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식품면역연구회 2012.03.09 대두, 메밀 알레르겐의 특성분석 이화여자대학교 오상석 Food Allergy “An immunological (IgE mediated) adverse reaction to a food” Stefano Luccioli, MD(Office of Food Additive Safety, FDA), 2007 2 Food Allergy Mechanism step 1 (Sensitization) : (1) IgE production step 3 (Elicitation) : Mediator release Food protein(1) / pollen (2) B cell T cell IgE Antibody Specific to food or pollen step 1 (Sensitization) : (2) Priming IgE Antibody FcєR1 (IgE receptor) Mast cell/ Basophil step 2 (Challenge) : Receptor crosslinking Food Mediators: Histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, cytokines, etc. Effects: blood vessel leakage and dilation, smooth muscle contraction, nerve irritation, etc. Symptoms Stefano Luccioli, MD(Office of Food Additive Safety, FDA), 2007 3 각국의 알레르기 유발 표시 식품 한국 EU 미국 일본 난류(가금류) 곡류 (글루텐) 우유 우유 난류 우유 갑각류 난류 메밀 땅콩 메밀 난류 생선 대두 호두 땅콩 어류 갑각류 밀 전복 대두 유제품 견과류 오징어 연어 밀 대두 밀 연어알젓 게 고등어 너트류 땅콩 새우, 고등어 게 샐러리 대두 쇠고기 닭고기 돼지고기 겨자 아황산염 돼지고기 오렌지 복숭아 참깨 키위 송이 토마토 연체동물류 복숭아 버섯 새우 루핀 사과 참마 아황산염 4 Classification of storage protein • Based on extraction and solubility - albumin in water - globulin in saline - prolamine in alcohol/water - glutelin in dilute acid or alkali (Osborne, 1924) 2S albumin • Defined as a group of the basis of their sedimentation coefficients (S20) of ~2 (Youle and Huang, 1981) All the 2S albumins are compact globular proteins with conserved cysteine residues (Shewry 1995) 7S globulin 7S: trimeric proteins ~140 – 170 kDa difficult to purify and characterize extensive glycosylation 11S globulin proteins 11S : six subunit pairs each subunit: acidic subunit (~40 kDa) + basic subunit (~20 kDa) (linked by a disulfide bond) 대두 단백질의 조성 분획 2S 7S 함량(%) 10~20 30~35 단백질성분 Trypsin inhibitor (Bowman-Birk) 7,900 Cytochrome C 12,500 Trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) 21,500 Enzymes 15,000~60,000 Enzymes 70,000~240,000 Lipoxygenase 100,000 7S Globulin(γ-conglycinin) 104,000 Agglutinins 110,000 7S Globulin(β-conglycinin) 11S 15S 30~50 5~10 분자량 140,000~170,000 11S Globulin(glycinin) 350,000 Urease 480,000 15S Globulin 600,000 (김우정, 2006) 9 대두 단백질 주요 알레르겐 Protein/Glycoproteins Allergen Nomenclature % of the total protein of soya Molecular mass (Da) Soybean Hydrophobic Protein Gly m 1.0101, Gly m 1.0102 7500 Soybean Hull Protein Gly m 2 8000 Soybean Profilin Gly m 3 14000 Soybean Vacuolar Protein Comments ~34000 Glycinin 31~38 320000~360000 11S β-conglycinin 17~21 140000~180000 7S 2 21500 2S Kunitz-Trypsin Inhibitor (Cordle, C.T., 2004) 10 7S globulin과 가수분해물의 전기영동적 특성 SDS-PAGE gel of 7S-globulin and peptic and chymotryptic hydrolysates of 7S globulin 1. 7S globulin with 2-ME 2. 7S globulin without 2-ME 3. 11S globulin with 2-ME 4. 11S globulin without 2-ME 5. 7S hydrolysate by peptic hydrolysis 6. 