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International Journal on Innovative Technology and
Scientific Research
(Vol. 1, Issue 1)
Design and Development of Landmine Detection
Kaustubh P. Karkamkar1, Prasanna S. Kulkarni2
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Polytechnic,
Savitribai Phule University of Pune, India
[email protected]
All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Polytechnic,
Savitribai Phule University of Pune, India
[email protected]
Abstract: In the real world, development of technologies for de-mining a target region is important task. The task
should be independent on the location of the target. Target may be present in the shallow water or on the land or target
may exist between boundary of shallow water and land. Finding the mines is the difficult and first step in de-mining.
Searching for mines is a challenging, dangerous and expensive task. If we use robots for this task, then the system will no
longer harm the humans also we can develop a system so that cost will be reduced and work can be finished in less time. In
the process of finding the mines, the sensors for mine detection are being passed over the selected region. The robot should
traverse the path carefully and cover all the area. In the proposed work we developed a system which is inexpensive and
can detect the land mine.
Keywords: landmines, metal detector, microcontroller, robot.
1. Introduction
The real problem of the field of security is the land mine.
It is risky task to find the land mine, but the use of robots
solves this problem. Research work is actively carried out on
land and sea demining by "The Robotic Sensor Based
Planning Lab" with persons in statistics and Mark Schervish.
Recently using many simple algorithms which can only
direct the robot to move randomly or the movements in
simple environment where no obstacle is present is possible.
But there is no guarantee that they will cover each and every
small portion of selected area. Though if we consider the
drawback of incompleteness, the efficiency in terms of area
covered per unit time is decreases [1].
For complete coverage of the selected area, the area is
divided in some portions by dividing whole target area in sub
regions which is called cells. Now in these cells the back and
forth movement is possible which can cover the complete cell
and thus completing whole target region. The robot must visit
each and every cell in target region.
In demining applications, the capabilities if current sensors
can be extended using probabilistic planner technology. In
some situations, target environment can not be covered in
specific time. But planner can guide the robot if access is
given to map of a probabilistic mine locations. By doing this,
the planner instructs the robot to check the cell first which is
having high possibility of having mines. The area scanned by
robot is now mine-free region and robot will start the
scanning on other cell [2]. We can solve the dual problem
lane clearing using priory information. This method allows
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identifying mined regions which allows safe passage instead
of finding regions of high mine concentrations.
The major challenges in operation of land mine robot are
positioning or which can also known as navigation. Best
alternative option to transponder system and GPS is provided
by this work. There are two approaches for addressing the
positioning problem faced during large scale regions. These
ways are algorithmic way which is the software way and
technological approach. Boustrophedon decomposition
automatically encodes environmental parameters. This will
allow the robot to alter internal positioning and correct the
errors to solve the problem of large scale regions. The
divided cells in the decomposition have same or different
features or sensor signatures [3]. Robot locates itself by the
adjacency relationship between cells as the adjacent cells
share an edge between them.
Many researchers are developing technological based
methods for positioning and implementing such methods on
outdoor mobile robot. The methods for development are
linear encoder or using the camera which can looks at wellmarked posts etc. Researchers can design the advanced
coverage techniques in robots with low cost even though the
prototypes are designed to follow a pseudo-random path [4].
We have developed the landmine detector robot which can be
controlled by the remote control. The robot can traverse the
path directed by the person.
In the designed model, the robot can move forward,
International Journal on Innovative Technology and
Scientific Research
(Vol. 1, Issue 1)
reverse, and also turn left and right. This mechanism of robot
is controlled by microcontroller and interfacing circuit and
interfacing hardware. The sensors are also included to detect
the movement of the robot whenever the command is given
for the movement in specific direction. Any object including
wall or any other robot in the path of the robot is sensed by
the wall proximity sensor.
2.3 ASK RF Module
where the transmitter transmitted the signal and receiver
receives the signal. It is designed for remote control Alarm
and security system, Authorization / Access control. The
module includes a decoder in it. Output the control ON/OFF
level. The physical dimensions of the module are 42 x 29
mm. The antenna will affect the receiver result very well, ¼
wave antenna is better. The antenna location will also affect
the receiver result.
2.4 Power supply
Our robot needs the 12V power supply for the circuit system.
Figure 1: Block Diagram of landmine detector robot
Figure1 shows the system block diagram which contains
main elements like microcontroller, RF module, Metal
detector circuit, stepper motor and interfacing circuitry.
The major component used in the system and its brief
description and working is explained in following section.
2.1 Microcontroller
Microcontroller controls all the operations of robot. Every
piece of hardware in the system controlled and
communicated with the use of microcontroller. The
microcontroller is having the software and on execution of
the software, the commands received by RF link are
interpreted and controls forward and reverse motion and RF
control link.
2.2 Metal Detector Circuit
In metal detector circuit Colpit’s oscillator is built around
first Transistor. The coil and two capacitors C1 and C2 forms
a tanks circuits 5k presets and 0.1uf capacitors sets +ve feed
back to the Transistor, converting it into an oscillators.
When the piece of metal (Generally Iron) comes very close
to the center of the coil, the value L changes and the voltage
at the base of the third Transistor Rapidly increases and the
4th Transistor base, receivers high voltage setting the
transistor goes into saturation (As a Switch) and activates
LED and Buzzer. But when metal piece is taken away from
the Coil the base of third Transistor off not get any voltage
and hence remain off and there by switching off the 4th
Transistor. The output of the Colpit’s oscillator is a very
good sine wave is observed at the emitter of the third
Transistor (seen on the C.R.O.). At the base of the 3rd
Transistor D.C. voltage is seen, because of the Rectifying
action of D3 and 0.1uf capacitor.
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2) Declare variables and functions.
3) Check whether forward key is pressed.
1) If ‘yes’ then go to subroutine of stepper motor
2) If ‘no’ then go to step 4.
4) Check whether reverse key is pressed.
1) If ‘yes’ then go to subroutine of stepper motor
2) If ‘no’ then go to step 5.
5) Check whether left turn key is pressed.
1) If ‘yes’ then go to subroutine of stepper motor left
2) If ‘no’ then go to step 6.
6) Check whether right turn key is pressed.
1) If ‘yes’ then go to subroutine of stepper motor right
2) If ‘no’ then repeat procedure from step 3 to step 6.
Hardware Design
The hardware implementation contains two main parts:
1) Hardware for robot
2) Remote control
International Journal on Innovative Technology and
Scientific Research
(Vol. 1, Issue 1)
robot. Transmitter has four buttons (A, B, C, D), and there
are four corresponding outputs on the receiver. Depending on
the switch operation the receiver will give either a high level
(in case of Latch Type Receiver) or a high pulse on the
corresponding output (in case of Momentary Type Receiver).
An encoder and a decoder are used at the transmitting and
receiving end respectively. These encoder - decoder pair
have a unique address and 38 (3 to the power 8) such
addresses are possible.
5. Conclusion
We have controlled the stepper motor through parallel port
of PC, by using wireless technology. The parallel port is to
be operated through PC by using software language. The
motor should operate in accordance to the input given
through PCs parallel port. For wireless purpose the
transmitter is to be connected with the Pc and receiver should
be at remote place.
Figure 2: Hardware implementation of landmine detector
Figure 2 contains the hardware implementation of the
landmine detector robot. This contains the hardware in 3
layers (3 different PCB). The lower one holds the battery
circuit. The middle one is battery charger circuit and metal
detector circuit. The upper PCB has microcontroller circuit,
indicating LED and the RF module.
[1] N.Ulrich, et al, “A Medium Complexicity
Complant End –Effector”, Proc. IEEE.
International Conference On Robotics And
Automation, 1988.
[2] Bicchi, A., “Hands for Dexterous Manipulation
and Robust Grasping: A Difficult Road Toward
Simplicity”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics
and Automation 16 (6) 652-662, 2000.
[3] Toshio Morita, Hiroyasu Iwata and Shigeki
Sugano, “Human Symbiotic Robot Design
based on Division and Unification of
Functional Requiements”, Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, pp.2229-2234, 2000.
[4] S. Parasuraman, “Kinematics and Control
System Design of Manipulators for a Humanoid
Robot”, Proceedings of World Academy of
Science, Engineering And Technology, Volume
39, pp.7-13, 2008.
Figure 3: Hardware implementation of remote control
Figure 3 contains the hardware implemented for the remote
control to control the movements of the landmine detector
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