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COVENANT UNIVERSITY COURSE COMPACT 2013/2014 Academic Session College: Development Studies Department: Mass Communication Course Code: PRE327 Unit(s): 2 Semester: Omega Course Title: Integrated Marketing Communication Lecturer: Miss Angie O. Igbinoba Office No: E302E Extension: N/A Time: 6:00p.m-8:00p.m (Thursdays) Venue: F401 (A). BRIEF OVERVIEW OF COURSE This course is designed to train students to become proficient integrated marketing communicators who would facilitate sustainable national development via corporate communication administration. Its target is that of ingraining in students the hallmarks of integrity, productivity and professional excellence that would their brand communication activities. (B). COURSE OBJECTIVES/GOALS By the end of this course, students will have learned to: 1. Understand basic concepts that relate to integrated marketing communication. 2. Be mindful of the needs of consumers, clients and organisations whilst managing corporate communication; 3. Practice integrated marketing communication in a professional manner; 4. Show accountability and ethical consideration in the course of discharging their roles as integrated marketing experts. 5. Adopt combined skills in marketing, advertising, sales promotion and public relations to achieve set targets in the corporate world. (C). METHOD OF LECTURE DELIVERY/TEACHING AIDS 1. Lectures 2. Assignments 3. Multimedia facilities 4. Practical Classroom Sessions COURSE OUTLINE MODULE ONE: PREFATORY CONCEPTIONS Week 1: a) The Marketing Concept b) The Communication Concept c) Integrated Marketing Communication Defined Week 2: a) Broad Areas of Integrated Marketing Communication b) Elements of Direct Marketing Week 3: b) Media of Integrated Marketing Communication MODULE TWO: A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION (IMC) Week 4: a) Importance of Integrated Marketing Communication. b) Growth Factors for Integrated Marketing Communication. Week 5: a) Challenges to Integrated Marketing Communication Practice. b) Criteria for Successful Practice of Integrated Marketing Communication. Week 6: Participants in the Integrated Marketing Communication Process. Week 7: Ethical Concerns for the Integrated Marketing Communication Profession. Week 8: Mid-Semester Test. MODULE THREE: INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION IMC ENVIRONMENT Week 9: a) Internal Environment of Integrated Marketing Communication. b) External Environment of Integrated Marketing Communication. Week 10: a) Integrated Marketing Communication Environment and Management. b) Issues in the Integrated Marketing Communication Environment. MODULE FOUR: MARKETING COMMUNICATION (MARCOM) PLAN Week 11: a) Developing a Marketing Communication Plan. b) Elements of Integrated Marketing Communication Plan. Weeks 12-14: Revision and Examination Tutorials Tutorial class may be organized whenever it is perceived that students have challenges that could not be tackled during regular lecture periods. METHODS OF GRADING A. Assignments and tests attract a minimum of 30% B. Examination attracts a maximum of 70% Total ____________________________100% (F). GROUND RULES AND REGULATIONS Anyone guilty of academic theft, cheating or plagiarism will face disciplinary action. Attendance below 75% disqualifies any student from sitting for the course examination. Students who miss class for health reasons or grave challenges are to see the course instructor with a doctor’s note and acceptable evidence to explain their absence. Students would be required to observe punctuality in attending lectures and in submitting assignments. Recommended Texts Sengupta, S. (2006). Management of public relations and communication. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House PVT Limited. Okigbo, C. (1996). Integrated marketing communications: The new approach to advertising. In I. E. Nwosu & U. Ekwo (eds) Mass Media & Marketing Communications: Principles, Practices & Perspectives. Enugu: Thought Communication Publishers. Yeshin, T. (1998). Integrated marketing communications: The holistic approach. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Folkerts, J., Lacy, S. and Larabee, A. (2008). The media in your life: An introduction to mass communication. USA: Pearson Education, Inc. Okunna, C. S. (2002). Teaching mass communication: A multi-dimensional approach. Nigeria: NEW GENERATION BOOKS. Nwosu, I. E., Aliede, J. E. and Nsude, I. (2005). Mass communication: One course, many professions. Enugu, Nigeria: Prime Targets Limited. Any other relevant text.