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Name:_______________________________________ Period:___________ Date:_______
Please label and color the map of Asia using pages R10, R11, 160-161, and 411. Be sure to
include Japan, China, India, Korea, and their capitals. Label major bodies of water such as the
Pacific Ocean, Yellow Sea, Yellow River, Yangzi River… Include major boundaries and
landmarks (Gobi Desert and Himalaya Mountains), cities (Hangzhou and Chang’an), and the
Great Wall of China.
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China Refunifies
Big Idea: The Period of Disunion was followed by reunification by rulers of the
Sui, Tang, and Song dynasties.
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“The Period of
Disunion was a time
of war and disorder
that followed the end
of the Han dynasty.”
“Many northern
Chinese, unwilling to
live under the rule of
the nomadic invaders,
fled to southern
During the Period of
Disunion China was
in chaos while people
moved to different
parts of China to
escapes invaders.
“China was reunified
under the Sui, Tang,
and Song dynasties.”
“The Sui dynasty
didn’t last long,...589
to 618...leaders
restored order...and
began the Grand
“Historians view the
Tang dynasty as a
golden age of
the only woman to
rule China-Empress
“...the Song dynasty
ruled for about 300
years, until
1279...was a time of
Although the Sui
dynasty was the
shortest dynasty to
rule, once again there
was order in the Sui
dynasty. It’s leaders
started major building
projects such as the
Grand Canal.
The Tang dynasty
lasted for 300 years
and had many
cultural achievements
and leaders. One of
its rulers was
Empress Wu who
ruled with an iron fist
so that the country
would not fall into
The last dynasty that
also ruled for 300
years was the Song
“The Age of
Buddhism saw major
religious changes in
“Buddhism's status
changed during the
Period of Disunion.
During this troubled
time, many people
turned to Buddhism.”
Many people sought
the comfort of inner
peace and stability
during the uncertain
times of the Period of
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Empires of Asia Key Terms and People
Period of Disunion
Grand Canal
Empress Wu
Woodblock Printing
Civil Service
Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan
Zheng He
Prince Shotoku
Oda Nobunaga (pg.459)
Name: __________________________________________Class: ___________________
Unit 3: China and Japan
14.1: China Reunifies (pages 410-413)
1. Why was the Tang dynasty called the golden age of Chinese civilization?
2. Who was Empress Wu and what did she do?
3. What might have happened to China if Empress Wu had not been such a strong
4. Why was Buddhism the official state philosophy of the Han dynasty?
14.2: Tang and Song Achievements (pages 414-419)
5. What new developments aided food production, and how did they improve it?
6. How were agricultural surpluses related to the growth of cities?
7. How did the Grand Canal affect trade in China?
8. What effect did opening the Pacific ports to foreign traders have on China?
14.3: Confucianism and Government (pages 420-423)
9. Why do you think the Song and later governments emphasized Neo-Confucianism?
10. Which of the following did the Song dynasty adopt as its official policy?
14.4: The Yuan and Ming Dynasties (pages 424-430)
11. How can Genghis Khan’s expeditions of conquest be characterized?
12. Why was the period of the Yuan dynasty a significant time in China’s history?
13. How were the Mongol rulers different than the Chinese?
14. What effect might Marco Polo’s description of life in China have on European
15. Why was it important that the Great Wall of China was more than 2,000 miles long?
16. Why do you think the Ming dynasty turned to isolationism?
17. What were the consequences of the period of isolationism in China?
15.1: Geography and Early Japan (pages 440-445)
18. Why was Japan isolated from Korea and China in ancient times?
19. What is kami?
15.3: Growth of a Military Society (pages 454-459)
20. Who are the daimyo and why did they hire samurai?
21. What was the difference between the emperor and the shogun?
22. What was expected of the samurai?
23. What was Bushido and who was expected to live by its rules?
24. What might happen if a robber attacked the home of a samurai family while the
men were at war?
14.1: China Reunifies (pages 410-413)
1. Why was the Tang dynasty called the golden age of Chinese civilization?
Answer: The Tang dynasty was called the golden age of Chinese civilization
because the Tang dynasty produced great rulers who expanded Chinese territory
and encouraged art and culture to grow.