7S hydrolysate by chymotryptic hydrolysis 11 11S globulin과 가수분해물의 전기영동적 특성 SDS-PAGE gel of 11S globulin and peptic and chymotryptic hydrolysates of 11S globulin MM : Molecular Marker 1 : 11S globulin with 2-mercaptoethanol 2 : 11S globulin without 2-mercaptoethanol 3 : 11S globulin hydrolysate by peptic hydrolysis 4 : 11S globulin hydrolysate by peptic and chymotryptic hydrolysis 12 7S와 11S globulin의 allergenicity Allergenicity of soybean 7S globulin and 11S globulin CAP IgE FEIA Patient Age No. (yr) soybean IgE 4 (kUA/L) 1 0.63 2 2 1.01 3 3 101 4 8 2.06 5 3 17.6 6 3 0.52 7 2 22.2 8 2 16.5 9 3 101 10 4 7.84 3.5 Absorbance at 450nm 1 3 2.5 Blank 7S 11S 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 정상 혈청1 혈청2 혈청3 혈청4 혈청5 혈청6 혈청7 혈청8 혈청9 혈청10 13 7S와 11S globulin의 allergenicity Allergenicity of soybean 7S globulin and 11S globulin 4 Age CAP IgE FEIA No. (y) soybean IgE(KUA/L) 1 9 0.35 2 2 0.36 3 9 18.4 4 4 12 5 4 3.7 6 1 2.39 3.5 3 Absorbance at 450nm Patient 2.5 11S 7S 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 정상 혈청1 혈청2 혈청3 혈청4 혈청5 혈청6 14 가수분해에 따른 7S globulin의 allergenicity변화 Effects of peptic and sequential peptic and chymotryptic hydrolysis of 7S globulin on allergenicity 4 Blank Absorbance at 450nm 3.5 3 7S globulin 2.5 Peptic hy droly s ate 2 Peptic & Chy motry ptic hy droly s ate 1.5 1 0.5 0 정상 혈청1 혈청2 혈청3 혈청4 혈청5 혈청6 혈청7 혈청8 혈청9 혈청10 15 가수분해에 따른 11S globulin의 allergenicity변화 Effects of peptic and sequential peptic & chymotryptic hydrolysis of 11S globulin on allergenicity 4 3.5 11S globulin Absorbance at 450nm 3 2.5 Peptic hydrolysate 2 1.5 Peptic & Chymotryptic hydrolysate 1 0.5 0 정상 혈청1 혈청2 혈청3 혈청4 혈청5 혈청6 16 7S globulin 가수분해물의 allergenic fraction 분리 Fractionation on Sephacryl S-100 HR of 7S hydrolysates by peptic & chymotryptic hydrolysis and SDS-PAGE of each fraction 17 7S globulin 가수분해물의 allergenic peptides 확인 Allergenicity of fractions by sequential peptic & chymotryptic hydrolysis of soybean 7S globulin 18 11S globulin 가수분해물의 allergenic fraction 분리 Fractionation on Sephacryl S-100 HR of 11S hydrolysates by peptic & chymotryptic hydrolysis and SDS-PAGE of each fraction 0.14 0.12 F G Absorbance at 280nm 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 B 0.02 A A 9 17 C D H E I 0 1 25 33 41 49 57 65 73 81 89 97 105 113 -0.02 Fraction number 19 11S globulin 가수분해물의 allergenic peptides 확인 Allergenicity of fractions by sequential peptic & chymotryptic hydrolysis of soybean 11S globulin 3.5 Absorbance at 450nm 3 2.5 정상 혈청1 혈청2 혈청3 혈청4 혈청5 혈청6 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 A B C D E F G H I -0.5 Fraction number 20 soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor 21 soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor The sequence of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (Koide & Ikenaka, 1976) Asp-Phe-Val-Leu-Asp-Asn-Glu-Gly-Asn-Pro-Leu-Glu-Asn-Gly-Gly-Thr-Tyr-Tyr-Ile-Leu-Ser-Asp-Ile-Thr-Ala-PheGly-Gly-Ile-Arg-Ala-Ala-Pro-Thr-Gly-Asn-Glu-Arg-Cys-Pro-Leu-Thr-Val-Val-Gln-Ser-Arg-Asn-Glu-Leu-Asp-LysGly-Ile-Gly-Thr-Ile-Ile-Ser-Pro-Ser-Tyr-Arg*-Ile*-Arg-Phe-Ile-Ala-Glu-Gly-His-Pro-Leu-Ser-Leu-Lys-Phe-Asp-Ser-Phe-Ala-Val-Ile-Met-Leu-Cys-Val-Gl y-Ile-Pro-Thr-Glu-Trp-Ser-Val-Val-Glu-Asp-Leu-Pro-Glu-Gly-Pro-Ala-Val-LysIle-Gly-Glu-Asn-Lys-Asp-Ala-Met-Asp-Gly-Trp-Phe-Arg-Leu-Glu-Arg-Val-Ser-Asp-Asp-Glu-Phe-Asn-Asn-Tyr-LysLeu-Val-Phe-Cys-Pro-Gln-Gln-Ala-Glu-Asp-Asp-Lys-Cys-Gly-Asp-Ile-Gly-Ile-Ser-Ile-Asp-Asp-Asp-Gly-His-Thr-Arg-Arg-Leu-Val-Val-Ser-Lys-Asn-LysPro-Leu-Val-Val-Gln-Phe-Gln-Lys-Leu-Asp-Lys-Glu-Ser-Leu * Arg63-Ile64 : active center Inhibit trypsin > chymotrypsin, plasmin 181 amino acids Single polypetide Linked by 2 disulfide bonds Synonyms : Tia1, STI, SBTI, Gly m TI pI : 4.5 22 Stability of the allergenic soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor SGF proteolysis of native and reduced SKTI for 5 s, 2, 20 and 30min as analyzed by SDS-PAGE 1. Panel A : native SKTI 2. Panel B : SKTI with 30mM 2-mercaptoethanol and SGF 3. Panel C : SKTI with 30mM dithiothreitol and SGF (Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1699 (2004) 207-212) In vitro digestibility of the soybean extract in SGF * Lane U represents protein samples without treatment with SGF. (Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2006 ; 141 : 91-102) 23 Stability of the allergenic soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor 2S globulin의 주요 알레르겐인 soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor(SKTI)는 가열, pepsin, chymotrypsin에 비교적 안정 11S, 7S, 2S globulin이 대두의 주된 알레르기 관련 단백질임 24 Enzymatic hydrolysis of 7S, 11S 7S globulin (10개 혈청) - pepsin 가수분해보다 pepsin 처리 후 chymotrypsin처리 한 경우 알레르기성이 일 부 증가 11S globulin (6개 혈청) - 환자 혈청 6개 모두에서 효소 가수분해물의 알레르기성이 유의적으로 감소 25 대두단백질 알레르겐 저감화 번호 가열 제목 1 열처리에 따른 콩 단백질 Allergenicity 변화 (2000) 2 Allergenicity of major component protein of soybean (1980) 3 Allergenicity of proteolytic hydrolysates of the soybean 11S globulin* (2007) protease 4 Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of 7S Globulin, a Soybean Protein, on Its Allergenicity and Identification of its Allergenic Hydrolyzed Fragments Using SDS-PAGE* (2006) 5 Preparation of Hypoallergenic Soybean Protein with Processing Functionality by Selective Enzymatic Hydrolysis (1999) 6 Reduction of the allergenicity of soybean by treatment with preteases (1996) 7 발효를 이용한 allergenicity 감소 - 발효 과정에 따른 대두의 알레르기성 분석 (2008) 8 Immunoreactivity and Amino Acid Content of Fermented Soybean Products (2008) 발효 9 Immunoreactivity reduction of soybean meal by fermentation, effect on amino acid composition and antigenicity of commercial soy products (2008) 10 Reduction of the Soybean Allergenicity by the Fermentation with Bacillusnatto (1995) 11 Soybean allergens and hypoallergenic soybean products (2000) 유전자 조작 12 Substantially Complete removal of Three Major Allergenic Soybean Proteins from Soy Protein by Using a mutant soybean, Tohoku 124 (1997) 13 Genetic Modification Removes an Immunodominant Allergen from Soybean (2003) 비가열처리 비가열처리 + 효소 glycosylation salting out + centrifugation 14 Use of the pulsed ultraviolet light to reduce the allergenic potency of soybean extracts (2010) 15 16 Assessment of the residual immunoreactivity of soybean whey hydrolysates obtained by combined enzymatic proteolysis and high pressure (2005) Effect of polysaccharide conjugation or transglutaminase treatment of the allergenicity and functional properties of soy protein (1998) 17 Simple and efficient procedure for removing the 34kDa allergenic soybean protein, Gly m I, from defatted soy milk (1994) 26 메밀의 구성 메밀 종실의 조단백질 함량과 아미노산 조성 단백질 및 아미노산 최고치(%) 최저치(%) 평균(%) CV(%) 단백질 15.4 12.6 13.7 6.2 리신(Lys) 7.0 5.0 6.1 7.5 트레오닌(Thr) 4.1 3.6 3.9 3.5 메티오닌(Met) 3.0 1.8 2.5 13.5 Lys + Thr + Met 13.0 11.7 12.5 3.1 27 메밀 알레르기 임상증세 메밀 알레르기 임상 연구 표1. 