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CEN 4935
Independent Study
Wireless Robot Controller Web Application 2009
Comprehensive Report
March 19, 2009
Jess Summerhill
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this independent study project is to show how a web application
can interact with proprietary hardware; this project’s hardware is a small three
wheeled robot. This is the era of the World Wide Web – universities and schools, as
well as businesses have a very large investment in the internet today; it is no long
sufficient to create an application that will work on a single computer. Today the
demand is high to acquire the skills needed to make any application that can work on
a single computer adaptable to be able to work across the internet. Many companies
and universities have specific hardware requirements to meet the needs of their
system; it is important to be able to assess the needs of a particular system and satisfy
those needs with the proper implementation.
1.2. Scope
The target audience of this document is intended to address the interest of
computer science students, computer hobbyists, project managers, and application
and web application engineers. This appeal is due to the several applications this
project can have due to the different ways it can be applied. It is possible that most
will not see the likeliness of the importance of a web application having the ability to
interact with a robot; however the three wheeled robot is of no consequence, the type
of hardware can be substituted for any robotic needs. A more general application is
that the needs can be more than just robotic, but essentially any hardware. The
motives may differ between audiences this project appeals to, but the result is the
same: any user reading this document and applying the instructions to the robot and a
server should be able to possess the basic knowledge of how software will interact
over the internet with software working on a real-time device; this project addresses a
three wheeled robot.
Thus the goal of this project is to show how a web application will interact with
hardware that is interfacing on the server that the web application is running. The
web application will have the ability to interact with an embedded database as well as
the robot.
The information that is included in this report is the Software Requirements
Specification, which is a document that gives a description of this system’s behavior,
the Design Description, which specifies the architecture and application design of this
project, the current implementation, and the current tests that have been ran.
Software Requirements Specification
2.1. Overall Description
Product perspective Design
Figure displays the overall structure of this
project design. It shows how users will interact with the robot
over the internet. This figure shows that users will interact using
their web browser to make interactions with the web application
and the database; the web application will pass data to the Java
Database and the robot driver software.
Figure Overall Program Design Program Design
Figure displays how the web application will
connect to the robot driver; it also displays the main programming
components of the robot driver. The robot drive has two major
components, the GUI application [1.3.2] and the robot logic. The
GUI application is run on the server, while the robot logic is
executed on the robot’s logic board, which is displayed in figure this image can also be viewed on the website [1.4.14].
Data is transferred between the web application and the GUI
application. The GUI application in turn transmits data to the
robot using the Bluetooth device which is visible in Figure, and the robot logic software receives the robot the
instructions from the Bluetooth device.
Figure Robot Program Design
Figure Robotics Controller Application Design
Figure shows what the web application consists of
and data packets being sent to the robot driver. This diagram
views the three main components of any Java web application: the
deployment descriptor – which is an XML [1.3.11] file that uses
the markup tags to describe to the Java web server software how
the web application will be deployed.
Figure Web Application Program Design Program Design
The diagram in figure views the interaction with
the database and the web application; the database will receive
information form users on the internet. It will be sending updated
information to the web application – informing the GUI [1.3.2]
software for the robot driver of user information.
Figure Database Program Design Interfaces
The server interfaces with the Linux OS [1.3.7], this in turn
interacts with the HTTPD Apache web service. [1.4.6]
2.1.2. User Interfaces
Users will be able to interface with the robotic device over
the internet, through their web browsers.
2.1.3. Hardware Interfaces
No additional hardware will be needed to interact with the
robotic device.
2.1.4. Software Interfaces
User will need the Java runtime environment to interface
with some of the web pages. Users will not need it to interface with
the online application itself.
2.2. Product Functions
Wireless web cameras will be able to keep track of the robots
The web application will be using a built-in database to get
recorded information.
2.3. User Characteristics
Users with an interest in controlling a robot from their home
2.4. Constraints
Users will only be able to control the robot within the allocated
space of where the robot is physically located.
