* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Wise Wednesday Websites Greek Mythology Compiled by Beth Haynes – School Librarian – Hattie B. Stokes Elementary Mr. Donn – Who’s Who in Greek Mythology – Children can read myths, study the family tree, and view many videos. A link for teachers is also available. Myth Man – Greek Mythology Today – Myth Man presents myth-of-the-month along with 200 pages of homework help. This is a complete site full of information that elementary students can handle. Australian Broadcasting Corp. – Winged Sandals – An easy site to find simple information about all Greek gods and goddess, watch animated stories, learn the history of the Ancient Greeks, play games, make a shield or vase. Scholastic - Myths Brainstorming Machine – This site helps your students come up with ideas to create their own myths. Use with your interactive whiteboard! PPPST – PowerPoint Presentations – 17 Greek gods, goddesses, mythical creatures, and myths are presented in PowerPoint format. Think Quest – Online Activities – Test your knowledge with 12 different activities Rick Riordan – Explore Greek Mythology – The author of the Percy Jackson series list resources and online games for students. (India) – Ancient Greek Gods – A seven and half minute video presentation on basic information about12 gods and goddesses.