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ARC Viewer Deployment
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................ 4
IE Metadata ................................................................................................ 5
IE Entity Type .......................................................................................... 5
Web Harvesting DNX section ...................................................................... 5
DC Elements ............................................................................................ 6
Rosetta Configuration ................................................................................... 7
Delivery Rules .......................................................................................... 7
Deployment in Rosetta server ......................................................................... 8
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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This document describes the steps required for deploying the ARC
viewer in Rosetta.
The purpose of deploying this viewer is to allow the delivery of Web
Archives that are stored in Rosetta.
Web Archive – A web archive is a set of files that were harvested by
a web curator tool. The tool copies the content of a web site and
captures its content in an archived container (e.g. arc file). The
functionality of a Web Archive viewer (such as the ARC viewer) is to
allow the user view the web site as it was captured.
The ARC viewer was developed by the National Library of New
Zealand and it can be deployed in any of Rosetta installations.
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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IE Metadata
In order to be viewed by the ARC viewer, the IE should have the
following metadata:
IE Entity Type
The ARC viewer expects the IE to have the value WebHarvestIE in
its IEEntityType field.
In order to support that, there should be an entry in the IE Entity
Type Code Table with the code = “WebHarvestIE”.
Web Harvesting DNX section
The ARC viewer expects the IE to have the webHarvesting DNX
section populated. The mandatory fields should be:
harvest date
primary seed URL
target name
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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For example:
DC Elements
The following DC terms need to be present in the dmdSec of the
METS file:
For example:
These DC fields should be populated by the submission application
that prepares the web archive for ingest.
Note that the dates should match the dates in the Web Harvesting
DNX section.
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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Rosetta Configuration
Delivery Rules
An IE Delivery Rule must be added in order to allow the Delivery
Manager to use the ARC viewer:
The input parameter should be:
o IE Entity Type = WebHarvestIE
The output parameters should be:
o Viewer URL = /ArcAggregator/arcView?
o Viewer Pre-Processor =
Note that this rule should be first in the order of list of Delivery
rules; otherwise the IE will get “caught” by the generic rule that can
work with all IE Entity Type values.
© Ex Libris Ltd. 2010
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Deployment in Rosetta server
It would be recommended to use the Exlibris provided Viewer
deployment procedure while copying the ArcViewer war file into
the Rosetta Staging servers. However following steps can be
used alternatively.
Deployment of the ARC viewer in is done simply by copying the
WAR file to the directory ${dps_dev}/system.dir/thirdparty/jboss/server/default/deploy/
(This location is accessible by the dps_deploy alias)
ARC Viewer log
The log of the ARC viewer can be found next to the server.log,
(accessible by the alias dps_log)
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