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Part One - Multiple Choice
1. Most people lose how many pounds of muscle per decade after age 30? A) 1 B) 3 C) 5 D) 10.
2. Which of these is not a benefit of strength training? A) improved balance B) injury prevention C) prevents
osteoporosis D) increased metabolic rate E) All of these are benefits of strength training.
3. Osteoporosis is a condition of A) declining muscle fibers B) moderately high blood pressure C) bone
mineral loss D) raised metabolic rate.
4. Performance in which of these sporting activities is not enhanced by a well-designed strength training
A) golf B) soccer C) baseball D) swimming E) all performances can be enhanced.
5. The strength improvement in a study of elderly men and women who lifted weights was A) fairly small due
to their advanced age B) over 100% in just 10 weeks C) very good for the men, but fairly poor for the women
D) much better for the women than the men.
6. The loss of muscle mass during the aging process is called A) Hypertrophy B)Distrophenia C) Sarcopenia
D) Muscular Degeneration.
7. The American Heart Association recommends that all adults do strength training with all the body’s major
muscle groups at least A) 30 minutes a day B) twice a week C) three times per week D) 60 minutes every
other day.
8. Muscle tissue burns calories at what rate compared to the same amount of fat tissue? A) the same rate
for both B) 3 times faster for muscle C) 8 times faster for muscle D) 15 times faster for muscle.
Part Two - True or False
9. Regular strength training can off-set the loss of bone density brought on by the aging process.
10. Regular strength training can slow many and even reverse some aspects of the aging process.
11. Because muscle tissue is denser than fat tissue, well-muscled people have a much more difficult time
maintaining a healthy weight.
12. Strength training can lower the metabolic rate, an important factor in weight control.
13. A greater level of strength can lead to fewer falls in the elderly and a greater ability to recover from falls
that do occur.
14. Strengthening your muscles and joints can not only prevent injuries in sporting activities, but in regular
daily life activities as well.
15. Strength training will not decrease cholesterol levels, but it can lower your blood pressure and decrease your
risk of coronary disease.
16. The BMR or Basic Metabolic Ratio is a measure of how much energy our body needs to maintain itself
during an average day of activity.
17. Stonger muscles require more oxygen, thus strengthening the heart by making it work harder and develop a
greater ability to deliver oxygen to harder working muscles.
18. Strength training, like many other forms of exercise, causes the brain to release antioxidants, which are
natural pain-relieving chemicals, that relieve pain and help us feel better,
19. Strength training can help us be better rested by helping us to fall asleep quicker and to sleep more deeply.
20. Regular strength training is helpful in controlling diabetes and reducing the risk of coronary disease, but is
too difficult and painful for people suffering from the debilitating effects of arthritis
Part Three - True/False
21. When a person who has been lifting stops, his/her muscle will turn to fat.
22. Older people should not participate in strength training activities because there are really little or no benefits
to their bodies or physical well-being.
23. An individual is able to strength train without special or expensive equipment by using simply their own
body weight or rubber resistance bands.
24. In order for an individual to get stronger, he/she can only lift heavier weights.
25. Muscles change size slowly, so it will take time before someone who is strength training to notice any
significant change in muscle size.
26. Tests have shown that regular weight training allows people to use oxygen more efficiently.
27. Abdominal exercises only strengthen the muscles and do not make the fat around the waist disappear.
28. A person can only achieve increases in strength if he/she lifts for at least 45 minutes per work-out.
29. Muscle pain, in contrast to muscle fatigue, is a better indication that a work-out may be too hard.
30. If an individual consumes 2500 calories per day and expends 3000 calories during daily activity, that person
will lose weight.
31. “Spot” weight reduction can only be achieved when the exercises that are done target the area where the
person hopes to lose weight.
32. Muscles grow in size quicker than strength is actually gained by the same muscle group.
33. Stretching is very important before a person begins a weight training work-out in order to prevent injuries.
34. When muscle tissue is not used regularly it will distrophy, or shrink in size and strength.
35. Women do not get bulky muscles from strength training because they don’t normally have high enough
levels of the male hormone testosterone to promote such muscle growth.
36. Weight training is not recommended for children or the elderly because the risks of injury far outweigh any
benefits that can be gained
37. Strength training helps promote muscle tone & strength gains, but it does very little to help in actually
losing weight.
38. During the first 20 weeks of beginning a strength training program you will see your biggest gains in
strength, while seeing the least change in your body.
Part Four - Fill In The Blank-choose the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
39. Research has shown that weight lifting has a beneficial impact on a person’s ________________.
40. Physical strength gains can come from one of two methods; lifting heavy weights or lifting lighter
weights with __________________,
41. Types of
can include free weights, dumbbells, machines, exercise bands, and body weight.
42. One benefit of weight training for the elderly is ________________.
43. To reduce the risk of injury when weight lifting, a person should monitor his load, speed, and ___________.
44. When muscle tissue is not used regularly, it will begin to _______________, or shrink in size.
45. All muscle is lean, and its length is determined by a person’s bone structure and ______________.
46. Alternating your work-out routine regularly will help you to continue to make gains, while preventing or
reducing the _______________ effect.
47. Strength is defined as the ability to produce _______________.
48. “Info-mercials” commonly promote building long, lean muscles and _______________, both of
which are false promises that no strength training program can actually achieve by itself..