502명의 알레르기 환자의 알레르기 식품 분석(손대열 et al., 2002). • 두드러기 • 부풀어오름 • Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis • 호흡곤란 • 아낙필락시스 순위 식품 알레르기 증상 환자(%) 1 egg white 32.9 2 cow milk 26.0 3 egg yolk 9.3 4 soybean 7.4 5 buckwheat 3.8 6 wheat 1.2 7 beef <1 8 crab <1 9 pork <1 10 chicken <1 28 buckwheat allergens 분자량 특징 10kDa • • identical to 8kDa buckwheat allergen a member of the 2S albumin family 16kDa • • pepsin-resistant associated with immediate hypersensitivity reactions 19kDa • • has homology with the rice α-globulin protein specific for buckwheat allergy patients • 100% binding activity to Ig E antibodies of the buckwheatallergic patient sera the β subunit of a legumin-like storage molecule 24kDa • 년도 Matsumoto et al., 2004 Kazuko et al., 2001 J.W. Park et al., 2000 Urisu A et al., 1994 29 24-kDa • Using the immunoblotting method, radioallergosorbent test(RAST) and RAST inhibition assay, BW24KD binding to IgE antibodies from 100% of the patients’ sera.(Urisu A et al., 1994) • A 24-kDa buckwheat protein(BW24KD) was the most frequently recognized allergenic component, binding to IgE antibodies from 100% of the patients’ sera.(G. Wieslander et al., 2001) 30 22-kDa • A 22-kDa protein has been reported as the major allergens, and its N-terminal sequence differed only in three amino acids to that of BW24KD. (Nair, A et al., 1999) • 22-kDa protein, which displayed binding activity with almost all sera from different patients is considered a major allergenic protein. (Hiroyuki, Y et al., 2004) 31 19-kDa J.W. Park et al., Identification and characterization of the major allergens of buckwheat. Allergy 2000: 55:1035-1041 - The prevalence of IgE binding in BW-allergic sera 1. 19-kDa (73.7%) 2. 16-kDa (73.7%) 3. 24-kDa (68.4%) 4. 9-kDa (52.6%) - In the asymptomatic sera 1. 24-kDa (80%) 2. 9-kDa (80%) 3. 16-kDa (66.7%) 4. 19-kDa(Only one subject) 19-kDa allergens were relatively specific in BWallergic patients. 32 16-kDa • The 16-kD buckwheat protein was resistant to pepsin digestion and appeared to be responsible for IHR including anaphylaxis, while the pepsin-sensitive 24-kD protein was responsible for CAP-FEIA but not IHR. (Kazuko et al., 2001) • Mutations of Cys65 and Cys66 in rBWp16 decreased the pepsin digestibility of the protein, and an ELISA inhibition assay revealed a weaker inhibitory effect of rBWp16 C65S than that of rBWp16 WT. (Rie Satoh et al., 2008) 33 메밀 알레르겐 요약 24-kDa • • 이전 연구에 의해 24-kDa이 메밀의 주요 알레르겐이라고 알려져 있었음. 증상에 관계 없이 모든 환자 혈청과 반응함 (19/20) (Urisu A et al., 1994). 16, 19-kDa • • 16-kDa과 19-kDa은 아낙필러시스 증상을 동반한 IHR(immediate hypersensitivuty reactions) 증 상을 보이는 환자(9/10)의 혈청과 반응 (J.W. Park et al, 2000). 펩신 처리 후, 19-와 24-kDa 단백질은 분해가 되나, 16-kDa 단백질은 어느정도 의 저항력을 보이는 것으로 보아 현재 메밀의 주요 알레르겐을 16-kDa으로 보는 추세임 (Tanaka et al., 2001). 