Download Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Global Warming PPT

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Air Pollution, Climate Change, and Global Warming
PPT Summarizer
Air Pollution - a change to the atmosphere that has harmful effects
Pollutants are substances that cause pollution
Air pollution can be solid particles and gases released as emissions
They can affect human health and climate
The largest source of emissions that cause air pollution today is motor vehicles (cars, trucks, and
Photochemical Smog a thick brownish haze formed when certain gases in the air react with ________________________
 The major source of photochemical smog is produced by automobiles and trucks. Burning
gasoline releases some gases into the air. These gases include ________________________
such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide along with ozone.
 ___________________ (O3) is the major chemical found in __________. It is a toxic form of
Temperature Inversion a layer of warm air prevents the rising air from escaping. The polluted air is
_________________ and _________________to the Earth’s surface. The smog becomes more
concentrated and dangerous.
Acid Rain – air pollution caused by power plants and factories that burn coal and oil.
 __________________________ of coal and oil produce nitrous and sulfuric oxides. These gases
react with _________________________ in the air, forming _____________ acid and
_____________ acid. The acids return to Earth’s surface dissolved in
_________________________, more acidic than normal precipitation. Acid rain can be in the
form of snow, sleet, or fog as well as rain.
 Acid rain can harm ______________________________, most especially fish eggs who cannot
survive the more acidic water. Plants such as trees can be damaged as well after the nutrients in
the soil have been altered by the new acidic levels.
 Buildings and statues are also ____________________ by the harsh acids that fall over time.
 Global Climate change is sometimes called ________________________________________.
 The ________________________ Effect is the reason that temperatures on the surface of the
Earth allow life to exist.
 The Earth’s _______________________________________ acts like the glass of the
greenhouse, letting the heat in, keeping much of it at the surface of the Earth and not letting all
of it radiate back into space.
 About 78% of our atmosphere consists of ________________________ gas, and about 21% is
______________________ gas. Many other gases are in small amounts such as argon, carbon
dioxide, methane, and ozone.
 Greenhouse gases ____________________ the heat that would normally radiate back out to
space at night.
 Some ____________________________________________ are: water vapor, carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide.
 Certain _________________________ activities can add to the amount of these gases in the air,
often called ‘_____________________________’ also known as emissions
 Studies of ancient climates show that an increase of Earth’s temperatures follows an increase in
atmospheric __________________________________________________
 Based on climatologists’ estimates, it is believed that Earth’s average temperature has increased
__________ degrees Celsius, or ______________ degrees Fahrenheit between 1860 and 2013
What are the likely effects of these higher temperatures?
1. Sea levels may __________ anywhere from 7 – 23 inches over the next hundred years or so
2. Arctic sea ice is fresh water – it is less dense and may cause ______________________ in deep
ocean currents.
3. It can trigger stronger _____________________________
4. Warmer oceans may also cause _________________________________________ to die.
5. Warmer temperatures mean more ___________________________________ in some
areas……more______________________________ in other areas
6. Temperatures may be _____________________________ – colder winters, hotter summer.