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Object-Relational Database
Evolution Beats Revolution
Michael J. Carey
IBM Almaden Research Center
Plan for the Talk
The relational DBMS revolution
 Relational model and query language
 Why relational succeeded
 Why relational isn't enough, and some options
The object-oriented DBMS revolution
 Object-oriented model(s) and query language(s)
 Why object-oriented "failed"
 Why wrappers will fail as well
The object-relational DBMS evolution
 The object-relational model and query language
 Current products and examples
 Performance and other challenges
The Relational DBMS Revolution
The pre-relational era (1970's)
 Graph-based data models
Hierarchical model (e.g., IMS)
 Network model (e.g., Codasyl)
Low-level, navigational interfaces
Labor-intensive and error-prone
The relational era (1980's)
 Simple, abstract data model
Database = set of relations ("tables")
 3 schema levels: views, base tables, physical schema
 Algebra of set-oriented operations
High-level, declarative interfaces
SQL, Quel, QBE
 Embedded languages, 4GLs
The Relational Model (by example)
Employees and departments
select, E.salary,
from Employee E, Department D
where E.salary < 100000
and = 'Shoe'
and E.dept = D.dno
Relational DBMS "Goodies"
Relational query processing
 Queries range over tables and/or views
 Programmers use a declarative language (SQL)
 Query optimizer picks the lowest-cost query plan
Alternative access paths, join orders, join methods, and so
on (based on indices and database characteristics)
Result: data independence
Support for (shared) business logic
 Integrity constraints
Check constraints, referential integrity constraints
Triggers, stored procedures, views, authorization
Performance and robustness
 Buffering, locking, crash recovery, replication, ...
We've Achieved Nirvana ... Right?
Relations are surely the answer!
 Simple, high-level model for programmers
 Easy to distribute data and parallelize queries
But what was the question?
 Sometimes difficult to model "real world" data
Entities and relationships (versus tables)
 Variance among entities (versus homogeneity)
 Set-valued attributes (versus normalization)
Demanding new database applications
 New applications bring new data types
 Complex objects are problematic
"A relational database is like a garage which
forces you to take your car apart and store
the pieces in little drawers..."
What are the Options?
Throw in the towel
 OOPL + your favorite file system
Object-oriented DBMS
 Tightly integrated: OOPL w/built-in DBMS
Object-oriented client wrapper
 Loosely integrated: OOPL + relational DBMS
Object-relational DBMS
 Newly integrated: Relational model + OO features
Which solution is the "right" one...?
Let's Examine the Problem Space
Stonebraker's 4-quadrant model
The Object-Oriented DBMS Revolution
Motivated by new database applications, e.g.:
 Computer-aided engineering
 Document management
 Geographic data management
Engineering applications were early drivers
 Complex data structures ("pointer spaghetti")
 Navigational data access required
 Tight coupling between applications and data
 Version management support needed
Approach: OOPL + DBMS = OO-DBMS
 Commonly based on C++ or Smalltalk
 Persistence, collections, versions, queries, ...
No OO "Ted Codd" Stepped Forward
Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto
 Mandatory features
Complex objects, identity, encapsulation
 Inheritance w/substitutability and late binding
 Computationally complete methods
 Extensible type system, persistence
 Secondary storage, concurrency and recovery
 Ad hoc queries
Optional features
Multiple inheritance, static type checking
 Distribution, long transactions, versions
Individual choices
Programming paradigm/language
 Details and uniformity of object model
OO-DBMS Technology Today
Lots of research results
 Object data models and features
 OO query languages and processing techniques
 Client-server architectures and performance
Significant commercial progress
 Important and innovative systems
E.g., O2, ObjectStore, ODE
Quite a few commercial product offerings
GemStone, Objectivity, ObjectStore, Ontos, O2, Matisse,
Poet, Versant, others
The ODMG-93 standard (release 2.0)
 Consortium of OO-DBMS startups
 Three key parts: ODL, OQL, C++ binding
But the Revolution "Failed" ($0B)
Lingering OO-DBMS differences
 Query power, API details, implementation twists
 Piecewise ODMG standard conformance (ex: OQL!)
Still behind R-DBMSs in important ways
 Codasyl-like schema compilation cycle
 Schema evolution painful, if supported
 Typically missing many useful "goodies"
Support for multiple application languages
 Query optimization, views, authorization, constraints, triggers,
multi-user scalability and robustness, ...
Other factors (niche market)
 SQL-based application building tools
 Architecturally biased towards "fat clients"
OO Client Wrappers are the Answer...
Available from a number of vendors
 Persistence Software, Ontologic, HP, Next, ...
Language-specific relational wrappers
 Proxy classes for C++ or Smalltalk (or Java)
 Mapping of row data into language objects
 Client-side (or middle-tier) object caching and
method execution
Why is this approach attractive?
 Can develop OO applications today, against
existing enterprise data, for "business objects"
Paradigm mismatch for querying
 C++ or Smalltalk for simple business logic
and navigation, against object-oriented
 SQL for queries, against relational schema
Choice forced for business logic & rules
 Do on server, using DBMS facilities?