34 Characteristics of 16-kDa No homology with the 24-kDa protein by the N-terminal amino acid sequences. 100% identical with 18-kDa buckwheat protein. Belongs to 2S albumin family. While 19- and 24-kDa proteins are pepsin-sensitive, 16-kDa is pepsin-resistant. Cys residues(having disulfide bonds) contained in 16-kDa are resistant to proteolysis. Schematic representation of BWp16. The predicted signal peptide is illustrated as the gray portion of the bar. The white portion of the bar represents the mature BWp16. Ten Cys residues are shown as filled circles, and the numbers of the residues are shown at the bottom. (Satoh., 2008) 35 16kDa Allergen Details: Allergen name: Fag e 2 Lineage: Source: Plantae Magnoliopsida Order: Caryophyllales Species: Fagopyrum esculentum (Common buckwheat) Obsolete name: BWp16 Biochemical name: 2S albumin MW(SDS-PAGE): 16 kDa Food allergen: Yes Date Created: 2010-05-27 02:42:37 Last Updated: 2010-05-27 02:42:37 16kDa sequence 출처:ALLERGEN NOMENCLATURE IUIS Allergen Nomenclature SubCommittee 36 메밀 알레르겐 저감화 방법 Salting 방법 (류정우, 2000) Polysaccharide와의 conjugation 방법 (Suzuki et al., 2009) 곰팡이 발효법 (Handoyo, 2006) Amino sequence mutation 방법 (Satoh et al., 2008) 메밀의 배젖과 배아를 분리하여 메밀 알레르겐이 많은 배아를 제거하는 방법 (Licen, 2007). 37 Pepsin Digestion 메밀에서 단백질 분리 Pepsin digestion soln.에 분리한 메밀 단백질을 넣고 시간별로 digestion 진행 (0, 0.5, 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 분) 메밀 알레르기 환자의 pooled serum을 사용하여 Western blot • Pepsin 효소를 넣지 않은 buffer에 메밀 단백질만 넣고 60분 진행, Pepsin digestion soln.에 메밀 단백 질이 들어있지 않은 단백질 수용용 액을 넣고 60분 진행. ELISA Pepsin digestion soln.(pH 1.2) : pepsin 1.157mg/1ml, NaCl(2mg/ml) pH에 따른 pepsin digestion degree 고찰 pH 결과 3 16kDa 이하의 proteins은 120min 까지 반응 시킨 결과 펩신에 의해 분해되지 않음. (Tanaka et al., 2002) 2 16kDa protein은 0min부터 서서히 반응하다가 10min이 되면 완전히 분해됨. (Koyano et al., 2005) 1.2 16kDa protein은 0min부터 서서히 반응하다가 10min이 되면 완전히 분해됨. (Satoh et al., 2008) Pepsin Digestion • SDS-PAGE MW (KDa) 21111979 – 53 – M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36.8 – 28.6– 17.8– 6 – • M: Marker, 1: Pepsin only 0’, 2: Pepsin only 60’, 3: Digestion 0’, 4: Digestion 0.5’, 5: Digestion 1’, 6: Digestion 2’, 7: Digestion 5’, 8: Digestion 10’, 9: Digestion 20’, 10: Digestion 30’, 11: Digestion 60’, 12: BW Protein only 0’, 13: BW Protein only 60’, Pepsin Digestion • Western Blot M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 MW (KDa) 21111979 – 53 – 37 – 24 – 16 – • M: Marker, 1: Pepsin only 60’, 2: Digestion 0’, 3: Digestion 0.5’, 4: Digestion 1’, 5: Digestion 5’, 6: Digestion 10’, 7: Digestion 20’, 8: Digestion 30’, 9: Digestion 60’, 10: BW Protein only 0’, 11: BW Protein only 60’, ELISA(Pepsin) 0.45 Pepsin 가수분해에 따른 buckwheat의 allergenicity 변화 0.4 Absorbance at 595 nm 0.35 3853 0.3 4192 Serum 나이 CAP 5747 3853 12 58.2 855 4192 1 33 4750 7 16.4 5747 16 41 855 3 13 5254 4 47.2 0.25 4750 0.2 0.15 5254 0.1 normal control 0.05 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time of digestion Protein states; 1: Digestion 0’, 2: Digestion 0.5’, 3: Digestion 1’, 4: Digestion 5’, 5: Digestion 10’, 6: Digestion 20’, 7: Digestion 30’, 8:Digestion 60’