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AP Environmental Science Syllabus
Instructor: Kate Nall
Room: C 205
Email: [email protected] (preferred method of contact)
Phone Number: 480-224-2171 (goes directly to voicemail)
Website: (click on faculty tab)
Personal Philosophy
Environmental Science is one of the most important subjects to study. Our society is influenced by it every day. A
persons’ overall health is affected by the quality of the environment they live in, from the cleanliness of the air they are
breathing, to the purity of the water available to drink, to the habitat they live in. Presently environmental issues are
embodied in all aspects of our culture, from the political arena to everyday social settings. I will provide you with current
issues, theories and data and how they relate to you, the student and society as a whole. My goal for you as my student is
to make sure you have an understanding of the concepts covered in a first year university Environmental Science course
and make connections between the concepts you are learning and relevance to your life and the lives of others.
Course Overview
This course is designed to cover a variety of topics within the sciences. The goal is to provide you with the scientific
principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and
analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate risk factors of these problems, and to
examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Emphasis in this class is placed on science as a process,
energy conversions underlying all ecological processes, the Earth as an interconnected system, how humans alter the
environment, environmental problems and their social context and developing sustainable practices. This course adheres
to the objectives instituted by the College Board for all AP Environmental Science.
This is a laboratory course in which you are expected to follow scientific methodologies, collect data and make accurate
The objectives of this course are that each student shall:
 Demonstrate skills using various types of instrumentation and scientific methodologies
 Learn how to read and critique scientific research articles in the field of Environmental Science
 Practice using data collected to solve scientific problems and,
 Apply their knowledge and critical thinking to current social concerns.
This course will utilize the following textbooks
 Miller, G. Tyler. Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions. 15th ed. Pacific Grove,
Calif.:Brooks/Cole, 2007.
Recommended Student Materials
The key to success in an advanced placement course is organization. For you to be organized it is recommended that
you have the following:
 COMPOSITION book for labs with graph paper pages (Staples or Office Max)
 Lined composition book for chapter notes.
 Binder with the following sections (you may use a section in a larger binder)
o Powerpoint notes (you may print them from my webpage and supplement in the margins)
o Practice Questions
o Additional Readings
o Homework and class work
 In general you will not be permitted to use a Calculator. However, in some cases I may permit you to use it for
data collection. In these cases, your cell phone will not be allowed to be used. If you wish to use a calculator you
will need to have one with you.
 3 x 5 index cards
 Pens and pencils for writing
 A cover for your textbook (your book is expensive to replace! Protect the one I give you)
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Lab Component
Laboratory investigations are a very important component of this course. Through lab work you are required to use higher
thinking skills, apply concepts in real situations and perform science skills such as data collection, analysis and
communicating results. Laboratory exercises utilize the inquiry method. Students will participate in many hands on
activities and AP style labs. Labs will be run approximately once per week. Our school operates on modified schedule
with one block class each week; therefore many labs will be conducted in a 100 minute block, some labs will run over the
course of many class periods. You will keep lab journals for all laboratory investigations, and will need to present
complete lab write ups in your journals including background information, data collection, data analysis, conclusions and
further inquires. Once each semester you will be responsible for developing your own investigation on a particular topic
and presenting all information using methods typically used of a scientist, for example the format of a scientific review
journal. The topics that will be utilized for these purposes will be urban land use and pollution. In addition, each quarter
you will be expected to conduct a long term experiment. This lab will be presented to me in as a formal lab report. I expect
these lab reports to be about 10 pages in length.
Because this course parallels an introductory college course I will lecture a few times a unit. In lecture I will present topics
in relation to the current data available. I will utilize pictures, graphs, and other various visual aides. Lectures will consist
of note-taking as well as discussion. I will teach you various methods of note-taking and help you analyze what works
best for you for use in future classes.
Science as Inquiry
Science is a process which produces an explanation of both the external, physical and natural environment. Scientific
inquiry must include descriptions of both hypothesis generation and testing (Stan Rachelson). It is important that the
science done in the classroom resembles the science done outside the classroom. You will be presented with lab
activities throughout each unit and will learn to ask questions and investigate to answer them.