Check constraints, referential integrity constraints,
triggers, stored procedures, authorization
Do on client, using OO wrapper facilities?
C++ or Smalltalk (or Java) programming
This had better be a stop-gap solution
 R-DBMS could become a storage manager,
throwing away 20+ years of successful R&D!
The Object-Relational DBMS Evolution
 Third Generation Database System Manifesto
 Support rich object structures and rules
Rich type system, inheritance, encapsulation
 Functions, optional unique ids, rules/trigggers
Subsume second generation database systems
High-level query-oriented interface
 Stored and virtual collections
 Updatable views
 Data model/performance feature separation
Open to other subsystems (tools, middleware)
Accessible from multiple languages
 Layered persistence-oriented language bindings
 SQL support ("intergalactic dataspeak")
 Query-shipping architecture
"Not Your Father's Employee Type"
Beyond name, rank, and serial number
 Several new attribute types
Location (2-d point), job description (text), photo (image), ...
Associated functions
Distance(point, point), contains(text, string), ...
Beyond your basic employee record
 Employees come in different flavors
Employees have many known relationships
Emp, RSM, Programmer, Manager, Temp, ...
Manager, department, projects, ...
Employees have behavior
Age(Emp), qualified(Emp, Job), hire(Emp), ...
An Employee is a "business object"
Two Flavors of O-R Object Extensions
Object extension #1: Abstract data types (ADTs)
 New column types and functions
E.g.,text, image, audio, video, time series, point, line, OLE...
 For modeling new kinds of facts about enterprise entities
Object extension #2: Row types
 Types and functions for rows of tables
Includes inheritance, references, set-valued attributes
 For modeling business objects with relationships & behavior
Impact on schemas and query language: SQL3
 Schemas: tables at the top, OO richness within
 Queries: extensions to support the added richness
 Structured types: support both ADT and row type
object modeling needs (unified type system)
ADTs (Black Box)
To define and use a "black box ADT", a user will
 Implement its internal structure and functions in an
external programming language (e.g., C/C++, Java)
 Use the DDL to register the type with the DBMS
Size of an instance of the type
 Input (constructor) and output functions
 Other functions and operators, including signatures and
linkable implementations
 Costs and other properties for query optimizer
Use the new type like a built-in data type
Now available for defining columns of tables
 Functions and operators become available in queries
Example: Illustra Black Box ADT
Point as a "black box ADT" (written in C)
create type Point
internallength = 16;
input = point_in;
output = point_out;
-- typedef struct {double x, double y} point
-- for reading in Point constants
-- for displaying Point results
create function point_in(Text) returns Point as
external name 'MI_HOME/functions/'
language C;
create function point_out(Point) returns Text as
external name 'MI_HOME/functions/'
language C;
Example: Illustra Black Box ADT (cont.)
Now we can put an end to "Pointless" queries...!
create function further_west(Point, Point) returns Boolean as
external name 'MI_HOME/functions/'
language C;
select, E1.location
from Emp E1, Emp E2
where further_west(E1.location, E2.location) and = 'Mike';
create binary operator binding to further_west;
select, E1.location
from Emp E1, Emp E2
where E1.location >> E2.location and = 'Mike';
ADTs (White Box)
To define and use a "white box ADT", a user will
 Describe its internal structure using SQL3 DDL
Attribute definitions are column-like
 Advantages: heterogeneity, nulls, nesting, constraints, ...
Implement its functions either directly in SQL or in
his/her favorite external programming language
Finish explaining the type to the DBMS using DDL
For query optimizer, as before
Use the new type like a built-in data type
Utilize system-generated accessors and mutators
In tables and queries, as before
Note: this is just a SQL3 structured type definition that's
primarily intended for use in columns
Example: DB2 UDB/OSF White Box ADT
Point as a "white box ADT" (written in SQL3)
create type Point as
x double,
y double,
create function distance(p1 Point, p2 Point) returns Point
language SQL inline not variant
return sqrt((p2..y-p1..y)*(p2..y-p1..y) + (p2..x-p1..x)*(p2..x-p1..x));
from Emp E, City C
where = 'San Jose'
and distance(E.location, < 25;
Of Extenders, Blades, and Cartridges
High performance demands "deep" integration
 Optimizer must know about an ADT operator's...
Execution cost (especially for expensive functions)
 Logical properties (e.g., transitivity, negator, ...)
 Selectivity estimates (i.e., filtering/matching power)
 Relationship to access methods (both old and new)
DBMS runtime must invoke functions efficiently
Static vs. dynamic loading, fenced vs. unfenced execution
Partnerships and third-party packages
 E.g., DB2's text, image, and spatial extenders
 Package contains types, functions, access methods,
optimizer information, and SQL DDL statements for
all of the above
Row Types
To define and use a "row type", a user will
 Create the desired structured type using SQL3 DDL
Create functions/methods involving the type
Columns, plus (optional) specification of a supertype
Arguments of the new type, w/overloading in the case of methods
Create one or more tables of the indicated type
Type hierarchy (if any) yields corresponding table hierarchies
Type Hierarchy
Table Hierarchy
Example: SQL3 Row Types (plus Sets...)
