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MoMAR : a coordinated and multidisciplinary long-term study of hydrothermal environments at the MidAtlantic Ridge / MoMAR-Fr
Poster presented by the national steering committee for the french participation to MoMAR *
The MOMAR (“Monitoring the Mid-Atlantic Ridge”) project
has been developed to promote a coordinated and
multidisciplinary long-term study of hydrothermal
environments at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) near the
Azores (36°N to 40°N).
The MOMAR Area
• Slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge (12 mm/yr half-rate)
• In proximity to the Azores
• 36°to 40°N - consists of several ridge segments: good targets
for establishing integrated studies at regional scale, segment
scale, and individual vent sites
This poster gives an outline of the MoMAR project, as last
updated in a recent InterRidge international workshop in
Lisbon, and a brief update on cruises planned as part of
the french participation to MoMAR.
Two top targets for monitoring studies:
The Lucky Strike vent field
Mafic-seawater interaction (B, K, Cs, … enrichment)
Two possible circulation systems feeding the vents
Large variability in vent types, T, chemistry…
Large site, > 1 km2
Marine Protected Area within portuguese EEZ
The Rainbow vent field
Ultramafic-mafic-seawater interaction
Low pH (~2.8) fluids, high Fe, H2 concentrations
Synthesis of organic compounds (CH4)
Single source for all fluids (small vent field, ~200 m)
In international waters
Lucky Strike is the selected MOMAR
site for integrated & multiscale long-term
monitoring of ridge hydrothermal processes and
Hydrothermal circulation
at mid-ocean ridges is a
fundamental process that
controls the transfer of
energy and matter from
the interior of the Earth to
the crust, hydrosphere
and biosphere.
4 known vent sites, 3 distinct hydrothermal environments
• Peridotite hosted, high T, end of segment - Rainbow
• Peridotite hosted, diffuse low T, end of segment - Saldanha
• Basalt-hosted, high T, center of segment - Menez Gwen and Lucky
Lucky Strike
Lucky Strike observatory design 2006-2010
Humphris and McCollum, Oceanus, 41 (2), 1998
Rainbow is an
Objective : to constrain the dynamics of
hydrothermal vent ecosystems at mid-ocean ridges
Microbial activity
The objective there is to set up a permanent seafloor observatory to
record seismicity, seafloor deformation, fluid flow, temperature and
composition, and the evolution of vent habitats (including
exceptionnal target for the study
of ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal
systems. This site is characterized
by the abundance of iron, an
element which plays a major role
at all scales in the ecosystem.
The Lucky Strike vent field is set
on top of a rifted volcanoe, in the
centre of the Lucky Strike ridge
The objective there is to turn the site
into a natural laboratory for the study
of ultramafic-hosted, iron-rich
hydrothermal ecosystems. The
experimental design at Rainbow
involves IODP drilling of the
hydrothermal stockwerk, as well as
extensive site surveys and repeated
The design shown above reflects planning by international partners
at a recent MoMAR meeting in Lisbon. Implementation will begin in
2005-2006 for seafloor deformation and near vents habitat
monitoring. In a first stage, sensors will be autonomous or linked
acoustically to an ASSEM system. The objective is to provide larger
energy supply and data transmission capability (cable system) by
Cruises planned & proposed in the french system for the
2005-2007 period:
EXOMAR (2005, PI Godfroy): Bio/ecological studies of MOMAR sites
SISMOMAR (2005, PI W. Crawford): 3D seismic structure of the Lucky Strike segment and central volcano: Porosity
of the segment and central volcano, Presence of fluids and heat sources, Velocity structure for microseismicity
GRAVILUCK (2005/2006, PI V. Ballu): Geodesy and seafloor gravity. Lucky Strike observatory design phase I (Longterm monitoring of seafloor vertical deformation and gravity)
MOMARETO (2006, PI Sarradin): Ecosystem studies. Lucky Strike observatory design phase I (Visual and chemical
monitoring of vent habitats).
MOMAR-DREAM (PIs J. Dyment&F. Gaill): site characterization at Rainbow in preparation for future IODP drilling &
comprehensive, multidisciplinary study of the role of iron in geological, hydrological and biological processes.
MOMARTHYNI (Pis J. Escartin&J. Sarrazin): Lucky Strike observatory design phase I (systematic mapping and
visual imaging of vent habitats, geodesy, visual and chemical monitoring of vent habitats).