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INC - incomplete question.
HNA - has no answers.
Anatomy 2 - 2005 - Head and Neck
1. The only cervical vertebra that can be physically felt is:
a. C3.
b. C5.
c. C7.
d. T1.
e. C1.
2. In a Trachyostomy you might injure the:
a. The Hyoid bone.
b. Hypophysis.
c. The Thyroid Gland (Especially the Isthmus.)
3. Which of the following ocular muscles is not attached to the posterior side of the eye socket?
a. Superior rectus.
b. Inferior rectus.
c. Lateral rectus.
d. Medial rectus.
e. Superior oblique.
f. Inferior oblique.
g. Levator palpebrae superior.
4. Which muscle is not attached in the Auditory Tube?
a. Tensor veli palatine in.
b. Levator veli palatine.
c. Salpyngopharyngeus.
d. Tensor tympanic in.
e. Palatopharyngeal.
5. Which bones disassemble with the Sphenoid bone at the base of the skull?
a. Frontal.
b. Temporal.
c. Occipital.
d. a+b.
e. All of them.
Possible answers:
1 - c, 2 - c, 3 - f, 4 - e, 5 - e
Anatomy 2 - 2004 - Head and Neck
1. Which of the following is not a branch of the superior cervical ganglion?
a. Sup. cardiac n.
b. Branches from the pharyngeal plexus.
c. Ansa subclavia.
2. Which of the following is not in the carotid triangle?
a. Int. ext. common carotid A.
b. Facial A, facial n.
c. Maxillary A.
d. Retromandibular v.
e. Lesser occipital.
3. The Pterion is a meeting point between which of the following bones?
a. Temporal, parietal, sphenoid, occipital.
b. Temporal, sphenoid, parietal, frontal.
c. Temporal, parietal, zygomatic, frontal.
d. Maxilla, parietal, sphenoid, occipital.
e. None of the above.
4. Which of the following is not a component of The Ethmoid bone:
a. Cribriform plate.
b. Nasal septum.
c. Sup. nasal concha.
d. Mid. nasal concha.
e. Inf. nasal concha.
f. The ocular medial wall.
In the following questions, Match between the openings and the structures that pass through
5. Internal carotid A.
I. Foramen spinosum.
6. Mandibular n.
II. Foramen ovale.
7. Maxillary n.
III. Foramen rotundum.
8. Ophthalmic A.
IV. Optic canal.
9. Accessory meningeal A.
V. Jagular foramen.
10. Glossopharyngeal n.
VI. None.
11. Which of the following bones is not a component of the infratemporal fossa?
a. Temporal.
b. Parietal.
c. Maxilla.
d. Sphenoid.
e. Mandible.
12. Which of the following structures is not a part of the eye’s dioptric structures (Transparent)?
a. Cornea.
b. Lens.
c. Vitreous body.
d. Iris.
e. Retina.
f. The aqueous humor.
13. In a radial keratomy surgery, some cuts are made in the cornea to fix nearsightedness.
The purpose of this surgery is:
a. To make the cornea more convex.
b. To make the cornea flatter.
c. To make the cornea more concave.
d. To make the cornea more transparent.
e. To make the cornea thinner.
f. None of the above.
14. An accommodation reflex of the lens is:
a. Sensoric - nasociliary, Motoric - III(GSE).
b. Sensoric - nasociliary, Motoric - III(GVE).
c. Sensoric - optic, Motoric - III(GSE).
d. Sensoric - optic, Motoric - III(GVE).
e. Sensoric - nasociliary, Motoric - sympathetic.
15. What does the ext. laryngeal innervate?
a. Crico-thyroid.
b. Inf. constrictor.
c. A general feeling supraglottic.
d. A general feeling infraglottic.
e. All of the above.
16. Which of the following most characterizes the true vocal cords?
a. Secrete much mucus.
b. Separate during speech.
c. Situated at the upper border of the conus elasticus.
d. Situated above the false vocal cords.
