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The Solar wind is 428 km/sec and there are 8 Sunspot clusters on the surface today.
Sunspot AR1897 has evolved into a sprawling archipelago of magnetic islands with more
than a dozen dark cores scattered across 350,000 km of solar "terrain." This complex
region has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong M-class solar
flares, and it is directly facing Earth:
Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world.
Experienced observers put the comet's magnitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th. This means it is
now fully 10 times brighter than it was only three days ago before the outburst. To the
naked eye, ISON appears as a faint smudge of pale green light low in the pre-dawn sky.
The view through a telescope is more dramatic. The comet's tail has become a riotous
crowd of gaseous streamers stretching more than 3.5 degrees across the sky.
Bengahzi was a Botched October Surprise
It’s even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that
Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the
kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and
bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?
The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “the attack
on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the
first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar
Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”
But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although it appears to
everyone, including Congressional investigators, that the Obama Administration intentionally
gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone
Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, singlehandedly killed scores of attackers. However, the attackers, believing that the Obama had
betrayed the secret plan for the prisoner trade, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged
his body through the streets. After all, they were quire surprised that someone was in fact
shooting back.
The attackers also knew where everything was located, including the diesel fuel, the gate keys,
and the safe room inside the compound. They knew there would not be a single armed person
inside that compound. Some of the attackers brought their own cell phones, so they could film
the event and send it to their friends.
US Employment as low as in 1978
The percentage of American civilians 16 or older who have a job or are actively seeking one
dropped to a 35-year low in October, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In September,
the labor force participation rate was 63.2 percent, but in October it dropped to 62.8 percent—the
lowest it has been since February 1978, when Jimmy Carter was president. The labor force,
according to BLS, is that part of the civilian noninstitutional population that either has a job or
has actively sought one in the last four weeks. The civilian noninstitutional population consists
of people 16 or older, who are not on active-duty in the military or in an institution. At no time
during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush,
did such a small percentage of the civilian non-institutional population either hold a job or at
least actively seek one. The BLS has been calculating the national labor force participation rate
since 1948. From that year until 2000, when labor force participation peaked at 67.3 percent, the
percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population that either held a job or was seeking one
generally was on the rise. Since 2000, the percentage has been trending down. When President
Barack Obama took office in January 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7 percent.
By the beginning of 2013, the start of Obama’s second term, it had dropped to 63.6 percent.
Since this January, it has continued to decline, hitting a 35-year low of 62.8 percent in October.
When someone drops out of the labor force and ceases to actively seek a job, they are no longer
counted as “unemployed.” The BLS counts as “unemployed” only those who have actively
sought a job in the last four weeks. The unemployment rate is the percentage of people in the
labor force who did not have a job in the last four weeks but were actively seeking one. People in
the civilian noninstitutional population who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in
the last four weeks are considered “not in the labor force.” The number of Americans not in the
labor force has climbed by 11,034,000 since Obama took office, rising from 80,507,000 in
January 2009 to 91,541,000 in October. Despite the 11,034,000 who have dropped out of the
labor force since Obama took office, the national unemployment rate has remained at a relatively
high level. In January 2009, it was 7.8 percent. Since then, it has never dropped below 7.2
percent, the level it hit this September before rising to 7.3 percent this October. October was the
59th straight month of 7-percent-plus unemployment in the United States.
Comet Ison is Going to Surprise Almost Everyone
Get ready for a stellar show. The much-anticipated Comet ISON is now visible to the naked eye
according to reports from many observers.
Comet ISON — the potential "comet of the century" — has suddenly brightened in an outburst
of activity with just two weeks to go before it literally grazes the surface of the sun.
In recent months, Comet ISON has repeatedly befuddled forecasters trying to anticipate just how
bright it will ultimately become. But earlier this week, the comet's brightening trend again
seemed to sputtering and stalling, but more recent observations suggest a sudden and radical
upsurge in brightness.
Comet ISON is now in full outburst mode, becoming many times brighter over just the past few
days. Astronomers measure the brightness of objects in the night sky as magnitude, in which the
brighter an object is, the lower its magnitude number. The human eye can perceive objects as
faint as magnitude +6.5.
According to veteran comet observer, John Bortle, Comet ISON was shining only at magnitude
+8.5 on Monday (Nov. 11) morning — more than six times too dim to be visible to the unaided
eye. But by Wednesday morning, the comet’s brightness had increased three-fold brightening to
In just 72 hours, Comet ISON increased nearly 16 times in brightness.
Carl Hergenrother, acting co-coordinator of the comet section of the Association of Lunar and
Planetary Observers, has confirmed Bortle's observations.
"ISON has dramatically brightened over the past few days," Hergenrother told via
email. "The latest observations put the comet around magnitude 5.7 to 6.1 which is a 2+
magnitude increase from this weekend. My own observations from this morning in 10x50 and
30x125 binoculars show a nice 'lollipop' comet with a very condensed blue-green head and a
long narrow tail. The tail was over 1 degree in length even in the 10x50s. The comet may
continue to brighten as the outburst is still in its early stages."
"ISON, while not as large as the full moon, was an impressive sight in the eyepiece," Wilde said.
"The coma was compact with a very bright apparent nucleus, very bright green in color. The tail
was very thin and bright near the coma and widened slightly as it extended out to almost 3.5
degrees as seen in the 15". It wasn't huge or extraordinarily bright but it was a great view
nonetheless. I viewed the coma at up to 490x and it was uniformly dense and bright. There was
no indication of the start of any breakup. After finding it with the telescope it was quite easy to
pick out the coma with the [binoculars]."
This outburst is not completely unusual since ISON has demonstrated short "spurts" of
brightening over the past few weeks, but they were quickly followed by abrupt slow-down in its
brightening trend.
So will the current outburst persist until the comet arrives at the sun on Thanksgiving Day (Nov.
"Whether by chance we have caught the comet at the peak of the outburst is certainly debatable
(to me rather improbable) and it may well still brighten further," Bortle said.
"The comet may continue to brighten as the outburst is still in its early stages," Hergenrother
said. "Whether this outburst will be a short-lived event or the beginning of a more active phase is
still to be seen."
