi Gallery
Uffizi Gallery
• The Uffizi Gallery is one
of the oldest and most
famous art museums of
the Western world.
• It's housed in the
Palazzo degli Uffizi, a
palazzo (palace) in
Florence, Italy.
Uffizi Gallery
• Building of the palace
was begun by Giorgio
Vasari in 1560 for
Cosimo I de' Medici as
the offices for the
Florentine magistrates
— hence the name
"uffizi" ("offices").
• Construction was
continued and ended in
Palazzo Vecchio connects to the
• The offices quickly turned
into the private art gallery
for the Medici family.
• It housed famous work by
Michelangelo, Botticelli,
Raphael, Titian, da Vinci,
• A private walkway was
connected from the Palazzo
Vecchio (Medici’s Palace) to
the Uffizi.
Objective – to identify artists and
their works through a gallery crawl
• Working with a partner,
venture on your gallery
crawl through the Uffizi.
• Answer the questions
from your handout by
investigating each
numbered center.
• After each section,
check your answers
with Ms. Gregory
before moving on.
• Before you move on
your own, I am going to
share with you a very
interesting story about
one of the most famous
Renaissance artists –
• Michelangelo di Lodovico
Buonarroti Simoni
• March 6, 1475 – February
18, 1564; in Caprese near
Arezzo, Tuscany.
• Painter, sculptor, architect,
poet, engineer.
• David, Sistine Chapel, Last
Judgement, St, Paul’s
First Love – Sculptor – David (David and Goliath), La Pieta (Jesus
and mother), Moses (from Bible as Neptune, God of the Sea).
Architect – St. Peter’s Basilica – in the Vatican City, in Rome; named for Peter,
a disciple from the New Testament, he was the first pope.
Reluctant Painter – Sistine Chapel –
Named after Pope Sixtus IV
The Vault, or Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel – shows scenes from the book of
Genesis (creation of the heaven and stars, Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden)
1508-1512 AD
• Pope Julius II asked
Michelangelo to paint
the vault, or ceiling, of
the Sistine Chapel.
• Michelangelo initially
refused, however,
agreed after being given
artistic freedom.
• 1508 – 1512 AD.
• Used scafalds.
The Last Judgement, 1535-1541
Pope Paul III asked Michelangelo to paint
the altar wall.
The Last Judgement depicts the second
coming of Christ.
This painting was a bitter dispute between
Michelangelo and Cardinal Carafa over the
nudity of the characters.
The Pope’s own Master of Ceremonies,
Biagioda Cesena, stated, “"it was mostly
disgraceful that in so holy a place there
should have been depicted all those nude
figures, exposing themselves so
shamefully, and that it was no place for a
pope’s chapel but rather for the public
bathrooms and bars!”
People say Michelangelo had such a difficult time painting the
Last Judgment that he painted himself as St. John the Baptist.
You know what they say about
• The bottom right corner of the
painting shows Minos, the Greek
judge of the Underworld, leading
sinners to Hell.
• Michelangelo painted Biagioda
Cesena as the first sinner going
into Hell!!!
• He is depicted with donkey ears
while his nudity is covered by a
coiled snake.
• It is said that when Cesena
complained to the Pope, Pope
Paul III responded that his job
title did not extend to hell, so the
portrait would have to remain.
• Now,… you are going to begin your Uffizi
Gallery Crawl!
• You and your partner need to report to the
first center on your paper.
• Read everything carefully.
• Report to me before you move onto the next
Art Review
Write an Art review
Review the information from the Uffizi gallery Crawl. Use it as a bases for
an analysis of the “work”. Assume the role as a reviewer for an art
magazine. Write a review on how the ideas of the Renaissance are
represented in one or more of the subjects.
In an article for a Arts & Entertainment Magazine – you need an
introduction, body, and a conclusion.- at least 5 paragraphs
• 1. Choose three “works” to focus on – either one
item from three subjects, or three items from one
– Example = 3 paintings; or one sculpture, one
invention, and one painting
• 2. Complete SOAPStone for each item (3 total).
• 3. Begin your art review.
– Include your thesis statement = How do the items
you have chosen show the rebirth of Greek and
Roman ideas?
• Paragraph 1 – Introduction – The main idea you wish to convey, include
the thesis statement – How did the items you choose show the rebirth of
Greek and Roman ideas?
The Renaissance was the “rebirth” of Greek and Roman achievements. Beginning in the
14th century on the Italian Peninsula people began to focus on humanistic ideas. Much
of the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans was found in numerous works. By
looking at the architecture of the Renaissance, one can see the use of ancient
architectural elements such as arches, columns, domes, details, and sculptures.
Paragraph 2 – Example 1 = Body, include SOAPStone
Paragraph 3 – Example 2 = Body, include SOAPStone
Paragraph 4 – Example 3 = Body, include SOAPStone
Paragraph 5 – Conclusion – Wrap up, restate the main idea