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Kittler, Friedrich.
On the History of the Theory of Information Warfare.
In: InfoWar -- Springer, 1998 p. 266-77.
Mann, Edward.
Desert Storm: The First Information War?.
In: Air Power Journal v. 8, no. 4, 1994, p. 4-14.
Bodnar, John W.
The Military Technical Revolution from Hardware to Information.
In: Naval War College Review v. 46, Autumn 1993, p. 7-21.
Boucher, Henri.
Informatics in the Defense Industry.
In: Annals of the History of Computing v. 12, no. 4, 1990, p. 227-40.
Rau, Erik P.
Combat scientists: The emergence of operations research in the United States during
World War II / Erik P. Rau.
In: Dissertation Abstracts International 1999, 60: 1300-A.
Moy, Timothy D.
Hitting the beaches and bombing the cities: Doctrine and technology for two new
militaries, 1920-1940 / Timothy D. Moy.
In: Dissertation Abstracts International 1993, 54: 2302-A.
Price, A. W.
The evolution of electronic warfare in the USA, 1941-1945 / A. W. Price.
Jones, Reginald V.
The wizard war: British scientific intelligence, 1939-1945 / Reginald V. Jones.
New York : Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1978.
xx, 556 p. : ill.
Williams, Kathleen Broome.
Secret Weapons: U.S. High-Frequency Direction Finding in the Battle of the Atlantic.
Annapolis : Naval Institute Press, 1996.
xix, 289 p. : ill.
Thompson, Kris P.
Blitzkrieg and the Operational Level of War.
In: Armor July-Aug. 1998, p. 55-58.
Sarty, Roger.
The Limits of Ultra: The Schnorkel U-Boat Offensive against North America, November
1944-January 1945.
In: Intelligence and National Security v. 12, April 1997, p. 44-68
Maginniss, C. H.
The Most Unkindest Cut: The Impact of Manoeuvre Warfare upon Logistics in 1940.
In: British Army Review v. 117, Dec. 1997, p. 16-29.
Lewis, Adrian R.
The Failure of Allied Planning and Doctrine for Operation Overlord: The Case of
Minefield and Obstacle Clearance.
In: Journal of Military History v. 62, Oct. 1998, p. 787-808.
Kittler, Friedrich.
On the History of the Theory of Information Warfare.
In: InfoWar -- Springer, 1998 p. 266-77.
Gladwin, Lee A.
Alan Turing, Enigma, and the Breaking of German Machine Ciphers in World War II.
In: Prologue v. 29, Fall 1997, p. 203-17.
Syrett, David.
Communications Intelligence and the Sinking of the U-860.
In: Mariner's Mirror v. 85, Feb. 1999, p. 68-75.
Scarth, Richard N.
Echoes from the Sky: A Story of Acoustic Defence.
Kent, Eng. : Hythe Civic Society, 1999.
268 p. : ill., maps, portraits.
Author: Benson, Robert Louis. Title: A History of U.S. Telecommunications
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Meade, Md. : Center for Cryptologic History, National Security Agency, 1997. Physical
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World War II ; 8.
Author: Latham, Colin. Title: Pioneers of Radar. Published: Phoenix Mill : Sutton,
1999. Physical Details: xvi, 263 p. : ill. Notes: Source of data: HTE Current
Bibliography in the History of Technology. Contents include: "Foreword," by Sir
Bernard Lovell; "Background to the Formation of TRE," by W. H. Penley; and
"Epilogue: The Radar Memorial at Goodrich," by E. H. Putley. Other Authors: Stobbs,
Author: Gardner, W. J. R. Title: Decoding History: The Battle of the Atlantic and Ultra /
Till, Geoffrey, foreword. Published: Basingstoke, Eng. : Macmillan ; Annapolis : Naval
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Author: Brown, Louis. Title: A Radar History of World War II: Technical and Military
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Author: Padfield, Peter. Title: War beneath the Sea: Submarine Conflict during World
War II. Published: New York, John Murray John Wiley, 1995.
Author: Holmes, Richard. Title: Indirect Fire: Its Consequences and Countermeasures.
An Historical Reflection. In: Journal of the Royal Artillery v. 122, March 1995, p. 20-24.