This sudden upsurge in brightness is certainly very good for a comet that until now seemed to be
running well behind in brightness predictions. It seems now that we can feel a little more
optimistic about this enigmatic object putting on show for us later this month on into early
Comet ISON was first discovered by Russian amateur astronomers Vitali Nevski and Artyom
Novichonok in September 2012. The comet is officially designated C/2012 S1 (ISON), with
ISON standing for International Scientific Optical Network.
The comet is rapidly approaching its Nov. 28 perihelion and as a result it is becoming more and
more difficult to observe low near the east-southeast horizon in the dawn sky. Still, observers
with access to a clear horizon may be able to follow ISON for about another week.
Next Monday morning (Nov. 18), ISON will be passing close to the bright 1st magnitude star
Spica in Virgo. Using the handle of the Big Dipper, sweep an arc to the brilliant orange star
Arcturus. Then continue that arc on to Spica. Using binoculars, ISON should still be readily be
visible as a fuzzy star with a short tail.
Will it still be visible to the unaided eye? Check it out for yourself!
Solar Pole Shift is Unique in Human Consciousness
NASA is reporting that the sun will do it's cyclic magnetic pole shift very soon (within 3-4
months but some scientists are saying within 1 month). This is a very regular event (every 11
years), so there is nothing to fear here. However, knowing how much solar flares have been
affecting us now compared to years and decades past it is only logical to think that we'll
definitely feel the solar magnetic pole shift on an emotional and physical level in a greater way
than we have before.
It feels like we will be experiencing it very differently due to our increased sensitivity. Not only
are we more aware of the Sun and its relation to Earth. We are also able to see it with color
instruments up close and in stereo, which has provided people a new image of the Sun in our
minds. We see the corona and the activity of magnetic filaments, sunspots, and even solar flares.
Our ability to observe and therefor affect the Sun is much enhanced.
Add to that the fact that the entire Solar System is passing through the Galactic Plane, and we
have a once in 26 thousand years opportunity. Now add to that the fact that there are 7 billion
souls alove on this planet, and we have an event that happens once or twice in the life of a planet.
This means that we have a chance to seriously affect the universe; right now.
The Sun's North Pole has already shifted, and now we are waiting for the South Pole to catch up.
It could happen this month.
HERCOLUBUS: The Greatest
Mystery Of The Modern Era
Saturday, November 16, 2013 14:41
(Before It's News)
The FINAL SHIFT Fast Approaches
We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has
fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to
understand or believe or imbibe.
If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on
the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global
mainstream media to tell everyone?
If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate
this information?
If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next
day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?
With this understanding one can better comprehend the many unreasonable and irrational,
mindless and foolish, crazy and insane actions taken by the World Shadow Government. Obviously
they know that their time is up. Accordingly, they have less and less control – by the day – over
how things will play out.
Yes, they may have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C. However, there are many emerging
eventualities over which they have far less influence than what they are used to. Their bunkers
buried deep underground may not be in the protected areas they once thought. Nor are their offplanet rendezvous sites as safe from solar system calamities as they once believed. Of course their
experiments with time travel and interstellar travel, wormholes and parallel universes, blank
slate technology and invisibility cloaking have already proveddisastrous.
Before we continue to address the unfoldment of their master plan, and how it is thwarted at
every turn, exactly what is it that the WSG is so concerned about? Does something lurk in the far
reaches of the Solar System which has their undivided attention? You be the judge!
The following video may be one of the most revealing you will ever watch.
It also informs as to why there are so many desperate moves being made at the very
top; the pervasive institutional madness somehow becomes fathomable.
*************** Hercolubus is coming. — Carlos Muñoz Ferrada ***************
We are not suggesting that all of the scientific predictions of Carlos Muñoz Ferrada* are entirely
accurate. Prophecies of this nature are rarely perfect. However, what this highly intuitive and
gifted astronomer and seismologist has told us cannot be ignored.
*Carlos Muñoz Ferrada, predicted with extraordinary accuracy numerous earthquakes in South
America during the last century. He did this by making direct correlations between specific
astronomical phenomena and various catastrophic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. His most
significant prediction regards the “future arrival of a greatComet-Planet”.
For those who did not watch the preceding video, Ferrada calls it a Comet-Planet because it has
the size of a planet, and the speed and elliptical orbit of a comet.
Whether you believe or not what this video portrays is not essential. What matters is that there
have been numerous prognostications of this nature over millennia which simply can no longer be
ignored in the face of such pervasive and compelling evidence.
What kind of evidence? Before we go there, it’s important to point out that Latin America has
produced other gifted visionaries just like Carlos Muñoz Ferrada. Here are three of those
individuals who have independently referred to the future happenings delineated by Carlos
(1) V.M. Rabolu (1926 – 2000) was born in Tolima, Colombia.
“In 1998 he wrote “Hercolubus or Red Planet”. Based on his direct and conscious experience, V.M.
Rabolu describes the terrible events that will happen on our planet in the short term and explains
the path that the human being can follow in order to achieve a deep transformation.”
“Hercolubus, a planet so called by the sages of antiquity, is approaching our Solar System and is
the cause of great concern for those who know about such cosmic phenomena. In our former
encounter, Hercolubus put an end to the Atlantean civilization. These facts are duly related
through all the “Universal Floods” of different religions and cultures.”
“The consequence of the very close proximity of Hercolubus will be upheaval in all corners of our
– “Hercolubus or Red planet” by V. M. Rabolu; Diana’s Pub (October 1, 2002)
(2) Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898–1974), was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 8
“Benjamin Solari Parravicini, the great Argentinean prophet, who was nicknamed “the South
American Nostradamus”, wrote some decades ago: “The hour of hours will arrive and in its
darkness the crash of the big planet will be received. The Earth will be reversed. Everything will
(3) Samael Aun Weor (March 6, 1917 – December 24, 1977) was born as Victor Manuel Gómez
Rodriguez in Bogotá, Colombia
“Samael Aun Weor, the great Gnostic master who gave numerous lectures in Mexico during the
70s. He talked about Hercolubus and explained that, in the times of the end, it would approach
the Earth. Due to its great electromagnetic power, he said it would destabilize the Earth’s crust
causing huge earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and natural disasters. Hercolubus would
have approached our solar system in former occasions to unleash cataclysms that wiped out the
Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations. Now, he said, it would come again to end our civilization
and allow a new era to begin.”
