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I-Choose The Correct Answer: (30
‫األكاديمية الدولية للعلوم الصحية‬
‫تحت إشراف الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات‬
International Academy for
Health Sciences
Under supervision of Saudi
Commission for Health Specialties
Central Committee Of Examinations
Final Exam (………… Term 1429/1430H- 2008/2009G)
Student's Name:
Department: dentistry
Academic Number:
Level : three
Date of Exam.:
/ 14
Subject : orthodontics
No of Exam. Pages: Period:
Marks in
Total Marks in Letters
Revised by
1- ………………is the branch of dentistry concerned with
the correction of irregular teeth.
a- Endodontics
b- Orthodontics
c- Prosthodontics
d- Periodontics
2- Overjet is the
a- Horizontal overlap
b- Vertical overlap
c- Edge to edge biting
d- None- of the above
3- The most common local causes of malocclusion is:
a- Late eruption of permanent teeth
b- Early extraction of carious deciduous molars
c- Hypothyroidism
d- All of the above
4- The most prominent feature of Angle class-II division 2
malocclusion is
a- Large overjet
b- High palatal vault
c- The upper central incisors tilt backwards into contact with
the lowers
d- The upper incisors protrude
5- A disto-occlusion corresponds to:
a- Angle's classI
b- Angle's classII
c- Angle's class III
d- None of the above
6- A mesio-occlusion corresponds to:
a- Angle's classI
b- Angle's classII
c- Angle's class III
d- None of the above
7- The mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar
occludes in the interdental space between the distal cusp
of mandibular first permanent molar and the mesial cusp
of the mandibular second permanent molar would reveal
which malocclusion?
a- Angle's classI
b- Angle's classII
c- Angle's class III
d- None of the above
8- ………… an occlusal relationship in which the
mandibular teeth are located facial to the opposing
maxillary teeth.
a- Overjet
b- Openbite
c- Crossbite
d- Overbite
9- Overbite is the
a- Horizontal overlap
b- Vertical overlap
c- Edge to edge biting
d- None- of the above
10- Which of the following is an example of abnomal oral
function resulting from malocclusion:
a- Difficulty in chewing
b- Speech defects
c- TMJ pain
d- Dose of the above
11- Malocclusion can contribute to
a- Poor appearance
b- Dental caries
c- Periodontal disease
d- All of the above
12- Which of the following procedures is an example of
corrective orthodontics?
a- Early elimination of oral habits
b- Fixed appliances
c- Removable appliances
d- b & c
13- Orthodontic treatment:
a- Improve appearance
b- Correct abnormal oral habits
c- Prevent caries and periodontal disease
d- Dose all of the above
14- In orthodontic treatment the most commonly
radiographic used
a- Periapical
b- Submentovertex
c- Cephalomteric
d- Lateral oblique
15- The most inferior point on the mandibular symphysis is:
a- Pogonion
b- Gonion
c- Menton
d- Gnathion
16- Which of the following landmarks is not situated on the
a- Point A
b- Point B
c- Gonion
d- Gnathion
17- In orthodontic treatment the commonest teeth to be
extracted are
a- Canines
b- 1st premolars
c- 2nd premolars
d- 1st molars
18- The archwire is attached to the brackets with
a- Fine ligature wire
b- Tiny elastic ringes
c- Brass pins
d- All of the above
19- Which of the following is an auxillary
a- Bands
b- Arch wire
c- Tubes
d- Brackets
20- Bands are most commonly placed on the
a- 1st molars
b- 2nd molars
c- Central incisors
d- a & b
21- The following are disadvantages of fixed appliances
a- Their limited range of tooth movement
b- Difficulty in cleaning
c- Longer surgery visits for fitting and adjustment
d- Their susceptibility to damage and the loss of brackets or
22- Removable appliances bring about:
a- Bodily movements
b- Tilting
c- Rotation
d- Intrusion
23- An appliance that utilizes the forces exerted by muscles
a- Functional appliance
b- Retention appliance
c- Fixed appliance
d- None-of the above
24- Retention appliance is used:
a- At the end of active orthodontic treatment
b- To support the teeth those are in an unstable position
c- To control changes caused by growth
d- For all of the above
25- Working arch wire is another name for:
a- Nickel titanium arch wire
b- Stainless steel wire
c- Beta titanium wire
d- Optiflex wire
26- Which of the following will occur if the patient doses not
take care of his mouth during orthodontic treatment?
a- Rampant caries
b- Hypo-calcification
c- Periodontal disease
d- All of the above
27- Orthodontic positioner is used to
a- Retain the teeth in their desired position
b- Permit the alveolus to rebuild support around the teeth before
the patient wears a retainer
c- Massage the gingival
d- For all of the above
28- In class II malocclusion when all upper incisors are
proclined it is:
a- Class II division 1
b- Class II division 2
29- ……………are round tubes placed routinely on
maxillary first molars.
a- Headgear tubes
b- Edgewise tubes
c- Labial hooks
d- Lingual arch attachment
30- EDT must be worn by patient for at least:
a- 6 hours a day
b- 10 hours a day
c- 14 hours a day
d- 20 hours a day
II- Complete The Following :(10 marks)
1- Andresen and Frankel appliances are an example of
functional appliance……
2- optiflex…………is a newer type of arch wire made from a
composite with a top coating of optical glass fibers.
3- …elastic thread………… a type of tubing used to close
space or aid in the eruption of impacted teeth.
4- …kobyashi…………….are ligature ties that have been
spot welded at the tip to form for the attachment of
5- Monobloc is another name for…Andresen
6- headgear……………..,is an orthopedic device used to
control growth and tooth movement
7- …the facebow………… used to stabilize or move the
maxillary first molar distally and create more room in the
8- Checking the appliance is the responsibility of the
chairside assistant………
9- Hawley retainer……………is the most commonly used
removable retainer
10orbitale……………….is the lowest point on the
inferior margin of the orbit
III- True Or False
1- Almost all kinds of malocclusion are acquired in oirigin.f
2- Crowding is the most common contributor to
3- The bonded bracket is the most common type of
attachment for fixed appliances.t
4- The arch wire is not essential component to fixed
5- Round wires are used during the final stages of treatment.f
6- Bonded brackets are removed by creating a fracture within
the resin bonding material.t
7- Bodily tooth movement can be achieved by removable
8- Most commonly bands are placed on the anterior teeth.f
9- Diagnostic models are used for the diagnosis and case
presentation of the orthodontic patient.t
10- Missing teeth is the opposite condition to supernumerary
IV- Sequence of appointments for the orthodontic patient?
(5 marks)