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The Land of the Rising
Japan &
The Japanese writing system (s)
Chinese words
Foreign words
Japan’s Writing Systems
– Borrowed from China with meanings intact
– Pronounced with Japanese sounds
– Adapted Chinese characters
– Phonetically represent Japanese words
– Chinese characters stripped of meaning
– Phonetically represent foreign words
Japan’s Self Conception
Small Country
Population:127,433,494 in
July 2008
Economy: World’s 2nd
Land Mass: Size of
California, but only 12% is
Small? Not really.
Objectively a middle sized
(US 13.7T, Japan 5.1T, Germany 3.0T, China 2.9T)
Japan’s Self Conception
Too close to China
Too close to Korea
Open to Western naval attack
Resource & Agriculture poor
Vulnerability only became a problem since the Tang
Dynasty (China) 600 CE
Especially Yuan invasion 1275, 1281
Again in Western Imperial period 1853 +
Japan’s Self Conception
Unified population
Racially defined
– Hence exclusionary and “racist”
– Racial Background: Mongoloid, probably
from central Asia
– Also possibly from Oceania
– Largest minority: Koreans 0.6%
– Ainu, even smaller (Caucasian native race)
Japan’s Creation Myth
Izanagi & Izanami
Foam from his sword
congeals to become
Japanese Archipelago
Their Children:
– Amaterasu (sun goddess)
– Tsukyomi (moon god)
– Susanowo (storm god)
– And others are the main
gods (kami) of Japan’s
native religion
Japan’s Creation Myth
Amaterasu Omikami
Sun Goddess
First born
Primary goddess of Japan
Mother / grandmother of Japan’s first emperor
Patron deity of Japan,
“The Land of the Rising Sun”
The whole nation and people are ultimately descended
from the kami – especially Amaterasu
Japan’s population is one large family
Japan’s Native Religion:
The Way of the Gods
Specific to Japan
Tori Gates 
Amaterasu is the
Greatest of the gods
Animistic religion
Tied to Imperial
Formal and ritualistic
Positive and hopeful
Ise Shrine
Emperor has
A special
Role in Shinto
 Shinto
Ethical system based in relationships
“Situational ethics”
No concept of “sin”
Shinto Shrine & Japanese Garden
No absolute right
or wrong
is important
Harmony with
Japan: Chronological History
Latecomer to advanced civilization
3000 BCE: Pit dwelling culture
300 BCE: Tomb culture
– Definite continental/Chinese influences seen
in artifacts
– Pre-literate: hence Archeology, NOT History
(at least for our purposes)
Japan, A Latecomer
Yamato Clan: About 300 CE
– Dominates in Kanto Plane (Tokyo area)
and the Tokyo-Osaka corridor on southeast
side of Honshu (see map next page)
Yamato Clan Patron Diety … guess who?
Amaterasu Omikami
Establish early centralized government
Early Literacy emerges in 500s CE
Early Japanese Leadership
Prince Shotoku 572-622 CE
Early great leader
Sent embassies to China
Instituted “Chinese” reforms
Never ruled as emperor
Governed from behind
scenes for his aunt
Foreshadows “SHADOW
LEADERSHIP” style that
typifies Japan
Early Japanese Leadership
Prince Shotoku’s leadership
begins the pattern of borrowing from
Borrow & Adapt to Japanese Needs
 Both these pictures 
represent Shotoku in Buddhist forms.
Japan Borrows Buddhism as
well as Chinese government
Brings Buddhist Scholars and
Craftsmen from Western Korea
Early Japanese Government
Shotoku brought Chinese FORMS of
government, but never completely copied them
Conducted exams, but didn’t use them to recruit
Primitive Shinto, in contrast to Confucianism has
a death place taboo
– death is a pollutant
The death of an emperor pollutes the whole city
Capitols moved with each emperor’s death
Buddhism In Japan
Buddhism enters from Korea about 500 AD
Korean monks and artisans provide Japan’s early Buddhist
art and culture
Buddhism is accepted as a compliment to Shinto
Both become “Japanese” religions
Practiced side-by-side without
Shinto deities are elevated to
bodhisattvas in Japanese
Early Literature
Kojiki 712 CE
Mythological Record of
Crucial to Shinto
Includes Creation Myth
Written in Chinese Characters (Kanji)
– BUT, the characters are read phonetically, not as
characters with a fixed meaning
– Very difficult to read
Early Literature
Nihongi: 720 CE
Historical Chronicle of the
early Yamato Clan’s period
Early Korean Connection?
– Kojiki’s Census report of about 700 CE shows 1/3 of nobles are
Korean families
– Koreans emphasize that Japan got everything from Korea
– Japanese like to ignore their cultural debt to Korea
Nara Period: Fujiwara
Emperor Naka-no-oye: 645 CE
Disinterested in direct governance
Close friend – a commoner – is
interested and capable
Emperor names friend: Fujiwara
Fujiwara governs behind the emperor
– (Shadow Government)
Yamato Clan provide Emperor
Fujiwara clan Governs and provides all the brides
Nara Period
Buddhism becomes
more prominent
Buddhism has no deathplace taboo
Japan builds a first
“permanent” capitol in
Nara Period
Taika Reforms 645 AD
Naka-no-oye & Fujiwara
complete the Sinofication
of Japanese Government
Japan has borrowed
China’s government form,
but adapted it to Japan
Heian Period:
Kyoto established as
new permanent capitol
Buddhism Fully
Very formal culture
Heian Period:
794-1158 CE
Lady Murasaki
Tale of Genji
First Japanese Novel
Kyoto’s Great Shrine
Heian Period: (794-1158)
Taxation system too weak
decay of central authority
Great families don’t pay taxes
Small landholders can’t afford taxes
Grants to temples (also tax exempt)
Great families emerge and govern in their realms
– Japan’s Feudal System emerges
– Great families hire professional retainers for
protection as a private army
– Samurai is created
Finale of the Heian Period
Royal inheritance: 6 generations?
Gempei Wars: Taira vs Minamoto clans
1158-1185 AD
Minamoto Yoritomo becomes the first
Kamakura Period