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VERSION B2(D to E): Most metaphysics consists of Category Mistakes per the Metaphysics of Kant and
Whitehead and Gilbert Ryle’s DILEMMAS, Kant’s eight categories of metaphysics we relate to the
trigram of the I Ching, Heaven as infinite and Earth as finite, Mountain as simple and Lake as complex,
Wind as necessary and Thunder as contingent, Flame as open and Water Well as closed/determined.
Each trigram is a temper, Heaven as romantic and Earth as realistic, Mountain as impressionistic and
Lake as Post-Impressionistic, Wind as Classical and Thunder as Expressionistic, Water Well as Baroque
and Absolutistic and Flame as Cubist and Experimental. Each of these trigrams is a set of different
questions. Heaven is how questions in eldest son yang, why questions in middle son and who questions
in youngest son. Earth is when question in eldest daughter, what questions in middle daughter, and
where questions in youngest daughter. The result is infinite in middle son and flux in eldest son making
the improbable probable in the mutable creativity of youngest son generating a romantic and hopeful
temper in which all things are possible. Eldest daughter when is the mathematical history of all finite
things from the big band and middle daughter what is quantum mechanics in particles and atoms and
molecules, and youngest daughter where is space time relativity in this planet and its star and its galaxy
and cosmos. Thunder Trigram adds the how question in thermodynamics and evolution as entropy
generating the technology that matches the science of Earth Trigram. Lake Trigram adds the why
question to generate post-impressionist dialectic and ideology and mythology and dogma of all kinds
including Divine Command Ethics. Wind Trigram changes the why to the Hen One of Plotinus and the
when to the allegory of the cave in Plato’s Republic and Philosophy as the study of the Nous that is the
history of wisdom and cosmic mind in unfolding mathematics and the who as the psyche that is the
monad of the monadology and the jiva of the Jain, now we have the speculative Classical point of view.
Change who to where and you have the dialectic and propositions and logic of the various imperial
systems, Confucian, Roman, Greek, Persian, Moslem, Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, etc.. Change
the why and where to how and who and you have the existential point of view in Flame Trigram, change
the why to what and the how to when and you have the empirical focus on the history of perception. In
Whitehead the questions of Heaven become God, of Wind become eternal objects, of Mountain,
prehensions, of Earth, actual occasions, of Thunder, events, of Water Well, propositions, of Lake, nexi, of
Flame, contrasts. So most metaphysics is a lot of category confusion involving totally different questions
and hence most metaphysics is some form of fallacy in which you divert the reader from realizing that
you have changed the question itself without it being apparent to the listener, reader, as Whitehead,
Kant, Ryle, Julius Kovesi (see Moral Notions), even William James and Dewey, have pointed out in
various ways. Consider the dogmatic theology that characterizes Lake Trigram. Why questions, get
magically changed to What and When questions using an appeal to authority that substitutes some holy
text for evidence, but the atheistic scientist is equally guilty when he presents his own evidence about
what and when and where to answer a who and why, when it should be obvious that all evidence from
measurement of the finite tells us only an infinitesimal amount about any potentially infinite category
(the who is an infinite category because its monad privacy removes it to an infinite degree from the
public realm). More to the point are the how questions of evolution as entropy that point to an
eternally conserved thermodynamic as a link to the infinite of the Heaven Trigram romantic temper. The
above written May 15th 2014.