17. Which of the following nerves carries autonomous postganglionic fibers?
a. Deep petrosal.
b. Lessor petrosal.
c. Chorda tympani.
d. Great petrosal.
e. Lingual.
18. A patient complains of lack of feeling in the forehead and inability to move the eye medially.
Which opening is most likely to have suffered injury?
a. Inf. orbital fissure.
b. Sup. orbital fissure.
c. Optic canal.
d. Zygomatic arch.
e. Infra orbital canal.
19. Which action is not affected by damage to nerve III?
a. Raising eyelid.
b. Lowering eyelid.
c. Inability to move eye laterally.
d. Dilated pupil.
20. Which of the following most characterizes the orbital septum?
a. It has a lateral and medial ligament to hold onto bones.
b. It is an important physical divider between the socket and the exterior.
c. It holds onto the tarsal plates.
d. All of the above.
e. a+b.
21. Which of the following flows into the external jugular?
a. Facial v.
b. Occipital v.
c. Maxillary v.
d. Inf. thyroid v.
22. Which of the following nerves contains preganglionic fibers?
a. Chorda tympani.
b. Lessor petrosal.
c. Great petrosal.
d. Deep petrosal.
e. N. to carotid sinus.
23. A boy suffers a fracture to the mandibula distally to the mental foramen. He is most likely to
complain about:
a. Loss of feeling in the lower lip.
b. Loss of feeling in the upper lip.
c. Difficulty in moving the lips.
d. Loss of taste and feeling in the frontal 2/3 of the tongue.
e. Will not complain at all.
24. Which of the following does not characterize the middle ear?
a. The posterior wall contains the carotid canal and the facial canal.
b. The anterior wall contains the eustacian canal.
c. The lateral wall contains a flat portion of the temporal and the tympanic membrane.
d. The medial wall borders with the inner ear and contains the oval window and the
round window.
25. Which of the following veins does not flow directly into the ext. jugular?
a. Posterior auricular.
b. Maxillary.
c. Transverse cervical.
d. Suprascapular.
26. Which of the following cranial nerves does not contain an autonomous ganglion?
a. IX.
b. XI.
c. X
d. V
e. III
f. VII
27. The cranial nerve CN IX motorically innervates which of the following?
a. Stylopharingeus.
b. Styloglossus.
c. Hyoglossus.
d. Stylohyoid.
28. Which of the following does not characterize the tonsils?
a. The palatine tonsil is between the palatopharyngeal fold and the oropharynx.
b. Palatine tonsil, pharyngeal tonsils and lingual tonsils are a lymphatic chain in the
c. The lingual tonsils are covered by the root/base of the tongue.
29. A boy of 20 has been hurt in the zygomatic maxilla under the eye socket. He is most likely to
complain about:
a. Lack of feeling beneath the eye.
b. Lack of feeling in the forehead.
c. Lack of feeling beside the ear.
d. Will not complain at all.
30. What is anterior to the scalene ant.? (INC)
b. Subclavian v.
c. Phrenic n.
d. a+b.
31. Which of the following is not in the parotid gland?
a. Facial n.
b. Facial a.
c. Maxillary v.
d. Retromandibular v.
e. Ext. carotid a.
32. What is the course of sound to the ear?
a. Tympanic membrane > Malleons > Incus > Stapes > Oval window.
b. Tympanic membrane > Malleons > Incus > Stapes > Round window.
c. Tympanic membrane > Incus > Malleons > Stapes > Oval window.
d. Tympanic membrane > Malleons > Stapes > Incus > Round window.
33. Which of the following does not pass through the tendinous ring?
a. Trochlea.
b. Nasociliary.
c. Abducent.
d. Ophthalmic a.
34. Which of the following does not characterize the cervical vertebrae?
a. Have transverse foramen.
b. Have a split spinous process.
c. Nuchae ligamentum connects the spinous process to the occipital bone.
d. The axis creates a joint with the atlas and the occipital bone.
