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MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
What is MRI?
MRI uses radio waves, a strong magnetic field and a computer to generate detailed,
cross-sectional images of human anatomy. Because it produces better tissue images than
x-rays can, MRI is most commonly used for brain, spine, thorax, vascular system, and
musculoskeletal system (including the knee and ankle).
How should I prepare for the MRI procedure?
Because the strong magnetic field used for MRI will pull on any metal object implanted in your
body, Premier staff will ask about all surgeries you have had. Some surgical implants may be a
contraindication to MRI, while other surgical procedures may require a specific amount of time
to pass before an MRI can be performed. Examples of surgeries that require special attention
include: aneurysm clips, ear implants, brain implants, pacemakers, heart valves, stents, and
intrauterine devices (IUD).
How is the procedure performed?
You will be comfortably positioned on a special table that slides into the short 4-feet bore of the
MRI system opening, where the magnetic field is centrally located. The roomy 36-inch bore is
open on both ends, and is well-lit in a room that provides an atmosphere that is open, "airy",
and comfortable. The technologist will perform the MRI exam at the control unit in an adjoining
room. You will hear tapping noises during the exam, but earplugs are provided. You will be
asked to remain still during the imaging process. You will be able to communicate with the
technologist through an intercom. Special needs may be accommodated with innovative and
improved positioning techniques for the claustrophobic patient such as: feet first for certain
procedures, aromatherapy to calm, or mirrors for visual comfort.
In some cases, a contrast material may be injected into a vein in your arm to highlight internal
organs and structures to make tumors, vessels and scar tissue brighter. The contrast is filtered
out of your bloodstream by your kidneys and eliminated from your body in your urine within 24
hours. Side effects are rare, but information will be provided by your MRI technician.
For more detailed information about MRI procedures visit:
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
Patient lockers are available for jewelry and other valuable items, however Patients are encouraged to
leave all jewelry at home during procedures.