2. Who was Empress Wu and what did she do?
Answer: Empress Wu was the only woman to rule China, she ruled after her sickly
husband died.
3. What might have happened to China if Empress Wu had not been such a strong
Answer: The dynasty would have collapsed and thrown China into another Period
of Disunion.
4. Why was Buddhism the official state philosophy of the Han dynasty?
Answer: Buddhism was the official state philosophy of the Han dynasty because it
brought inner peace and stability.
14.2: Tang and Song Achievements (pages 414-419)
5. What new developments aided food production, and how did they improve it?
Answer: Fast-ripening rice allowed farmers to grow more than one crop in the
time it took to grow just one, which lead to a population increase from 60 million
during the Tang Dynasty to 100 million people by the Song Dynasty.
6. How were agricultural surpluses related to the growth of cities?
Answer: The extra food grown in the country could feed more people in the cities
which in turn grew.
7. How did the Grand Canal affect trade in China?
Answer: In connected major cities and allowed a large amount of goods and crops
to be transported from agricultural areas to the cities.
8. What effect id opening the Pacific ports to foreign traders have on China?
Answer: It expanded trading, contributing to a strong economy in China.
14.3: Confucianism and Government (pages 420-423)
9. Why do you think the Song and later governments emphasized Neo-Confucianism?
Answer: The emphasis on proper behavior would encourage people to obey their
government. They saw problems in the government they hoped to eliminate by
emphasizing Neo-Confucianism.
10. Which of the following did the Song dynasty adopt as its official policy?
Answer: Neo-Confucianism
14.4: The Yuan and Ming Dynasties (pages 424-430)
11. How can Genghis Khan’s expeditions of conquest be characterized?
Answer: Genghis Khan’s expeditions of conquest can be characterized by the
bloody attacks they led during which entire populations of cities and towns were
often wiped out.
12. What effect might Marco Polo’s description of life in China have on European
Answer: Many Europeans became interested in trading with China.
13. Why was it important that the Great Wall of China was more than 2,000 miles long?
Answer: It was important because it was built to keep out northern invaders.
14. Why do you think the Ming dynasty turned to isolationism?
Answer: They period of Mongol rule was the first time all of China was ruled by
foreigners. They only wanted to be ruled by Chinese so the Ming
was suspicious of foreigners.
15. What were the consequences of the period of isolationism in China?
Answer: China faced a lack of trade and a lack of development, but it did provide
protection from outsiders.
15.1: Geography and Early Japan (pages 440-445)
16. Why was Japan isolated from Korea and China in ancient times?
Answer: Japan’s island location separated it physically from the rest of Asia.
17. What is kami?
Answer: Kami is the Japanese belief that everything in nature has spirits and those
spirits keep people from harm. The Japanese also believed their clan chiefs were
descended from kami ancestors.
15.3: Growth of a Military Society (pages 454-459)
18. Who are the daimyo and why did they hire samurai?
Answer: The daimyo are large landowners and they hired the samurai to protect
their lands without pay but given a portion of land to live.
19. What was the difference between the emperor and the shogun?
Answer: The emperor appeared to rule, but was just a figurehead. The shogun
actually ruled in the emperor’s name because the emperor was busy living a
lavish lifestyle.
20. What was expected of the samurai?
Answer: Samurai were expected to live simple, self-disciplined lives and they were
expected to commit suicide if they did not honor their lord.
21. What was Bushido and who was expected to live by its rules?
Answer: Bushido was a samurai code of rules. Both men and women from
samurai families were expected to follow them.
22. What might happen if a robber attacked the home of a samurai family while the
men were at war?
Answer: Women of the samurai class were also trained to fight so that they could
defend their homes, so the women of the family would probably protect the
home from robbers.
23. Who unified Japan in the 1500s when there were many daimyos ruling the land?
Answer: Oda Nodunaga
24. Why did the Samurai period in Japan last until 1800s?
Answer: Japan was isolated from the rest of the world, Japan’s rulers banned guns
limited technology.