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NAME: _____________________________________________________________________
Standard 6-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of the cradles of
civilization as people moved from a nomadic existence to a settled life.
6-1.2: Explain the emergence of agriculture and its effect on early human communities, including the
domestication of plants and animals, the impact of irrigation techniques, and subsequent food
After the discovery of ______________, or farming, early humans began to settle near river valleys.
The first of these was known as __________________________________, or the “land between the
rivers”. The two rivers found in Mesopotamia were the ____________________________ and the
______________________. Living next to these rivers provided these people with everything they
needed for survival. (fish, drinking water, and transportation, etc) They were also able to provide
water for their crops, also known as ____________________________. Irrigation and domestication
allowed the Mesopotamians to create a _____________ of food. A surplus of food also means that not
everyone needs to be a farmer. This will lead to a division of labor, in which people have different jobs.
Although rivers valleys provided Mesopotamians with everything the needed, living next to rivers could
also be very dangerous. Each year, flooding of the rivers could lead to death and destruction. To
prevent this, the Mesopotamians created ____________________, or walls to keep the rivers from
flooding. In addition to this, they also created irrigation canals and reservoirs to store surplus water.
These agricultural techniques led to a population growth and a much more complex civilization
characterized by:
Features of a Civilization:
Written Language
Trade Systems
Social Order
“Use the words below to complete the guided notes.”
6-1.3: Compare the river valley civilizations of the (Mesopotamia), (Egypt), (India), and the (China),
including the development of written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and
forms of social order.
As the agricultural techniques of the Mesopotamians improved, they eventually developed into one of the
world’s first civilizations. A civilization is characterized by a common written language, government, trade
systems, architecture, and social order. Below are characteristics of the Mesopotamian civilization.
Mesopotamia: The First Civilization
Written Language:
 Cuneiform – a wedge shaped writing on clay tablets. Cuneiform originally developed as way to
keep track of trade. As time progressed, Cuneiform developed into a more complex written
language in which pictures and symbols represent words as well as sounds. This allowed the
Mesopotamians to keep records, create written codes of law (Hammurabi’s Code) as well as works
of literature. (The Epic of Gilgamesh)
Phoenician Alphabet – Although the Phoenicians were known as expert traders and sailors of the
ancient world, their most important contribution was their alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet used a
set of letters to represent sound and make words. Sound familiar? Our English alphabet is actually
based on the Phoenician alphabet! We even use the term phonics (letter = sound) as a way to give
credit to the Phoenicians. (Phoenicians – Phonics)
In the early days of Mesopotamia, each city-state had its own king. This changed around 2300 BCE, when
an Akkadian king, ______________________ conquered all of the Mesopotamian city-states creating the
world’s first ___________________________.
Trade Systems:
In order for a civilization to trade, it must have a _______________, or extra amounts of goods. Trade
exists as a way for people to gain items they do not have. The Mesopotamians carried out their trade with
neighboring civilizations such as the Egyptians and the people of the Indus River Valley. New inventions,
such as the wheel and the cart are going to make trade across land easier. They will also use waterways,
such as the ________________ and Euphrates rivers, and the Mediterranean Sea to carry out trade.
The best examples of Mesopotamian architecture were the ______________________. These step shaped
pyramids served as temples to honor the many gods of Mesopotamia. The ziggurats were usually located in
the center of each city-state.
Social Order: (from top to bottom of the social class pyramid)
 King
 Priests and Nobles
 Merchants and Traders
 Farmers and Laborers
 Slaves