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VACS Cancer Core
Robert Dubrow, PhD, MD
Founding Director
Lesley Park, PhD, MPH
Current Co-Director
Keith Sigel, MD, MPH
Current Co-Director
Members: Roger Bedimo, Sheldon Brown, Kristina Crothers, Cynthia
Gibert, Matthew Goetz, Maria Rodriguez-Barradas, Fatma Shebl,
Roxanne Wadia, Amy Justice
*Lesley used VACS data for her PhD Dissertation at Yale School of Public
Health completed Spring 2015 with funding from NCI (F31-CA180775)
Recent VACS Cancer Core Highlights (2015-2016)
Peer Reviewed Publications
Sigel K, et al. Immunologic and Infectious Risk Factors for Lung Cancer in HIV Infection. Lancet HIV
2016 (in press).
Park LS, et al. Viral suppression predicts lower AIDS- and non-AIDS-related cancer incidence in a
cohort of HIV-infected Veterans. (under consideration Annals of Internal Medicine).
Park LS, et al. Time trends in cancer incidence in persons living with HIV/AIDS in the antiretroviral
therapy era: 1997-2012. AIDS 2016.
Park LS, et al. Prevalence of non-HIV cancer risk factors in persons living with HIV/AIDS: a metaanalysis. AIDS 2016.
Althoff KN, et al. Comparison of risk and age at diagnosis of myocardial infarction, end-stage renal
disease, and non-AIDS-defining cancer in HIV-infected versus uninfected adults. Clin Infect Dis. 2015.
Lo Re V, et al. Predicting Risk of End-Stage Liver Disease in Antiretroviral-Treated Human
Immunodeficiency Virus/Hepatitis C Virus-Coinfected Patients. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015.
Consortium Collaborations
Shiels M, et al. HIV Infection, immune suppression and age at diagnosis of non-AIDS-defining cancers.
Clin Infect Dis 2016 (in press). (NA-ACCORD)
Silverberg M, et al. Cumulative incidence of cancer among HIV-infected patients in North America. Ann
Intern Med 2015. (NA-ACCORD)
Conference Presentations
CROI 2015, 2016, ICMAOI 2015, IWHOD 2015
New Grants
National Cancer Institute R01 “Optimizing Lung Cancer Treatment in HIV” (Sigel) – Fundable Score
Yale Cancer Center Pilot Grant “COPD / Lung Cancer in HIV” (Akgun)
VACS Cancer Core Highlights
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