2.5. Assumptions and Dependencies
2.5.1. HTTPD Server
Apache HTTPD Server is software that provides a service
to any computer that it is installed on – therefore any computer that
has the ability to have this software installed on its OS [1.3.7] can
have the ability to become a server. This software takes the request
from users on the internet, interprets them into instructions that the
OS [1.3.7] can understand, and provides a response. It was created
by the Apache Software foundation. [1.4.7]
2.5.2. Tomcat
Apache Tomcat resembles some similarity to it predecessor
Apache HTTPD server. The primary difference is that it is a Java
web server. It handles deployment of a web application and
translating JSP [1.3.6]. [1.4.5]
2.5.3. Glassfish
Sun Glassfish is an open source Java application server that
was created by Java Sun instead of the Apache Software
foundation. It has almost the same functionality as the Apache
Tomcat, but the primary difference is manufacturer and user
preference. This software is available to download and its source
code is also available. [1.4.6]
2.6. Specific Requirements
2.7. Required Materials
This project will implement various technologies, using various
platforms. Thus, the implementation will need a hardware and a software
2.7.2. Required Software
The software required to perform the implementation needs is:
Java Enterprise Edition [1.4.3], Java Standard Edition [1.4.2], Apache
Tomcat [1.4.5], Java Sun Glassfish [1.4.6], and Java Database [1.4.4]
may as well be apart of this project. The server also needs Java RXTX
software to interact with the Bluetooth device. [1.4.9] Once this
software is installed, the user has to import all the java libraries used by
this software package, and can start interacting with the robot’s
Bluetooth device.
2.7.3. Required Hardware
The current hardware needed will be a wireless IP camera, similar
to figure, as well as the robotic hardware needed in figure
Figure Proposed IP Wireless Camera
Figure The IntelliBrain Robot with Bluetooth Device
2.7.4. Security Access
Required security access will be needed to the physical address of the computer
CSIDC, and remote access is required as well.
3. Software Design Description
3.1. Decomposition Description
Modular Overview Description will show and describe the overall design of the web application
interfacing with other software modules. It will describe the overall
concept of the web application software and the robotic software.
It is easily visible to see in the overall diagram [figure] on the design of this software. Users will visit the
website and when visiting the correct webpage, they will be able
to remotely control robotic device [2.14]. The robotic device will
respond to user input from the internet by the user applying input
from either his or her keyboard or his or her mouse.
Figure Overall Program Design Modular Web Application Description This will model and describe the overall design of the web
application. The web application is responsible for retrieving data
from the internet either by the Apache Tomcat Server [2.5] or the
Java Sun Application Server [2.7]. It is the engineer, or hobbyist,
or student, chooses which web application software he will use to
build his or her web application. diagram [Figure] shows the overall structure
of a web application. The web application is composed of
three major parts: The java servlet, the java server pages,
and the deployment descriptor.
Figure Web Application Program Design Modular Robotic Application Description This design will show the overall inner-workings of the robot
application that will interface with the web application. It will
also describe how the robot hardware will receive instructions
from the java based robot software. shows that it will be receiving data from
the web application in the data form of simple integer values,
and the robot driver translates this numeric data into bytes.
These bytes are sent to the Bluetooth device that transmits
the data wirelessly to the java software that is running on the
robot [2.13] in figure
Figure Robot Program Design
Figure The Robotic Device
Data Decomposition Servlets Description
This will describe a java servlet is, and how this data is parsed
and broken down into instructions the server [1.3.12] can
understand. Java servlet is nothing more than java software – it is a
java class file that responds the HTTP [1.3.12] request from
the JSP [1.3.6] webpage. The frameworks for servlets are
numerous; there are two that are installed on the server that
this project will be running on, which was mentioned in
section Implementation of the servlet will be using
the Apache Tomcat Server [2.5]. The Tomcat will compile
the servlet into a java class file. The web application is
composed of three components: The java servlet, the JSP
file, and the deployment descriptor (web.xml) – which is an
XML [1.3.11] file that tells Apache Ant [2.7] where all the
file locations are on the server. Sections – describe code samples and the structure and what
they do.