Word/Phrase Bank
A. Resistance
B. Force
C. Atrophy
D. Form
E. Greater Acceleration
AB. Genetics
BC. Spot Reduction
CD. Plateau
DE. Cardiovascular System
EA. Improved Balance
Part Five - Multiple Choice
49. What is the proper name of the steroids that athletes abuse?A)Anabolic steroids B) Corticosteroids C)
Anabolic-androgenic steroids D) Androgenic steroids.
50. Which of these is NOT a side effect of steroid use? A) Facial hair on women B) increased hand-eye
coordination C) thick, oily skin D) stunted growth
51. Which of the following fatal effects can steroid abuse cause? A) Heart attack B) Liver cancer C) Kidney
disease D) all of these
52. Steroids are synthetic versions of A) Tetramiosine B) Estrogen C) Testosterone D) Glucosamine
53. “Roid Rage” refers to A) Emotional outbursts brought on by steroid abuse B) Aggressive drivers on
steroids C) Steroid-induced strength D) Blindness caused by powerful steroids
54. Steroids can A) increase intelligence B) improve athletic ability C) improve sexual performance
D) stimulate muscle growth.
Part Six - True or False
55. Steroids are only legal in the U.S. with a doctor’s prescription.
56. Although steroid abuse can be harmful to your health it is not fatal or life-threatening.
57. Testicle shrinkage enhances athletic performance, by increasing overall flexibility.
58. The vast majority of high school and college athletes compete steroid-free.
59. The use of steroids by young people whose bones are still growing may result in stunted growth.
60. About 10-12% of high school students are estimated to have used steroids.
61. Steroid abuse can cause men to grow breasts and women to experience breast shrinkage.
62. Steroids are dangerous, widely abused chemicals that have no real medical purpose.
63. Corticosteroids are a steroid precursor that are now banned by most sports’ governing bodies.
64. Steroids purchased illegally over the black market are rarely counterfeit or tainted with non-steroids.
65. The newer steroid prototypes have been able to increase the anabolic effects, while
reducing the unwanted androgenic side-effects.
66. The effects of steroids are reversible and gradually go away once their use is discontinued.
67. Purchasing steroids over the internet has become the most common legal way to obtain
steroids in a safe and secure manner.
Part Seven - Matching
68. Testosterone
69. Corticosteroids
70. Estrogen
71. Anabolic
72. Androgenic
73. Steroids
Part Eight - Matching
74. Ergogenic
75. Creatine.
76. Protein
77. HMB
78. Dietary Supplements
79. Androstenedione
80. FDA
A. Steroids used to treat asthma or arthritis
B. Synthetic form of Testosterone
C. The muscle-building quality of steroids
D. The masculinizing side-effects of steroid use
E. Male sex hormone
F. Female sex hormone
A. Linked amino acids that occur naturally in meats, fish, and dairy products
B. Any substance taken or used to enhance athletic ability or performance.
C. Appears to be beneficial or helpful in short duration,
high intensity athletic activities (sprints, football, etc.).
D. Must contain at least one dietary ingredient, but cannot
be sold or advertised as a conventional food item.
E. Weak anabolic steroid, it is a testosterone precursor
with similar negative side effects as regular steroids
AB. Government agency that is responsible to safeguard the nation’s food
supply, but has little control over the dietary supplement industry.
BC. Not an essential nutrient, naturally in citrus fruits and catfish
Part Nine - True or False
81. Dietary supplements are closely regulated for their ingredients and effectiveness by the U. S. FDA.
82. Dietary substances do not contain illegal substances like anabolic steroids.
83. The long-term side-effects of many dietary supplements have not been well researched.
84. Most athletes who eat a well-balanced diet don’t require a protein supplement to meet athletic performance
85. HMB is not an essential nutrient and its function in the body is not clearly understood.
86. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 de-regulated dietary supplements and no longer
classified them as food or food products.
87. All claims and statements made on dietary supplement labels and ads must be truthful and are reviewed
regularly by the Federal Supplement Advertising Review Board
88. Quality long-term research on the effectiveness and side-effects of most dietary supplements is lacking at
this time.
89. Only the most powerful dietary supplements are injected directly into the bloodstream.
90. The FDA limits the amount of caffeine that can be in soft drinks (sodas) and energy drinks to protect
consumers from over consumption.
91. The NCAA bans the use of caffeine at high levels and tests for it in collegiate athletes.
92. Energy drink manufacturers do not market their products towards teens because they are prohibited from
doing so by both the FDA and the Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act.
93. Androstenedione is now illegal without a prescription and is now banned by both the NCAA and the IOC.
Part Ten - Fill In The Blanks
94. The use of __________________has been shown to cause breast enlargement in men, virilization in women,
and increased chance of liver damage and cancer.
95. The use of __________________ has been shown to improve athletic performance, but its use has not been
banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency because of its wide-spread availability and use.
96. The purchase and use of dietary substances is a _____________________market because of their lack
of government regulation and oversight.
97. __________________ was the first energy drink to hit the U.S. market in 1997, and became quickly
popular with college students for its combination of taurine and caffeine.
98. __________________ passed emergency legislation in September of 2010 prohibiting high school athletes
in the state from using energy drinks at games or practices.
99. The supplement __________________ claims to promote faster recovery from work-outs and competition,
but its side effects include dehydration, muscle cramping, and possible kidney damage.
100. The herbal extract __________________ was a dietary supplement that was eventually banned after its use
was linked to the deaths of a pair of professional athletes.
Word Bank
A. buyer beware
E. Monster Energy
AD. Ohio
B. ephedra
AB. protein
BE. Red Bull
C. Jolt
AC. Virginia
BC. creatine
D. caffeine
BD. androstendione
CD. consumer advocate