35. Which of the following is at the height of C6?
a. Hyoid.
b. Palatine bone.
c. Thyroid cartilage.
d. Cricoid.
e. Bifurcation of the carotid.
36. With which bone at the bottom of the skull does the sphenoid dismantle with?
a. Frontal.
b. Temporal.
c. Occipital.
d. All of the above.
e. a+b.
37. In a bleeding from the deep cervical a, what has to be tied?
a. Thyrocervical a.
b. Costocervical a.
c. Dorsal scapular a.
d. Vertebral.
e. All of the above.
38. Which of the following does not characterize mid. meningeal a.?
a. Enters the hole with a nerve bearing the same name.
b. Supplies the brain’s membranes.
c. Is a branch of the second part of the maxillary a.
d. Can be damaged during an injury to the pterion.
39. Which of the following does not characterize the lat. ptergoid?
a. Comes out of the lesser wing of the lat. ptergoid plate.
b. Divides the maxillary a.
c. Participates in the moving of the mandibula sideways.
d. Enters the condyl and the mandibula’s neck.
e. Holds onto the articular disc of the TMJ.
40. Which of the following does not conduct an infection to the chest?
a. Dayner space no.4.
b. Retropharyngeal space.
c. Axillary sheath.
d. Carotid sheath.
e. Pretracheal.
41. Which of the following has no Autonomous synapse?
a. Geniclate.
b. Submandibular.
c. Pterygopalatine.
d. Optic.
e. Inf. ganglion of CN X.
f. Sup. ganglion of CN X.
g. a+b.
h. a+e+f.
42. Which of the following nerves has no preganglionic fibers?
a. III.
b. VII.
c. IX.
d. X.
e. XI.
43. Which of the following muscles is not innervated by SVE?
a. Stylohyoid.
b. Post. belly of digrastic.
c. SCM.
d. Hyoglossus.
44. At the end of the exam, the eyes are tired from the prolonged reading because:
a. Ciliary m.
b. Medial rectus m.
c. Levator palpebrae superioris.
d. a+b.
e. a+b+c.
45. Which nerves transfer ear pain?
a. V, VII, VIII, IX, X.
b. V, VII, IX, X.
c. V, IX, X.
d. V, IX, X, XI.
*Questions 46 - 51 were either INC or HNA and not translated.
Possible Answers:
1 - C, 2 - E, 3 - B, 4 - E, 5 - F, 6 - B, 7 - C, 8 - D, 9 - B, 10 - E, 11 - B, 12 - D, 13 - A, 14 - D, 15 - A,
16 - C, 17 - A, 18 - B, 19 - C, 20 - D, 21 - C, 22 - C, 23 - E, 24 - A, 25 - B, 26 - B, 27 - A, 28 - ,29 - A,
30 - C, 31 - B, 32 - A, 33 - A, 34 - D, 35 - D, 36 - E, 37 - B, 38 - C, 39 - A, 40 - C, 41 - H, 42 - E,
43 - D, 44 - A, 45 - B.
Anatomy 2 - 2006 - Extremities
1. The dorsalis pedis a. is the continuation of:
a. Anterior tibial a.
b. Posterior tibial a.
c. Peroneal a.
2. Which of the following is not a participant in palm abduction?
a. Flexor carpi radialis.
b. Extensor carpi radialis brevis.
c. Extensor digiti minimi.
d. Abductor pollicis longus.
3. Which of the following does not belong to the rotator cuff?
a. Teres minor.
b. Teres major.
c. Subscapularis.
d. Supraspinatus.
e. Infraspinatus.
4. Which of the following is not connected to the proximal phalanx of the thumb?
a. 1st Palmer interossei.
b. Oblique head of abductor pollicis.
c. Flexor pollicis brevis.
5. Which of the following does not create the boundaries of the quadrangular space?
a. Teres minor.
b. Teres major.
c. Long head of triceps.
d. Deltoid.