Appendix 6.1 gives an example of a java servlet.
The custom servlet class will always extend the
HTTPSerlvet class. This custom class is nothing more
than receiving all the data from HTTPServlet class and
adding more to it. The HTTPServlet class is the java
class that receives the HTTP request [1.3.11] and
performs the “get” function. The get function gets the
webpage from the JSP webpage the sends the responds
“Hello World”.
Appendix 6.2 displays an example of a JSP web
page. The first two tags descript what type of
document the web page is in – I will note that the
details can get complicated – and the character format it
is in as well. The rest of the tags are the standard
HTML tags. The first tag tells the type of document the
web page is, the head tag is like a header in a text
document which contains the title tag which gives the
title to the document, and then there is the body tag that
defines the body of the web document. This contains
the a tag that is labeled “h2” which gives the attribute to
the text as a header – the difference between the header
document and the h2 tag is one describes the format of
the document and the other describes a modifier to the
text within the tag.
Appendix 6.3 gives an example of a XML [1.3.11]
document. XML is very much like HTML but the
difference is the custom creation tags. Thus the only
real standard in this document is the first tag. This tag
in the simplest way of describing it is that it describes
the type of document it is and what version of XML the
document it is. There are a lot of other details in the
header of the tag that are also somewhat complicated to
describe and these details are not necessary to describe
in this document, nor for the purposes of the project.
The rest of the tags describe the contents of the way the
web application is going to be deployed. These tags are
custom, and thus there isn’t much of a standard for
them. Java Robot program Description
The description for the robotic software is comprised of three
major components: the java compiler for the software on the
server, the java robot compiler which takes java code and
compiles it into instructions the robot will understand, and the
Bluetooth hardware and the robot hardware. This section will define Appendix 6.4 and how it relates to
the project. This program’s main job is to acquire the serial
port – which uses the RSR-232 standard [1.3.9] – and
transfer data in bytes to the serial port. The serial port will
receive this data and the Bluetooth device will transmit the
signal. Thus the first part of the is using the ””
package; this package uses native functions – which are
functions that use the native OS [1.3.7], to perform
operations in the program that use input and output hardware
devices on the server [1.3.12]. This also implements the
“” package that allows for the software on the
machine to interact with the user either by mouse input or
keyboard input. The next block of java code displays java
classes that contain functions that handle getting the serial
port on com port 3 – this is nothing more than a
communication port on channel 3 for the service. The
function “establishConnection()” uses the java classes to
establish a connection between the serial port and the java
software program on the computer. There are a series of
“try” and “catch” commands that tell the server to try to
perform a specific operation, and if that operation cannot be
preformed, then send a message to the user to let them know
there is an error. section will define Appendix 6.5 for the java classes
that will run on the robot’s controller device in figure This java framework was designed Ridgesoft
[2.14] and is proprietary software that uses java [2.2] to
compile java source code to a file that will execute
instructions on the robot controller. The proprietarty classes
“com.ridgesoft.intellibrain” and
“com.ridgesoft.robotics” contain specific classes and
functions that interface with the robot controller board. The
class ”Servo” tells the board to control either the right or the
left wheel depending on how it’s defined in the program.
The rest of the program tells the robot to move in a triangle
Figure Robotics Controller
3.2. Interface Description
User Graphic Interface simplicity of JSP [1.36] is that it is not necessary to have to build
a GUI [1.3.2] for the user to interact with; it is designed to work inside
the web browser of the users desktop. There is no need to have to build
elaborate interfaces for the user – it is just a matter of web design –
which is nothing more than using standard web browsing computer
languages to design the web page to make it pleasing to the eye.
Current construction of the web interface is still underway.
Administrator Graphic Interface interface is for the administrator that wants to check the status of
the application to see if it is working correctly or not. This graphic
interface will not be seen by the user, and therefore can be simple in
nature. This application needs to be open and running at all times, and
if the server which the application is running on is rebooted, then the
application will need to be started again as well. Figure is a
sample of what the GUI [1.3.2] will look like.
