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The Next Frontier
Virtualization, Hybrid Management and the
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Technical Intelligence Manager, Delphix
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman
Technical Intelligence Manager for the
Office of CTO, Delphix
Multi-platform DBA, (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL,
Sybase, Postgres…..)
Oracle ACE Director, (Alumni)
Oak Table Network
APEX Women in Technology Award, CTA 2014
STEM education with Raspberry Pi and Python
Liaison for Denver SQL Server User Group
Rocky Mountain Oracle Training Days
Conference Director and Board Director
Author, blogger, (
What is Virtualization?
Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than
actual) version of something, such as an operating
system, a server, a storage device, database, files or
network resources.
Virtualization Adoption Trend
Source: Gartner Forecasts
This trend will only increase in the next
five years as cloud overtakes the industry
Source: Right Scale State of the Cloud 2016
The Future of Virtualization
An overall trend in companies that includes autonomic computing,
where the IT environment will be able to manage itself based on
perceived activity, and resource shared computing, in which computer
processing power is utilized and/or paid for only as needed. The usual
goal of virtualization is to centralize administrative tasks while
improving scalability and work loads.
Welcome to the New Skill Adoption List!
Why Move to the Cloud?
• Cost
• Resource
• Storage
• Time
Well, that depends on….
• Price per Gb
• Complexity
• SLAs and the
biggest savings….
How Are Companies Migrating to the
1. Just copy data and applications into the cloud…
 Straightforward approach
 Inefficient, non-incremental for large environments
 Open-source “bbcp” uses encryption, compresses, and
 Archaic processes recommended by vendors
2. Start with backups to IaaS storage, then populate re-hosted
applications by restoring from those backups
 Cloud backups are easy, known technology
Backups cloud service: from on-premises
to the Cloud
Cloud Storage
Database server
Backups cloud service: from on-premises to
the Cloud, then restore- Assumption
Cloud Storage
Database server
Database server
Migration Complete…Not so Much…
Even if only development or test has been migrated to the cloud…
Data is migrated, but this doesn’t count for ongoing data loads,
application connectivity across the network.
To refresh will take considerable time to perform.
Rarely a consideration for the difference in cost structure for
processing large amounts of data from on-premise to the cloud.
How Microsoft Sees a Migration to Azure
How much
hardware do I
“Simple” Database Migration
• Database must be MSSQL 2005 or higher, (easy)
• Ensure that the database is compatible with Azure SQL DB, (correct any
incompatible functions, etc.)
• Must have identified all performance issues that will be impacted
• Ensure there is little physical distance between cloud data center and
bacpac files to be used for migration.
• Disable management jobs that will hinder migration processing.
• Drop any objects or historical data that can impact migration time and
can be performed post migration.
If IIS and Using the Azure Cloud Migration Asst.
• Performs assessment of IIS environment and creates report of what can be
• Creates report to document what will require moving and any issues
• Creates any websites and associated databases in preparation for the
• If non-compatible products are in use, (which is in case of 90% of
environments) then those must be addressed manually.
• The tool is free to start, but will cost as project proceeds in duration.
Cost Estimates for Cloud Vendors - Azure
Storage Capacity
First 1 TB / Month $0.024 per GB
Next 49 TB (1 to 50 TB) / Month
Next 450 TB (50 to 500 TB) / Month
Next 500 TB (500 to 1,000 TB) / Month
$0.03 per GB
$0.0236 per GB
$0.0232 per GB
$0.0228 per GB
$0.0295 per GB
$0.029 per GB
$0.0285 per GB
Migrating from on-premise to IaaS
Much Improved Option1. Data virtualization
 Easy, secure, revolutionary
 Optimized for faster agile development and testing
 Optimized for new costing structures in IaaS
Example Environment- 1 TB
Data Virtualization: From Prod to Virtual
Validated Sync Environment
Source Environment
Data Virtualization: From Prod to Virtual
Source Environment
Any Storage
Validated Sync
Create as many
VDBs as needed!
Data Virtualization: Space Savings
Validated Sync Target
Delphix Virtualization Engine
Dozen Virtual Database Copies,
Data Virtualization: How is it possible?