The Heaven Trigram answers the eldest son how question in a romantic way by linking it to the why of
pleasure and joy and love in the win win of integration in the Hen One Brahman Nirvana Allah Elohim
that is the pi curve super sphere of middle son yang wholeness holiness as experience in the how of the
youngest son yang of the monad jiva of here and now consciousness of the Psche Buddhamind true self
Krishna Christ Eternal Chistmas of the Heart. The Thunder Trigram answers the how question in a
practical and technical and expressionist way by linking it to the what of entropy as evolution in the
quantum mechanics of middle daughter yin and the where in the relativity of space time association at
various levels of organization of energy dissipative structure from particle to atom to molecule to
macromolecule to cell to tissue to organ to organ system to organism to population to community to
ecosystem to biosphere to planet to solar system to star cluster to galaxy to super galaxy to cosmos. At
this point we must refer back to the larger explanation in the magic of the infinite flux in the how and
why of the eldest son and middle son infinite energy whole expansion. The Earth Trigram gives us the
realistic when of this question by linking it to the emergence of mathematical potential in natural
systems and genetic codes at various levels of information processing. The Wind Trigram gives us the
idealistic version of the When and Why by linking all of this to the win win integrating good of the
integrating set point of adaptive peaks as experience by existential monad intelligence in youngest son
yang Buddhamind Christmind, as discussed above, this note written, May 16th 2014.
The how question is answered in a different way in the Symbolism and Synchronicity of complex
formation in the collective unconscious of this integration in the why of middle son yang win win super
sphere pi love and pleasure and joy moral and aesthetic set points that is Lake Trigram Jungian
astrology. The complex symbolism of astrology is not easy to interpret. Suppose that the Sun
symbolizes the reticulate system in the brain stem and its wakefulness induction. Suppose the opposite
of the Sun in Leo is Moon in Cancer and the sleep and dreaming centers and autonomic processing
center associated with reticulate activation in the brain stem. Suppose that Mars in Aries is the
sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous systems that is associated with excitation at a primitive
level and Venus in Taurus is its complement in the parasympathetic nervous system associated with the
increased blood flow to the viscera associated with the pleasures of food and sex. Suppose that the
most primitive functions in astrology are those of Cardinal signs like Aries and Mars in the sympathetic
portion of the autonomic, Moon in Cancer and the sleep and dream controlling areas of the brain stem,
Venus in Libra and the integration and symbol forming function as the less rational complement to the
rational and analytic function of Mercury in Virgo. Suppose the mutable signs, like Jupiter in Sagittarius,
the executive functions of the left frontal lobe and motor cortex, Mercury in Gemini and the conscious
rational functions of the cerebral cortex as the positive opposites of the lower negative functions of
parasympathetic in Taurus and brain stem in Cancer, Mercury in Virgo, and Neptune as the dreaming
aspect of cerebral function in Pisces, suppose these mutable signs all stand for the higher cerebral
functions of the brain. Suppose the fire mutable, Jupiter in Sagittarius, stands for the wakeful and
planned control of motor functions in the frontal lobes, and the wind mutable, Mercury in Gemini,
stands for executive integration of left and right hemisphere, the water mutable, Neptune in Pisces, for
the complement in the Moon dominant function of dreaming sleep, with the earth mutable, Mercury in
Virgo, being fact oriented processing in the association areas of the parietal, occipital and temporal
lobes. Suppose that the fixed signs stand for structures of the brain systems that meditate between the
cerebral mutable and the lower brain cardinal. Thus fixed Sun in Leo is a lower brain reticulate function
that awakens the higher brain through the medium of the Thalamus. Fixed Venus in Taurus is a lower
brain function in the parasympathetic nervous system that generates the relaxation necessary for higher
brain processing in the cerebral cortex. Fixed Pluto in Scorpio, fixed negative Mars in Scorpio is a lower
brain function that activates the Amygdala and its connections to the Hippocampus as the deep core
connections of lower brain and limbic lobe to the higher brain information processing controlled by
Hippocampal interactions with the Amygdala and Limbic areas. Finally, fixed Uranus in Aquarius, an Air
Element function, represents connections in the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus that collect and integrate
lower brain Cardinals in Water Element Cancer and Earth Element Capricorn and Fire Element Aries with
the cerebral cortex mutable function of mercury in left and right hemisphere Gemini and left
hemisphere fact oriented Virgo and Venus in right hemisphere Libra. The result is a complex octahedron
of balance opposites where a novel schizotypal Jupiter in Sagittarius balances a dependent conformist
Saturn in Capricorn, and Mercury in a paranoid Gemini checks on the criminal expenditures of
borderline Pluto and negative Mars in Scorpio, with a schizoid Uranus in Aquarius rising high above a
histrionic Venus in Taurus in demonstrative manifestation of its artistic possessions. A narcissistic
Mercury in Virgo is proud of the facts of its bank account, while a dreaming avoidant Neptune in Pisces
reposes in restful fancy. A sadistic Sun in Leo is an individual on fire, opposed to the sleepy Moon at
home in Cancer, masochistically devoted to its family duties. The compulsive artwork of Venus in Libra
is balances against the antisocial aggressions of Mars in Aries. May 16th 2014.
