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Realising Information Society Agenda’s
Rabat 2004
Gilbert Lacroix
Intel Confidential
Government Global Trends
 Governments around the World are driving Information Society Agendas
 Why? Realising eHealth, eGovernment, eLearning is crucial to
– Driving efficiencies – doing more with same or less resources
– Facilitates Government to Government collaboration
– Delivering improved services to citizens, business and providing greater access to
technology for their Nations
– Governments Globally are building out their Information Society Agenda’s and action plans
such as EU NOW!
 There is a direct correlation to GDP Growth & use of IT,
– Many Governments are investing in Human Assets as manufacturing & some of service base
moves Geographically. (Groeningen Universtity “Changing Gear”, Productivity, ICT and
Services: )
– Governments are making p.c. literacy skills as core to Education curriculum & Information
Society Agenda’s such as UK, Malaysia, Turkey , Jordan etc.
– This translates into a more highly skilled workforce and economies which can compete on a
Global level more effectively
 National PC Adoption Programs such as Portugal, UK, Dubai, Spain, Sweden
– Social Inclusion & Public Private Initiatives with sustainable reinvestment models
Intel Confidential
Key drivers for adoption of Innovative Technology
 EMEA - manufacturing & some service base industry moves geographically to APAC so Govts
are looking to invest in human assets to drive up GDP
 Use of technology & eLearning systems for Education is a major strategic route to be
“By 2010, make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in
the world,…”
Lisbon Strategy Statement 2000
 This is not just a EU member states phenomenon
 Greater Access to technology, p.c. literacy is a key watchword
– WiFi, WIMAX, plus developments in RFID have a role to play
 Realisation that investment in Innovative Industry Standard technology & Solutions helps drive
efficiency & competitiveness
– Drives up educational standards through use of eLearning/distance learning systems
– p.c. literacy skills community in general offers greater competitive advantage to attract global Industry
p.c. adoption targets baked into Government action plans e.g. UK, France, Spain, eRussia etc.
– eGovt, eHealth through mobiile computing provides greater access, drives efficiency & increases
standards in service
– eLearning can extend beyond the classroom – distance, adult learning
Intel Confidential
The Wheel of successful eGovernment Strategy
Saving money
Delivering better services
and reducing
Developing improved
Reinvestment through
increased revenue
and Public/Private
Sector partnerships
Government practice extending
eGovernment initiatives
Saving money
Providing more effective
Providing increased
business and
Launching access initiatives,
access to
Employee Purchase Programs,
PC literacy, digital homes
Intel Confidential
Effectively delivery
government policies
Delivering government
policies and
services faster
Increased access to government
services and more efficient
service delivery
Intel Advantage
Our Value “Beyond chips”
 Helping Governments maximise investment in ICT by:
Driving technology adoption through joint programs, initiatives
Sharing best known practices and replicating them
Setting an example as a WW e-Corporation – transacting $2B USD/month
Driving the IT and Communications Industry on standards
 WW Research & Innovation, Standards
Investment in Healthcare solutions and technology including homecare
Intel Capital investment in Technology globally
Driving Moore’s Law
IT @ Intel & Dublin Innovation Centre
 Intel in Education Programs
– EC 6 Framework Program incl. Innovation in eLearning incl. Adaptive,
GENIUS – Distance Learning
– Intel® Teach to the Future
– Intel® Innovative Technology Institutes
 Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental policy
Intel Confidential
Helping Governments drive pc adoption
Information Society Agenda & action plan
Simple mechanism to buy p.c.’s and get tax rebates
Education re p.c. literacy skills (Adult & children - SKOOOL)
Targeted campaigns to specific audiences which have relevant messages
Co-op logos developed for brand recognition of national Govt programs
Sustainable campaign not just 3 months
Realising successful program needs to be baked into Information Society overall agenda e.g.
eLearning, eGovernment, eHealth, successful infrastructure teaming with Industry
Focus on top 10 eGovernment services 1st, make service user friendly, anytime, anywhere
Mobile eGovernment working also drives efficiency and improved public safety
Collaborating with Industry
 Packaging with service providers, FSI - low financing
Employers, Industry committees promote program and understand benefits
Information Society agenda promotes greater access, public/private partnership model to reinvest in
Public Places e.g. Public Libraries
WIMAX & WiFi key enablers
Intel Confidential
e-Government Vision
“Within 18 months of tonight, the Dubai
Government as a whole will be on-line, a factor
that will increase efficiency and make the
process of government faster and smoother.
Among other things, I want to see visa
applications and other transactions carried out
on-line and government departments
communicating with each other electronically.”
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince
and UAE Minister of Defence - May 11, 1999
Intel Confidential
2003 Dubai E-Government Initiative: e4all
or call 7000-40000
 e-services for all: gov’t. employees, businesses, citizens
 Requires increased Internet & PC penetration
 Intel & Dubai Gov’t. PC bundling, financing, training, e-learning
Goal: 70% transactions online by 2005
Intel Confidential
 Equation to be successful means a combination of tangible, measureable
action plan, creating right Govt led policies, collaboration in Private Public
 Using Industry Standard Innovative Technology & solutions enables
collaborative Government to – Intel can help…..
– Drives greater efficiency to do more with the same or less resources
– Bring greater public value to citizens & business
– Anytime, anywhere access to eGovt services
– Work Life Balance for the community
– Drives tangible, real efficiencies and productivity gains for Governments, centrally, local &
– Mobile Public Sector workforce improves efficiencies & service @ point of service delivery
– Capatilise on WiFi Lan, WiMAX & roaming to provide greater access (Social Inclusion) –
Spanish Govt Public Libraries, French Govt – Internet Café’s, WiXos Paris
– Offers opportunity to drive new revenue streams with commercial sector
Intel Confidential
Intel Confidential