Classroom Policies
The following policies will be in place throughout the course of the year.
1. Late work
I. Late work will not be accepted. However, I understand that life happens and sometimes you need a little
more time to do your best. You may turn in an assignment late up to the date of the unit exam for half credit.
2. Attendance
I. The key to your success in Environmental Science is attending class each day. If you experience absences
you will fall behind and need to spend time after school to catch up. You will be permitted time equal to the
length of your absence to make up any assignments that were missed. After 9 absences (excused and
unexcused) you may be dropped from the class.
II. It is my expectation that you are in your desk working on the daily warm up by the time the late bell rings. If
you are tardy to class the following steps will be taken
i. Warning
ii. Warning
iii. Parent Contact
iv. Administrative referral
3. Leaving the classroom
I. In order to learn you need to be present in class. Each student will be issued four (4) passes per semester
to leave the room if needed. A pass must be presented to the teacher at a time that is not disruptive to the
learning environment. You must sign out on the sign out sheet and take Miss B’s hall pass.
4. Tutoring
I. If a student would like extra help on an assignment or is having difficulty with the current topic, s/he may
come in for tutoring before school, after school, or during conference. Tutoring is available at various times.
Please check the board outside my room to see when I will be available for you.
5. Student Conduct
I. Students are expected to behave as adults. Behavior that is disruptive to the learning environment will not
be tolerated. The following consequences will be implemented.
i. First Instance – Verbal reminder *
ii. Second Instance – Parent/Guardian contact *
iii. Third Instance – Administrative referral and loss of extra credit points
II. * Depending on the severity of the behavior, administrative referral may be prior to the third instance.
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6. Infinite Campus access
I. Students and parent/guardians can access grades and assignments by going to the school’s website
( and clicking on “Our School”, from there click on “Accessing Grades”. This
will give you directions to access the infinite campus portal. It is expected that students and parents
regularly access the portal to check grades. Students are expected to download the infinite campus app if
they have a smart phone. The district code for the app is SSZKYL (ALL CAPS).
7. Profanity will not be tolerated.
8. Absolutely no food or drink (except water)
9. Electronic devices such as smartphones will be permitted for use in class WHEN THE TEACHER SAYS IT IS
ACCEPTABLE. These devices come in useful for research on the web and accessing student grades.
ALL Electronic Devices will be confiscated if they become a distraction in class. Students may pick up their device
after class. If a student’s electronic device becomes a chronic issue the device will be collected and turned into
the administrator. They can be picked up by the student in the front office on the first offense. After the first
offense, parent/guardian involvement is required for the item to be returned.
10. All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of
the Basha High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of
harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability
or sexual orientation.
11. Conference period will be on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s from 9:17 - 9:45. During this time students are only
allowed out of the classroom if they have a pass prior to the start of class. The library is not available during
conference. Students should use this time to study or read.
*** All school rules and consequences in the student handbook will be enforced***
Student Assessment
You will be assessed daily with reading quizzes, pre/post lab quizzes, and lecture quizzes. There will be unit exams, AP
style exams and laboratory exams. Students are evaluated on their level of performance in laboratory exercises, lab write
ups, homework, attendance, and organization of lab book and binder.
Quarter grades are based on a weighted scale. I will be using the following breakdown when calculating your quarter
Tests and Quizzes
Lab Reports
10% (Homework and class assignments)
Semester class grades are based on the traditional grading scale: 100%-90% = A, 89%-80% = B, 79%-70% = C, 69%60% = D, 59%-50% = F. Semester grades are calculated according to the school’s grading policy, 40% first quarter, 40%
second quarter, 20% final exam.
Earning College/University Credit
 AP Exam: Students are expected to take the AP Exam in May 2013. This test is the driving force for the
curriculum taught throughout the year. Early in the course we will visit the Career Center, where students will
explore the credit they can receive at their university/college of choice for a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP
Environmental Exam.
 Dual Enrollment: Students can also earn college credit through dual enrollment. Dual credit will be offered
through Chandler Gilbert Community College. It is important to note that the cost is a small fraction of the cost at
4-year colleges/universities.