Delphix Virtualization
Any Storage
Virtual Database
Data Virtualization: on-premise
Delphix Virtualization Engine
via SMB
2 TB storage
Source DB server
Target DB server
SQL Server 2008-2016
1 TB
SQL Server 1008-2016
No database storage
Data virtualization: from on-premises into
the Cloud
Delphix Virtualization Engine
2 TB storage
Source DB server
SQL Server 2008-2016
2TB storage
Target DB server
SQL Server 2008-2016
No database storage
Secondary Considerations
For Non-Production Systems…
 Change the way you’ve always performed tasks.
 Performing common tasks the same way as previously
might end up costing more.
 Secure Data
 All IaaS alternatives promote encryption for data inflight and for data at-rest, but encryption may not be the
right answer…
How does data virtualization enhance the
Cloud experience?
Optimized for the cloud in the first place…
1. Different cost structures
 Much smaller storage footprint, much less data-transfer
Different cost structures
 Traditional copy data management techniques
 Developed without concerns about infrastructure chargeback
 This corresponds to higher cost.
 IaaS vendors monitor storage and data transfers
 Help meet SLAs, garner profits
 It’s not just the data that exists in the end, so transformations can
equal big money for cloud vendors.
Data virtualization minimizes…
Storage costs
Thin-provisioning storage avoidance
Data transfer costs
Far less data transferred during provisioning/refresh operations
• As opposed to the volume of data transferred using traditional
cloning techniques
Network-attached storage data transfers offset somewhat
• Most non-production usage modifies or accesses only a tiny
proportion of the total database during lifetime
Cloud and Performance
• Tune SQL and Apps to perform efficiently as possible- natural
life of database is growth, (in processes, resources, etc.) before
• The less network latency, the better- network tracing to
eliminate database blame is important.
• Many of the same tools and data provides value- DMVs provide
data internally to SQL Server.
• Look at management tools such as Cloudmonix, (formerly
AzureWatch) AppDynamics, Dynatrace, Zabbix or Logic
Confidential data
All IaaS solutions provide encryption in-flight and encryption at-rest
 But encryption doesn’t protect data as much as it needs to be .
 Europe already requires data masking, not just data encryption for
any confindential data:
Confidential data
Encryption is reversible data obfuscation, which is very different
from masking data.
Data masking is non-reversible.
 It solves the issue at the data level.
Is authentication and authorization in non-production in compliance
with security goals?
 All organizations will soon need to review if critical data in nonproduction environments be accessible to developers, testers
and users.
Why Masking is Important
Masking personally-identifiable, (PII, HIPPA, PCI, etc.)
information renders it useless from a security standpoint
Resolves both the technical and personal responsibility issue.
The data can be masked before it moves to non-production,
removing unnecessary risk.
Confidential data
Data virtualization: transformation by
Delphix Virtualization Engine
2TB storage
SQL Server Target
No database storage
SQL Server
Validated Sync
Delphix Masking Engine
Data virtualization: transformation by masking,
then replicating to IaaS
Delphix Virtualization Engine
2TB storage
Delphix Virtualization Engine
2 TB storage
SQL Server
Validated Sync
SQL Server Target
Storage Only for
Masked Data
Delphix Masking Engine
SQL Server Target
Storage Only for
Masked Data
Selective replication of virtual databases
and files
 Delphix appliances include replication
 For data protection, for scalability, and for migration
 Virtualized data is already compressed at-rest, further
compressed and encrypted in-flight, incrementally
replicated to another engine
Data virtualization + transformations =
complete solution
 Once data has been virtualized on-premises…
 It’s transformed cross-platform on-premises...
 It’s transformed by securely masking on-premises...
 Then...
 securely virtualized data can be safely replicated to IaaS
Data virtualization: transforming cross-platform,
then masking, then replicating to IaaS
Delphix Virtualization Engine
Delphix Virtualization Engine
4 TB storage
4 TB storage
SQL Server Target
SQL Server
Validated Sync
Storage Only for Masked
SQL Server Target
Storage Only for Masked
SQL Server Target
Storage Only for Masked
Delphix Masking Engine
Summary: Solutions for Cloud
Migrations using Virtualization
Watch for Chargebacks
 Data virtualization minimizes storage and data transfer and
transformation costs.
Confidential Data
 Data masking integrated with data virtualization truly
secures PCI, PII, HIPPA and other confidential data.
Want to try it out, download the Delphix AWS Trial is Available for Oracle,
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