Allan Ralph Andrews, born September 13 th 1939 in Long Beach, California at 4:03 AM at Saint Mary’s
Hospital, Pacific Standard Time, Asc on the cusp of Leo/Virgo, Mercury at 11 degrees plus of Virgo, Sun
at 19 plus, Moon at 20 plus, Venus at 21 plus, exact trine to Uranus at 21 plus Taurus, Neptune at 22
plus trine Mars in Capricorn at 26 plus. Saturn and South Node of Moon trine to Ascend on cusp of Aries
and Taurus. Jupiter at 5 plus Aries conjunct Eris trine to Pluto at 2 plus Leo. Heliocentric Mars at 2 plus
Pisces, sextile to Heliocentric Saturn, Heliocentric Venus and Neptune trine Heliocentric Uranus, Uranus
sextile to Heliocentric Earth. Heliocentric Pluto trine Heliocentric Jupiter. Draconic Jupiter conjunct
ascendant and trine to Saturn. Draconic North Node conjunct Jupiter and Eris, trine Pluto. Draconic
North Node and Jupiter and Eris sextile Midheaven on cusp of Gemini. Written May 5th 2014 with
progressed Sun trine Jupiter, transiting Jupiter sextile Mercury and Sun from Cancer, transiting Pluto
trine Mercury and Sun from Capricorn, and transiting Saturn sextile from Scorpio.
The basic rule of existence is infinite flux make the improbable probable. This trinity is found on the
source face of the great buried octahedron pyramid of all things. Flux is eldest son yang of the I Ching
and the god Shiva of the Hindu trinity. Boundless integration is the god Vishnu, middle son yang of the I
Ching and the second line of the Heaven Trigram of the I Ching. Creatiity in the improbable is the third
line in youngest son yang and the Hindu god Brahma.
Its reflection is the Earth Trigram of eldest daughter yin, or information theory and systems and
mathematics and logic, middle daughter in quantum mechanics, particle theory, and atomic theory, and
youngest daughter, which is evolution as entropy in Thunder Trigram emerging in association in
relativistic space and time that integrate at various levels of organization in middle son yang. Evolution
as entropy is the emergence of the improbable in the probable through evolution as entropy.
Thermodynamic flux is the eldest son line of the Thunder Trigram, and entropy is the middle daughter
line, and associations in emerging dissipative structure evolution are youngest daughter.
Thus, energy flux emergence generates the cosmic system of Plato and Aristotle, with Heaven Trigram
as its source, the Form of the Good, in Wind Trigram as its set point, material results in Earth Trigram as
its manifestation and shadows, contingent effects in Thunder Trigram as the process that evolves its
products. This process is mutation in Heaven Trigram, genetic set points in Wind, feed back mechanisms
in Water Well, recombination and gene pools in Lake Trigram, natural selection and extinction of
maladaptive expressions in Thunder Trigram, competitive exclusion in Flame Trigram, speciation in
Mountain Trigram, and phenotypic products in Earth Trigram.
The Trigrams form hexagrams that connect the eight corners of the cube, faces of the octahedron,
complete purpose, between Wind and Water Well, form and structure, between Earth and Mountain,
action between Thunder and Flame, and ground substance, or background, or possibility, between
Heaven and Lake. These are the four causes of Aristotle. They form one cycle of three. The second
cycle connects Heaven and Wind to generate the transcendent, Mountain and Flame to generate the
individual, Earth and Thunder to generate the manifest, and Water Well and Lake to generate the
collective. The third cycle is novel cause differentiation between Heaven and Flame, conservation
between Wind and Mountain, sameness and effect between Water Well and Earth and development
between Lake and Thunder.