Author: Drea, Edward J. Title: Were the Japanese Army Codes Secure?. In: Cryptologia
v. 19, April 1995, p. 113-36.
Author: Blumtritt, Oskar. Title: Tracking the History of Radar. Published: Piscataway,
N.J., IEEE, 1994.
Author: Beyerchen, Alan. Title: From radio to radar: Interwar military adaptation to
technological change in Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States / Alan
Beyerchen. Published: Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996. In: Military
innovation in the interwar period / Williamson Murray, Allan R. Millet (eds.) p.265-299.
Author: Showalter. Title: The Birth of Blitzkrieg. In: MHQ: The Quarterly Journal of
Military History v. 7, Autumn 1994, p. 82-89.
Author: Sarty, Roger. Title: Ultra, Air Power, and the Second Battle of St. Lawrence,
1944. In: To Die Gallantly: The Battle of the Atlantic -- Boulder, Colo., Westview, 1994
p. 186-209.
Author: Rip, Michael Russell. Title: The Precision Revolution: The Navstar Global
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Army, 1993.
Author: Gardner, Jock. Title: The Battle of the Atlantic, 1941 -- The First Turning
Point?. In: Journal of Strategic Studies v. 17, March 1994, p. 109-23.
Author: Shulman, Mark Russell. Title: The Rise and Fall of American Naval
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Howse, Derek. Title: Radar at Sea: The Royal Navy in World War 2. Published:
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Author: Van Creveld, Martin. Title: High Technology and the Transformation of War,
Pt. 1. In: RUSI Journal v. 137, Oct. 1992, p. 76-81.
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Pt. 2. In: RUSI Journal v. 137, Dec. 1992, p. 61-64.
Baucom, Donald R. Title: Providing High Technology Systems for the Modern
Battlefield: The Case of Patriot's Anti-tactical Ballistic Missile Capability. In: Air Power
History v. 39, Spring 1992, p. 3-12.
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Author: Baucom, Donald R. Title: The Origins of SDI, 1944-1983. Published:
Lawrence, Univ. Press of Kansas, 1992.
Author: Luti, William J. Title: Battle of the Airwaves. In: Proceedings of the United
States Naval Institute v. 118, Jan. 1992, p. 49-55.
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Author: Robinson, J. R. Title: Radar Intelligence and the Dieppe Raid. In: Canadian
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Author: Ferris, John. Title: The British Army, Signals, and Security in the Desert
Campaign, 1940-42. In: Intelligence and National Security v. 5, April 1990, p. 255-91.
Author: Boucher, Henri. Title: Informatics in the Defense Industry. In: Annals of the
History of Computing v. 12, no. 4, 1990, p. 227-40.
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Armed Forces & Society v. 16, Fall 1989, p. 77-98.
Author: Van Creveld, Martin. Title: When Technology Goes to War. In: American
Heritage of Invention & Technology v. 4, Winter 1989, p. 48-55.
Author: Searle, Loyd. Title: The Bombsight War: Norden vs. Sperry. In: IEEE
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Powell, Lewis F. Title: ULTRA and the Army Air Forces in World War II: An Interview
with Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Lewis F. Powell, Jr.,. Edited, Diane T.
with an introduction and essay by Putney. Published: Washington, D.C., Office of Air
Force History, U.S. Air Force, 1987.
Odell, W. C. Title: The Development of Night Fighters in World War II. In: Naval
History v. 3, Winter 1989, p. 33-35.
Schaerf, Carlo. Title: New Technologies and the Arms Race. Published: Basingstoke,
Macmillan, 1989.
Milner, Marc. Title: The Dawn of Modern Anti-Submarine Warfare: Allied Responses to
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Fisher, David E. Title: A Race on the Edge of Time: Radar, the Decisive Weapon of
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Kahn, David.
The Story of MAGIC: Memoirs of an American Cryptologic Pioneer.
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Winton, John.
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Annapolis, Leo Cooper Naval Inst. Press, 1993.
Jeffery, Keith.
Intelligence and Military History: A British Perspective.
In: Military History and the Military Profession -- Westport, Conn., Praeger, 1992 p. 10519
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