Employees are people, so ...
create type Person_t as(
name Varchar(20),
birthdate Date)
method age( ) returns Integer language SQL;
create method age( ) for Person_t
return year(current date) - year(birthdate);
create table IBM_People of Person_t (ref is self);
(**Note: this is approximate SQL3 syntax)
create type Emp_t
under Person_t as (
salary Float,
job_description Varchar(100),
department ref(Dept),
projects set(ref(Project)
create table IBM_Emps of Emp_t
under IBM_People (...);
Queries Over Row Types
SQL's query constructs, extended with the ability to
access these features (a la SQL3 plus sets)
User-defined functions in queries (w/late method binding)
 Dereferencing of references (path expressions)
 Queries over nested collections (table expressions)
For example, find unexplainable discrepencies
between employees' and managers' salaries:
select, E.manager->name, display(
from IBM_Emps E
where E.salary > E.department->manager->salary
and E.department->manager->age( ) > E.self->age( )
and not contains(E.job_description, "Java")
Other OR-Related Features
Support for large objects
 Multimedia data types aren't small (e.g., video)
 Special handling required for efficiency
Minimal copying, piecewise retrieval, optional logging, movement to/from
files, separate storage area from other attributes
DB2 has blob, clob, and dbclob types (up to 2GB)
Support for active data (triggers and constraints)
 Ex:
create trigger me_too
after insert on IBM_Emps
referencing new as newemp
foreach row mode db2sql
when salary > department->manager->salary
begin atomic
set newemp.department->manager->salary
= newemp.salary;
OR-DBMS Technology Status
Many OR-DBMS research results
 Postgres, EXODUS, Starburst, ...
 OODB query processing research
Commercial systems exist today
 IBM DB2 CS (V2.1) and CA-Ingres
Illustra, UniSQL/X
User-defined types & functions, large objects, triggers
Early providers of ADTs, row objects, inheritance
IBM DB2 UDB, Informix, Oracle
"Universal server" products contain subsets of all this stuff
Standards right around the corner
 SQL3 is "hardening" and has an object part with
structured types, table hierachies, user-defined
functions and methods, object views, ....
Some OR-DBMS Performance Issues
Bucky OR-DBMS benchmark from UW-Madison
 Based on a hypothetical university schema
 Exercised a range of OR-DBMS features
Row types, inheritance, late binding, subtables
 Queries involving path expressions and/or sets
 ADTs (black or white box) and functions
In Proc. 1997 ACM SIGMOD Conference
Tested a first-generation OR-DBMS product
 OR versus relational simulation, same DB engine
Showed benefits of (complex) ADTs, indexes on functions
 Indicated areas where query optimization needs schema
support: scope for path expressions, inverse relationships
 Turned up bugs and performance problems (e.g., sets)
OR Enterprise Scenerio (w/Challenges)
Object-relational server managing the database
 ADTs w/inheritance and multi-language support
 Row types, integrated with all of SQL (OO views,
authorization, triggers, constraints, etc.)
High-function, OO, caching front-ends
 Support for desktop and middle-tier (web!) applications
 OR object model at all levels, for queries and navigation
 Clean bindings for OOPLs (Java, C++, Smalltalk)
 Methods/queries running on client or server
 Likewise for triggers and constraints
Business rules specified & implemented once!
 In SQL (+ OOPL), running where appropriate
Multi-Tier Integration Challenges
Good mappings and interfaces to provide
object-relational objects to OOPLs
Java, C++, Smalltalk, others
 Full query support in addition to navigation
Challenges in querying and caching
 Intelligent querying over cache + database
 Correct and efficient caching of view objects
Update-related challenges
 Triggers and constraints of all types
 View objects (both directions)
Method execution on client or server
 Java should be very useful here
Legacy Data Access Challenges
Some data will live outside the OR-DBMS
 Older DBMSs (both relational & pre-relational)
 Specialized data stores (documents, images, ...)
 Applications (i.e., legacy transactions)
Object-relational middleware is the answer!
 Table functions can handle simple cases now
 Distributed OR query engine (a la DataJoiner) can
mediate between new applications and legacy data
 Resulting appearance is that of an integrated OR
database, accessible via SQL3 APIs and OO tools
Front-End Integration + Legacy Data Access
C++ Client
Co-op Cache
Java Client
Co-op Cache
Smalltalk Client
Co-op Cache
Co-op Interface
Object Wrappers
Image Mgr
Text Mgr
Relational DBMS era: 1980's, early 1990's.
 Significantly raised the levels of abstraction & productivity
 Only "real" parallel computing success story to date, too!
Object DBMS era: Should have been early 1990's...
 Never made it out of the (mainstream) starting gate
Object-relational DBMS era: You are there!
 Object enhancements to relational DBMSs
ADTs (white box, black box) and functions
 Row types with inheritance, references, sets, ...
Vastly reduces the "impedence mismatch" w/OOPLs
Today's OO wrappers are an interim solution
 Possibilities abound for nice OO/OR tools
Will have OR middleware as well as engines