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• Después del hombro, es la
articulación que más se luxa.
Especialmente en niños
• PLRI Posterolateral rotacional
(ulna en rotación, radio
classification of coronoid
• Compromiso a nivel de la diáfisis radial en conjunto a una luxación
en la articulación distal radio-ulnar. La lesión produce una
disrupción a nivel de la articulación de la muñeca
• Ocurren alrrededor del codo por tracción o compresiones
repetidas, en especial en deportes
• Inflamaciones
• Hipertrofia
• Tumores
• Fracturas
• Conflictos de espacio en general
• Atrapado por el musculo
pronador redondo, o por
bandas tensas
• Levantamiento de pesas, remo,
tenis, glof
• The anterior interosseous nerve is a
motor branch off the median nerve
that runs along the interosseous
membrane, passing between the
flexor digitorum profundus and flexor
pol licis longus on its way to the
pronator quadratus. Occasionally this
nerve is compressed by the forearm
muscles or overlying fibrous bands,
secondary to forceful muscle
contractions. Anterior interosseous
nerve compression causes pain and
motor weak ness in the proximal
forearm. The prevailing sign is loss of
pinch strength between the tips of
the thumb and index finger.
Radial nerve compression, or radial
tunnel syndrome, can occur within the
radial tunnel, which extends anteriorly
from the radial head to the supinator
muscle. Radial tunnel syndrome is
typically caused by repetitive or
vigorous wrist extension and forearm
pronation and supination. It is often
incorrectly identified as lateral
epicondylitis but careful examination
can differentiate the two conditions.
With radial tunnel syndrome,
tenderness is present several
centimeters distal to the lateral
epicondyle, within the supinator–
extensor muscle mass of the proximal
• También sensible a
traumatismos directos
• Evalúa indemnidad de
colaterales laterales
The milking maneuver. The patient
grabs the thumb on the arm with the
affected elbow by passing the other
hand beneath the affected elbow. This
locks the shoulder, thereby reducing the
effect of shoulder rotation and motion,
which may confuse the examination.
The examiner palpates the medial joint
as the patient pulls on the thumb,
exerting a valgus force on the elbow.
Note that the elbow is in a high degree
of flexion, greater than the angle at
which a person throws; it also is flexed
to the point that bony anatomy
contributes to valgus stability of the
• El paciente con el brazo en
supinación máxima, se le pide
que resista en la posición,
mientras se le prona el
antebrazo. Sin la ayuda
mecánica del bíceps resistir el
movimiento es virtualmente
• Se busca palpar el nervio ulnar
en su recorrido.
• El test es +, si se genera la
sensación de “disparo” en el
antebrazo, mano y quinto dedo
• Se realiza una flexión, para
observar si existen
atrapamientos del nuervio.
• En la flexión se tensa el nervio
• Para provocar la compresión
del nervio mediano
• 1) Lower lateral cutaneous
nerve of arm (radial). (2)
Medial cutaneous nerve of
arm. (3) Medial cutaneous
nerve of forearm. (4) Lateral
cutaneous nerve of forearm
(musculocutaneous nerve). (5)
Posterior cutaneous nerve of
forearm (radial nerve).
Coronoid process fracture
with hemarthrosis. The
posterior fat pad (arrows) is
shown clearly on this lateral
view with the arm flexed to
90°, indicating joint effusion.
The anterior fat pad (open
arrow) is clearly visible. There
is a fracture of the coronoid
process (curved arrow) and a
loose body (arrowhead)
Cubital tunnel. The ulnar
nerve (asterisk) lies in a
tunnel bridged by the
arcuate ligament (dashed
line), which extends from
the medial epicondyle to
the olecranon process. LAT
= lateral.
PLRI surgical repair and
reconstruction. A,
Schematic representation
of PLRI reconstruction
using a free graft. The graft
is woven through bony
bony avulsion of the origin of the
lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
has been reattached with suture
Radial head fracture
treated with internal
fixation using two screws
Radiograph of a patient
who had a comminuted
radial head fracture;
treatment required
prosthetic replacement of
the radial head
Radiograph of a patient
treated with tension band
wiring for a simple
olecranon fracture
Radiograph of a patient
with a comminuted
olecranon fracture treated
with plates and screws.
Radiograph of a patient
who had open reduction
and internal fixation for a
comminuted distal humeral