These are the personality disorders with complete purpose as the compulsive, narcissism as form,
antisocial as action, avoidance as ground. Transcendent is schizoid, individual is negativistic and sadistic,
manifest is histrionic, collective is masochistic. Novel differentiation is schizotypal, conservation is
paranoid, sameness is dependent, development is borderline. There are social personality disorder,
with schizotypal as Hindu, predominant in the Hindi language area, paranoid as tribal caste systems
based religion like the ancient systems of Bali and Java, predominant in the Malay Indonesian and
Javanese language area, dependent as in the Islamic practices of the Arabic, borderline between the
splitting characteristic of Catholic Christianity and the Vu Doo practices of Portugese Brazil, compulsive
as in Orthodox Hebrew, Sikh, rituals of the Punjabi language systems, narcissistic as in the New Age and
Positive Thinking cults of the North American English language area, antisocial as in the ancient Thug
cults and Kali worship of the Calcutta area in the Bengali language system, avoidant as in Mandarin
language are Daoist and Mahayana Buddhist practice. They are schizoid as in the Buddhist and Jainist
practices, the Hindu practices emphasizing the Sattva Guna, in Dravidian Language systems such as the
Tamil and Telugu, or the languages of Sri Lanka, etc., or they are histrionic as in protestant missionary
activities in the Spanish language area, or they are Sadistic and Negativistic as in ancient Japanese Zen
and Shinto religious warrior cults, or Masochistic as in Russian language are Russian Orthodox or
Stalinist Marxist practices.
As can be seen above, dogmatic agnosticism is simply socialized negativistic spiritual practice and
atheism is socializes spiritual depression. It is no more or less adaptive than the socialized schizotypal
shamanistic Guru systems of the Hindi area or the ritual sadism of Japanese Zen and Shinto, the
ritualized histrionics of European Protestant worship, the masochism and borderline splitting between
good and evil of traditional Christian practice, the ritualize schizoid behavior of Buddhism, the avoidance
of Daoism, the narcissism of New Age worship of the higher self, the dependent behavior of the Islamic
submission to fate, the compulsive rituals of Orthodox Jewish, Catholic, etc.. etc..
The simplest possible explanation for the observed is integration in both the infinite and the
infinitesimal. Integration in the infinite generates the infinite flux that cause relativistic space and time
in youngest daughter, and integration in the infinitesimal generates local existential inexistence in
phenomenological space and time which generates passion out of energy, pleasure out of integration,
pain out of disintegration, mind and reason out of information processing, and awareness out of
excitation in this local space and time and its opposite in death, rebirth, sleep, and dreams, and
astrological systems of birth and rebirth in the collect unconscious whole.
The world is chance from the outside and existential freedom and alternatives from the inside. The
world is mind viewed from within and natural effects from without. It is evolution and atomism in the
small and astrology and synchronicity in its larger integration. Thus, the trinity of Plotinus rules the
Wind Trigram with the Hen One as middle son, the Creative Spirit Psyche as the youngest son, and the
cosmic mind, the Santa Sophia, as the Nous, as the eldest daughter. Out of this comes the aesthetic and
beautiful in youngest son, the moral and the holy in middle son integration, and logic and reason in
eldest daughter. This is the Good, the True, and the Beautiful as the improbable precious set point that
emerges as probable in the infinite flux. But, regardless of how rare, as set point has meaning and
power and can eventually triumph over the entropic disorder from which it comes.
The brain is organized around these principle. The left hemisphere is dominated by middle daughter
fact and the right by middle son integration. The frontal executive areas belong to the youngest son
sense of self and creative planning and the posterior association areas to the social worlds of youngest
daughter. The energy focus of lower brains structures like the amygdala and reticulate activating area
belong to eldest son yang and the information focus of higher structures like the hippocampus and
cerebral cortex belong to eldest daughter yin.
