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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology
ISSN 2277 - 4106
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Research Article
Clustering Algorithms: Study and Performance Evaluation Using Weka Tool
Bhoj Raj Sharmaa* and Aman Paula
Department of Computer Science, Eternal University, Baru Sahib, Sirmour (HP)
Accepted 02 August 2013, Available online 05 August 2013, Vol.3, No.3 (August 2013)
Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information.
Clustering is a procedure to organizing the objects in to groups or clustered together, based on the principle of
maximizing the intra-class similarity and minimizing the inter class similarity. The various clustering algorithms are
analyzed and compare the performance of clustering algorithms on aspect for time taken to build the model, Epsilon,
minpts. The aim is to judge the efficiency of different data mining algorithms on diabetic dataset and determine the
optimum algorithm. The performance analysis depends on many factors encompassing test mode, distance function and
Key words: Data mining, cluster analysis, clustering algorithms, distance function, Weka 3.6.9 tools, Performance
1. Introduction
Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set
of objects in such a way that objects in the same group is
called cluster which are more similar (in some sense or
another) to each other than to those in other groups. It is a
main task of exploratory data mining, and a common
technique for statistical data analysis used in many fields,
including machine learning, pattern recognition, image
analysis, information retrieval, and bioinformatics. Cluster
analysis as such is not an automatic task, but an iterative
process of knowledge discovery or interactive multiobjective optimization that involves trial and failure. It
will often be necessary to modify data pre-processing and
model parameters until the result achieves the desired
2. Clustering algorithm
Simple K-Means
The K-Means clustering algorithms is a classical and well
known clustering algorithm and its discovers K(nonoverlapping) clusters by finding K centroids” Center
Points” and then assigning each point to the cluster
associated with its nearest centroid (Gupta A et al..2011).
The K-Means method aims to minimize the sum of
squared distances between all points and the cluster centre.
*Correspoding author Bhoj Raj Sharma is a Research Scholar and
Aman Paul is working as Assistant Professor
This procedure consists of the following steps, as
described below:
K-Means clustering algorithms (Tiwari and Singh, 2012)
1. Choose K cluster centre to coincide with K randomly
chosen patterns or K randomly define inside the hyper
volume containing the pattern set.
2. Assign each pattern to the closest cluster centre.
3. Recomputed the cluster centres’ using the current
cluster membership.
4. If a convergence criterion is not met step 2.Typical
convergence criteria are: no reassignment of patterns
to new cluster centres, or minimal decrease in squard
error (Tiwari and Singh, 2012).
Connectivity based clustering, also known as hierarchical
clustering, is based on the core idea of objects being more
related to nearby objects than to objects farther away.
Hierarchical methods are usually classified into
Agglomerative and Divisive methods depending on how
the hierarchy is constructed. These algorithms connect
"objects" to form "clusters" based on their distance. A
cluster can be described largely by the maximum distance
needed to connect parts of the cluster. At different
distances, different clusters will form. These algorithms do
not provide a single partitioning of the data set, but instead
provide an extensive hierarchy of clusters that merge with
each other at certain distances. (Ranjini and Rajalinngum,
Bhoj Raj Sharma et al
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.3 (August 2013)
Density-based clustering (DB SCAN)
keyword and initial relevant document set.
For each new information or pattern α within the
distance θ from the filtering profile:
Add the information α to the clustering using the above
If relevant tag of α is true then retrieve that information
(α) and correct its relevancy if needed.
Filtering of information or pattern by collaboration of
multiple agents, viewpoints and data sources is called
collaborative filtering.
The most popular density based clustering method
is DBSCAN(Ester et al., 1996) In contrast to many newer
methods, it features a well-defined cluster model called
"density-reach ability". Similar to linkage based
clustering; it is based on connecting points within certain
distance thresholds. However, it only connects points that
satisfy a density criterion, in the original variant defined as
a minimum number of other objects within this radius. A
cluster consists of all density-connected objects which can
form a cluster of an arbitrary shape, in contrast to many
other methods and plus all objects that are within these
objects range.
Optics Algorithms
The Ordering points to identify the clustering structure
(OPTICS) (Ankerst et al., 1999) algorithms is
procedurally identical to that of the previously mentioned
DB SCAN. The OPTICS technique builds upon DBSCAN
by introducing values that are stored with each data object;
and attempt to overcome the necessity to supply different
input parameters. Specifically, these are referred to as the
core distance, the smallest epsilon value that makes a data
object a core object, and the reach ability-distance, which
is a measure of distance between a given object and
another. The reach ability-distance is calculated as the
greater of either the core-distance of the data object or the
Euclidean distance between the data object and another
point. These newly introduced distances are used to order
the objects within the data set. Cluster are defined based
upon the reach ability information and core distances
associated with each object; potentially revealing more
relevant about the attributes of each cluster.
Filtered Algorithms
Selection of information or pattern relevant to a query
from an incoming stream is called is the
filtering system that decides whether the new information
or pattern is relevant instantly, without waiting for other
information to arrive.