 Early during the first semester, students will visit the Career Center to see how many thousands of dollars ($$$$)
they can reduce the cost of their college education by when they score a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP Exam and through
Dual Enrollment at Chandler Gilbert Community College.
Instructional Support
The classroom is equipped with a teacher computer that is connected to an LCD projector, document camera and a demo
desk. We also have access to a computer lab at the library. Classroom discussions are supplemented by computer
animations and pictures; in addition we will utilize the accompanying website for out textbook. Other websites will be
utilized like and
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Course Outline
Please note, these are the minimum labs that will be conducted. Labs may be added throughout the course of the
Unit 1: Interdependence of Earths Systems
1A) Environmental Issues, their causes and sustainability
 Textbook chapter 1
 Activities and Labs
o Evaluating environmental issues
o Assessment of personal ecofootprint
 Students will use a computer based calculator to determine their personal footprint on
the earth. Evaluations of their footprints and ways to reduce their impact will be
o Tragedy of the Commons- Lab activity
 Students will play roles to imitate the concept of the tragedy of the commons.
o Eco-Journals
 Students will create journals each quarter. They will respond to prompts that coincide
with topics that we are talking about.
 Video: Planet Earth From Pole to Pole
 Additional Readings
o Garrett Hardin: Tragedy of the Commons
1B) Environmental History and the Nature of Science
 Textbook chapter 2
 Activities and Labs
o Environmental History timeline
o Hypothesis generation
 Students will use examples from magazines and the outdoors to practice generating
proper hypotheses
 Additional Readings
o Selected readings on the Nature of Science from Kuhn and Lakatos
1C) Systems, Energy and Matter
 Textbook chapter 2
 Activities and Labs
o Half life lab
 Students will graph and calculate the half life of a material, this will then be applied to real
world scenarios.
Unit 2: Earth Systems and Resources
2A) Geology: Processes and Hazards
 Textbook chapter 15
 Activities and Labs
o Rock Cycle lab
 Students will identify rock types using a dichotomous key
2B) Soil and Soil Dynamics
 Textbook chapter 3 pages 67-70
 Activities and Labs
 Soil Lab Reports- Lab Activity
 This lab report consists of the three following smaller labs. Put together they make up the
first “mega” lab. This report is expected to be typed and in APA formatting. You will learn
various techniques to analyze soil and will practice these techniques using soil from
various regions of the United States.
o Soil Labs- Lab Activity
 Students will learn how to use the soil triangle to determine soil texture using samples
from around the world. They will also use the LaMotte test kit to evaluate the chemical
make-up of the soil.
o Porosity and Permeability- Lab Activity
o Students will evaluate how particle size affects a soils ability to hold water and allow water to
flow through.
2C) The Atmosphere: Structure, Weather and Climate
 Textbook chapter 19 and first half of 5
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Activities and Labs
o Climatograms
 Students will create climatograms using real data from various biomes
2D) Global Water Resources and Use
 Textbook chapter 14
 Topics
o Freshwater availability
o Water shortages
o Damming of rivers
o Irrigation and desalinization
o Watersheds and drainage
 Activities and Labs
o Personal Water use log
o Mapping of the watershed drainage area
o Ground Water Models and Contamination – Lab activity
 This is an inquiry based lab in which students will work in pairs to explore a question
they develop based on groundwater issues.
 Additional Readings
o Various readings about Glen Canyon Dam
Unit 3: The Living World
3A) Ecosystem Structure
 Textbook chapter 5 (second half) and 6
 Topics
o Terrestrial Biomes
o Aquatic Biomes
o Community Ecology
 Native and non-native species
 Indicator and keystone species
 Relationships
 Activities and Labs
o Predator/ Prey simulations – lab activity
Using paper to represent wolves and mice, students will simulate predator/prey
relationships and evaluate how they affect a populations ability to survive and carrying
o Invasive species wanted posters
o Second Quarter Long Term Lab- Eco-columns
 Students will set up eco-columns and monitor them over time. They will test for the
quality of the environment present. This lab will be presented in a formal lab report.
3B) Energy flow in ecosystems
 Textbook chapter 3
 Activities and Labs
o Owl Pellets- Lab
 Students will dissect owl pellets and identify the remains from the meals of the owl.
They will then construct the food web involved in feeding the owl based on the remains
that they find.
o Diagram a food web activity
o Continue eco-columns
3C) Introduction to biodiversity: origins, niches and adaptation
 Textbook chapter 4
 Activities and labs
o Beaks of finches- lab
 Students will use tools to model bird beaks and make connections between beak shape
and size with ability to gather food.
o Continue eco-columns
 Additional Readings
o Selected readings from E.O. Wilson
3D) Natural Ecosystem changes
 Textbook chapter 7 page 155-159
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Activities and labs
o Continued study of eco-columns
o Succession study of natural ecosystems
3E) Biogeochemical Cycles
 Textbook chapter 3 (second half)
 Activities and Labs
o Cycles skits
Unit 4: Population
4A) Community ecology
 Textbook chapter 7
 Topics
o Growth curves (exponential and logistic)
o Biotic potential
o R and K strategists
o Survivorship curves
 Activities and Labs
o Quadrat Surveys- Lab
 Students will assess the biodiversity of 2 (two) areas, one developed and one
undeveloped. They will use statistical analysis to analyze the data that they gather.
4B) Population Ecology
 Textbook Chapter 8
 Activities and labs
o How Populations grow – Lab
 Students will simulate exponential population growth and model changing communities.
The exponential growth equation will be derived from collected data.
4C) Human Population
 Textbook chapter 9
 Topics
o Birth and death rates
o Immigration and emigration
o Rule of 70
o Doubling time
o Age structure diagrams
o Industrialization transitions
 Activities and Labs
o Age structure diagrams
o The haves and have-nots
 Students will explore how the economy of a country affects the resources that are
available for use. They will also explore solutions to many problems countries face.
4D) Impacts on Human Health
 Textbook chapter 18
 Topics
o Toxicity
o Diseases
 Activities and labs
o LD-50 lab
 Students will test how the concentration of a pollutant affects lettuce seeds. They will
determine the LD-50 concentration.
 Additional Readings
o “our stolen future” by Theo Coburn
Unit 5: Land and Water Use
5A) Agriculture
 Textbook chapter 13
 Topics
o Production and nutrition worldwide
o Genetic modified organisms
o Irrigation
o Land use for food production
o Pesticides
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Activities and Labs
o How diet affects the environment
 Students will explore how their personal choices affect the environment when it comes
to producing their food.
 Additional Readings
o National Geographic- Use of corn as a biofuel
o Selected readings on GMO’s
5B) Forests
 Textbook chapter 10
 Topics
o Healthy forest initiative
o Forest sustainability
 Activities and Labs
o Rocky Mountain National Park Elk/Wolf Lab
 Students will study the population of Elk in RMN and the effect the population is having
on Aspen trees. They will evaluate several proposals by the national parks service to
remedy the situation.
5C) Sustaining terrestrial Biodiversity
 Textbook chapter 10 and 11
 Topics
o National Parks
o National Wildlife refuge
o Restoration and preservation
o Endangered species act
 Activities and labs
o National Parks Project
o Endangered species poster project
o Design a Nature Reserve
5D) Other Land Use
 Textbook chapter 23
 Topics
o Sustainable cities
o City land use
 Activities and Labs
o Lego Land Lab
 Students will use legos to represent cities. They will design three different cities that
maximize personal space, public space and sustainability.
Unit 6: Pollution
6A) Air Pollution
 Textbook chapter 18 (acid rain only), 19 and 20 (ozone depletion only)
 Topics
o Indoor air pollution
o Outdoor air pollution
o Tropospheric pollution issues
 NO2
 Acid Deposition
 Ozone
 Particulates
 Smog
o Stratospheric Ozone
o Air quality monitoring
 Activities and Labs
o The following labs make up a “mega” lab report on Air Pollution. This lab report is expected to be
typed and in APA format.
 How clean is the Air?
 Students will use various methods to analyze the quality of outdoor air
 Acid Rain Lab
 Students will measure the effects of acid rain on plant growth
 Ozone Monitoring
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Students will create Schoenbein strips to measure the level of ozone present in
the troposphere.
Indoor Air Quality lab
 Students will use a kit from Environmental Protection Agency to measure the
quality of indoor air within our school building.
6B) Water Pollution
 Textbook chapter 17
 Topics
o Types of pollution
o Point and non-point pollution
o Ground water contamination
o Wastewater treatment
o Algal blooming
 Activities and Lab
o Wastewater treatment lab
 Students will model the processes of primary and secondary treatment of water.
 Additional readings
o Exxon Valdez
6C) Solid and Hazardous Waste
 Textbook chapter 21
 Topics
o Love canal
o Landfills
o Landfill design and leachate options
o Bioremediation
o Disposal of hazardous wastes
o Recycling
 Activities and Labs
o Long term lab- Landfill lab
 Students will set up landfills and fill them with materials to be broken down. Over time
they will monitor the effectiveness of the landfill to breakdown their materials. They will
compare the ability of a material to degrade. They will then observe actual materials
from landfill liners and examine the effectiveness of the materials used on a large scale.
o Solid Waste and Recycling Lab
Unit 7: Energy Uses and Resources
7A) Non-renewable energy (fossil fuels)
 Textbook chapter 15 and 16
 Topics
o Mining
o Use of coal, natural gas and oil
o Energy conversions (mathematic calculations)
 Activities and Labs
o Cookie Mining- Lab
 Students will simulate mining techniques to extract ore from a mine (cookie)
o Energy conversions
 Energy primer from College Board website
 Additional Readings
o Selected readings and activities from Shell Corporation.
7B) Nuclear Energy
 Textbook chapter 16 (second half)
 Activities and Labs
o Chernobyl discussion roundtable
o Nuclear Reactor Simulator- online computer program
 Additional Readings
o Chernobyl Article
o Three Mile Island Article
7C) Energy Efficiency and Renewable energy use
 Textbook chapter 17
 Activities and Labs
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Personal energy audit
 Students will compete with each other to see who can reduce their energy consumption
by the greatest percentage
Can You Catch the Sun?
 Students will use curved and flat mirrors to determine how to harness the power of the
sun. They will calculate the amount of heat energy that can be generated and develop
possible uses for this energy.
Unit 8: Climate Change and Our Future
8A) Global Warming
 Textbook chapter 20
 Topics
o Greenhouse effect
o What happens with increased carbon dioxide
o Greenhouse gases
o Biosphere 2: an experiment
 Activities and Labs
o Personal CO2 Emissions
 Students will use handheld GHG calculators to determine how much CO 2 they emit on
an average week.
o CO2 and Cars
 Students will use Vernier lab equipment to measure the ppm of CO2 emissions from their
8B) Dooms Day?
 Textbook chapter 26
 Topics
o We’ve talked about environmental issues in relation to many different aspects of the world. What
can we as individuals do to make a difference?
 Activities and Labs
o Personal Lifestyle Evaluation
o Eco footprint
 Students will revisit the activity done in unit 1 and reevaluate their eco footprint. They will
assess whether or not there has been a change in their lifestyle as a result of the topics
covered in this class.
o Final Project.
 After the completion of the AP exam I will present you with a challenge. You will have
The month after the exam to complete the challenge in class.
Let’s get ready to have a great year!!!
Go Bears!!!
** Your first assignment is to return a completed page 11-12 of this packet. Pages 1-10 should be kept for
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Topic Outline for AP Environmental Science
Earth Systems and Resources
Earth Science Concepts
The Atmosphere
Global Water Resources
Soil and Soil Dynamics
The Living World
Ecosystem Structure
Energy Flow
Ecosystem Diversity
Natural Ecosystem Change
Natural Biogeochemical Cycles
Population Biology
Human Population dynamics
Population size
Impacts of population growth
Land and Water use
Urban land development
Public and Federal lands
Land Conservation
Global Economics
Energy Resources and Consumption
Energy Concepts
Fossil Fuel Resources
Nuclear Energy
Hydroelectric Energy
Energy Conservation
Renewable Energy
Air pollution
Noise pollution
Water pollution
Impacts on human health
Economic impacts
Global Change
Stratospheric Ozone
Global Warming
Loss of Biodiversity
Percentage of the Course
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AP Environmental Science
Return this paper with signatures completed on both sides!!!*
Syllabus Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the class syllabus for APES. I understand if I have any questions
or concerns regarding the course grade, content or policies that I should contact Miss Balconi immediately.