Allan Ralph Andrews, Dublin California, May 5th 2014……
So if eldest son is irrational and thermodynamic, if eldest daughter is rational and systematic, if middle
son is symbolic, dreamtime, astrological, mythological and middle daughter is factual, wakeful,
astronomical, scientific, if youngest son is existential, phenomenological, private, monad focal, and
youngest daughter is sociological, educational, public, world focal, you create eight trigrams from these,
magical heaven and scientific earth, philosophical mountain, and ideological lake, artistic flame and
absolutistic water well pit river, metaphysical wind and practical thunder. Heaven is infinite source and
earth is finite result, mountain is simple analysis and lake is complex synthesis, flame is open chaos and
water well is closed order, wind is ideal set point and thunder is vulgar expression. From this come the
12 personality disorders and orientations, avoidant background Daoism and narcissistic formal New Age,
compulsive complete Jewish Torah and antisocial hyperactive tribal Idolatry, sadistic individualistic
Japanese Shinto and masochistic collective Russian Orthodox, paranoid conservative South Asia Jain and
borderline missionary Roman Catholic, schizoid spiritual secretive Buddhist Monk and histrionic
demonstrative Protestant Preacher, schizotypal novel Hindu Guru and dependent conforming Moslem
Pilgrimage that frame the rainforests of heaven and the temperate fields of earth, the rugged inlets of
mountain and the marshlands of lake, the elevated highlands of wind and the tidal lowlands of thunder,
the open volcanic ocean bottoms of flame and the closed inland basins of water pit.
Suppose these are divisions of the brain, the elevated highlands of wind are the right frontal lobe of the
cerebrum and the closed inland basins of water pit are the right association areas of the parietal,
temporal, and right occipital lobes behind the central sulcus edge of the right cerebrum. Suppose
mountain is the left cerebral frontal lobe and earth is the left association areas behind it. Suppose
heaven is lower brain areas connected to wind and flame is lower brain connections to mountain, and
thunder to earth, and lake to water pit. Suppose lake is water element and mountain is the salt that
dissolves in it, thus lake is the associations of our dreams in right sleeping cerebrum association areas
and salt is the waking brain and the ideas that crystalize out of it. Suppose that lake is connections to
lower brain centers controlling sleep and flame is lower brain centers controlling wakefulness. Suppose
that earth is associations of wakeful sense impressions and thunder is the sensory systems that provide
them to the cortex, organs of hearing running to the temporal association areas, of touch to the parietal,
vision to the occipital. Suppose, then, that heaven is the connections of the basal ganglia to executive
control areas in the right cerebral cortex. Would wind be the control of symbolic actions to fit an ideal
and thunder be the sense associations that are their practical result, thus, wind is a noble gas, a lofty
ideal and thunder is the weather it generates? Would flame be the fire element of our motivations and
water pit be the space and time of the sensory association that hold them back, the container that hold
the sensory ashes of our actions, the water of life events, the tears that extinguish the fires of hope?
Would heaven be our primitive instincts and earth be the results they generate in what he hear and see
and touch and smell in the factual association of left parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes?
Suppose this is a game of chess. Is eldest son the knight, eldest daughter the rook, middle son the
bishop, middle daughter the four pawns in the fields, youngest son the king (assisted by his queen) and
youngest daughter, the four pawns of the home village? Is the cerebral cortex the chessboard owned by
the rook (the eldest daughter spirit of the fortress)? Is the battlefield chessboard of the knight the lower
brain? Is the palace chessboard of the King and Queen, the frontal lobes, the Mount Olympus of the
system? Are the fields the fact oriented left hemisphere chessboards of the female pawns? Is their
opposite the symbolic chess system of the right hemisphere, a land of dreams and the mythological
doctrines of the Bishops? Are the association areas the property of village of our thoughts, the
chessboard of our public space and time communications?