The filtering algorithm is used for the purpose of
filtering the information or pattern. In this the user
supplies the keywords or a sample set of relevant
information. On the arrival of new information they are
comparing against the filtering profile and the information
matching the keywords is presented to the user. Filtering
profile can be corrected by the user by providing relevant
feedback on the retrieved information. The user is not
provided with the details of filtering algorithm used by the
system. An appropriate clustering threshold is selected by
the system based on the filtering profile and relevant
information (Aslam et al., 2000). The filtering algorithm
as follows:
1. Find pre-filtering threshold θ.
2. Cluster the pre-filtered set.
3. Select clustering threshold σ, on the basis of the
3. Related work
The purpose of clustering algorithm is to organize a
collection of data items in to clusters, such items within a
cluster are more similar to each other then they are in other
clusters. They used k-means & k-mediod clustering
algorithms and compare the performance evaluation of
both with IRIS data on the basis of time and space
complexity. In this investigation, it can be said that
portioning based clustering methods are suitable for
spherical shaped clusters in small to medium size data set.
K-means and k-Medoids both methods find out clusters
from the given data. The advantage of k-means is its low
computation cost and drawback is sensitive to nosy data
while k-mediod has high computation cost and not
sensitive to noisy data. (Tiwari and Singh, 2012).
Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of assigning a
set of objects into groups (called clusters) so that the
objects in the same cluster are more similar (in some sense
or another) to each other than to those in other clusters.
Mainly we try to show the comparison of the differentdifferent clustering algorithms of Weka and find out which
algorithm will be most suitable for the users. For perform
the clustering we used the promise data repository. It is
providing the past project data for analysis. Every
algorithm has their own importance and we use them on
the behaviour of the data, but on the basis of thesis
research we found that K-means clustering algorithms are
simplest algorithms as compared to other algorithms
(Sharma et al., 2012).
A comparative study of clustering algorithms across
two different data items is performed here. The
performance of the various clustering algorithms is
compared based on the time taken to form the estimated
clusters. The experimental results of various clustering
algorithms to form clusters are depicted as a graph. As the
number of cluster increases gradually, the time to form the
clusters also increases. The farthest first clustering
algorithm takes very few seconds to cluster the data items
whereas the simple K-Means takes the longest time to
perform clustering. Thus it is very difficult to use simple
K-Means clustering algorithm for very large datasets. This
proposal can be used in future for similar type of research
work (Revethi and Nalini, 2013).
The proposed work is to analyse the three major
clustering algorithms: K-means, farthest first and
Hierarchical clustering algorithm. The result are tested on
three data sets namely Wine, Haberman and Iris dataset
using Weka interface A Performance percentage has been
Bhoj Raj Sharma et al
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.3 (August 2013)
Table 1: Summary of selected reference with goal
Data base
Data mining Algorithms
Sharma N et al.
Comparision the various
clustering algorithms of
DB Scan, EM, Cobweb,
Optics, Farthest First, Simple
Revathi R et al.
Performance Comparison of
Various clustering
Abalone and Letter image
from UCI repository
Simple k-Means, Enhanced
K-means, Farthest first, Make
density based, Filtered
Pallavi, G
sunila (IJERA)
A comparative Analysis of
clustering Algorithms
Iris, Haberman, Wine from
UCI repository
K-means, Hierarchical
Clustering alogrithms
Tiwari et al.,
Performance of Computer
Zoo, Labour, super market
from UCI Machine Learning
DB Scan, EM, Hierarchical,
Tiwari and
Comparative Investigation of
K-Means and K-Medoid
Algorithm of Iris Data
Iris Data Set from UCI
Machine Learning Repository
K-Means, K-Medoid
Mat Lab
calculated on dataset taking principal component analysis
as another parameter of comparison. The result analysis
shows that K-means algorithms performs well without
inserting the principle component analysis filter as
compared to the hierarchical clustering algorithm and
Farthest first clustering since it have less instances of
incorrectly clustered objects on the basis of class
clustering. Hierarchical clustering as compared to Farthest
Fast clustering gives better performance and farthest first
clustering though gives a fast analysis when taken an
account of time domain, makes comparatively high error
rate. Using principle component analysis filter with this
approach, this shows better results which are comparable
with Hierarchical clustering algorithm (Pallavi and Godra,
The letter image recognition is a challenging problem
for knowledge worker, the basic objective of this data set
is to identify each of a large number of black and white
rectangular pixel displays as one of the 26 capital letters in
the English alphabet. The character images were based on
20 different fonts and each letter within these 20 fonts was
randomly distorted to produce a file of 20000 unique
stimuli. Each stimulus was converted into 16 primitive
numerical attributes (statistical moments and edge counts)
which were then scaled to fit into a range of integer values
from 0 through 15. The data describes the horizontal and
vertical position of box, width and height of box and mean
and correlation of box etc. In the result, the prediction
accuracy that DB Scan clustering algorithms is weaker
than others in generating cluster instances (Tiwari and Jha,
4. Datasets and tool used
We conduct our evaluation on Intel Pentium P6200
platform which consist of 1 GB memory and 320 GB hard
In this experiment, we used Weka 3.6.9 and window 8 to
evaluate the performance of clustering algorithms using
time taken to build the model according to respective no of
clusters. Weka is machine learning/data mining software
written in Java language (distributed under the GNU
Public License).
Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms
for data mining tasks. Weka contains tools for developing
new machine learning schemes. It can be used for Preprocessing, Classification, Clustering, Association and
Data Set
The input data set is an integral part of data mining
application. The data used in my experiment is either real
world data obtained from UCI machine learning repository
and widely accepted data set available in Weka toolkit.
Diabetes data set comprises 768 instances and 9 attributes
in the area of Health Science and some of them contain
missing value.
Experiments result and discussion
To evaluate the selected tool using Diabetes dataset and
comparisons are performed in two parts. In first
Comparison, I have applied these Clustering
algorithms(Simple K-Means, Filtered Cluster, Make
density Based cluster, Hierarchical clustering) by using
two distance function namely Euclidean Distance and
Manhattan Distance in three different Test Modes namely
Training Mode, Supplied Test Set and Percentage Split in
Weka. By doing so I found the most efficient algorithm
Bhoj Raj Sharma et al
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.3 (August 2013)
Table 2: The UCI datasets used for the experiments and
their properties
Data Set
Missing values
Health Science
among three algorithms and in second parts, DB Scan and
Optics clustering algorithms are compared by using vary
the parameters E (epsilon) and M(minpts).
Applying Simple k-means, Filtered Clustered, Make
Density Based Cluster, Hierarchical Clustering algorithms
on diabetes dataset using Euclidean Distance were found
to be 0.390, 0.205, 0.248 and 1.483 respectively in
Training mode 0.225, 0.196, 0.226 and 1.566 with
supplied test set while those in percentage split set were
0.131, 0.128, 0.143 and 0.311.
Performing Simple k-means, Filtered Clustered, Make
Density Based Cluster, Hierarchical Clustering algorithms
on diabetes dataset using Manhattan Distance were found
to be 0.248, 0.243, 0.271 and 1.530 respectively in
Training mode 0.215, 0.205, 0.221 and 1.501 with
supplied test set while those in percentage split set were
0.090, 0.091, 0.121 and 0.352.
DB Scan and OPTICS algorithms are two other
algorithms that were applied on the dataset. Two
parameters- epsilon and minpts were considered. One of
the parameter was kept constant with varying the second
parameter and the efficiency of the above two algorithms
was measure in term of time taken to build the model.
When epsilon kept constant (has been assigned a constant
value) i.e. 0.9 and minpts were assigned three different
values- 2.0, 7.0 and 9.0. then resulting time taken to build
the model was 0.53, 0.45 and 0.47 respectively with the
mean value of 0.48 which shows random alternative
pattern with increase in values of minpts and when minpts
were kept constant i.e. 6.0 with varying epsilon value- 0.3,
0.7 and 0.9 then, time taken was 0.52, 0.45 and 0.44
respectively with the mean value of 0.47, it shows
decrease in time to build model with increasing epsilon.
Applying OPTICS algorithms on the diabetes dataset with
constant epsilon value i.e. 0.9 and varying minpts as 2.0,
5.0 and 7.0 the corresponding time taken was- 0.64, 0.63
and 0.67 and the average come outs to be 0.64 which
shows random alternative pattern with increase in values
of minpts. When the same algorithm was applying on the
same data set assigning different value as 8.0, 3.0 and 1.0
keeping minpts constant as 6.0 and the corresponding time
taken was 0.64, 0.63 and 0.67 then average was found to
be 0.64 which shows random alternative pattern with
increase in values of epsilon.
By using Euclidean Distance function, the minimum time
taken to build the model was 0.205 in Training mode,
obtained by Filtered Clustered. In Supplied test set and in
percentage split as well Filtered clustered was attaining
least value among all the four algorithms i.e. 0.196 and
0.128 respectively.
When the algorithms were applied using Manhattan
Distance function, the minimum time taken to build the
model was by Filtered clustered in both Training mode
and Supplied test mode i.e. 0.243 and 0.205. While when
test was applied to Percentage split the minimum time was
0.090 obtained by Simple K-means.
When compared the DB Scan and OPTICS algorithms
with parameters (epsilon and minpts) on diabetic dataset it
is analysed that in DB Scan when epsilon was kept
constant with minpts as variants the mean value was 0.48
while when epsilon was variant and minpts was constant
the mean value was 0.47.
In OPTICS algorithm when Epsilon was kept constant
with minpts as variants and when epsilon was variant and
minpts was constant as well the mean value was 0.64.
In conclusion, Filtered Clustered has the highest efficiency
using Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance method
in Training mode and Supplied test set as well. Also
Filtered Clustered has the highest efficiency using
Euclidean Distance in Percentage split but Simple Kmeans in Manhattan Distance.
Among all algorithms considering Euclidean Distance
and Manhattan Distance methods using three modes;
simple K-means achieves the highest efficiency with
average time of 0.09 in percentage split mode using
Manhattan Distance methods and DB Scan is analysed
more efficient when epsilon is variant by keeping minpts
value constant. Whereas OPTICS algorithm was efficient
in same proportion in both cases with varying or constant
any of the two parameters. DB Scan takes less time to
build the model when compared with OPTICS algorithm.
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