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Math 54 - Lecture 18: Countability Axioms
Dan Crytser
August 3, 2012
The next two weeks will be given to the study of two purely topological notions: countability
and separation axioms. Roughly speaking, a countability axiom says when you can describe
all the open sets of a topological space, or all the nbhds of a fixed pt, using a countable
basis. A separation axiom tells you when you can separate two closed subsets with nbhds,
as in the Hausdorff condition (where you might put conditions on one or more of the closed
First-Countable Spaces
Definition Let X be a space and x ∈ X. Then a countable basis at x is a sequence U1 , . . .
of nbhds of x such that if U is a nbhd of x, then Un ⊂ U for some n. The sets Un need not
be distinct.
Note that a countable basis at x does not need to include every nbhd of x in the sequence.
Example Let X = R and x = 0 in the standard top. The sequence {(−1/n, 1/n)}n≥1 is
a countable basis at 0, for if (a, b) contains 0, then taking n such that 1/n < |a| + |b| implies
that (−1/n, 1/n) ⊂ (a, b).
Definition A space X is first-countable if it has a countable basis at each point x ∈ X.
The primary useful fact about first-countable spaces is that they have the same behavior
as metric spaces regarding the sequence characterization of closures and continuity.
Theorem 22. Let X be a space.
(a) If A ⊂ X and x ∈ X and if there exists a sequence (an ) ⊂ A converging to x, then
x ∈ A. The converse holds for X first-countable.
(b) Let f : X → Y be a function into a space Y . If f is continuous, then for every sequence
xn converging to x in X, the sequence f (xn ) → f (x) in Y . The converse holds for X
The proofs are the same as in the metric case, you just use take a countable basis at x,
say U1 , . . . and use Un to replace the behavior of B(x, n1 ).
Second-Countable Spaces
Even nicer than first-countable spaces are the second-countable, in which we can describe
all the open sets in terms of a countable subcollection.
Definition A space X is second-countable if it has a countable basis for its topology,
say U1 , . . .. That is, given any open set U and point x ∈ U , there is Un ⊂ U with x ∈ Un .
Note: any second-countable space is first-countable, as we can take for a basis at x ∈ X
the sequence of all Un which contain x.
Example Any Rn is second-countable, as the products (a1 , b1 ) × . . . × (an , bn ) with each
ai , bi rational form a countable basis.
Example The box topology on Rω is not first-countable. For suppose U1 , . . . is a sequence
of nbhds of 0 = (0, 0,Q
. . .). Let 0 ∈ (an , bn ) ⊂ πn (Un ). Then Vn = ( a2n , b2n ) is a nbhd of 0 in R,
and we can let V = n Vn . This is a nbhd of 0 in the box topology, yet it does not contain
any of the sets Un . Thus the box topology is not first countable. This implies that the box
topology is not 2nd countable either.
Example Let X = [0, 1]ω . The function d(x, y) = sup |xi − yi | defines a metric on X
as you can check. The subset A = {0, 1}ω is discrete, as the metric restricts to the discrete
metric on this space. Thus A is first-countable, as it is a metric space. But A is not secondcountable. For suppose that B is a basis for A in the discrete topology. As each x ∈ A is
isolated, {x} ∈ B for all x. But there are uncountably many points in A, hence uncountably
many points in B. Thus there is no countable basis for A.
Theorem 23. A subspace of first/second-countable space is first/second-countable. A countable product of first/second-countable spaces is first/second-countable.
Proof. We prove the first countability statements. The proof of the second countability
statements is in Munkres.
If A ⊂ X, x ∈ A, and X has countable basis B = {U1 , . . .} at x. Then you can check
that BA = {U1 ∩ A, U2Q∩ A, . . .} is a basis at x for the subspace topology.
Suppose that x ∈ n Xn , where each space Xn is first-countable. Let Bn be a basis for
Xn atQ
xn , the nth coordinate of x. Suppose that J ⊂ N is finite. Denote by BJ the collection
of all n Un , where UnQ
= Xn if n 6∈ J and Un ∈ Bn if n ∈ J. Then BJ is countable, as it is in
bijection with the set n∈J Bn , a finite product of countable sets. The collection B = ∪BJ ,
where the union is taken over all finite subsets J of N, is therefore
countable, as there are
countably many finite subsets of
n at x. For take a basis
element containing x, say V = n Vn , such that for the finite set J ⊂ N we have Vn = Xn if
n 6∈ J and Vn open in Xn for all n. Then xn ∈ Vn , so for each n ∈ J we Q
can take Un ∈ Bn
such that xn ∈ Un ⊂ Vn . Then setting Un = Xn for n 6∈ J, we obtain x ∈ n Un ∈ B.
Separability and Lindelofocity
Definition A subset A ⊂ X is dense if A = X. That is, every non-empty open subset
contains a point of A.
Definition A space is separable if there is a countable dense subset Y .
Example The real line, and all Euclidean spaces, are separable. For Qn ⊂ Rn is dense, as
you can check using density of Q in R and the definition of the product topology.
Definition A space is Lindelof if every open cover of X contains a countable subcover.
Theorem 24. Suppose that X is second-countable. Then X is Lindelof and separable.
Proof. Let {Un } be a countable base for the topology on X. Then if xn ∈ Un is an arbitrary
point for each n, {xn } is a dense subset. Suppose that A = {Vi } is an open cover of X. For
each i, let Ai = {Un : Un ⊂ Vi }. For each n, if it is possible, take in such that Vin contains
Un . If it is not possible, don’t. Then {Vin } is a countable subcollection of {Vi } that covers
X. For if x ∈ X, we must have x ∈ Un for some n. Then x ∈ Vin . Thus ∪Vin = X.
Countability Properties of R`
We show that R` is first-countable, Lindelof, separable, and not second-countable.
If x ∈ R` is given, the collection of nbhds {[x, x + 1/n)} is a countable basis at x as you
can check. Thus R` is first countable.
R` is not second-countable.
Every basis element [a, b) contains an open interval (a, b), hence contains a rational
number. Thus the collection of rational numbers Q ⊂ R` is a countable dense subset.
Let {Ui } be a cover of R` by basis elements Ui = [ai , bi ). Consider the collection of open
sets {(ai , bi )}. Let C = ∪(ai , bi ).
Suppose that x ∈ R − C. Then [x, x + ) is one of the sets [ai , bi ) for some i, as x is not
contained in any of the sets (ai , bi ) and {[ai , bi )} is a cover of R` . We can pick a rational
number qx ∈ [x, x + ) for each x ∈ R − C. Note that [x, x + ) contains no other points
of R − C. For if y ∈ [x, x + ) − {x}, then y ∈ (x, x + ). Thus if x < y then qx < qy for
if qy ≤ qx , then we would have x < y < qy ≤ qx , so that y ∈ (ai , bi ) ⊂ C. Thus R − C is
The set R − C can be covered by a countable subcollection of {Ui }. The set C = ∪(ai , bi )
is a collection of real numbers. Consider C as a subspace of R with std top. Then C is second
countable covered by {(ai , bi )}, a collection of open sets. So we can take a countable subcover
{(an , bn )} of C, as C is second countable. Now we can a take a countable subcollection of
{Ui } containing R − C, and a countable subcollection containing C. The union of these two
countable subcollections is countable and covers R.
Thus R` is Lindelof.