Student Printed Name
Student Signed Name
Parent Printed Name
Parent Signed Name
Photo Release
Throughout the course of the year your student will participate in activities such as field trips, science research
presentations, and laboratory activities that I would like to document and share with you via the class website.
Thank you for your continued support.
______Permission authorized
______I do not authorize permission
Signature ________________________ Date _________
Signature ________________________ Date_________
Internet Permission for APES
This course may use the internet during school hours for research purposes. Please sign below to give your child
permission to use the internet in accordance with the Basha High School Internet Use Policy. Please note: This
form is for APES only and does not replace the Internet Access Permission Form in the student planner which must
be turned in to the school.
___ Yes, my child DOES have my permission to use the internet during science class.
___ No, my child DOES NOT have permission to use the internet during science class.
Parent/ Guardian Contact Information and Preferences (please print clearly)
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ___________________________ Home Phone: ___________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: _______________________ Home Phone: _______________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
My preferred method of contact is through email for communication with parents/guardians.
___ Yes, the teacher MAY contact me via email regarding my son or daughter’s.
___ No, contact me via phone. Best hours to reach: ___________
Parent/Guardian Signature
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APES Lab Safety Contract
APES is a hands-on laboratory class. However, science activities may have potential hazards. We will use some equipment and
chemicals that may be dangerous if not handled properly. Safety in the science classroom is an important part of the scientific process.
The rules listed below must be followed at all times. Additional safety instructions will be given for each activity. No science student
will be allowed to participate in science activities until this contract has been signed by both the student and a parent or guardian.
Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the lab. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks will not be tolerated.
Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. Ask your teacher if you do not understand the instructions.
Do not touch any equipment, supplies, or other materials in the lab until instructed to do so.
Only perform experiments approved by your teacher.
Be prepared for your work in the lab. Read all procedures thoroughly before beginning the lab.
Never eat, drink, chew gum, or taste anything in the science room.
Keep hands away from face, eyes, and mouth while using lab materials. Wash your hands with soap and water when you are
finished with the lab.
Follow your teacher’s instructions for disposal of waste materials.
Clean all work areas and equipment. If you finish early, help clean up common areas. Nobody leaves the lab until the entire lab
space is clean and all materials are accounted for.
Never remove chemicals, equipment or other supplies from the lab unless instructed to do so.
Consider all chemicals used in the lab to be dangerous. Do not touch, smell, or taste any chemicals unless specifically instructed
to do so.
Treat all preserved specimens and dissecting supplies with care and respect.
a. Do not remove preserved specimens from the science room,
b. Use scalpels, scissors, and other sharp objects only as directed.
c. Never cut any material towards you- always cut away from your body.
d. Report any cut or scratch to the teacher immediately.
Report any accident, injury, or hazardous condition to the teacher immediately.
Do not handle broken glassware with your bare hands.
Always carry a microscope with both hands. Hold the arm with one hand and the base with the other hand.
Dress properly- long hair must be tied back, no dangling jewelry, no loose or baggy clothing. Wear aprons and goggles when
instructed to do so.
Learn where the safety equipment is and how to use it. Know where the exits are located and what to do in case of an emergency
or fire drill.
Be aware of what is going on in your experiment at all times. Do not wander around the room, distract other students, or interfere
with the experiments of other students. Stay on task!
Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped or cracked glassware.
Do not open storage cabinets or enter the storage room without permission from the teacher.
Failure to comply with lab safety rules will result in removal from the lab. If you are removed from a lab you will complete an
alternate assignment for credit.
I, _______________________, have read and understand each of the safety rules. I agree to follow them to ensure not only my own
safety but also the safety of my classmates. I understand that if I do not follow all the rules and safety precautions, that I will be
removed from the lab.
Student Signature
Parents/ Guardians, please read through the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform lab experiments unless this
contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature indicates that you have read
and understand this contract.
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