Download Lesson 2 Trade Routes and Explorers Portuguese Explorers

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Lesson 2 Trade Routes and Explorers
A. Portuguese Explorers
a. Europeans develop interest in gold and other riches from Africa
b. Land routes costly and dangerous
c. Expeditions began to find new sea routes
i. Portugal took the lead
ii. Wanted to avoid Muslin controlled routes
d. Prince Henry of Portugal
i. Sent expeditions to explore the west coast of Africa
ii. Wanted to establish colonies
iii. Break Muslin control on trade
iv. Called Henry the Navigator
e. Bartolomeu Dias
i. 1488 sailed around the Cape of Good Hope
1. Southern tip of Africa
f. Vasco da Gama
i. 1497 sailed around Cape of Good Hope to India
ii. First all water trade route between Europe and Asia
iii. 2nd voyage – established Portuguese presence in India
1. Important trading and naval power in Indian Ocean
g. Ferdinand Magellan
i. Made one of the most important sea voyages of the time
ii. 1519 5 ships left Portugal
iii. 1522 one ship successfully circumnavigated the globe
B. East to West
a. Demands for goods from Asia increased
i. Peppercorns, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, precious gems, silk
b. Sea routes around Africa (east and south)
i. Portuguese
c. Some sailed west
i. Christopher Columbus
1. Italian sailor living in Portugal
2. Asked John II to sponsor a voyage – no
3. Turned to Spain for funding
a. Queen Isabella agreed
i. Wanted to spread Christianity
ii. Compete with Portugal for wealth
b. October 12, 1492 landed in the West Indies
C. Conquering the Americas
a. Church expresses interest in exploring new territories
b. Wanted to convert natives to Christianity
i. Pope Nicholas V allowed explorer s to make slaves of natives
ii. Expeditions began to include missionaries
c. Treaty of Tordesillas
i. Divided the Americas between Spain and Portugal
1. Conquers claimed land for Spain or Portugal
d. Conquisatadors
i. Spanish conquerors acquired wealth by conquering wealthy civilizations
e. Columbian Exchange
i. Exchange of goods between the Americas
1. Foods (maize, tomatoes, potatoes, chocolate, squash)
2. Diseases (smallpox, measles, influenza)
D. The Spanish Armanda
a. Henry VII funds expeditions to Asia
i. John Cabot explored coast of North America
b. Henry VIII
i. Focused attention on religious changes not exploration
c. Elizabeth I
i. England becomes world sea power
ii. Funded many expeditions
iii. Supported Dutch Protestants who fought Catholic Spain
d. Armada
i. Sent by Philip II to attack English ships
ii. Fleet of 130 warships - heavy and slow
iii. Defeated by swifter more powerful English ships
E. Elizabeth I
a. Daughter of Henry VIII
b. Excellent education
c. Caught between power struggles
i. Edward VI was Protestant
ii. Queen Mary - Catholic
d. Queen at 25
e. Powerful ruler
i. Never got married
ii. Liked independence
iii. Made England a major power
1. World sea power