Figure Graphic Interface for Administrator
3.3. Data Detailed Design
Modular Detail Data Web Application Detail This section is going to briefly review section 3, and take the
modules from that section and explain them in more detail.
Section 3.1.1 covered the overall structure of the program and
how the different pieces work together as a whole. The overview
in this section is going to cover the details of the web application
and the robot program modules. brief overview of the web application is it is build using
the java programming language, using both the standard and
if necessary the enterprise edition libraries [2.1 – 2.3]. The
web application will also use Apache Tomcat [2.5] and
Apache Ant [2.5]. The Tomcat is nothing more that a Java
Servlet framework in which java web application can work.
Apache Ant is the framework that is used to compile and
build the web application.
The web application covered in section 3.1.2 is the software
which the user will be interacting with the most. Section 3.1.2
described how the web application will work in my project; figure displays the general composition of a Java web
Figure Java Web Application Structure
A Java web application is composed of 3 major parts: the Java
Servlet, the JSPs [1.3.6], and the deployment descriptor. These
are needed to make any Java web application. 1.3.6 along with section described what a
JSP is – this module in figure will graphically
show the composition of a JSP. Appendix 6.2 shows an
example JSP source file. The details of the JSP will be
covered in section 5.2.1
Figure Java Server Page Structure Robotic Application Detail The module with graphically show the structure of the robot
application and how the pieces interact with each other. 3.2.1 briefly covers the structure of the robot
application. This project will make a very simple application
simply because it will never be seen by the user. Figure shows the simplicity of the GUI [1.3.2]. Section
5.2.2 will cover the details of the robot composition. Figure and figure graphically shows the
Figure Robot Application Server End
Figure Robot Application Robot Hardware End
Figure Robot Hardware with Bluetooth Device
Figure Bluetooth Hardware with Cable Connects to Server
Data Entity Details Java Web Application Detail
Section covers the visual description of a Java web
application; this section will discuss the details of the components
of the application. began to discuss the three major
components of a Java web application, but did not discuss
these components in needed detail.
A Java Servlet is nothing more that a java file that
is compiled by the JVM [1.3.14] using the Apache
Tomcat [2.5] libraries. Appendix 6.1 is an example
source of a java Servlet. The purpose of a Java Servlet
is to respond to a JSP [1.3.6]. It can also update data on
a server-side java application. This makes Java
Servlets very useful in the academic and business
worlds. This is true simply because while a Java
Applet is a Java application that is run within the web
browser, a Java Servlet is run on the server, receiving
data from the JSP. The “doGet” function provided in
Appendix 6.1, uses the HTTP request [1.3.13] from the
JSP, to receive information from the given web page,
and the Servlet can either process the information
within the Servlet, or it can send this data to an
application on the server its running on.
The deployment descriptor is an XML file [1.3.11]
that the installed Apache Ant [2.6] uses to help properly
deploy the web application to the correct configuration
that is stored in the web.xml file. This file contains
information on the name of the Servlet, name of the JSP
associated with it, and how long the Servlet should wait
before it sends back an error message.
Figure shows the composition of a JSP;
appendix 6.2 shows a sample source file. The way that
this will interact in my project is that the JSP will send
data to the Serlvet and the Servlet will send data the
robot application, which will tell the robot to move and
in which direction. The composition of the JSP is it has
HTML [1.3.3] elements and nested inside the webpage
is java syntax. These elements placed together create a
JSP page. The purpose for a JSP is so that the Servlet
does not have a series of print statements containing a
lot of HTML tags and commands. A Java Servlet
would not be able to compile and run the page if it had
a lot of HTML syntax inside the Java String. Thus was
created the JSP. The nested Java syntax within the JSP
file sends data to the Java Servlet and updates it every
time the request information is asked by the Servlet.