– The Final Prophecy by The Alcione Association
Why else do you think the Vatican owns an observatory outside of Safford, Arizona?
Not only does the Vatican operate the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) at Mount
Graham International Observatory (MGIO) located in southeast Arizona’s Pinaleno Mountains, they
share the same facility with the The Large Binocular Telescope Observatory.
“The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope, aka the VATT, is a 1.8 meter Gregorian telescope
observing in the optical and infrared.” Why infrared? Because Planet X is often referred to as a
brown dwarf which has cooled down so much that it can only be detected in this range of light
“Construction of MGIO began in 1989. MGIO currently operates and maintains facilities for three
scientific organizations. The first two telescopes, the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope and
the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope began operations in 1993. The Large Binocular
Telescope, one of the world’s largest and most powerful telescopes, began operations using
mirrors independently in 2004, with joint operations between the two mirrors beginning in 2008.”
(Per Wikipedia – Mount Graham International Observatory)
The Vatican Secret Archives has probably more volumes of original documents in the form of
scriptural treatises, as well as historical records produced by the ancients, than any other library
on Earth. The Roman Catholic Church is further informed about the future of humanity from the
numerous Marian apparitions which have occurred around the world over the past two hundred
years. It is a well known fact in certain circles (e.g. Curia and Magisterium) that many of the
prophecies, which were given to mostly children, have never been released by the Church
hierarchy because of the dire content.
Why might this be the case? Because those controllers of information know that such doses of
reality are simply too much for the masses to bear. Of course, they have deliberately leaked this
and that information over many decades so that those who have ears to hear will receive the
messages they are meant to.
The Vatican is also well aware of the Saint Malachy’s prophecy regarding the last ten popes, as
well as those similar revelations given in various Marian apparitions. By these and other accounts
(such as Nostradamus), the current Pope — Francis I — will be the final Roman Pontiff in the
tradition of the Catholic Church of Rome. One of those prognostications presents the actual
context of when the current pope would be forced to “flee Rome in December when the great
comet is seen in the daytime.”
Medjugorje is just one of the latest and most famous series of Marian prophecy which clearly
indicates that “Huge Changes Are Coming To Planet Earth“. Whenever these predictions veer
into earth change territory, they always speak of massive, unprecedented and cataclysmic events
overtaking the entire planetary realm. No location is spared, except those which are preordained
as safe havens for the protected portion of humanity that is to be safeguarded.
The Marian apparitions at Garabandal also imparted prophecy which used similar language about a
warning to all of humanity, as well as a chastisement which would humble every human being. So
have many other lesser known appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary such as those known as
the Bayside Prophecies. Even the Third Secret of Fatima is said to concern the end times, which is
why it was never officially released by the Vatican.
The primary agent of such massive, global change is usually referred to as a shift, specifically an
axis pole shift where the Earth actually shifts on its axis by a number of degrees. In her
book Mary’s Message to the World, Annie Kirkwood makes it clear that Mary speaks about the
“turning of the earth”.
An axis Pole Shift is the only planet-wide geophysical event which can generate so many
predicted changes.
The historical record, both geological and archaeological, is replete with hard evidence of
periodic planetary catastrophism. Our blue orb has, in fact, experienced global land mass
rearrangements at the closing of eras and conclusion of epochs since the beginning of time. As we
approach the current denouement of the Kali Yuga (Age of Conflict), also known as the Iron Age,
it is certain that Mother Earth will once again turn on her axis. So that the old lands can be
rejuvenated and refreshed, this is but a necessity. So that the new lands can emerge to sustain
the new race of humanity is likewise an essential byproduct of axial pole shifts.
Therefore, the real $64,000 question is just what kind of celestial event would provide the
requisite interplanetary dynamic to precipitate a shifting of the Earth on its axis?
Barring an invisible form of deus ex machina to produce such an outcome, only a celestial intruder
of great order would possess all “the right stuff” to cause the Earth to literally roll over … and
stay there as the new normal. Hence, we see more weight than ever afforded to the various
schools of thought which promote a “Planet X”.
All of these names have been proffered as candidates for the heavenly body which may be
responsible for both past and future catastrophism on Earth. That’s not to say that there are not
other diverse possibilities when considering the various apocalyptic scenarios which the planet has
been proven to undergo. However, asteroids and large meteors, gamma bursts and supernovas
each have their obvious deficiencies when trying to explain an event like a pole shift.
Of all the theories which abound, and there are many on the internet, the narrative surrounding
Hercolubus seems to be the most plausible. It also appears to be the one which forms the basis for
all the others. Even the Nibiru story, and their Annunakitravelers, seem to have originated from
the Hercolubus version of earth-shaking events.
It’s true the Sun has been going through some major changes over the past few decades. We
wonder if its new location in the galaxy vis-s-vis the Galactic Center is enough to bring about such
a profound and fundamental transformation. We also wonder if there are other galactic
happenings – both seen and unseen – which may be triggering and sustaining Sol’s new behavior.
As the Sun ages, it is quite possible that it is simply entering a new phase of existence, not too
unlike a teenager growing into a young adult. However, there does exist an overwhelming body of
evidence which points directly to the influence of sizable planetary sphere within the outer
reaches of our Solar System. This would also explain many of the other recent and radical
changes undergone by all the other planets.
Especially one with an immense gravitational field would be required for the axis shift in question
to occur. Such a celestial body would also have to possess other extraordinary properties and
unique features in order to effectuate a Pole Shift, as is often foretold. In other words it appears
to have it’s own type of ‘intelligence’.
So now the question is: Where is it?
Just where is the heavenly body which may be careening toward our Solar System at this very
moment? Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and
director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology rendered an account
which ended up in the Washington Post back in 1983.
“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it
would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an
orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.”
“So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a
nearby “protostar” that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is
still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light
cast by its stars ever gets through. “All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is,” Dr. Gerry
Neugebauer … said in an interview.”
Another noted astronomer Dr. Robert S. Harrington, was convinced of the existence of a “Planet
X” because of the perturbations which many in his field had observed on both Neptune and
“Robert Sutton Harrington (October 21, 1942 – January 23, 1993) was an American astronomer who
worked at the United States Naval Observatory (USNO) … Harrington became a believer in the
existence of a Planet X beyond Pluto and undertook searches for it, with positive results coming
from the IRAD probe in 1983. Harrington collaborated initially with T. C. (Tom) Van Flandern.”
(Per Wikipedia – Robert Sutton Harrington)
“When scientists noticed that Uranus wasn’t following its predicted orbit for example, they didn’t
question their theories. Instead they blamed the anomalies on an as yet unseen planet and, sure
enough, Neptune was discovered in 1846. Now astronomers are using the same strategy to explain
quirks in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. According to John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., this odd behavior suggests that the sun has an unseen companion,
a dark star gravitationally bound to it but billions of miles away. … Other scientists suggest that
the most likely cause of the orbital snags is a tenth planet 4 to 7 billion miles beyond Neptune. A
companion star would tug the outer planets, not just Uranus and Neptune, says Thomas Van
Flandern of the U.S Naval Observatory. And where he admits a tenth planet is possible, but argues
that it would have to be so big – a least the size of Uranus – that it should have been discovered by
– “Does the Sun Have a Dark Companion?” – Newsweek; June 28 1982
The Planets — all of them — have been experiencing unparalleled and dramatic
transformation never seen or recorded before.
“They are undergoing variations in their atmospheres. For example, the Martian atmosphere is
getting sizably thicker and Earth’s moon is growing an atmosphere and according to Dr. Alexey
Dmitriev, there is a 6,000 kilometer deep layer of Natrium that wasn’t there previously. He says
that we’re having this kind of change in the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere where HO gas is
forming that wasn’t there before; it simply did not exist in the quantity that it does now. It’s not
related to global warming and it’s not related to CFCs or fluorocarbon emissions or any of that
stuff. It’s just showing up.”
“Magnetic fields and brightness of the planets are changing. The planets are experiencing sizable
increases in their overall luminosity. Venus for example, is showing us marked elevations in its
overall brightness. Jupiter has such a high energetic charge now that there is actually a visible
tube of ionizing radiation that has formed between it and its moon. You can actually see the
luminous energy tube in photographs that have been taken recently. In addition, the magnetic
field strength of each planet has increased.”
“Uranus and Neptune appear to have had recent pole shifts. When the Voyager 2 space probe flew
past Uranus and Neptune, the apparent north and south magnetic poles were sizably offset from
where the rotational pole was. In one case, it was 50 degrees off and in the other case the
difference was around 40 degrees, both of which are pretty big changes.”
“The overall changes could essentially be broken down into three categories:
• Energy field changes
• Luminosity changes
• Atmospheric changes”
– “The Biggest Danger for Earth – The Hercolubus (Planet X) Inbound” by Luis Fredas; August 29,
Global Climate Change is increasing and intensifying rapidly … everywhere!
2899 Record cold temps vs 667 record warm
temps in U.S. — From July 24 to August 19
Heat Wave: Death Valley hits 128 degrees — or is it 129?
In 2013, Texas Drought Could Be Worst Ever In Some Areas, Climatologist Says
Heat flow from Earth’s mantle contributes to Greenland ice melting
North Pole Melting Leaves Small Lake At The Top Of The World
Weather radar shows giant ‘storm’ of dust, bugs in Texas
Snow Plows Needed In July!
Winter Storm Nemo: Historic Blizzard Pounds New England
Monster Oklahoma tornado kills 51
El Reno tornado is ‘super rare’ national record-breaker
NYC and DC Face Power Outages, Water Restrictions in Soaring Heat
Summer 2013 weather extremes tied to extraordinarily unusual polar jet stream
Colorado floods: More than 700 evacuated in largest aerial rescue operation since Hurricane
Katrina, officials say
Black Forest fire is worst in Colorado’s history
Rim Fire Near Yosemite Ranks Among Top 3 Largest Wildfires in California History
South Dakota ranchers reel after ‘catastrophic’ storm leaves up to 100,000 cattle dead
Hurricane-force gusts batter UK, Europe; 13 dead, trees uprooted, travel chaos
Downtown Calgary Is Almost Entirely Under Water
Chaos as floods submerge Mexico’s Acapulco, death toll rises
Floods encircle Thai industrial park; government says no repeat of 2011
Typhoon Hits Southeastern China
Cyclone Phailin is half the size of India and strengthening quickly as it heads for land
Japan’s shocking, deadly deluge from Typhoon Wipha: 33 inches of rain in 24 hours
Powerful typhoon lashes Japan, floods force thousands to evacuate
Floods cover more than half of Philippine capital
10,000 feared killed in Philippines by super typhoon Haiyan
Australia Wildfires: Nearly 100 Fires Rage Across New South Wales
Extreme Weather Grows in Frequency and Intensity Around World
The preceding headlines — from 2013 only — tell the story much better than we can.
The worldwide weather patterns have gone into a crash and burn mode, both literally and
figuratively. Every region of the world has now experienced a periodic and profound departure
from their traditional weather norms since records have been kept. “Global Climate Change does
not accurately describe the planetary predicament; an ongoing worldwide atmospheric
apocalypse does … manifesting as localized weather cataclysms“, as stated in the recent CCRG
article on Global Warming.
Might the incoming Comet-Planet have hyper-dimensional qualities?
First, it is critical to understand that the physical nature and behavior of this hypothetical CometPlanet can only be properly understood when viewed through the lens of the Electric
Universe Theory, as well as Plasma Cosmology. Being cognizant that the universe is comprised of
“plasmas (ionized “gases”) which make up 99.999% of the visible universe.” is the only way to
correctly apprehend the unique characteristics of such a heavenly body.
For instance, Carlos Ferrada has stated that Hercolubus travels at 300 kilometers per second for
half of it’s orbit. In the video he emphasizes that this is 1/1000th of the speed of light.