6. The anterior part of the femoral sheath is the continuation of:
a. Scarpa fascia.
b. Camper fascia.
c. Transverse fascia.
d. Fascia iliaca.
e. None of the above.
7. The lumbar triangle is enclosed by:
a. Inferior: Iliac crest.
b. Bottom: Internal oblique muscle.
c. Lateral: External oblique muscle.
d. Medial: Latisimus dorsi.
e. All of the above.
8. Which of the following does not characterize a synovial joint?
a. A membrane that creates synovial fluid.
b. The membrane is build of epithelial cells.
c. A fixed amount of synovial fluid.
d. Has vein and lymphatic drainage.
e. The membrane is close to the articular side of the joint.
9. Which are the bones that compose the ankle joint?
a. Tibia + fibula + calcaneous.
b. Tibia + fibula + talus.
c. Tibia + fibula + calcaneous + talus.
d. Tibia + fibula.
10. Describe the subscapular bursa.
11. Which of the following ligament is the odd one out?
a. Medial collateral.
b. Lateral collateral.
c. Ligament teres.
d. Cruciate ligament.
e. Oblique popliteal.
12. Which of the following is true? (INC)
a. Posterior branches of the brachial plexus innervate the posterior part of the hand.
b. Anterior branches of the brachial plexus innervate the anterior part of the hand.
13. Which of the following muscles passes only through one joint?
a. Sartorius.
b. Rectus femoris.
c. Semitendinosus.
d. Abductor magnus.
e. Semimembranosus.
14. INC.
15. Which of the following muscles is not connected to the greater trochanter? (INC)
a. Gluteus minimus.
c. Piriformis.
d. Obturator internus.
e. Superior gamellus.
16. Which of the following does not pass through the carpal tunnel?
a. Flexor digitorum superficialis tendon.
b. Flexor digitorum profundus tendon.
c. Flexor pollicis longus tendon.
d. Palmaris longus tendon.
17. Which of the following motions happens when opening a locked knee?
a. Lateral rotation + bending.
b. Medial rotation + bending.
18. Which of the following muscles is not connected to the clavicula?
a. Pectoralis major.
b. Pectoralis minor.
c. Subclavius.
d. Deltoid.
19. HNA.
20. Fibular a. is a branch of: (INC)
a. Posterior tibial a.
b. Anterior tibial a.
21. Which of the following muscles is not holding onto the plantar part of the foot?
a. Flexor hallucis longus.
b. Tibialis posterior.
c. Peroneus brevis.
d. Peroneus longus.
e. Flexor digitorum longus.
Anatomy 2 - 2005 - Extremities
For the following questions, please match the muscle with its corresponding bones:
1. Latissimus dorsi.
a. Long thoratic
2. Infra spinatus.
b. Axillary.
3. Ramboid minor.
c. Super scapularis.
4. Coracobractialis.
d. Musculocutaneus.
5. Teres major.
e. Radial.
6. Brachialis.
f. Thraco-dorsal.
g. Lower scapularis.
h. Dorsal scapularis.
7. An injury to the greater trocheuter will not affect:
a. Gluteus maximus.
b. Piriform.
c. Medious.
d. Obturatur internus.
8. An injury to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus will not affect: (INC)
a. Flexor carpi ularis.
9. One of the following muscles is not innervated by the same nerve as the rest:
a. Piriformis.
b. Gluteus maximus.
c. Obturator internus.
10. An injury to the brachial plexus will not harm: (INC)
a. Trapezius.
11. The iliacus is innervated by which nerve?
12. The sartorius does not do: (INC)
a. Adduction.
13. The tensor fascia lat. is innervated by which nerve?
14. Which of the following passes superficially to the ext. retinaculus? (INC)
a. Cephalic.
15. Which of the following does not pass through the polpliteal fossa? (INC)
a. Saphenous nerve.
