Download 一升二暑輔自編教材(教用版)~星座 Class: N.O.: Name: Unit 1:Star

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Unit 1:Star Sign 第一單元:星座
I. A Psychological Test 心理測驗
If you have the magical power, who do you want to be in the future?
(Gender is not concerned. You can choose a girl even though you are a
boy.) 如果你擁有魔法,你想化身成以下哪一個人?(不用考慮性別)
(A) Harry Potter (B) Hermione
(C) Ron
(D) Chiling Lin
※You only have ten seconds to choose. Don’t
think too much, use your instinct.
(E) Jay Chou
(F) Monkey D. Luffy
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. This psychological test is to find out what your concealed (隱藏
的)star sign is. Let’s look at the result.
(A) Harry Potter Leo
=> You are so hot that people like you so much. Just like the king of animals, you
are brave and passionate
(B) Hermione Virgo
=> People misunderstand(誤解) you most of the time. You are just a little
idealistic.Your are hardworking. This makes you an angel in some way.
(C) RonPisces
=> It is easy for you to cry because you are sensitive.You are romantic and will try
hard to please your lover or beloved in every possible way.
(D) Chiling Lin(Sagittarius)
=> You are open and optimistic. You have a lot of friends who are usually very
handsome and beautiful. They like you because you are lovely in every possible
(E) Jay Chou Cancer
=>You love your family vey much. You like to say at home better than going
out.You are knowledgeable and good-hearted.
(F) Monkey D. Luffy Taurus
=> You may not be handsome but you are always honest. People think you are
stubborn because you don’t like to give up.
2. Please match the personality with its star sign.請將星座及性格配對
Star Sign 星座
Personality (English)
Personality (Chinese)
Leo 獅子座
Virgo 處女座
Pisces 雙魚座
II. Astrology: the 12 signs of Zodiac 十二星座的由來
The stars in the sky have been there for years, but it was only in the 2nd century that the
Babylonians invented a system to explain the power of the stars. They believe the stars
might affect one’s birth and fate. That is, they think the movements of the sun, moon, and
the other planets could be used to predict the future of a person. This system has twelve
signs of zodiac, which symbolize the twelve basic traits of human beings. Though it takes a
lot of time and effort to set up the system of star signs, it is not considered a science in itself.
On the other hand, it has gained importance over the years, and many cultures have accepted
it as a separate subject of interest.
◎ invent 發明
predict 預估
zodiac 星象
trait 軌跡
symbolize 象徵
According to the article, write down True or False to each of the statement.
1. The Babylonians invented the system of zodiac.
2. There are twelve signs of zodiac.
3. The system of zodiac is considered as a science.
4. People started to believe in the system of zodiac about 100 years ago.
5. The twelve signs of zodiac symbolize the twelve basic traits of people.
1. How to say the star sign in English.如何用英文來說出星座呢?聰明的
Mar. 21 to Apr. 19
Apr.20 to May 20
May 21 to June 20
June 21 to July 22
Jul. 23 to Aug. 22
Aug.23 to Sep.22
Sept.23 to Oct. 22
Oct.23 to Nov.21
Nov.22 to Dec.21
Dec.22 to Jan.19
Jan.20 to Feb.18
Feb.19 to Mar.20
2. More Information about the star signs(文章程度較深):
(1)Aries – The Ram
This is the very first star sign. The glyph(代表雕像) of Aries is a Ram, and its
origin is shrouded in mystery. The symbol saw its very first appearance in Ancient
Egypt. The planetary ruler of Aries is Mars, and the God of War in Greek mythology
was called Ares. Aries personalities are enthusiastic and sociable in nature, and they
make good politicians or business leaders.
(2)Taurus – The Bull
The glyph of Taurus represents the bull, and it symbolizes love and peace, which is
surprisingly the opposite of the nature of a bull. People born under this sign are
dedicated, patient, and practical in nature. Though friendly in nature, they can be
forceful at times.
(3) Gemini – The Twins
The glyph of Gemini is the twins Pollux and Castor, who were heroic brothers in
Greek mythology. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury, which symbolizes communication,
intelligence, innocence, and eloquence. Gemini people are very sociable and popular.
(4) Cancer – The Crab
The glyph of Cancer is a crab, and it was assigned by the ancient Assyrians who
believed that a crab carries its home on its back. The ruler of cancer is the moon,
which is in turn the ruler of emotions. People under this sign are extremely emotional
and they enjoy staying at home.
(5) Leo – The Lion
The glyph of Leo is a Lion, which is the king of the jungle. Therefore, people who are
under this sign are born leaders. The ruler of Leo is the sun. Just as the sun is the
center of the solar system, Leos are the center of everyone’s attention.
(6)Virgo – The Virgin
The glyph of Virgo is a virgin, which is a symbol of justice and purity. The planetary
ruler of Virgo is Mercury, which is the same as that of Gemini. Therefore, people
born under these two signs get along very well. Virgos are very meticulous in
whatever they do. They are practical and intelligent, and they tend to be modest when
they achieve something. They are also perfectionists, which can be both a positive and
negative trait.
(7) Libra – The Scales
The glyph of Libra is balance scales, which denotes that Libra falls during equinox
when day and night are equally distributed over time. The ruler of Libra is Venus, and
therefore, Librans are the most romantic people. They are also emotional and kind in
nature as well as generous and companionable. They never make anyone feel lonely,
even if they don’t like the person.
(8) Scorpio – The Scorpion
The glyph of Scorpio is a scorpion, which symbolizes power and fertility. This
complex sign has two planetary rulers, which are Mars and Pluto. As such, those who
are born under this sign possess the power and passion of Mars, as well as the secrecy
and mystery of Pluto. They like to be in control of themselves as well as others, and
they are determined, intuitive, and passionate all at the same time.
(9) Sagittarius – The Archer
The glyph of Sagittarius is represented by Centaur, who is a half-man and half-horse
with a bow and arrow. The symbol represents wisdom and intellect. The planetary
ruler of Sagittarians is Jupiter, which symbolizes largeness, and therefore, people born
under this sign are big-hearted and well-built.
(10) Capricorn – The Goat
The glyph of Capricorn is a mythical being that is half-goat and half-fish, a creature
that was derived from Greek mythology. According to a story, Bacchus was
threatened by a monster, and he disguised himself as a fish underwater and a goat on
ground. The planetary ruler of Capricorn is Saturn, which represents sacrifice and sin.
People who are born under this sign are workaholics, but they are also very caring and
sensitive. They are intelligent, and they have respect for tradition.
(11) Aquarius – The Water Bearer
The glyph of Aquarius represents a young boy pouring water. This boy is Ganymede,
who was so handsome that Greek gods assigned him the job of bearing water for them.
The planetary rulers of Aquarius are Uranus and Saturn. Aquarians are humanitarian
in nature, and they are very sensitive to other people’s needs and problems. They are
level-headed and fiercely independent.
(12) Pisces – The Fish
The glyph of Pisces is two fish facing opposite directions, which symbolizes dual
nature. This symbol was also derived from Greek mythology, where Cupid and Venus
were attacked by a monster and they disguised themselves as fish to save themselves.
There are two planetary rulers of Pisces, namely, Jupiter and Neptune, and they
represent emotion and imagination respectively. As a result, people who are born
under this sign are extremely sensitive and very creative. Pisceans have a happy
disposition, but they can be overly emotional too.