Therefore, we can only assume that this particular heavenly body is quite literally a HEAVENLY
BODY! One that obeys a set of laws that can neither be defined by Quantum Mechanics nor Theory
of Relativity. It may even be the case that the Electric Universe cannot adequately explain the
dynamic components of a comet-planet.
For the uninitiated, the esoteric field of Hyperdimensional Physics (HDP) is still emerging from its
infancy. It does, however, provide a quasi geo-physical context in which a celestial body of
extraordinary size, mass and speed can behave as a comet-planet. Both the Electric
Universe Theory and HDP also accommodate many other inexplicable aspects of the Solar System
and anomalies throughout the Milky Way galaxy which have eluded sound scientific explanation for
Likewise, there are countless other galactic phenomena, which the current astronomy and
astrophysics paradigms do not sufficiently illuminate or support. In light of these and many other
inconsistencies found throughout the tenuous teachings of the academic establishment, it must be
noted that the conventional wisdom has been found wanting in this regard.
Clearly, there is very little room for either periodic catastrophism or comet-planets within the
existing realm of astrophysics research institutions or their peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Neither are rarely addressed with any seriousness for reasons that perhaps have more to do with
premeditated denial and purposeful obfuscation, as was previously discussed.
Yes, the whole subject matter is simply too radioactive for the establishment to take up in any
factual or meaningful way. And so it shall remain until the end of days.
“An unusual event is going to accelerate the process of swift change to the axis of the planet
Earth. I am referring to the planet Hercolubus. This planet is six times bigger than the planet
Jupiter. The planet Hercolubus belongs to the distant solar system of Tylo. The solar system of
Tylo is rapidly approaching our solar system, and Hercolubus is rapidly approaching Earth. Modern
Astronomers have before their sight the planet Hercolubus, or as it is known by modern science,
the Barnard star. This planet is a powerful giant that will pass through an angle of our solar
system. When this happens, the revolution of the axis of the planet Earth will accelerate
violently. Then the final catastrophe will occur. Some scientists believe that they will be able to
push this monstrous planet away with nuclear explosions, but this will be useless. It will be
impossible to push this tremendous mass of a planet out of the way with mere nuclear bombs. This
same planet brought Atlantis to an end. Before Atlantis existed, it annihilated the existence of
another continent. We know very well that the continent of Mu or Lemuria sank within the waters
of the boisterous pacific ocean after 10,000 years of earthquakes and incessant volcanic
– Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message
When will the Final Shift occur?
There is only one answer to this question. Those who reside at the very peak of the pinnacle
of Global Control Matrix know the answer. They have all been here before.
“When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a critical level of advancement,
without being informed by spiritual truths and guided by moral authority, the current
civilization will relinquish its right to continue as it is.”
~ Cosmic Convergence Research Group
It is really that simple. This statement also captures the essence of why the timing is so difficult
for anyone to pin down. Because those who direct the most consequential and far-reaching
scientific research experiments in the Solar System know exactly what they’re doing, they
actually have their foot on the accelerator. Of course, the Highest Powercontrols all, so the
actual moment of truth will “come like a thief in the night”, as it always does.
Since Hercolubus can behave as a hyperdimensional entity, it exists outside of the normally
perceived parameters of our universe. It is, however, extremely impressionable and responsive.
Were it to receive the frequencies which indicated that the misguided scientists (and their
controllers) have really crossed the line, it just might show up on our doorstep tomorrow …
However, there are all kinds of agency with which to send the final message. Whether the agent
shows up deus-ex-machina style or in the form of a HUGE red planet also known as the
of the Crossing” remains to be seen, yes?
What is of greater interest to those of us who have
watched this drama unfold is exactly where in our Solar System the curtain will go up. During
previous epochs, the show always began at the
“crossing place” or “place of
transition”, as the Akkadian name of Nibiru means.
Whether the “Final Shift” will be triggered by the “Winged Disc” or a ‘Solar Killshot’ is really
anyone’s guess. Nevertheless, because there is no doubt that the future of humankind lies in the
balance, as does the fate of Planet Earth, we are compelled to point out the following:
The Solar System and Milky Way Galaxy have an elegant order and beauty. The outcomes of
runaway applied science and unchecked applied technology do not always support this
established order. In fact, there are numerous covert DARPA programs such as HAARP, and
concealed NASAinitiatives as described in “Dark Mission,” which ‘fly’ directly in the face of
an orderly universe.
Therefore, we issue the following challenge and caveat to the folks at NASA who have contacted
us in the past. It goes like this:
Just how far do you plan to go before you put the entire civilization in jeopardy?
How much more engineering of the earth and manipulation of the solar system will you conduct
before irreparable harm has been inflicted?
You know by now that the galaxy gives residence to all manner of ET civilizations. Just as it
houses different planes of existence. Each and every “loka” or dimension is inextricably
connected. Therefore, what you do down here will have effects throughout the cosmos.
Above all, be aware that when your actions affect the destiny of other planets or solar systems or
ET civilizations, which are not karmically meant to be affected, the time is very, very near.
We ask: Just what kind of effects do you want to have from this point forward in your neck of the
woods? More importantly, you will want to deeply consider the repercussions should those effects
cross theinviolable line.
Be very careful about what you pursue to the detriment of the galactic environment. Earth
has already been devastated, so it must be cleaned up before you look to soil another nest.
Other Signs on Earth … and Omens in the Heavens …
… that something very BIG is around the corner!
And that is the number of manmade catastrophes which are engineered wittingly or unwittingly.
For example, each of the past four years have brought to the planet an extraordinary event of
truly historic and monumental proportions.
We all saw the BP Gulf oil spill of 2010.
We all witnessed the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe of 2011.
We then experienced Superstorm Sandy in 2012.
And, of course, we just finished experiencing the US Government shutdown in 2013.
What is important to understand about each of these events is that they are all ongoing. The
people on the Gulf of Mexico coastline will verify this, as will the whole country of Japan. So will
the residents of the Jersey shore. Likewise, the entire USA is just waiting for the next Debt
Default Doomsday Date.
Russian meteor exploded with force of 30 Hiroshima bombs – Telegraph
Perhaps their completely cavalier attitude and reckless response to so many things is a reflection
of what really does matter to them at this very late date? Who could deny that a “Hercolubus”
would fit the profile of such a grave and momentous concern.