In the epics of this symbolic space, does the compulsive function belong to Hephaestus Vulcan and the
schizoid to Athena Minerva, does the paranoid belong to Hera Juno, do these frame the Air Element in
Wind Trigram of right frontal lobe super ego parent? Does narcissistic form belong to Zeus Jupiter and
histrionic demonstration to Hermes Mercury and dependent effect belong to Hestia Vesta, and do these
frame Earth element in left hemisphere fact and sensory association of temporal hearing and parietal
touch and occipital vision? Does Lake Trigram and Water Element belong to dreaming and sleep in
lower brain function rising into dreaming right cerebral association areas? Is the masochistic collective
Demeter Ceres, the borderline expenditures Aphrodite Venus, the avoidant background Poseidon
Neptune? Is its opposite in the Fire Element of Flame Trigram, edged by schizotypal novelty in Artemis
Diana and sadistic individuality in Apollo, antisocial activity in Ares Mars? Is Mars the sympathetic
function of the autonomic nervous system, and Venus the parasympathetic opposite? Is Jupiter the go
function of the frontal lobes and Saturn the cautionary stop sign? Is the Sun the attentive on switch and
the Moon the sleepy off switch? Is Pluto Hades (deep eldest son yang) the deep connections of the
emotion energy switching in the amygdala and is Peresphone its opposite in the wakeful memory of the
hippocampus as eldest daughter yin? Is Dionysus the middle son of the right cerebrum dream and
symbol and is his mother Semele the middle daughter yin in left hemisphere blinding light of cerebral
fact? Is allang that is left of youngest son creation, the frontal lobes in Uranus and of youngest
daughter, the association areas behind them as Gaia Earth? Allan Ralph Andrews, born Long Beach, CA,
September 13th 1939, 4:03 AM, Pacific Standard Time, Sun around 19 to 20 degrees Virgo, conjunction
Moon, Venus, Neptune, trine to Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, this reviewed May 13th 2014 in
Dublin, California
So suppose you ask the questions, How? Why? Where? When? What? Who? How is obviously about
Heaven Trigram and the infinite flux that makes the improbable probable, How, has its origins in Eldest
Soin Yang Thermodynamic energy. When is history, is the collection of information in some sort of
storage in Eldest Daughter Yin fixed system. Who is the monad of creative phenomenology and
inexistent existentialism infinitesimal concentration, who is the generative ego I am in Youngest Son
Yang. What is the finite atoms and particles, the quantum events to which Who is attached by action
and perception, What is Middle Daughter Yin, and Why is the Middle Son meaning that explains Middle
Daughter. Where is the collection of all of this, it’s association with worlds in relativistic space and time,
it is Youngest Daughter Yin. In the system above, Who is the King of the Chest Board (or the Queen) and
How is the Knight, Why is the Bishop and When is the Rook (the chariot or tower in which information
about the battle is kept). Where is the pawns of the home village and What is the pawns at work in the
fields. So of the battle of existence and its emergence, we can say that the how involves
thermodynamics and cosmic expansion and evolution as energy in the competition between energy
dissipative systems. We can say that the Why is the integration of all things that brings pleasure to the
body and joy to the spirit and love and harmony to the greater whole. We can say that the Who is each
monad of energy as passion from within and structure as information from within and integration as
pleasure from within. What is every quantum and particle and atom and molecule and cell to which
these thoughts and passions are attached and When is the record and science of all of the above and
the laws and rules that have emerged through time and Where is the relativistic space time distribution
of planets and cosmic events that result.
If How is the basal ganglia and When is the hippocampus, How is Hades Pluto Eldest Son and When is
Persephone Eldest Daughter. If What is the facts and words noticed by neural messages in the left
hemisphere of the cerebrum and Why is the symbolic integration of the above in the dreamtime whole
of the right hemisphere, Why is the Dionysus Middle Son and What is his mother Semelle, the bright
light shown on Middle Daughter. If Who is the creative self and Where is the world with which it is
associated, Who is Uranus as creative father and Where is Gaia as mother Earth.
