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Purpose of Standard
Provides requirements specifically
enacted to reduce the incidence of
transmission of the HIV or HBV virus
because of occupational exposure to
infected blood and/or other
potentially infectious materials.
Scope of Standard
Covers all employees who could be
“reasonably anticipated” as the result of
performing their job duties to face contact
with blood and other potentially infectious
Infectious Materials:
Vaginal Secretions
Saliva in Dental Procedures
Any body fluid visibly contaminated with
blood and all body fluids
Bloodborne Pathogens ~ Pathogenic
microorganisms that are present in human
blood and can cause disease in humans
HIV ~ Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HBV ~ Hepatitis B virus
Exposure Control Plan
 Employers must identify, in writing,
 Tasks and procedures as well as job classifications
where occupational exposure to blood occurs.
 Set forth a schedule for implementing other
provisions of the standard and specify the
procedure for evaluating circumstances
surrounding exposure incidents.
 The plan must be accessible to employees and
available to OSHA.
 Employers must review and update it at least
Methods of Compliance
Mandates Universal Precautions
Emphasizes Engineering and Work Practice
Employers must provide facilities and ensure
that employees use them following exposure
to blood
Minimizes needlesticks
Splashing & Spraying of Blood
Appropriate packaging of specimens
Methods of Compliance
Employers must provide at no cost and
require employees to use appropriate PPE,
such as gloves, gowns, masks,
mouthpieces and resuscitation bags.
Requirement of a written schedule for
cleaning, identifying the method of decon.
Hepatitis B Vaccination
Requires vaccinations to be made
available to all employees who have
occupational exposure to blood within 10
working days of assignment, at no cost.
Must have post-exposure evaluation and
follow-up to all employees who have had
an exposure incident
Exposure Incident
The employer shall make immediately available
to the exposed employee a confidential medical
evaluation and follow-up including:
Documentation of the routes of exposure
Circumstances under which the exposure incident
Identification and Documentation of the Source
Individual - should be tested as soon as feasible and
after consent is obtained
Results of source individual’s testing shall be made
available to the exposed employee
Counseling & Evaluation of reported illness
Training Requirements
Training within 90 days of effective date
Initially upon assignment/Annually
Copy of standard with explanation
General discussion on bloodborne diseases and
their transmission
Exposure control plan
Hierarchy of Control
Medical records must be kept for each employee
with occupational exposure for the duration of
employment plus 30 years
Must be confidential
Training records must be maintained for 3 years
and must include dates, contents, names of
trainers and attendees
Must be made available to subject employee,
anyone with written consent of the employee,
OSHA and NIOSH. Not available to the