We can only conclude that the rapid and relentless weaponization of space, which has occurred
since the Reagan years, may be less about controlling the territory below, and more about
eliminating threats from above. And, that the Stars Wars program (aka theStrategic Defense
Initiative) was actually conceived in anticipation of a war in the heavens … or with unwelcomed
celestial intruders?
With all the aforementioned changes happening right in our own backyard (read Planet Earth), is
it any wonder global climate change has taken the world by storm?
As for the true cause of such pervasive, profound and permanent changes, a Hercolubus in our
neighborhood appears to be a very realistic possibility. Quite frankly, it might be better if
humankind assumed that it is as real as our highly esteemed Chilean astronomer has described it.
In this way, the community of nations would get down to the business of respecting our precious
planet, not competing for it’s every resource.
We are concerned that if a concerted effort is not made in earnest, with haste and in good faith,
the future will be much less pleasant than it has to be. Always, the people of the world have
the inherent power to positively affect all the outcomes referred to in this paper. The more
we resonate with reverence for Mother Earth, the quicker the message can be delivered to
her sister planets and brother planetoids that we have relented in our harmful behavior.
The following essay clearly delineates the concealed relationship that exists between Planet Earth
and the luminaries. More importantly, it portrays the fundamental relationship between humanity
and Mother Earth, as well as between humankind and the Sun. Understanding the true nature of
these relationships – and acting on it with sincere reverence and respect — is the single best way
of averting any unwanted prophecy or negative outcome, no matter how carved in stone they may
appear to be.
How is the SUN triggering many earth changes?
Is there also a “Planet X” in the picture?
Truly, a collective consciousness filled with light and wisdom and love can serve to mitigate even
the most severe consequences of wrong living. If ever there was a time to unite around a single
cause, this is it. Once we exceed the point of no return, what will come cannot be stopped. Nor
can the severity be alleviated once the key dominos start to fall.
We do think it is long past the hour to reverse the course of our civilization. It’s actually less than
a minute to midnight. The World Shadow Government has proven time and again that it would
rather take the path of least resistance. Doing nothing is certainly the best way to not alert the
public about these eventualities. They also know that the die has been cast many decades ago.
And, that their predecessors chose to chart a course which would be more and more difficult to
change with each passing day.
There is no question that the collective will and predominant intention of the human race has
great power. Likewise, a common purpose among the community of nations can change the
many self-defeating trajectories on which the civilization finds itself. Planet Earth is
currently in a very unique place within the galaxy, suffused with sublime light, rarefied
energies and benevolent grace. The challenge remains how to harness this fortuitous position
of destiny for the highest good of everyone concerned.
What shall we do? Individually, we can remain centered, grounded and focused on what is really
important in each moment. If nothing else, each of us can go within to find our strength, our
courage, and our resolve to make it through and out the other side happy, healthy and whole.
Truly, going within during these challenging times, and meditating on the Supreme
Consciousness will guide us in our moments of greatest need
The Terminator Act
Rather than his usual highlighting of the “zombies” in the US showing how they
mindlessly will sign anything if they are told their political party favors it, in the video
below Mark Dice deals with chilling topic of real life Terminator- style “Killer Robots”
and a real effort by 117 member states at the United Nations to kill projects which would
allow artifical intelligence robots the power to kill without a human being behind the
controls as they are in drones.
According to the article Dice is pointing out, on Thursday a UN committee met to
discuss outlawing the controversial technology.
According to International Business Times, the UN discussion led to a scheduled
convening of experts to further debate the “the Terminator 2-style technology for May in
Via Global Coast “”The decision to begin international discussions next year is a major
leap forward for efforts to ban killer robots preemptively,” Steve Goose, arms director at
the organization, said in a statement.”
This whole concept is terrifying, to create a machine that can kill humans with nothing
more than it’s own “judgment.”
President has King’s Protection
President Obama has signed a law that will give himself and all
presidents Secret Service protection for life, reversing a law passed
during the Clinton administration that gave former presidents a
security detail for only 10 years after leaving office.
The new law signed on Wednesday also gives former first ladies lifetime security details
(unless they divorce their former presidential spouse). It also affords all presidential
children a security detail until they are 16 years of age.
The now nullified law passed in 1994 was originally presented as a way to save millions
of dollars to the federal treasury. It was postulated that former presidents would have
enough money of their own to hire private security services. Former President Nixon did
this when he decided to forego his government-supplied Secret Service detail in his post
presidential years. The 1994 law was to take effect for all presidents elected after 1997,
so of the surviving presidents only George W. Bush and Barack Obama would have been
The new law sailed through both houses of Congress and had massive bi-partisan
The Silver Lining
Silver investing has gotten a lot of press lately with silver’s amazing run up over the past
eight months and even more so since February, making it a good market for creating wealth
for some (and preserving wealth for others). Actually, this is not the case, and I have told
you for years that this is not so. Silver is a storage metal. It is more affordable than Gold,
and it is used up about as fast as it is mined these days.
From a high of near 50, the market finally did correct sharply… but it has NOT crashed, nor
have the fundamentals for silver investing changed. There is an advantage now, that may not
be as dramatic as Gold. Why? Because Silver should be about 1/10th the cost of Gold, if the
market is not manipulated, which it has been since the mid nineties.
To understand both the gold and silver investing markets, you have to understand the macro
economic picture, the big picture.
Silver is an industrial commodity, meaning that it not only has monetary properties due to it’s
intrinsic nature and rarity among other things, but it is also used industrially in everything
from cell phones, street lights, computers, solar panels and all sorts of consumer electronics.
Therefore it is a metal that is consumed (and in such small quantities per application it makes
recycling the metal impractical in most instances), which reduces the supply over time which
puts upward pressure on it’s value (if there’s less of something it becomes more valuable).
Gold is more a store of value and is mostly used as jewelery and as a backup for real money.
It is one of the best (if not the best) conductor of electricity, but at $1500 an ounce today it
again doesn’t make much sense for the average investor to use in that application. Not many
of you can afford to have a few pounds of it laying around. Silver, you can afford at around
$22 an ounce.
Today, our society operates on a fiat money system, which is essentially just paper money.
The paper itself has no real value, in fact it’s only backed by the faith we have in the U.S.
government to be able to govern it’s own affairs that gives it any value. And with the
massive levels of debt we as a country are faced with – more debt than we could ever repay,
even with a 100% tax rate for all Americans – many people are beginning to doubt that our
government can manage its own affairs responsibly (as in paying its debts and assigning a fair
value for the paper we trust them to create).
Has our government somehow discovered an extra $14.3 trillion to cover the growing deficit?
Or another $80 trillion or so to cover the unfunded liabilities that may be off-balance-sheet
but are still debts paid for and owed to tax payers (think of social security, medicare,
medicaid, etc). There’s over $100 trillion of debt our government is defaulting on and the
interest that’s accruing on it is only compounding making the situation exponentially worse…
…But our government does have a solution to this problem (though they won’t admit it
through their words – you have to look close at their actions to tell). It’s called inflation.
Their plan to pay off all this debt is to basically inflate or hyper-inflate the debt away. What
does that mean? It means they plan to steal that money from everyone else by devaluing our
money as they add trillions of dollars to the money supply.
Imagine you were playing monopoly with a friend and you got to be the bank. You both
started out with the customary $1,500 each, right? Now let’s say you purchased several
properties and ran out of money but you landed on Boardwalk and purchased it with an
I.O.U. You simply tell your friend that you are going to simply give yourself an additional
$400 so that you can buy Boardwalk but he doesn’t get that extra $400 (he’s not the
government or Federal Reserve – which is neither Federal nor does it have any kind of
reserve, nor is it a government entity, but I digress…).
So what’s happened? Essentially the money supply that had a value of $3,000 (both your
$1500′s together) now in nominal terms is $3,400 – that is 13% inflation! If you kept that up
each round, what would happen? Your friend would run out of money while you could simply
buy anything you wanted. And as you go around the board buying properties with your
money-out-of-thin-air, he goes broke and you end up with everything – (even though
technically you should be in debt to your eyeballs). That’s what our government does!
However, in the real world, businesses are not stagnant. If they see prices increasing, they
have to raise their prices in order to continue being able to make enough money so they too
can survive. In the monopoly example, that would be like the price of Boardwalk going up to
$500 to compensate for the extra money in the system.
So what about silver investing and creating wealth?
Anything that takes off and shoots up like silver did recently in such a short period of time –
even when the fundamentals are sound – is bound to go through corrections. No bull market
only goes straight up. As mentioned before, speculators jump in when they think they can
make a profit and push high prices higher and lows lower. Silver is a volatile market due to
it’s small size among other factors. The general trend going forward continues to be up,
however, as the metals do every year, I expect the summer to be a perfect time to pick up
the metals cheap, silver perhaps in the high 20′s or so maybe a little lower as the dollar
appreciates some with everyone currently fleeing the Euro for safety (Portugal and Greece
default concerns, etc). The dollar is likely to drop back down coincidentally at the end of the
summer as well which should prompt another good rally for silver.
Near Earth Objects Defense
New Near-Earth Asteroid Discovered, Russian Offical Again Calls for Defense of Earth
October 18, 2013 • 10:29AM
For the second day in a row, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin on Oct. 17th called
for prioritizing the defense of Earth against threats from asteroids and comets. His remark
yesterdayday was occasioned by the announcement from the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
in Ukraine, that they have discovered an asteroid of 410 meters in diameter, now named 2013
TV135, which will make a fly-by of Earth at 1.7 million km in 2032. The distance is far greater
than the anticipated 34,500 km approach by the similar-size Apophis in 2029, but the
announcement and media coverage of it played up the currently estimated 1 in 63,000 chance
that the newly discovered object could hit Earth.
Rogozin, who is in charge of Russia's space sector during its current tumultuous reorganization,
tweeted: "A 400-meter asteroid threatens to blow up Earth. This is a super-task for our space
Space Defense of the UN
The Space Generation Advisory Council has developed The Near Earth Object (NEO) project group
is dedicated to helping the worldwide planetary defence community to meet one of nature's greatest
challenges. The group provides a youth perspective to planetary defence through annual reports,
competitions, conference attendance, and public outreach projects related to Near Earth Objects.
We are using the SGAC's status as a member of Action Team 14 within UN COPUOS to assist in
bringing about a NEO UN framework. Additionally, Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart is supporting
us explore potential opportunities to work together with the Association of Space Explorers (ASE).
Never has there been a better time to study Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Astronomers worldwide
are on constant lookout for undiscovered asteroids and comets. New tools have allowed the
discovery of a great number of such objects in the past two decades. While large-asteroid events
capable of causing species extinction on Earth are rare, experts are increasingly concerned about
their likelihood. Far more common objects between 10 and 100 meters large, such as those
responsible for the recent Tunguska and Chelyabinsk events, can cause significant damage and
loss of life, making detection and preparedness efforts all the more pressing. In addition, worldwide
interest in missions to NEOs for human and/or robotic exploration and for resource utilization is
The competition challenges students and young professionals worldwide to come up with original
ideas relating to Near Earth Objects (NEOs).
We invite technical paper submissions addressing one or more of the topics below.
The scope of the subject matter is broadly defined. Prospective entrants in doubt about the
suitability of their intended topic should contact [email protected] with questions.
The author of the winning submission will receive a funded trip to Beijing, China, to present their
paper at two major international conferences:
The Space Generation Congress (SGC) 2013 (19 Sep - 22 Sep)
The annual meeting of young space professionals and students.
The International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 2013 (23 Sep – 27 Sep)
The leading annual meeting of global space experts from academia, government, and industry.
The award includes round-trip airfare, accommodations, and conference registration fees (subject to
Each entrant will submit a technical paper of up to ten (10) pages long, describing their design. The
responses should meet the following requirements:
1. The language of all submissions must be English.
2. Submissions should include original content and research.
3. Submissions should conform to all the rules for submission to the IAC (including font, font size,
page margin, picture, etc.), but not exceed ten pages in length. (
4. Entrants should describe in technical detail an idea that could lead to an improvement or
innovation in any of the topic areas. Entrants should consider the use of current or realistic nearfuture technologies in their design.