A quick overview is that these parts of the web
application use Apache Tomcat, and Apache Ant. Ant
uses the Deployment Descriptor to builds the web
application into a working web application that
responds to users. Java Robot Program Detail
The robot program has two main parts: the server-side
application and the robot-side application. The server-side
application is for the server administration who desires the status
of the application on the server. Figure displays an idea of how the GUI [1.3.2] is
going to look very similar to actual deployment in
development. The structure of this application is in figure; this shows how the individual pieces working
together as a whole.
The server-side application uses the hardware
visible in figure – this cable and Bluetooth
modem receive data from the application in bytes and
send it to the robot in figure Sample source
code for this application is visible in Appendix 6.4,
using this code to retrieve the serial port from the
server, this application will continuously send data to
the robot waiting to receive data and respond
accordingly. This project will use the Servlet to send
data to the robot application, and the robot application
in turn will take the data sent from the Servlet and
convert that data from integers to bytes, and then
connect to the server’s serial port, which in turn gets
transmitted by the cable and the Bluetooth modem in
The robot-side application has a completely different structure
than the server-side application; figure shows how this
structure works. The figure displays the cable that
connect to the robot in figure; this cable receives the
data in bytes and sends it to the robot board in figure
However, this program is not compiled on the robot; it is
compiled using the Ridgesoft RoboJDE [2.9] which is visible in
figure This software compiles the source which is
visible in Appendix 6.5 and then is uploaded to the robot board in
figure via a serial cable. Both the server-side and the
robot-side of the application communicate to each other via the
Bluetooth modems.
Figure Robot-side Bluetooth Cable.
Figure Ridgesoft RoboJDE.
4. Implementation
4.1. The current implementation is still under test. The status of the requirements of
the web application architecture is still being researched. The environment is
installed and setup correctly, the test web page has been implemented. Updates
will follow at a later time.
5. Test Documents
5.1. The test documentation has been implemented. The printed source is seen in the
appendix. The equivalent of a “Hello World” web page has been produced and
deployed. The web address this test page can be seen at
6. Conclusion
6.1. The end desired result is that the robot should react to users controlling it from
the internet. The current status of the project is that it is still in test. Once the
required research is gathered and implemented, the rest of the project should be
implemented rather quickly. A safe assumption is ordering the required
hardware needed for the completion of the project. This will evolve acquiring
two IP cameras, and a wireless access point. All the necessary requirements
outside of this have been acquired and achieved from the previous project.
7. Definitions, Acronyms, Abbreviations
7.1.1. DBMS. Database Management System – “It is computer software that manages
databases.” [2.12]
7.1.2. GUI. Graph User Interface – it is a type of interface between the computer and
the user that allows for a graphical representation of data.
7.1.3. HMTL. Hypertext Markup Language – it is a dominating markup language of
the internet. It uses what are called "tags" to display text, links, heading, images,
paragraphs and lists. This language is interpreted by the user's web browser and the
server receiving the HTML request for the desired document.
7.1.4. JDBC. Java Database Connectivity – “The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
API is the industry standard for database-independent connectivity between the
Java programming language and a wide range of databases.” [2.4]
7.1.5. JDO. The Java Data Objects – “Standard interface-based Java model abstraction
of persistence. Application programmers can use JDO technology to directly store
Java domain model instances into the persistent store (database).” [2.4]
7.1.6. JSP. Java Server Pages – This markup language is similar to HTML, but the
primary difference is that it allows for Java instructions to be inserted inside a
custom tag.
7.1.7. OS. Operating System – This is computing software that allows for users to
interact with the computers hardware and possibly other computers on a network.
7.1.8. RDBMS.
Relational Database Management System – “It is a database
management system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as introduced by
E. F. Codd. Most popular commercial and open source databases currently in use
are based on the relational model.” [2.13]
7.1.9. RS-232. Recommended Standard 232 – “A standard for serial binary data
signals connecting between a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and a DCE (Data
Circuit-terminating Equipment).” [2.12]
7.1.10. SQL. Structured Query Language – It is a database computer language that
allows interaction such as creation, modification, and querying of the database
between application software and database architecture such as database objects.