16. Which of the following innervates the supinatial muscles of the forearm? (INC)
a. Musculocutaneus.
17. Which of the following innervates the plantal area of the foot? (INC)
a. Sural + radial.
18. Which of the following passes through triangular space? (INC)
a. Circumflex scapular.
19. Which of the following muscle innervates all the branches of the brachial plexus? (INC)
a. Gastrocnemius muscle.
20. What is the order of the carpal bones?
21. A motorcycle rider has broken his medial malleoulus in a traffic accident. Which of the
following motions will be completely inhibited if anatomical structures in the area have been
a. Flexion of the ankle.
b. Flexion of the digits.
c. Extension of the digits.
d. Extension of the ankle.
22. Which of the following nerves cause the movement of the supination?
a. Radial + musculocutaneus.
b. Ulnar.
c. Musculocutaneus + ulnar.
23. Which of the following muscles holds onto the carpus bones?
a. Flexor carpi radialis.
b. Flexor carpi ulnaris.
c. Extensor carpi radialis.
d. Extensor carpi ulnaris.
e. Extensor carpi radialis longus.
f. Extensor carpi radialis brevis.
24. Which muscles cause an abduction of the palm?
25. If the guyon canal has been injured, which movement will be impaired?
26. Which of the following passes superficially to the extensor retinaculum?
a. Cephalic vein.
b. Radial artery.
c. Median nerve.
27. A motorcycle rider has injured his arm, and complains of impaired functioning of the hand
and pain in the radial part of the palm. Which of the following will be impaired?
a. Adduction of the toe.
b. Abduction of the toe.
c. Flexion of the toe.
d. Opponense.
28. Which of the following is connected to the metacarpal bone?
a. Flexor carpi ulnaris.
b. Flexor carpi radialis.
29. Which of the following nerves might be harmed if there is a feeling of pain in the posterior
part of the tibia?
a. Tibial nerve.
b. Sural nerve.
c. Saphenous nerve.
d. Deep peroneal nerve.
30. Which of the following does not come out of the lumbar plexus?
a. Obturator.
b. Obturator internus.
c. Lumbosacral plexus.
d. Femoral.
31. Which of the following passes through the femoral canal?
a. Lympha.
b. Artery.
c. Nerve.
d. Artery and nerve.
32. Which of the following can cause femoral hernia?
a. Femoral ring.
b. Femoral sheath.
c. Saphenous opening.
d. Ilioinguinal ligament.
33. Which of the following pass through the greater schiatic notch?
a. Piriformis.
b. Inf. gemellus.
c. Obturator int.
34. In a tennis elbow surgery, which of the following might be harmed if the doctor has no
knowledge in anatomy?
a. Muscular cutaneus.
b. Ulnar n.
c. Median n.
35. Which of the following, if injured, might contradict “The deltoid is your friend”? (INC)
a. Axillary n.
36. An injury to the posterior side of the elbow will not harm which of the following?
a. Extensor carpi radialis.
b. Extensor carpi ulnaris.
c. Abductor pollicis longus.
d. Supinator.
37. Which of the following gives blood to the extensor area of the forearm? (INC)
a. (Profunda) Deep artery.
38. Which of the following muscles is not innervated by the same nerve as the others?
a. G. max.
b. G. mid.
c. G. min.
d. Tensor fascia latae.
39. Which of the following muscles has a different connection point than the rest?
a. Piriformis.
b. Obturator internus.
c. Obturator feoris.
d. Gemellus infeori.
40. Which of the following muscles passes through the greater sciatic foramen?
a. Piriformis.
b. Obturator internus.
Possible answers:
1 - F, 2 - C, 3 - H, 4 - D, 5 - G, 6 - D, 7 - A, 9 - , 21 - B, 22 - A, 23 - B, 26 - A, 27 - B, 28 - B, 29 - B,
30 - B, 31 - A, 32 - A, 33 - A, 34 - B, 36 - C, 38 - A, 39 - C, 40 - A.