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Anne Lobdell
4224 Sunrise Drive
Park City Utah, 84098
Phone: 435-671-3063
[email protected]
University of Utah
2010-2012. Doctorate of Audiology, Au.D.
1999-2001. Masters of Science Degree in Audiology, M.S.
Recipient of Dolowitz Academic Scholarship
University of Mississippi
1989-1993. Bachelor of Arts Degree in English
Dean’s Honor Roll
Chancellor’s Honor Roll
Professional Experience
2008-Present. Clinical Faculty University of Utah Speech Language
Hearing Clinic
Clinical supervision of doctorate of audiology graduate students in
the areas of: adult and pediatric diagnostics, adult amplification,
auditory processing disorder evaluations, cochlear implant
candidacy evaluations and mapping, electrophysiological testing.
Related responsibilities include: teaching graduate level courses
and the supervision of Capstone projects.
2008-2014. Audiologist, ENT Specialists
Employed as an audiologist at an ear, nose, and throat medical
practice. Job requirements included: diagnostic evaluations for
adult and pediatric populations. This required competency in the
areas of: pure tone testing, speech audiometry, immittance
measures, and otoacoustic emissions. Candidacy determination
and fitting of osseointegrated auditory implants (Baha, Ponto). The
evaluation, mapping, and general management of cochlear implant
candidates and recipients. Collaboration with members of the
cochlear implant team. Amplification, including the fitting and
dispensing of hearing aids and assistive listening devices.
Anne Lobdell
4224 Sunrise Drive
Park City Utah, 84098
Phone: 435-671-3063
[email protected]
2001-2008. Audiologist, Granite School District
Provided comprehensive audiology services to students between
the ages of 3 and 21 years who were enrolled in Granite School
District. Responsibilities involved: clinical services for a pediatric
population that included children with special needs, administrative
services and office management, collaboration with teachers,
medical providers, and families in order to meet the individual
needs of students with varying degrees of hearing impairments.
2001. South Valley Ear, Nose, and Throat Clinic (Internship)
Gained experience testing the adult and pediatric population in a
medical setting (ear, nose, and throat office). Responsibilities
included audiometric testing for adults and children, as well as,
addressing various amplification issues.
2001. Primary Children’s Medical Center (Internship)
Acquired experience working with the pediatric and young adult
population. Responsibilities included: administering and interpreting
otoacoustic emissions, conducting VRA, play, and conventional
audiometry, tympanometry, auditory brainstem response testing on
newborns and young children, taking earmold impressions,
assisting in the fitting and troubleshooting of hearing aids, central
auditory processing assessment. Additional responsibilities
included: report writing, and attending multi-discipline staff
meetings to address the needs of patients in the newborn intensive
care unit.
Teaching Experience
2007: One of three adjunct professors teaching, CSD 7840 Educational
2011-Present, Spring. Instructor for graduate level course, CSD 6520
Advanced Audiological Assessment
2014, Summer. One of two instructors for graduate level course, CSD
7840 Educational Audiology
Anne Lobdell
4224 Sunrise Drive
Park City Utah, 84098
Phone: 435-671-3063
[email protected]
University Committees
2013-Present. Faculty Facilitator for Interprofessional Education Course
Serve as a representative from the College of Health Department of
Communication Sciences and Disorders on a multi-professional team to
educate students in various health related fields about working in a team
environment using a patient-centered model promoting inter-disciplinary
communication, respect for professionals, and an awareness of health
information, literacy, and cultural competency.
Development of additional clinical programs:
2014-Present. Developed a partnership between the University of Utah
Speech Language Hearing Clinic audiology program and two local
community health centers serving low-income adults. Clinic supervisors
and audiology graduate students work with a local Ear, Nose, and Throat
physician to provide on-site diagnostic and amplification services for
underserved adults, who would otherwise go untreated.
2015-Present. Currently collaborating with the University Health Care
Department of Telemedicine to develop a teleaudiology program that will
serve the clinic’s large population of hearing aid patients residing in rural
Utah. Estimated date of operation is October, 2015.
Professional Organizations:
2001-Present. Member American Speech Language Hearing Association
2014-Present. Member International Society of Audiology
2015-Present. Member American Academy of Audiology
2014-2015. Chair of the Loop Utah steering committee. A non-profit group
dedicated to the education and advocacy regarding the benefits of hearing
loop systems in public venues throughout the state of Utah.
Anne Lobdell
4224 Sunrise Drive
Park City Utah, 84098
Phone: 435-671-3063
[email protected]
2014-Present. Member of Loop Utah Steering Committee. A non-profit
group dedicated to the education and advocacy regarding the benefits of
hearing loop systems in public venues throughout the state of Utah
2014. Youthlinc. Organized an audiology team comprised of community
audiologists, graduate audiology students, and an otolaryngologist to
accompany a Youthlinc group to Peru. The group provided audiology and
medical services to people living in Iquitos, Peru and in villages along the
Amazon River.
2015. Worked with a state representative and members of Loop Utah to
pass HB112; a consumer protection bill ensuring that potential hearing aid
buyers have been educated regarding ADA compliant assisted listening
devices prior to finalizing the purchase of their hearing aids.
2013. Lobdell, Dansie, and Ferguson. Cochlear Implants: Five things we
wished we had known. Perspectives on aural rehabilitation and its
instrumentation, American Speech Language Hearing Association Special
Interest Group 7, vol. 20 (1), pp.14-21.
2014. Awarded an EarScan 3 portable audiometer from the Coalition for
Global Hearing Health for the use of hearing screenings for underserved