7.1.11. XML. Extensible Markup Language – It is a computer scripting language very
similar to HTML, but the main difference is that the web developers can custom
design tags in this language to suit his or her needs.
7.1.12. Server – It is a computer that is designed and engineered to respond to HTTP
[1.3.13] requests. This computer takes the HTTP request and responds with the
requested web page. An example would be an HTML document [1.3.3]. Typically
servers are used for businesses.
7.1.13. Hypertext Transfer Protocol – it is a procedure handles responds and requests
between servers [1.3.13] and computer users at homes over the computer world
wide network known as the World Wide Web. It was developed by the World Wide
Web Consortium [2.15] and Tim Berners-Lee [2.16].
7.1.14. JVM – the Java Virtual Machine – it is an internal engine within the java
compiler that receives java byte code (it is data produced from the java compiler
8. References
8.1. Sun Microsystems Inc, Santa Clara, CA, 2008
8.2. Sun Microsystems Inc, Santa Clara, CA, 2008
8.3. Sun Microsystems Inc, Santa Clara, CA, 2008
1.1. Sun Microsystems Inc, Santa Clara, CA, 2008
1.2. The Apache Software Foundation, 1999-2009
1.3. The Apache Software Foundation, 1999-2009
1.4. Sun Microsystems Inc, Santa Clara, CA, 2008
1.5. The Apache Software Foundation, 2008
1.6. RidgeSoft, Pleasanton, CA, 2009
1.7. Keane Jarvi, 1998-2006
1.8. Wikimedia Foundation, January 27 2009,
1.9. Wikimedia Foundation, January 28 2009,
Wikimedia Foundation, January 22 2009,
RidgeSoft, Pleasanton, CA, 2009
World Wide Web Consortium, 1998-2007,
Tim Berners-Lee Information and Biography, 2009,
9. Appendix
9.1. An example java servlet:
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
out.println("Hello, World!");
9.2. An example JSP web page:
<%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<title>Test JSP Page</title>
<h2>Hello World! </h2>
9.3. An example deployment descriptor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.5" xmlns=""
9.4. An example Robot program running on the server:
public class SerialConnectGUI {
protected BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new
protected byte[] buffer = new byte[64];
protected String messages[] = new String[14];
protected CommPortIdentifier portId;
protected CommPort commPort;
protected SerialPort serialPort;
protected OutputStream outputStream;
protected boolean dataflag;
byte moveX, moveY;
protected void establishConnection() {
try {
portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier("COM3");
System.out.println("Establishing connction.....");
messages[0] = "\nEstablishing connction.....\n";
catch ( NoSuchPortException noport) {
System.out.println("Port not found: "+ noport);
messages[0] = "Port not found: "+ noport+"\n";
try {
serialPort = (SerialPort), 50);
System.out.println("Port has been found.");
messages[1] = "Port has been found.\n";
catch (PortInUseException usedport ) {
messages[1] = "" +usedport;
try {
SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
System.out.println("Esablishing the transfer rate settings
for COM3.");
messages[3] = "Esablishing the transfer rate settings for
catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException nosupcom) {
System.out.println("The tranfer rate could not be
esblished on COM3.");
messages[3] = "The tranfer rate could not be esblished on
try {
outputStream = serialPort.getOutputStream();
messages[4] = "Establishing an output stream.... \n";
System.out.println("Establishing an output stream....");
catch (IOException ioexc) {
System.out.println("There is an input/output problem: " +
messages[4] = "There is an input/output problem: " +
messages[5] = "Establishing connection types: " +
9.5. An example Robot program running on the robot hardware:
import com.ridgesoft.robotics.*;
import com.ridgesoft.intellibrain.*;
public class MoveRoboTriangle {
public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException{
Servo leftwheel = IntelliBrain.getServo(1);
Servo rightwheel = IntelliBrain.getServo(2);
// Add your code here
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {