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Orestis N. Kostakis
Tammasaarenkatu 7,
PL 24, 00181, Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 (0)400 514 850
E-mail: orestis.kostakis [at]
Data Mining, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Information Security.
Ph.D., Aalto Doctoral Programme in Science, September 2013 – May 2017
Department of Information & Computer Science, Aalto University.
• Field: Data Mining
• Supervisor: Professor Aristides Gionis
M.Sc. (in Technology), Computer Science and Engineering, December 2011
Department of Information & Computer Science, Aalto University.
• Major: Theoretical Computer Science
• With distinction, 4.70/5
• Honours Programme, 2010-2011.
• Thesis topic: Analyzing and comparing arrangements of temporal intervals.
• Supervisor: Professor Pekka Orponen.
• Instructor: Panagiotis Papapetrou
B.Sc.(4 year), Informatics and Telecommunications, February 2009
Department of Informatics & Telecom., University of Athens.
• With distinction
• Admission Rank 7th /171
• Thesis Topic: Stackelberg strategies for selfish routing in general multicommodity
• Supervisor: Professor Stavros Kolliopoulos.
Erasmus Exchange Programme, January - May 2007
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä.
Heterogeneous Parallel Programming, Coursera. Score: 100%.
Greek School of London, England. 1997-1999.
British Embassy School Ankara, Turkey. 1993-1995.
O. Kostakis, P. Papapetrou, “Searching & Indexing Sequences of Temporal Intervals”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, under revision.
O. Kostakis, P. Papapetrou, “Finding the Longest Common Sub-Pattern in Sequences of Temporal Intervals”, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, under
O. Kostakis, “Classy: Fast Clustering Streams of Call-graphs”, Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, to appear.
O. Kostakis, P. Papapetrou, J. Hollmén, “ARTEMIS: Assessing the Similarity of
Event-Interval Sequences”, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2011).
O. Kostakis, P. Papapetrou, J. Hollmén. “Distance Measure for Querying Arrangements of Temporal Intervals”, 4th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2011).
J. Kinable, O. Kostakis. “Malware Classification based on Call Graph Clustering”,
Journal in Computer Virology, 2011.
O. Kostakis, J. Kinable, H. Mahmoudi, K. Mustonen. “Improved Call Graph Comparison Using Simulated Annealing”, 26th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2011).
Total Citations: 62 (G-Scholar, 1/5/2014).
The Finnish Society for Computer Science
• Best CS Master’s thesis in Finland Award, 2011-12.
Aalto University, Department of Information & Computer Science
• Honours Track Student, 2010-2011.
General Arnaoutis Charitable Foundation
• Scholarship, 2009.
Cambridge European Trust
• Scholarship for postgraduate studies (MPhil in Advanced Computer Science) at
University of Cambridge, 2009-2010 (declined the offer)
Hellenic Navy
• “Excellency Award”, 2001 & 2004, for performance at school, 2001 & 2004.
• “Achievement Award”, 2010.
“Analyzing and comparing arrangements of temporal intervals”, Finnish Society for
Computer Science Annual Conference, Oulu, Finland, June 2013.
“Analysis of Static and Dynamic Properties of Programs for Identifying Malware”,
Future Internet Pre-Conference, Espoo, Finland, May 2012
“Malware Detection through Call Graphs Comparison”, TIVIT Future Internet Webinar, November 2011.
“Artemis: Assessing the similarity of event-interval sequences”, ECML-PKDD, Athens,
Greece, September 2011.
“Improved call graph comparison using simulated annealing”, ACM SAC, Taichung,
Taiwan, March 2011.
“Malware Detection through Call Graphs Comparison”, Future Internet Seminar,
Helsinki, Finland, February 2011.
F-Secure Corporation, Helsinki, Finland
Software Engineer
• Data Analysis Team, Security Response, Labs
• Systems Development Team, Labs
July 2012 to present
July 2011 to July 2012
Description: I create prototype tools and transform them into large-scale back-end
services focusing on automated malware and web-page classification. My systems
classify hundreds of thousands of web-pages and tens of thousands of binary files
per day. The decisions affect in real-time the devices of millions of customers.
Aalto University / Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland
Honours student
• Part-time
Sept 2010 to May 2011
• Department of Information and Computer Science
• Collaborated with the Data Mining: Theory & Applications group.
Description: Studied the problem of comparing and analyzing event-interval sequences. The collaboration resulted in publishing two papers in peer-reviewed conferences, while a journal paper is under submission. Part of the work was submitted
as my master’s thesis.
Research Assistant
• Full-time
• Part-time
• Future Internet (ICT FISHOK) project.
• Combinatorial Algorithms & Computation group.
Summer Trainee
• Full-time
• Future Internet (ICT FISHOK) project.
• Combinatorial Algorithms & Computation group.
June 2010 to August 2010
Sept 2009 to May 2010
June 2009 to August 2009
Description: Conducted research on the detection of malware based on the comparison of call graphs. Designed and implemented (using C) a faster method to compare
call-graphs which is based on Simulated Annealing. Collaborated with researchers
and engineers from F-Secure Corporation and Nokia Research Center. F-Secure
adopted the method and used the source-code for a prototype system. Additionally,
the work is featured in two peer-reviewed publications.
Journal of Communications and Networks - Reviewer
Reverse Engineering Malware course, ICS department, Aalto University, Spring
2014. Gave a lecture on ‘Reverse Engineering Automation’ and helped design part
of the homework.
Software Engineering Project course, CSE department, Aalto University, Fall 2011.
Acted as the deputy Product Owner. Biweekly meetings with 9 students for the
duration of the whole semester, guiding them to build an execution sandbox solution.
IT Skills
Programming: Python, C, MatLab, Answer Set Programming, Promela, CUDA.
Operating Systems: Linux, Unix, Windows, Sun Solaris.
Other: Agile methodologies, Spark, Hadoop, SVN/CVS, git, LATEX, Beamer, jspin.
• Developer of a distributed chat client for the ”Concurrent Programming” winter
2010 course. Implementation language: Java.
• Co-developer and team lead of a B+tree-based DBMS for the “Software Development” spring 2008 course. Implementation language: C.
• Co-developer of an image texture classifier for the “Pattern Recognition” spring
2008 course. Implementation language: MatLab.
• Co-developer and team lead of a Pac-man clone game for Linux platforms for
the “System Programming” winter 2007 course. Implementation language: C.
• Developer of a Linux platform remote command-line client for the “System Programming” winter 2007 course.
• Developer of a role-playing game based on the OpenGL library for the “Graphics
I” winter 2006 course.
Taught the basics of the Finnish language at 1st High school of Hellinikon.
• 2hours/week.
September 2009 to December 2009
• Class of 23 pupils aged 14-15 & 3 high school teachers.
• Comenius bilateral student exchange programme.
Greek - Native
English - Certificate of Proficiency in English, University of Cambridge, Dec 2000
French - D.E.L.F. 1er , 2002.
Turkish & Finnish - elementary
Available upon request.