5. Entrants are not required to use specific asteroids and thus may make assumptions about likely
asteroid compositions, densities and trajectories.
6. Submissions should show originality, practicality, and familiarity with the technical literature and
provide a clear written description of the concept.
7. Submissions should be technical in content. Entrants should attempt to understand the scientific,
engineering, and social challenges involved. Submissions on planetary defense should also
recognize that most threats likely to occur within the next 100 years are from small NEOs
8. Submissions should be emailed as unlocked PDF documents (under 5 MB) to
[email protected] .
9. Submissions are due by 15 July 2013, 23:59 GMT. Any submissions past this time will not be
10. Entrants are encouraged to submit to [email protected] a short letter expressing
their intent to participate in the competition.
11. Entrants are encouraged, but not required, to submit an abstract introducing their paper idea to
[email protected] at an early stage of their process. This abstract will be used to
determine whether the proposed submission may be considered for the final award. If no
abstract is submitted, the suitability of the paper for consideration will be decided upon receipt of
the final submission.
12. Submission emails should identify one (1) point of contact (POC) with full contact information
(name, affiliation (if applicable), address, email, and phone number), as well as a supervisor
contact information including email (if applicable). This point of contact should be the main
author of the paper.
13. A maximum of three (3) people, including the point of contact, may collaborate on a submission.
All team members must be under thirty-five (35) years of age by 19 September 2013 (start of
SGC). Only one of the authors of the paper will receive the funding for the award, regardless of
how many people collaborated on the paper. Shall the other authors want to participate to the
SGC and/or IAC, they will be required to submit their application in the same way than any SGC
delegate, note that no spot can be guaranteed.
14. Winning entrants agree to allow SGAC and partner organizations to share their names,
affiliations and headshot and other photos in connection with communications about the
competition. Winners will be identified as members of SGAC.
15. SGAC shall not be responsible if the award winner fails to attend the SGC and/or IAC, in such a
case the award offer shall become void.
16. SGAC shall not be responsible in the event that the award winner cannot obtain any necessary
travel documents to attend the SGC/IAC; if they are required but not obtained, the award offer
shall become void.
17. The executive video to be prepared by the winning entry shall last between 3 and 5 minutes. It
shall be delivered by a method to be discussed with the winner in an AVI format and in full HD
What are you waiting for? Start defending the Earth today!
Surprising Recent Discoveries of Three Large Near-Earth
Two surprisingly large Near-Earth Asteroids have been discovered in just the last week or so, as
well as a third moderately large asteroid which surprisingly has also gone undetected until now,
even though it can pass close enough to the Earth to be classified as "potentially hazardous".
Not since 1983 has any near-Earth asteroid been found as large as the approximately 20-
kilometer (12-mile) size of the two new large ones. In fact, there are only three other known
near-Earth asteroids that are of comparable size or larger than the two new large ones.
It is important to note that none of these three new large near-Earth asteroids can come close
enough to the Earth to represent a near-term threat to our planet.
The first of the new large near-Earth asteroid discoveries is named 2013 UQ4, and it is perhaps
the most unusual. This approximately 19-kilometer (12-mile) wide object was spotted by the
Catalina Sky Survey on Oct. 23 when the asteroid was 435 million kilometers (270 million miles)
away from Earth. Not only is this object unusually large, it follows a very unusual highly inclined,
retrograde orbit about the Sun, which means it travels around the Sun in the opposite direction
of all the planets and the vast majority of asteroids.
The only objects usually found in retrograde orbits are comets, which suggests that 2013 UQ4
may be the remains of an old comet that no longer possesses the near-surface ices required for
it to become active while near the Sun. Comets that have exhausted most, or all, of their volatile
ices do not spew dust during sweeps through the inner-solar system like their less-seasoned,
more hyperactive space kin. Without the telltale comet tails or atmospheres, dead comets look
like, and in fact for all practical purposes are, asteroids.
As reported on Circular No. 9262 of the International Astronomical Union, MIT's Richard Binzel,
David Polishook and Rachel Bowens-Rubin observed this object on October 31 with NASA's 3meter Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii and determined this object belongs to the so-called
X-type spectral class and exhibits no obvious comet-like activity. This implies about a 4 percent
reflectivity, from which they estimate a diameter of approximately 19 kilometers (12 miles).
The second very large near-Earth object, named 2013 US10, was discovered on October 31 by
the Catalina Sky Survey. While the reflectivity of this object has not yet been determined, and
hence its diameter is still uncertain, it is also likely to be about 20 kilometers (12 miles) in size.
Only three near-Earth asteroids (1036 Ganymed, 433 Eros and 3552 Don Quixote) are of
comparable size or larger.
Why has it taken so long to discover these large near-Earth asteroids? The delay in discovering
2013 UQ4 is more easily understood because it has a very long orbital period that has kept it
out of the Earth's neighborhood for centuries. But the delayed discovery of 2013 US10 is a bit
harder to explain, since current population models suggest that almost all near-Earth asteroids
of this size and orbit should have already been found. A contributing factor may be that this
object's orbit does not allow it to get closer than 80 million kilometers (50 million miles) of the
Earth's orbit, so the asteroid seldom gets close enough to the Earth to become easily
detectable. However, NASA-supported telescopic surveys are now covering more sky and
looking "deeper" than they ever have before, and in fact, 2013 US10 was first detected where it
spends much of its time, well beyond the orbit of Jupiter.
The third of the recent discoveries is the approximately two-kilometer near-Earth asteroid 2013
UP8, found on October 25 by the Pan-STARRS group in Hawaii. This asteroid can approach
quite close to the Earth's orbit, within 5.5 million kilometers (3.4 million miles), which makes it a
"potentially hazardous asteroid" (PHA). 2013 UP8 is in the top 5th percentile of the largest
PHAs, most of which were found much earlier during NASA's asteroid survey program. Like the
other new discoveries, this asteroid has gone undetected for a long time because it has not
approached the Earth closely for decades. But the increasingly capable NASA-supported
asteroid surveys finally found this object while it was still at a large distance from the Earth, well
beyond the orbit of Mars.