So Why is God, or Allah, or Buddhamind Nirvana, Vishnu Brahman, as compassion and love, as Cit, Sat,
Ananda, as being, bliss, and consciousness, being as the integration of Eldest Son Yang Energy and Eldest
Daughter Yin Information as the integration of the Hen One blissful compassion experienced by the
Youngest Son Yang creative spirit. This creative spirit is the who, this energy thermodynamics is the
how, the events is manifests are the what, the relativity of space time is the where and the when is the
information system record chronology that results: Right Hemisphere Middle Son Why to Left
Hemisphere Middle Daughter What, Hippocampus Information Record When to Basal Ganglia
thermodynamic and neurological process (ATP molecule to ADP molecule, respiration in mitochondria
driven, oxygen using and carbon dioxide releasing) How, frontal lobe Ego in Executive function Who, and
location in sensory tactile, visual, auditory space Where in Parietal and Occipital and Temporal Lobe
association in posterior association area Youngest Daughter Yin.
So visualize a great octahedron with vertex points of self as Who and social as Where (youngest son
yang and youngest daughter yin, frontal lobes and association areas back of the frontal lobes), of whole
as Why and part as What (middle son yang and middle daughter yin, right cerebral hemisphere and left
cerebral hemisphere), of flux as How and fixed as When (eldest son yang as amygdala and basal ganglia
and eldest daughter as hippocampus and connections to cerebral cortex). From these are built the
trigram faces of Mountain as analysis and Lake as synthesis, Wind as ideal, Thunder as expression, Flame
as freedom and Water Well/Pit as order, Heaven as source, and Earth as result, framed by schizotypal as
the novel cause and dependent as the conforming effect, paranoid as the conservative, and borderline
as progressive expenditure, sadistic as the individual break out and masochistic as the collective
absorption, compulsive as purpose and antisocial as aggressive action, narcissistic as perceived form and
avoidant as hidden background, schizoid as transcendent distance and histrionic as manifest
The pure self is the infinitesimal monad of the phenomenological present that changes energy into
passion and mathematics into reason, changes integration into pleasure and disintegration into pain,
changes chaos into free choice and mechanistic order into justice, changes set points into moral and
aesthetic values and contingency into emotional expression. The connection between this monad as the
pure Who the pure When is the eternal conservation of all phenomenological time tracks and the
connection between this fixed history in the When of the monad and the Where that is local relativistic
space time is the complex development of public time in the evolution that connects Where to the What
of quantum events and the How of thermodynamic evolution as entropy to generate the integrative
system of the Why that is the Hen One God of Love and Buddhamind Nirvana of Compassion.
May 14th 2014. The organizing principles of this system are eldest son Yang as Shiva in the Heaven
Trigram and middle son Yang as Vishnu in the Heaven Trigram and youngest son Yang as Brahma in the
Heaven Trigram, and the trinity of Plotinus with the One as middle son in the Wind Trigram and the
Nous Cosmic Mind Santa Sophia Wisdom as the eldest daughter and the Psyche Creative Spirit as the
youngest son. In the Mountain Trigram, it is youngest son as the Creative Spirit Pneuma, and eldest
daughter as the Psyche of the Cosmic Mind, and middle daughter as the Soma of the Body. In Flame
Trigram, it is youngest son as the human soul and the pure sattva guna of phenomenology, eldest son as
the animal soul and the active rajas guna, and the middle daughter as the vegetative soul, and the
materialistic tamas guna. These are complemented by their opposites in the space time relativity
association of youngest daughter and the four Trigrams of Earth, Thunder, Water Pit, and Lake which
work out the Dharma of Water Pit to match the Karma of Flame Trigram, the astrology and rebirth of
Lake to match the empirical mind in Mountain, and results in Earth that evolving through evolution as
entropy in Thunder.
This octahedron arises in youngest son Who as an individuation of the One Why and takes physical form
in the body and the brain as the neurological What and in the global brain as the Where to return to the
whole in the symbol systems of the Why as described above.