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By Taylor, Hannah, & Alexa
Table of Contents
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What Role Does The System Play?
What Major Organs Make The System?
How Do These Organs Work Together?
How is it Connected To Other Systems?
Levels of Organization
Two Common Diseases
How Can You Keep A Healthy System?
Two Professions That Work With The
5 Did You Know Facts
What Role Does The
Circulatory System Play?
When you breath in oxygen, the circulatory
system carries the oxygen, through veins,
to other cells of your body. Then, after the
oxygen has been processed by the cell it
was brought to, the circulatory system carries
the dissolved carbon dioxide back to the lungs,
where it is then breathed out. Without the
circulatory system, there would be no way
to circulate nutrition to other cells in the body.
What Major Organs Make Up
The Circulatory System?
One of the main organs in the
circulatory system is the heart. The
human heart is double sided,
and has four chambers, where
blood is constantly being
pumped. The heart fills with
blood, then pumps the blood
through veins in the body. The
veins also bring blood back to the
heart where this process is
done over and over again.
The vessels are also a major organ in the circulatory
system. The vessels are the passage-way connected to
the heart and all other parts of the body. So the heart
pumps blood, the blood travels through the vessels
(which run through your entire body,) and bring
nutrients and oxygen to other cells, as well as bringing
waste products back to the heart and lungs where they
are released from the body.
How Do These Organs Work
The heart is a muscle that pumps blood. The
heart fills with blood before each beat. To
squirt the blood along, the heart contracts. The
blood is then carried through the arteries. The
blood is then delivered by the blood vessels to
different cells in the body. The blood that has
given the oxygen and nutrients to the cells then
is brought back to the heart through the veins.
back to the
heart by
the veins.
Blood leaving
the heart to be
delivered to
different cells
in the body.
How Is It Connected To Two
Other Systems?
The circulatory system is connected to every system
in the body, including the digestive system. The
circulatory system is responsible for taking the
nutrients that have been absorbed from the
digestive system, and bringing them to other parts
of the body.
The circulatory system is also connected to the
respiratory system. The red blood cells travel to
the lungs, where they collect as much oxygen
as possible, and bring the oxygen to other
tissues and cells through the body.
Red Blood Cell
Levels of Organization
The heart pumps the
blood by contracting.
Cardiac tissue
forms the
contractile wall
of the heart.
Organ System
Myocardium are the cells that
create the cardiac muscle
tissue. The cells send messages
to one another through
intercalated disks that helps
the heart contract.
Organ Tissue
Two Common Diseases That
Directly Affects The Circulatory
When people don’t have enough red blood
cells they develop a condition called Anemia.
Red blood cells deliver oxygen when you are
lacking in them you begin to feel tired and
have a low energy. By eating iron regularly
you should have a less chance of being anemic.
If you are anemic all the time people will be
treated with iron supplements.
Hypertension is another disease that affects the
circulatory system. Hypertension is another
word for high blood pressure. Having high
blood pressure causes the heart to work
harder then it should to pump blood through
our body and can cause hardening of the
arteries. This can lead to heart attacks and
strokes. Some risk factors include: smoking,
obesity, age, inactivity and stress.
How Can You Maintain a
Healthy Circulatory System?
Most children are born with a healthy
circulatory system. To maintain a healthy
circulatory system is to exercise. The major
organ of the circulatory system is the heart
which is a muscle, if you do not exercise your
muscles your muscles will not strengthen.
Avoiding unhealthy foods that are high in fat is
a big factor to maintaining a healthy circulatory
Smoking can also
damage the heart and
blood vessels because a
waxy substance called
plaque starts to build up
in your arteries. The
plaque will then start to
narrow the path for the
flow of the blood limiting
the supply of oxygen and
Two Professions That Work
With This System
A cardiologist is a specialist who helps identify,
treat and prevent heart disease.
Five *Did You Know* Facts
If your blood vessels in your body were laid end to the end. It would
extend for 60,000 miles more than 96,500 km. Did you know that’s
enough to circle the earth twice.
Your capillaries are so small that your red blood cells would need to
travel through them in a single file line.
You can feel your pulse in any part in your body. Where your artery
is compressed by your bone.
Did you know it will only take 10 seconds for blood to travel from
your heart to your big toe.
Inner Body
Biology 4 Kids
How does Smoking Affect the Heart and Blood Vessels? –NHLBI, NIH
Blood Flow Through The Heart
Wikiwikiwee21- Learning Objects
Amsel Sheri-The Everything Kids Human Body Book. Harrisonburg: Adams Media a division of F+W Media,
Muscle Tissue
Cardiovascular System: Myocardium and heart
Inner body
Medication Animal Systems: Circulatory System
Your Blood – The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
HTML5 | quantblog
What Is the Endothelium? (with picture)